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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Aug 1938, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES , i NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS CO WAN VILLE Miss Aida Hollingsworth is: spend- ing two- weeks’ vacation ait her home. Mr. Norm.m W-est-hiasur, of Tor- onto, visited Ht. Alfred Perrin, on Tun-day. (Mr. and Mas. W. A. Reid with cither friends spent the day at Gore’s Landing recently. Miss Flossie Graham and Mrs. Bennett with other friends motored to Oacsavm recently. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce and Tsaibello were Sunday visitors with Mr. and - Mrs. 3. 3. W. Stringer. (Rev. Mr. Morton has gone on his vacation and Rev. W. P. Rogers will be speaker in Clarke Church on Sun- day. Messrs. Trueman and Morton Hen- derson, Mo-rrislh, Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Bun wreath and Mil’s. I vlan F ar- row, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Orosslley. Mr. and Mrs. Wes'tol Stringer and Mary Henderson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Edwards at the -cottage at Belmont Lake and also with friends in Peterboro. st LESKARD Mrs; T. Butters, Toronto, spent the week-end at her cottage here. (Mr. Kenneth Bilaney, of Toronto,,is visiting with Mr. and1 Mrs. Norman Fee, Mrs. ÀL Bowk and 'Miss Margaret Thompson spent; last week at their homes in Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. Alec Gain -and Terry of Toronto spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Cornish. Miss Annie B'airotow, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, MV. and Mrs. C. Bairs-tow, The Sunday evening service-in the church was well attended. Mr. J. 3. MeiBoV taking the: service in his usual finie manner. The next service will be held on August 14th. Mrs, Walter T.uucks, Mr. Angus Loiteks1: of Toronto and Miss Boris Wiariburiton, Qshftwa, have- rc-tum-ed to; their hidmes 'after spending -a very pleasant week with Mr. and Mrs; Nor- man Fee. . M r. and Mrs. Will B-iekle and fam- ily, of Elbenezeor, Mr. and1 Mrs. Clar- ence Worry and family of K-eidron, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Gain ar.d Terry df Toronto, Master Alan Cornish of Or-o-no, and Mrs. Cormsli -and Whiter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Clare-nee Martin. KIRBY M r. O. L. Powers was visiting, lit A, Morrow’s- on Sunday, . We were pleased to see Mr. Percy C'haiprrlan in the village last week. Mr. Oi-ley Chapman bad, a stock PONTYPOOL Miss Jean McLean is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Wilh-m-son. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Malloy, -of New- castle, spent the week-end with rela- tives. Mr. land Mrs. James M-alle-y left last Monday on- a trip to British Co- lumbia, Mir. and Mrs. Leonard Kellett and daughter are holidaying with Mrs. J. Richardson. 'Pon-typooll has now become quite a town where the mid-night frolics go ovelr with -a bang. Mir. and Mrs, Will M array and daughter, of OdhaWa, are visiting at the home -of the latter’s mother. Ponityp'ool Band attended Port Hope Field Day on August 1st, as guests of the Port Hope Orange pic- nic. A llairge congregation was in attend- ance at the flower service hold in the United Church on Sunday, August Hlist. The church was beautifully de- corated with vases and baskets for the oeldasion, The music was furnished hy a nine-piece orchestra and a boys’ choir. Fourteen, girl's â-  carried the flowers and1 decorated: a large white cross,' and two- boys- sang a duet, “The 'Old Rugged Clro-ss,” of grain burned in the field during the recent storm. - Mr. and Mrs. Win. Demill arid Miss Irene were at Mr. John Brown's over tihe week-end'. Mis-s Jean MacKinnon spent the holiday ait her home returning to- the city again Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bridie Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. F, R. Towzer were holi- day guests with. