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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1938, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES A- ARMSTRONGâ€"DAVEY A very qui el but pretty wedding â- was solemnized in Park Street United Church Plarswage on; Monday, July 18th, when Leon Davey, eldest daugh- ter of Mrs. Ed. Bavey and the late Mr. Ed. Davey, Leskard, became the bride of Raymond Herbert Armstrong, youngest son of Mrs. O. G. Armstrong and:the late Mir. 0. G. Armstrong, of Orono. .Key. S. Littiewood, of Orono, of- ficiated with Mrs. Dlavey and daugh- ter Mddred, Mr. Win. "Armstrong, Mrs. Grady and Mrs, Wilson being present. After the ceremony the bride and groom went to 'the home of the groom’s mother, where a dainty wed- ding dinner was served, and later ‘left amid showers of confetti and good wiishes for an extended honeymoon. Elans were made to spend their honeymoon in Nova Scotia, but owing to 'an injury of the bride’s brother Harry, these were 'cancelled. The happy couple will reside in Mor- ridburg where the groom has pur- chased a law practice, The Orono Times joins with their many friends in wishing them miamy happy years of wedded life. SMITHâ€"WOODWARD ISt. Paul’s United Church, Bowman- ydlle, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on 'Saturday afternoon, July 9$h, at 2.3'0 p.m., when Hazel Mar- garet Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R, Woodward, BowmanviHe. was united in marriage to Frederick Oscar, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith, Long Sault. Rev. F. W. Bannister performed the ceremony before a background of summer flow- ers. The bride, who was given in. mar- riage ‘by her father, was becomingly gowned in i-vor,y satin of long princess lines with long sleeves extending to points over the hands. Her embroid- ered net veil was held in place by a bandeau of lilies of the valley and carried her bouquet, of pink roses and carnations. Miss Pearl Smith, cousin of the bride,, was bridesmaid, gowned in a floor length dress of rose taffeta â- with white accessories and . carried a bouquet of red rose®. Miss Velma Woodward, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, growned in a floor length dress of pale blue taffeta with white accessories and. carried a bou- quet of red roses. Master Bonny Woodward, nephew of the bride, was Mr. (). W. Scott left on Saturday to visit friends at ’Maple Lake and West Guilford for a few weeks. . A large number from here attend- ed Moxvnnmviiic Rotary Street Fair at that -place on; Wednesdiay evening. ’.Mr." Fred Nesbitt;:"-olf -Bowman ville, won the, car at the Rbitarian Street Fair on Wednesday evening and Mrs. Moses, also of Rowmanvil-le, won the quilt, (Don’t forget Kendal Field Day on Wednesday, July 27i.h. Softball and hardball, sports for children, a series of greyhound races and an amateur program in the evening. Mr. Orme Gamsby is having two new chimneys erected: on his home and also having a new roof built of the John Manville roofing. John Allan, of Newcastle, is working on the chimneys and Lome Martinell, of Kendal, is putting on the roofing. Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton motored to Scugog Rake Sunday and spent a couple tif hours with Mrs. M, C. Hall and Mrs. Frank Ardron and son Madison. Mrs. Ardron and son were out in the boat that morning and caught a bass measuring 17 inches from tip to- tip. LOCAL AND SOCIAL] at- ring hearer and the groom was tended by Mr. Walter Murphy. Mis® Grace Smith, sister of the bride, played the wedding march and during tihe signing, of the register. Miss Ruth J farmer, cousin of the groom, song “O Perfect Love.” Mr, •lark Cook, cousin of the groom and Mr. Murrell Woodward, brother of the bride, were ushers at the church. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents where the bride’s mother, gowned in navy blue sheer, received, assisted by the groom’s , mother who was gowned, in black and white fig- ured sheer, both with corsages of pink roses. The wedding breakfast was served on the laiwn by friends of the young couple. Following- the reception the happy couple left amid ' showers of confetti for a motor trip to points north, the bride travelling in white tahif-i with green jacket and white accessories. On their return they will reside in Bowrnanvil-le. Guests were present from George- town, Ingllewood, Briindale, Mono Road, Toronto, ‘Oshawa, Orono and Victoria. ‘Mrs. G. Mitchell spent, the week- end in Belleville. 