ORONO WEEKLY TIMES .Mi*, anti Mrs. Wm, Mitchell and Albert, also: Mrs. Percy Morgan, and daughter Yunna were visiting friends in Smith’s Falilsi and Perth and re- turned to" Mi. Wm. Clements, of Kingston and -attended the re-opening of Old PôTt Henry, also viisited Mr. G*8iet Gà titeibÿ. Garnet is doing a ' great business with .Frontenac saus- age Company and we wish him con- tinued success. Don’t forget to; attend the Benefit Dance (tomorrow night), Friday, Aupust ôth. to help defray the hos- pital expense^ of Harry D'avey, who was recently injured in a football game with Sulina. If you can not -attend in person-, ' send along a con- tribution which wil be gratefully re- -heived.' 'Galloiway six-piece orchestra wili be in attendance. Messrs. A. J. Knox and Hilliard1 'Simpson were at Long .Branch on Monday attending the Toronto Re- volver Association meet, held under the auspices of the O.R.A. On ac- cutmt orf the strong breeze and the meet being held outside, very poor scores were made. Mr. Ivan Fiatman. of Toronto, was the only man to show a good target and he is considered the best revolver shot in Ontario. IMr. and Mrs. Fred Taimblyn at- tended the reunion of the Home School at Solina on Saturday. The programme and sports were held on the school ground's and speeches were given by old members of the school. The todies served supper on the town to over four hundred. Oshaiwa, Band furnished the music for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Taimblyn also attended the Sun Service in Edad Church, the guests of Mrs. Harold Basicoe, a niece of Mrs. Tamfolyn. LOCAL AND SOCIAL SS^^te^t^'(gi^|sai|^|Bai^i=jirdi^iaalis=Éi=slBaJrssiiaalBS Hi 0 H 0 H a B B B B B B B B SI 111 B B SALE Preserving Kettle, No. 32, 7f quarts, re- gular 75c. Sale Price . 58 c. Uj B LAWN MOWERS AT COST 3-burner Perfection Oil Stove, re- n p gular $25.50. Sale price . . 3-burner Florence Oil Stove, regular $12.00. Sale Price . $9.95 OUR August Paint Sale is going over in a big way. Order now. Paint in five colors Only $1.^0 per gallon B 1 B 1 B B Pure Ãœ B B 71 1 B 1 Rolph Hardware Phone 43rl ORONO Phone Clarke 1102 RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ECLIPSE Pastry Flour 24 lb bag 49c. Crisco 3 lb tin 64c. Pure Lard and 4 kinds of Shortening 2 lbs 25c (BLACK PEPPER \ lb for 13c. Fly Coils, dozen 20c. Connor's Herring in To- mato Sauce, 2 tins 25c." Shredded Wheat. -Cash and carry, 2 pkgs 23c, Catsup, 2 bottles ...,19c. Oranges, dozen .19c. 1 .enions, good size, per dozen .29c. Large Grapefruit, each... 5c. Clothes Pegs, 6 dozen 1.9c. Matches, 3 boxes ...20c. Wilson’s Fly Pad's, pkg 9c. Fly Swats, each, 9c. 8 oz. Whiz Fly Fume. 20c. Chocolate Cakes, 2 lbs..29c. Molasses Snaps, 2 lbs 19c. Chicken 1 laddie, 2 tins...29c- Popped Wheat, the large bag ..25c. Wonderful Soap 5 bars 13c. ! Plate of BEEF | boned and ! rolled, lb 113c. Flaked Wheat 5 ib bag 21c. Granulated Sugar, by the cwt., cash - $5.20 Large bottles Vanilla 14c J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery Miss Lillian Allen is spending a few days holidays' in Cbfoourg. M*s, Wilson, of Ottawa,, is visiting her mother, Mrs. 0. G. Armstrong. Junior, Donna and Dean West are spending their holidays at Beaverton. Master Ronny West is holidaying at Mrs. 0. Brown’s at Feneion Falls Mr. and Mrs. Cans. Brown, of Feneion Falls, were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walters are holidaying in Owen' Sound, Midland and Barrie. Mr. Vernon Saunders spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders. Mr. Fred Lyicett, we are sorry to learn,, is in the hospital with an at- tack of pneumonia. Miss Ruth Bowden, of Toronto, spent, the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lowden. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards spent the holHday week-end in Halliburton and Lake of Bays district. Mrs. Win. Clarke and son, of Tor- onto, visited Mr, and Mrs. Win. 0. Mitchell for a few days last week. Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., of Oril- lia, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. Lowden. Mr. and Mrs. Alb, West and family spent the holiday with Mr. West’s mother and1 family’s home at Beaver- ton. Miss Ruth MeLellan. of Toronto, is spending a few holidays with her grandfather, Mr. Robert Foster, in Orono. Air. and Mrs. W. Bbdlhaim, of Tor- onto, returned, to the city after .spend- ing their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders. Riev.lS. and Mrs, Li ttlewood and: son Mariily left Momday afternoon for a month’s- vacation at, the Lake of Bays, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Blanchard, of Sunderland, visited the Misses Al- len and Clarence Allen on Monday ('Civic Holiday-. Miss Marion Witheredge, of Tor- onto', has been visiting for a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mbrton, ’Sixth Line. Rev. S. Li ttlewood has been invited to preach at the Presbyterian Church at Braedbridtge on August 14th. Rev. P, W. Mclimes is the piaster. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Robb ribd Mr. arid: Mrs. Jack Carpenter and son, of Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr.- arid .Mm, Arthur 'Saunders. Miss: Joyce Lowery and Miss Shir- ley Porter are, spending two weeks with the latter’s: grandmother, ' Mrs, W. J. Oliver, of Nogey’s Creek. Dr. McKenzie, who lias been an in- terne in the Oishawa Hospital,1 is1 open- ing-up an office in Mise- Sadie Brown’s residmlco, Main St. South, some time next week. Mr. arid Mrs, Cha-s. Frostè motored to Quebec during the holiday week- end. Their son Wilfred returned home with them after holidaying in Tamvorth. Mir. O, W. S’cott returned home on Saturday evening last after spending a couple of weeks visiting friends and rdlafives at Minden. Manic Lake. West Guilford -and Red1 Stone Lake. W. 11. Barrett and M. M-, Crnr.e took in- the four days Veterans’ Re- union1 in Toronto. On Monday ('Civic Holiday) they motored to Xinirurr. Falls and had! a. very ploasiau-t time. A nnir.bi-r from Orono attended the hardlb-atll tonrmament in Newcastle on Monday (Civic Holiday), where a. large number of fans gathered to witness the favorite summer pastime. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McDonald,'of Milltoti, were holidaying at Tober- mory and after spending a' woe!; with heir mother, Mrs, X. Smith, left Sat- urday for Halliburton for the remain- der of 'their holiday. IMr. Keith McElroy, grandson of Mrs. D. Nobio of Orono, has returned from a tour of the British Isles and Europe. Hie reports a most inter- esting holiday and his many friends here are hoping to get a first hand account of it from Keith himéeK. A largo number from Orono at- tended Port Perry Sports Da Civic Holiday. Mr. Jim Gilrilian is spending holidays with- his parents, Mr. Mrs. J. J. Gilfilkn. Mrs. Garnet Hall and son, of Chi- cago, are visiting Mr. R. Hall Mias’ 11 a ll. Park Street. Mrs. 'Sanderson and baby, of Peter- borough, are visiting the former’s sis- ter, Mrs. Erwin Rainey. Mr. K. Amiable, of Toronto, Mi6s MMLaughlin, Orillia, visited on Sunday at. Mr. Charles Woods. Miss Marjorie Lyeett, Miss Hazel Wood, Mr. Newton Ashton and Mr. George -Orowther visited at Mr. C. Wood’s. Mr. J. J. Mtiltir will supply in the absence of Rev. S.Littlewood in Park St. United1 'Church throughout the month of August. A heavy rain fell in Orono on Tuesday which failed: to give relief to the residents from the intense heat, the thermometer registering around 92 degrees. Mrs. Garnet Hall and son, accom- panied by Mr. R. Ball and: Miss Hall motored to Calendar on Tuesday and saw the quints, also visited Peterbor- ough .and viewed the lift locks, Mr. L. Brown visited George Smith over the week-end who is in Kingston Hospital and reports George will be there for a week or sio.: We all wish him a speedy recovery from his in- jury. Mr. R. H, Armstrong and wife, of Morrisburg, wore visiting relatives here during the week-end. The for- mer’s' niece, Miss Ruth Grady, re- turning with them for a two weeksb visit in Belleville. Mr. J. E. Richards while on a tour of the Northern country over the holiday saw two bear cubs, but ho reports the nicest sight lie -saw was an eleven quart basket of lake trout caught :in Loon Lake. The town hall is to be re-shingled with .asphalt shingles in the near future and in this issue is a notice for tenders wanted to supply these shingle's. Only tenders from Clarke: Township will be considered. The Midland Regiment broke up camp at B'arri efield -and returned to their respective homes. The Orono detachment arrived in town on Wed- nesday aftrnoon after spending ten days receiving military training. Mrs. G. Fliritofi and family left on 'Sunday to spend two weeks -at Lake Scugog, where they have rented Mr. .Morris’ 'cottage, accompanying them were Bobbie Cooper, Carmen Cornish, Dut.a id Cooper, of Oshawa, and Miss Enid Bowen, - The Stewards of the United Church wish to thank all those who .so kindly gave of their labors and supplied material for the sunset service, at the park on Sunday evening ; also to the Band1 for turning out to supply: music for the occasion. the The Eighth Line Was the scene of a very pretty picnic party on Sun- day, when Mis- Kale Wilson, of Tor- onto amid' party spent the day with Mr. Mel. Skidding oil his farm. While there they inspected Mel’s colts and tried the ole swimming hole. About twenty Jive members of the Women's Institute motored to* the Cream of Barley Park, Bowmanvillo, last Friday afternoon where they were entertained to a picnic supper -and programme by the Bowma.nville Institute. A very enjoyable time was spent in contests 'and: races. - â- Principal R. Rosborough..and! Mrs. Rodboirou'gh, accompanied by the fer- mer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rosbor- O'Ugh, of Peterboro, left Saturday morning by motor -for California, where they will spend the month of August visiting relatives ijnd return- ing home by way of the Canadian Rockies. In the Canadian Legionaire ap- pears an articles about a veteran of the Great War, Win. Watson,', who served with the 21st Battalion, and written by a member 'of the Battalion who visited the piark - recently : “Bill Watson, of Orono is running one of the best kept parks I have ever seen in my raimbli-ngs around the country. Bill was Allie Woodrow’s pal in the 21st. Ha was, a tailor and I think he could sew stripes on upside down (which probably moans that he made a very good job of sewing some on for Andy).†PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE 1 * PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER g SPECIALS 1 ? ; Pink Salmon, tall tins Red Salmon 1 3 for 25c Tall tin, 23c. Clover Leaf Pink Salmon Orono Pastry Flour halves, 2 for 17c. 24 Ib bag, 49c KIPPER SNACKS TIN 5c. BLUE RIBB-ON COFFER ... 1 LB TIN 39c FRESH GROUND COFFEE, “Try It†.....LB ,21c. LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS, tall tins 2 FOR 17c. granulated SUGAR 10 UR’S 55c TOASTED PUFFED WHEAT 2 FOR 17c. SHREDDED WHEAT : 2 FOR 23c. PEANUT BUTTER PINT GEM , ,22c. HORNE’S DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS 6 FOR 25c. GINGER SNAPS 2 LBS 17c. CHOCOLATE MALLOW 2 LBS 27c. Comfort Soap Pure Lard 7 bars for 25c. 2£lbs for 25c Handy Ammonia Hillcrest or Picake package 5c. Shortening, 2 lbs 25c Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono ARMSTI RONG’S WE WANT TO CLEAR ALL OUR SUMMER GOODS. THESE ARE ALL SPECIAL PRICES COTTON JERSEYS Yellow, also white, QQ reg. 39c- for RAYON JERSEYS Blue and White Check, reg. 50c. for 35C BATHING SUITS For mien, navy trimmed MEN’S JERSEYS with red, reg. 75c. £"â- for <wOC : Yellow, also white, Qfl reg. 50c. for , â- SWEATERS Whi!c land yellow, also â- black trimmed, reg. /J $1.50 for OÃŽ7C SOCKEES, MEN Silk and cotton with elastic cuff. Special 25c SOCKEES Child’s, Cotton Sockees, Special, 3 pair 2; 5C- WASH SUITS Sizes 2, 4 and 6 years, si)eciaI 39c 1 WORK SOX Cotton, with knitted cuffs, !2 pair f°r * 35c PANTS I For. summer, reg. $1.95 1 for $1 j 1 ‘PANTS Boys’ Elastic Waist, blue drill Pauls. Special 00^ * OVERALLS I Boys’ Blue Drill Overalls, 1 of good quality, d» I 1 sizes 28 to 32 *P * E OVERALLS Men’s 83 Blue Denim, large cut, 1 week. Spe- d* 1 Cft 1 citai - «P 1 BOOTS | Men’s Split Cow Hide Boots E sizes 8, 9 and 10 & 1 0|i |j 'only ; fLoJ 1 j BEDSPREADS | 1 72x100 RAYON SPREADS, regular $3-25, in E? 1 jj Gold, Mauve, Blue, Pink and Green V |