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson. - The electric storm of last week ex- tinguished' the lights for -a short time, an'd- we are glad to they have the lights -oil- again. Lloyd: Stealing, who Was employed by Mr. 0. L. Powers for several years-, gave us- a call before going home to the Oity on -Mon-day. Mr. Wlm. Patterson, who has been- with Gordon Me.Kay and Go. for thirty-five years, paid A. Morrow a short, visit on Monday. Mrs:. Frank Winn, of Toronto, spent last Wednesday with Miss; Pearl Morrow nd. her son who is spend- img a few weeks here as holidays. Mrs. Lome Wan non -and babe -spent Sunday with her- parents ait Burk:on bringing back her sister, Miss Audrey Until Mr. Warm-on returns from the- summer school. Rev. S. Lit-tilewoo-d occupied the o-ulipit. here on -Sunday to the siatis- fa-ctio-n- of all present, and an nonnee I that he was leaving for his holidays, leering aà his- suiccess-or for the month of August Mr. J. J, Melior, wli-o will be rn-Bide wd’borne. FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and.maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBÃ"URG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS fELANTY BROS. 1 " 'â- â- â- % ’ ’ For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - obono NEWTONVILLE Decoration Day, Sunday, Angus 14th. Miss Laureen McCullough has been visiting in Port Hope. Miss Audrey 3aynes, Tweed, came h-o-me for .the holiday, Mrs. Gill. Toronto, is. visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Law. Mr. Jlo-hn C-o-lon, Fraserville, was in the village last week. Mr, and Mrs. D. Kaufman motored to Kingston o-n. Friday. Mr. MacGregor J ones, Markham, was- hoir..: -for the- holiday. Mrs. -Boy, of O-ro-no, was a guest oif Mis-s Bertha Thompson. (Mrs. W-oMey, of Toronto-, is- a guest of Mi-sis' Jennie Thompson-. Mis-s Edith Cowan, of Toronto. visSted Mrs. G. W. Jones on Thurs- day. Mis-s Margaret Luxon has returned from visiting her mother at M-ifi- brook. Mr. Gordon Tamblyn, To-ro-nito, is • irlidnying with Mr. and Mrs. C'hlas. Morris, Miss Mussel-white, Toronto, was -a week-end guest of Miss Annie An- derson. Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. Anderson on Sunday. Mrs. J. BVaigg and Mis-s Allie Bragg are visiting Miss Bertha Thompson. 'Mrs. Willie Jon-es, Mrs, Cleland Lane and others- motored to Peterboro on Tuesday. Mk"s. Adams, Toronto, is spending a month with her -mother, Mrs. Rvivlirath. Miss Mabel Meadows, Millbro-oik, -spent the week-end with Mrs. G'eo-rge MoOul'lo'Ugfi; Miss Molly Gable,'Rochester, N.Y., has been visiting her oousin, Miss Helen Snell. Mr. an'd Mrs.: Reg; Wo-odham, of Toronto, visited relatives herd over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs: F. O. Butler, Wel- lington, were gues-ts of Mr. ti-nd Mrs- ('has. Morris on Friday. A number from here attended Ken- day Field Day on Wednesday and Newcastle Civic Holiday sports. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pa-to-n, Mrs. Ruth erford and Joan, of T-oron-to, visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. Morris on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whittaker: and family, of Hamilton, spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Wm, Whit- taker. -On Tuesday evening a miscellan- eous, shower was- held in the United Gbijieih basement for Mr. nd Mrs. Jack Glover: Mr. and Mrs. Th-os. Il-ill and two •"children, of Toronto-, s-pent the week end with her parents-, Mr. -and Airs, 3 am-es Dar-ch. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Staplet-on and family spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. J. Morris at their cottage at Lake S-eugog. I re. Wm. J ayn-cs and Mis-s Audrey 3 ayne-s spent the week-end with the form oris daughter, Mrs.'Frank Hiar ris, Richmond Hill. Mr. and. Air's. Percy -Snell; mot-o-red Miss Molly Cable as far -as Burling- ton Sunday on her return journey home to Rochester. M-iss Kathleen- Kaufman, Hawkee- bu-ry, who is attending summer soho-ol at Queen's ’ University, Kingston, spent -the ’ weekend, with her father, Mr. D. Kaufman. ISuridiay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Mic-Oul lough were- : Mrs. Lux- on, Mr. George McD-ounkl, Mr. and Mrs, Robert M-clD-on-ald and children, Mi-Mbrook, and Mr. and Alr-s.. Efoer Lux-on and Miss Marion White, Ken- dal. iS An day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Milligan were : Air. and Mrs. Dan Cu-rr-an and Doris, Milas Lorraine Milligan and: AI r. Jack MacLean, of Lindis-ay ; Miss Phyllis -Taylor and Mr. Kenneth Taylor, Little* Britain-, an dMr. and Mrs. Scott Pollard, of Blowmanvi-lle. -On July 22nd the Kendal Branch of the 1 Wàîneni’s- Institute- visited the Newton ville Branch and put on- a splendid programme, At the close of the. meeting lundi was -served by the local: branch. At the next meeting which is to be h-eldl at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ctiemen-ee, Newcastle the Agricultural Representative, Mr. E. A. Summers, will give -am address. Roll call, “A garden pest;'” commit- tee, Mrs. Clomen-ee. Mrs-.. Glen ny, Mis-s -Rowiaud, Mrs: Holmes, Mrs. Jack G-l-over, Mrs. C. Hancock, Mrs. Honeywell. The date of the meeting is. August 24th. According to recent study of fossil animal forms, there never was a “lbs-t continent,” joining - S-outli America, South Africa and India. BOWMANVILLE Air. and Mrs. -Sam Glan-ville h-a-ve gone to G-ttlaiwa for a visit at the home yf. Mir. George Pinglc. Those hot evenings are much en- joyed at the Royal Theatre with its air-conditioned system. Just try it. Wo notice in the “Times” that our friend Orme is in Kingston Oity for a- spell and that this community will now have a -p-eac-dl'u-l term for the time being-. Wli-at-was the trouble ?