'Miss Ollie Davey is-spending this week in Toronto. Hr. Ross Lang, of Chicago, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. J Noden. Miss -E'dra Best, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. H. J. Best. Mr. J. Eagleson is in Petcrhoro this wreelt painting and repairing his pro- perty there. Mrs. J. D. Found and son Billie, it Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey. Mrs. Fhos. Patterson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen in Osh- iwa this week. Mr. and Mrs. Doxator, of Belle- ville, -were recent visitors a,t Mr. George MiticheH’s. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Handy Ammonia reg size pkg 5c. Sweet Pickled Picnic Shoulders LB. 22c Jelly Powders 6 for 25c. Pure Strawberry Jam, just fruit, and sugar, no coloring, large jar ..................,37c. Fruit Cookies, 2 lbs........27 c- Lifebuoy Soap, 2 cakes... 14c Palm Tree Soap, 4 cakes for .............................. 19c. Tomato Catsup, bottle... 10c. Mixed Pickles, bottle.......10c. Sandwich Spread, jar........,10c. Prepared Mustard, jar...10c. Grâpenut Flakes, pkg........10c. Toddy deal, 1 large tin with 1 small, both for.......40c. Shredded Wheat, cash and carry, 2 for .......... 23c. Green Tea, 1-2 lb, pkgs. for .................. 25c. Baby’s Foods, 2 tins.....19c Cream of Barley, pkg....25 c. Potted Meats, 2 tins....19c. Fly Swats, each ........ 9c. .laval Water, 2 bottles...19c- W-e save you money in bulk Fly Spray. Brunswick Sardines 2 tins for 9c 1 he extra large Prunes 2 lbs for 25c. A trial will con- vince you Bee Hive Golden Corn Syrup 5 lb tin 35 c. Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, choice, large size, 3 tins for - 25c. Je Ji PHONE 12r2 CORNISH Phone For It Prompt Delivery Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherwin visit- ed a few days With his brother and -family at Hamilton. Mrs. J. I). (Fowler, of Petetiboro, is visiting this week with her cousin, Mrs. James; Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Anderson, of Now Toronto, spent; the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. O. Frosite. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Greenaway, of Port Hope, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson, Mr. -and Mrs. J, Gam-sby and friends, from Fenelon Falls, were 'Sunday guests of Miss Ida Gamsby. Miss Freeda Wilson is spending a few weeks in Toronto visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson. Mrs. M. Hooper, Mrs. E, 4ear! and Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson had -a pleas- ant day’s- outing at Kendal on Satur- day last. Miss Barbara Nixon, of Milton, is spending a few weeks’ vacation, with her aunt, (Mrs. J. Noden and cousin, Viola: Noden. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bourgard and son, and Mr. John. Wood, all of Fort Lee, N.Y., visited Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Davey, on Monday. Miss Thelma Myles, who returned to Toronto Sunday evening, was taken into the hospital for an oper- ation for' appendicitis. Master Jack Graham, Toronto, who has been spending the past week with his aunt, .Miss Freeda Wils-on, re- turned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Creese, of South Monaghan, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fowler, of Peterboro, visited with their aunt, Mrs. J. Eagleson. recently. (Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F'ros-te spent Sunday in Belleville, their son Wil- fred is spending à week with hi,g uncle, Mr. Fred Fros-te, in Tamworth. Mr. and Mrs. David Graham and Mr. and (Mrs. Win. Graham, Toronto, spent -Sunday with Mrs. David Gra- ham’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Moffatt. Mrs. J. Henry has returned home after a few weeks’ visit with her daughters in