â-  L-i-euit.-Ool1. E. ,8. Ferguson, has been appointed as -coillector of -customs- -and excise for the Port of Bowm-anville is the ainn-0'uncemieint from Ottawa. This will meet with favourable com- ment as E-..-S. is one of our much re- spected citizens. Evening services in St. John’s An- jll'ican Church, have been dispersed with for the summer season- and dur- ing Augu-s't Torn Dustan will have charge of the service in the absence of the rector, Rev. 0. R. Spencer. The fire siren blew long on Mon- day morning but we did not learn where the fire was. We have been used of late of our fire -brigade hik- ing out to- the countryside and it is in thliÿt direction we gaze when- the siren shoots forth its warning. Lindsay town certainly had a rip up the back the past week. Well, we are free of anything in the way of tornadoes in this district. T-hoy eith- er go down the -lake- or hike out north and may they continue to do so. Maple Grove people are adding to and redleteo-rating their church build- ing'. This work is under the super- vision -of Mr. R. R. Stevens, prom- inent farmer of that section and also prominent in Rotary circles in town, to- say nothing about his work tin the dairy business -of which, due to his pasteurizing -plant in town, he has a. large share of ' the town trade, A citizen and taxpayer o-f the town lias -a: good suggestion in last week’s Statesman to- add to the little park by the town Isa 11. Read it and say what- yohu think. The property be- llow the bridge at V'anis-tine’s mill co-uld be made into- a park that would, give pleasure to old and young, no better place to enjoy sport. A good swimming p-do-l for kiddies, an auto highway to- the new baseline highway and a site for a band shell,, -Gan you think of anything': better ? If so, l'et us he/ar it, Oongr-atulatio-ns to W. J. Bragg on his 80th birthday, which took pliaice S-atUrday last (at the Brag-g hom-atse-ad, P'rovidenjc-e, As far back as we can remember this; particular farm has been occupied by -the Bragg family. We well! remember some of the neighbors, the BtiaddburnB-, Dow- àon’ls, AF-in-s and -s-ever-al others, all old timers and very much respected, good neighbors and -church going. May W. J. Bragg be with us for sev- eral periods vet. before he is through with matters Irai this- -mundlairie sphere is our- wi sh. Mi9s..Jean Galbraith, one of this town’s- oldest ladies, died on Satur- day last, |'aged ninety-five- years: Miss Galbraith: was a member of a pion- eer family of this district who. cam- from Blcptland. Their stone cottage by the lake wla-s noted for i-ts hospitality and social gatherings: When in- the early day- of the town when, 'S-t. An- drew’s Day was observed the making of the -Haggis was always made at the Galbraith homestead. Such an occasion being duly observed. For this family there were f-o-u-r daugh- ters and one son David Glalbraith, but M'iss Joan was the last o-f this generation. It, is an-nounioed-' the new highway from Toronto East will now be the base- line rodidiway instead of cutting through the farms -of the district. Well,, why not use the base line ? This will make it fine for No, 2- Highway by cutting down the traffic which, with the number oif trucks, on the road; makes' travelling on that high- way a serioius- affair. Wo iindierstaind the- n-ew road will-fie 190 feet wide -and this should give a lot of- unemployed! work for sometime. The scenery through which ttbo road will -go- is very, beautiful and tourists will enjoy the Lakeside view and also the coun- tryside las well. Spending the evening -at the home of a friend ' the host turned on the gramophone", and the two numbers give-rl by a j>azz orchestra were just for the sake of contrast; to what fol- lowed, The verdict given was .the ap- palling cheapness and feebleness of such music made on-e shudder for the musical future of a younger gener- ation nourished o-n. such insanity. To, banish the painful effects of that un- speakable -trash . the host put. on a n-uimber by “SSlrufoent” which estab- (i.