Toronto, the Misses Dorothy -and Mildred Henry, who ac- companied her home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs'. James Eagleson ac- companied by Mrs. J. D. Fowler, of Peterboro, visited the former’s ne- phew, Mr. Earl D. Fowler and Mrs. Fowler of Osha.wa on M-onday last. There will be a sunset service in Orono Community Memorial Park on -Sunday, July 31st, at 7 pan. (stand- ard rime). R-ev. S. Li-ttieiwood, pas- tor. Band in attendance) Kindly give us your full eo-operation by at- tending this service. Those who went over to Kendal to attend the marriage- of Miss Helen Darlington to Mr. Jack Glover in Kendal (United Church - on Saturday were, Mrs, Rena Faivbaivn. Mrs- Thos. Patterson, Mrs. Giddus Joneg, Miss' Eileen: Jo-nos -and Master Doug- las McGee of-Ottawa. Visitors at Mrs. Thos. " Patterson and Mrs', Jones and other relatives over .the week-end were, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmo.t Chipohase of Fergus, Ross Ohipchase of Oreemore, Mrs. Nelson Hutchinson, Mr, Willis Hutchinson and Mr. Wesley McTonaid of T-horn- bury, Mr. -and -Mrs, Lawrence Allen and Ann Marie of Osliawa. A. (bee was held at the Agricultural Park on Friday of last week when thirty men and six teams worked on «the race bourse that is, now nearing completion. The track, when finished, will be one of the- -best in the province-, bar none. Guests' of Mrs. O. G. Armstrong during the -past week were, Mrs Gqady and: son Harry,, of Hamilton; Mr. Willi s Ka tz, a nephew of Mrs. G. G. Anristrong’s, from -Seattle:, and Mrs. Wilso-p and daughter Helen, of Ottawa. The engagement is announced of. Oathrhie L-ouise, only daughter of Mrs. Arthur. L. Townh-y and the- late Mr. Arthur Town-ley of Fenelon Falls, to Mr. Lloyd A. Trull, son of Mr.-and Mrs. F. W. Trull of Orono. The marriage will take place quietly on August the tenth. Harvesting i,s now in full swing around this district. Mr. Charles Awde has been stiffèr- ing with a had knee. Mr. O. W. Roliph spent Wednesday in the city on business. : Mrs. Harriet Joli, of Toronto, is visiting with Miss M. Davy and sis- ter. Mr. A. J. Kno-p is busy gathering in his' honey crop. Lie reports a fair yield. Mr. McLaren was taken to Bow- mam-ilie (hospital for a, nose treat- ment. Mr. J. J. Gilfillan is having the outside walls of his . store pa stored with cement,. A number from here attended the field day at Newtoiivilie on Wednes- day afternoon. A number of our citizens spent Tuesday fishing at Omemee and re- port a splendid time. Mrs. Roy is holidaying for two weeks jn BowmanviHe, Toronto and other outside points. (Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Darlington, of Toronto, attended the former’s sister’s wedding on 'Saturday. -Mr. 0. T. Miller spent Wednesday in BowmanviHe handling the financial end of tli Rotary Fair. Mr. Frank Hall claims that he has enough bridge eon tracts to keep him busy until the: freeze up. Miss D'ortha Bedford, of Bowman- v-ille, spent a few holidays ia-t her uncle’s, Mr. W. H. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. E(d. Dean spent Sun- day in Burlington visiting their son Kenneth and wife and baby boy. Miss Margaret Roy is attending a -summer School at Oak. Lake with a group of girl friends from Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pollard, of. Can ton, were guests a t the Glover- Darlington wedding on (Saturday last. Mr. Chas. Wiee and Miss Margaret Harris-,, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs, Harold Dean. (Mrs. P. Gordon, who has been visit- ing in the States for the past few months, has returned to Orono at Mr. J-oe Robinson's. The Band will play on Saturday evening, July 23rd, at 8.30. Let’s give them- a big hand and a honk of the horn to encourage, Messrs. J. J. Gilfillan, John Arm- strong* and P-ercy Limn- spent Wed- nesday afternoon fishing for ’lunge at one of the northern lakes-. The annual Decoration Day and Memorial Service will -be held at Me- Orea’s United Church Cemetery on Sunday, July 31st, at 2.3-0 p.m. Mrs. J. W. Ball and daughter Doro- thy and neiee Miss Ethel Ball and Air. F rank Palmer, all of London, visited, friends in Orono last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, and daugh- ter Ruby, of Sail i t S-te. Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ogden, of Osh-awà, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Dean la.-st week. Mis-s Watson, of Toronto, with .her nephew Mr. and Mrs. John Arm- strong, of Ayre, also Miss Armstrong, of Toronto, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Butters, Air. Win. Clements, from, Kingston, was visiting M r. and Mrs. W, 0. Mit- chell and others in Or-on-o and on the Refores-try Branch on Wednesday of last week. Bill reports business is still booming in Kingston. PATTERSON'S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPEC DIALS Granulated Sugar 1 Rr -wn Sugar 10 lbs. for 55c. I 10 lbs. for 50c. Eddy Matches 1 Certo 3 boxes for 21c 1 per bottle, 25c. ORONO PASTRY FLOUR ...... ,244b. bag....55c. NEW PURE CLOVER HONEY .........44b pail..49c. WHEAT FLAKES ....... „.,..5-lb bag....21c. DELUXE JELLY POWDERS ........... 5 for..;....22c. JEWEL SHORTENING ,Dr DOMESTIC....2 lbs....25c. ENGLISH TEA BISCUITSâ€"APPLE BLOS-} 14c. a lb SOM and CHOCOLATE MALLOW j 2 lbs., 27c PINEAPPLE PEAKS ................... lb.18c CHRISTIE’S WAFERS ......•........,.2 pkgs.26c. RIN'S'O.............. ilarge pkg.21c. KELLOGG’S PEP, with 1 Cream Jug FREE.2 for.25c. ORANGE MARMALADE ..................jar..22c. CHOCOLATE BARS .................6 for...25c. TOFFEE PERFECTION ..............1-2 lb..15c. Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for 19c. Prairie Wheat Nuts 2 for 19c. Soap Flakes 3 lbs. for 19c. Sani-White Toilet Paper 6 rolls for 25c. ARMSTRONG’S SPORT TOGS Girls! Come inland see our Shorts-and (Slacks of Navy Drill. We have them in sizes 14 to 20, with or without trimmings. SLACKS, $1.29 SHORTS, 59 & 79c. Fancy Printed Scarf riimdkc-rvhii’fs have, nany summer usés. They brighten up -an. old dress and .also- Ipok smart as a summer head-gear. They come in all -colours;, red, navy 1 brown and tango. Come o fi in and get one, they are only .... , ...muC< Terry Cloth Blouses- are just the thing to top off your slacks or Start» ear even, a summery skirt in white and maize with short QQ* sleeves. Price . ..... ......... vuC We have all -sizes and -colours in Children’s and Radiés’-- So-ckees,...We have real bargains in these. 5 to 7\, 3 pr 25c. 9 & %, 10c. pr. 5 to 10 1/2, 20c pr SILK UNDERWEAR Ladies’ Silk Bloomers, in. peach pink and white, .sizes 14 -to 40. Reg, Mte. for;..... ....................... Misses’ ISilk -Pantees in pink only. Regular-39c. value for... J J(j Ladies’ Mello-lSned’e 1’mitees, in tea rose and white with blue trim- mings. There are only a few pair left,in small, medium and 9Q- Ladies’ .M(-';lo-8nedv- Bloomers in white and rose, IS-., M. and L 59c.; in other sizes, 95c. HOUSE DRESSES Conn* :in and -see our new House Dresses made of the finest of guar- anteed washable print. They are made in all the new -styles, princess lines and boleros. Sizes 14 to 46. Price .. $1.00 BROADCLOTH We still have a few ends of that Mercerized Broadcloth left, the ends run from I yard to 10 yds-. /Reg. 45c. value for Or _ per yard ,...... £DL RUNNING SHOES We have a complete line in stock Of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Running Shoes. We -offer fat class value in these. All our Running Shoes are Fleet-Fool. Ladies! Don’t forget we order all the new .Knitting Ya and uweaters, inlcjuding 'bouclés, strings and crepemisl ms for suits ;s , , BATHING SUITS H-c-io a real, bargain:. Come in and'get a new Bathing cent, off on all our suits. Suit, 20 per WHITE DRESSES 'Selling out the balance of our White Summer Dresses 1 $3.96 value for .*.... T $1-95 TABLE OILCLOTH Dominion Table Oilcloth in yard .and a half and yard: -and a quarter widths, in floral and plain designs,, j-ust, the thing to brighten up-your kitchen. . I I|2 width, 55c I i width, 4gc 7 naeBSMlR»(»tanB«Baaa«SSngKla Tresses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgica 1 Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. â- A& w TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono

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