-hed the ' right atmosphere for the rest, of the evening, and not inistru- meratall by a large -portion of vocal 1 TyrrelFs Drug Store 1 DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO j To keep yonr teeth sparkling white j MI 31 TOOTH POWDER, regular 35dte. and KLENZQ TOOTH BRUSH (choice -of -three shape's), regular 19 cts. Both for - - - 39c. Fly Catchers and Fly Sprayers WILSON FLY PAPER, pkg 10c. 3 for..... 25c. TANGLEFOOT FLY PAPER, pair :5c. 6 for 25c. AEROXON FLY COILS 4 for 10c PEARSON’S LIVE STOCK SPRAY gallon $1.00 KRESCO DIP, 32 ounces - ! .,. 75c. Gallon $2.25 OUR OWN LIVE STOCK SPRAY Scientifically prepared, and guaranteed to he TWICE the strength of most -advertised -cattle sprays lit is a perfect disinfectant and anitfeepitlic solution for repel- img and killing house, barn, and stable flies, -ticks and fi-ce. Does mot taint the niilk, does- ndt discolor hair, will not cause blisters or -burn Half Gallon ,50c. 1 One Gallon . * 85l;c. I 10 cts. less in your containers 1 You Save With Safety At TyrrelFs Drug Store 1 Home and Building improvement Pays You Big | Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience - WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED j BLUE COAL 1 The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection. 1 SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL 1 COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD | 1 IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR 1 REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE g 1 PHONE 48R16 | | OronoCoal&LumberCol music that comes ov'e-r the radio is simply heart-rending. A vigil-ant com- mittee is om-e thing needful in this line. Oivic Holiday was quietly observ- ed here and the water front was the objective point in the afternoon a-md evening. The beach residents put on a. progra-mme of sports for ohiMren and adults.' This day is claimed- by the beach people as their particular time to blow themselves' and they gen- erally put- on a good programme. The w.ate-r ; was rather rough but other- wise the afternoon was not to-o h-o'-t. Newcastle advertised- their baseball turnbiment .and Oshaiwa had- a motor proclaiming the doings in that, bfirg on this special day. â-  A number of the Legion inemlbers took in the veterans fin-ish-u-p -daytin the City a-ndl many of our people just -stayed at home and took if as a day of leisure and rest, The Summer Musical Course -at the Jarvis Collegia-to Institute given by the Ontario- D-ept. of Education for teachers of music in -the schools is being attended by over six hundred just from .Ontario, which shows the interest taken in, music today in- ouir sichpiols. We also noticie that our Oshaw-a friend, Mr. Leonard Richer, is again in charge of the sixty-piece orchestra in this sobodl1. We have not -learned if -any from this -section is in this cla-s-s or not, but there is a violin teacher front Os-haw a who has a nuitpber of pupil's on that instrumen t- in tbi-s' town and surely among the many we should' have, several in. this summer sic-hodl in either -cello or violin. -------:â€"---o----------- Try us with your next order. Our prices are reasonable. THE OLD, OLD STORY, NEWCASTLE LOSE (By I Seymour Wyna) Coming over half am, hour l'a-te, Sunderland) Tigers preceded to hand Newcastle a 5 to 1 setback on their home grounds o-n Saturday, in an Inter-mediate B. tilt. Tamblyn hurled fine ball for1 the winners, using a straight ball and a tro-ulblesome ‘hook’ to fine (advantage. The y-o-ung right han-der claimed nine strikeouts, issuing a single walk, while giving up only four bingles-. On the other hand Bill Brunt gave up thirteen bin-gllieS and giving three passes to first. Both teams scored once in the opening chukker, Tonipkins and. Gra- ham sending their teams off on a .1, to 1 dead Lock. .However the T-igor-a kept adding to their total, but the homesters could not. The- visitors added two' tallies -tin- the 4th frame, both coming as- a result of CumpbolVs three bagger. To complete their scoring the Northerners -obtained sin- gle counters in the. 6th, 7th and 8th. Brunt and Rickard divided homesters quartette of safeties, eri»-, having a do-ultile and -a single, Tomp- kins and) Oampibell1 lead) the visitors assault with three bingles each. Tair.- blyn, Burch ell' and Pearson- had two atife blows, while Johnson obtained t-h'e nanahiing hit. SmideiFd .1 O'O 20111 0-613 2 Nowcast] e . "fi 0 0 0. 0- 0 0) 0 0-1 4 4 Tamblyn and Bure-hell ; Brant an;, Rickard. -In tornado country, some of,, the filling stations - are being equip ped with cyclone cellar hotels.

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