ORONO WEEKLY TIMES County and District News â-º4 4 i I Cobouvg police are investigating the burglaries of seven bornes on Sat- xu'ijiay last in tbia-t town. Lindsay Hydro Commission reports last week’s storm damage amounted to an estimated $300. Hope Township Council set its tax rate at 16 mills at a special meeting held at Port Hope on Tuesday last. Durham Lodge No. 78, I.O.O.F., is holding its annual Decoration Day service next "Sunday at Port Hope. -Custom receipts for the Port of Oshawa showed a decrease of approxi- mately $200,000 for the month of July. John Allen, of Adolphustown, re- ported that be had caught a nmiske- lunge weighing 40 1-2 pounds over the week-end, near Piéton. The work of the tax collector for Port Hope was commended when it was revealed that $15,404.09 in tax arrears had been collected1, •Oshawa G. M. baseball team of the Central Oshaiwa Baseball League de- feated Peterlboro seniors in the first 'playoff game at Peterborough by 10 to 5. Lindsay Hydro consumption is up and the rates down. Despite two rate cuts this year, revenue for July was only $116 below the same month last year. A blow torch used to1 remove paint started a blaze which gave firemen a stubborn fight at the home of Jes- sie Hawkins in Port Hope last Wed- nesday. lOobourg juniors defeated Piéterboro in a twilight Lakashore League base- ball play-off on Tuesday, eliminating the visitors by 'the score of 10 to 4. They now meat Ottawa. "Oshawa merchants report tourist - trade below average this year. Trail- ers and the popularity of tourist damps are blamed by some for the failing off of urban tourist business. Playgrounds, swimming tanks and city parks in- Oshawa are to remain open to the public seven days each â- week. All playground facilities will be made available to the public on "Sunday, following in the lead of Toronto. It. is all rigid for the peo- PJRTHS CARLTON In Bowmanviile Hos pital, on Monday,1 August. 8th, 1938, to Mr. and" Mrs, W. II. Carl- ton, a daughter. We wonder if chicken thieves or inspectors are raiding the coops1 again or just "looking ahead. I t is reported that our village constable and town -ship tax Collector called on one the other day, the former reports that he got a good load of those little pests that annoy, and wondered if Ohas; was the same. We called him up to make sure but the good lady of the house reported she had heard nothing of it. Now Jim is wondering what kind of a disposition one must have in order to prevent an attack. pie to play golf and tennis on Sun- day. J ohn H. Brown, dismissed acting engineer of the city of Oshawa, ap- peared before acting Magistrate Col. C. F. Biek on Tuesday morning on a charge of the theft of $2,781.01 from the city, and pleaded guilty. He ,wais sentenced to eighteen months determinate and six months indeter- minate in Guelph Reformatory, Provincial and municipal police raided1 the Mansion Hotel in Fenelon Falls late Saturday night, and a re- sult, the proprietor, J, A. Lonergan, will face two charges under the Li- quor Control Act. Police claim Lon- ergan was selling beer over the coun- ter. He will he charged with beep- ing for sale and" having illegal pos- session. Thousands of dollars damage was caused and Lindsay’s business section was threatened by a fire which broke out in the alteration room of Hirsh’s ladies’ wear store on Kent street last Wednesday. The blaze was not dis- covered until five o'clock, when the smoke was noticed in the store. The room was well ablaze and smoke was pouring into Weston’s Broad Ware- house and El wood iSfmith Flour and Feed1 warehouse, where considerable damage was done. Hundreds of coats and dressed were damaged by smoke in Hirsh’s" store. Cutworms have lappeared on several farms in the district, of Oobourg, but their ravages have been mild in com- parison with other places. Prompt action with poison is keeping the pests in check. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Fly Swats each 9c. Soap Flakes 3 lbs 19c Wilson's Fly Pads Dates each 9c. 2 lbs 21c Fly Coils Keen's Mustard dozen 20c i lb tin 25c Whiz Fly Fume 8 fluid ozs 20c. Toilet Flush tin 19c. Chloride of Lime 2 cartons 21C. Fancy Pink Salmon large tins 2 for 23c. Bulk Mustard per lb 25c Extra Specials Large tins Pork & Beans 2 for 15c Large jars Peanut Butter none better 21c Free Running or Iodized Salt round container each 5c Hamburg Steak 2 lbs 23c only Jig each Yellow Sugar 10 lbs 50c. Marshmallow Fingers 2 lbs 29c. Javal Water 2 bottles 19c Matches 3 boxes for 20c. Peaches heavy syrup tin 15c. Whole mixed Pickling Spice \ pound for 7c. 2-in-l White Cleaner per bottle 14c. Pickling Onion 2 lbs. for 15c. #pHONE 12r2 J. J. CORNISH Phone For It Prompt Delivery r~ LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mr. Ab. Bowen has installed a new frigidaire. Mr. Clifford Jones has been in Toronto the past week. Mrs. Hoskin, of Oshawa-, spent the week with her sister, Mrs. John Tam- blyn. "Ohrissy Jordan, is visiting with Deputy-Reeve John Patton and Mrs. Patton at Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowan were in Sutton on Saturday attending the Fair -at that place. Miiss Mary Somerville, B.A., is the guest of her cousine, Mr. and Mins. W. Waddell, Thedlford. Mr. -O. B. Tyrrell attended the an- nual cemetery decoration day at Shel- burne on Sunday last. Mr. J. J. Mellor, of Oro-oked Creek, iad- charge of the morning service in the United Church on Sunday. Mrs. McElroy and daughter Mar- garet and son, Keith, of Peterborough, have been visiting Mrs. D. Noble. Miss Edith ISherwin, of Winnipeg, is visiting her brother, Mr. R. Sher- win -and Mrs. ISherwin, Centro St. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beal and family, of Oshawa, are spending this week camping in Orono Community Park. Miiss Margaret McDonald, of Tor- onto, and her friend June McDonald -are spending their vacation with Myr- tle Tamblyu. Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish and daughter Joanne, Mr. Wm. Cornish and CM-i-ss Cornish -spent Sunday at Lake Scwgog. Mr, Lesley -Somerville and daugh- ter Patsy, of Forest Hill Village, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Somerville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blewitt and son Elvin, Mr. Wellington Blewett and Mrs. Amelia Bradley spent ISun- day in. Sunderland. Miss Thelma Myle-s, who was oper- ated on for appendicitis, is home con- valescing before returning to her posi- tion again in Toronto. Mrs. H. Flintoff and family re- turned home from Lake Scugog on Wednesday afternoon after a pleasant ten day holiday spent there. Mr. A. Richardson, Mrs. "Richard- son,, Miss G. McDonald and Mr. W. Brawn are spending their vacation at Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagl-eso-n, Mr. and Mrs. R. Slierwin, Mrs. C. Moon and Miss A. Thornton -enjoyed a couple of days’ outing with friends in Kin- mount and Lindsay recently. Bowmanviile Legion Band will give a Hand concert in Orono Community Bark on "Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. "Come out and" bear -some 1st class music and give the boys a hand. The Young People of Park Sty. United "Church held a weiner roast at Mr. Wilfrid ISherwin’s home on Mon- day evening. Thirty members were present at this enjoyable outing. Don’t miss the band concert Satur- day evening, August 13th, 8.30 p.m. At this- concert the pubic will be given an opportunity to contribute to this- fine iS-aturday night entertain- ment; The Orono Tennis Club has made -a big improvement to one of their -courts by having it, resurfaced with a red substance that hardens like cement, thus making a fast court for the tennis enthusiasts. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Marty» return- ed home last week after spending a week with their daughter, Mrs. Grat- ton Curtis, "Fenelon Falls, and also toured through Tlnlibnrron district and miles north, viewing the north country. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Armstrong and Mrs. C. G. Armstrong have been On a motor trip to North Bay, ’ Timmins, also visited the quints at CSallen'daf, returning bv way of Pembroke and Ottawa and visiting li. II. Armstrong and wife in Morrisburg. â- ’ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hooey have returned home' after enjoying a fine holiday in the northern part of On- tario, and desiring to be in style called on the quints. Pete says they are cute. We have not learned whether they brought home any -souvenirs, but ^most likely. Newcastle. nid Mrs, R. H, Brown. Toronto, visited with his brother, Ml. T. W, -Somerville, Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Cooper were in- Toronto on Sunday and called on Mr’s. Fred Ly-cett, who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto, suffering an attack of pneumonia. Miss Lorraine and Master Billy Rascoe, are visiting their uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. W. O. McCulloch, this week, also Miss Scott, of Colum- bus, Ont., is t-heir guest. Mrs. A. Henry, Mrs. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey motored to Port MoNiebol on Georgian Bay on Wednesday. They also visited the Martyrs Shrine and Church at Mid- land. Mrb. Joseph Ohapman has had a new line fence erected between her farm, now occupied by Mr. Ronald Sha-ckleton and Mr. Stanley Chap- man’s farm, and also has built a new wooden fence in front of the house which has added" materially to her property. The plaint has arrived at O. W. Rolph’s Hardware Store for the Great Paint Sale that is being offered by him- for the month of August for $1.69 per gallon. Numerous orders have been- received up to the present. If in need of paint order now and save money. Dr. D. M. Somerville, formerly of. resident of Chicago, but now of Toronto, when subscirfoing for the Orono Weekly Times, stated that this year he expects to attend the Orono Fair in September, and that it is now nearly forty years "since he last at- tended. We extend, a hearty welcome to i Dr. Somerville to visit this Fair which the directors are endeavouring to make the 'best in the district, Mr. E. Thom and" Mise M. Thorn, of Rieaboro, Mr. and: Mrs. Wilbert Thorn, of Omiemee, Mrs. Hatty Eagle- son, of Bailicboro, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Da-wson and. daughters Misses Eleanor and Doris Dawson and. Miss M. Fowler, of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagle- son, Miss Fowler remaining over for a week’s visit. Mr. O. B, Tyrrell left on Tuesday evening for Alexandria.-, near Ottawa, to attend the funeral of "his friend, Mr. Rod MacMillan on Wednesday, who died suddenly on Sunday last. The late Rod MacMillan was employ- ed on the -staff of the Medical Arts Pharmacy, Toronto, and was at his: home for his holidays when he was: suddenly stricken. M'r. Arthur Manning, -our genial blacksmith, left on Wednesday morn- ing for 'Christie Street Hospital, Tor- onto, where he will undergo observa- tion on hie right shoulder. Arthur was "wounded at Vimy Ridge on April 24th, 1917, and since that time has suffered from this injury. In 1923 he had two pieces of shrapnel extract- ed from his shoulder and now the N-Itay reveals tbat two more.pieces of shrapnel are embedded in his shoulder. Arthur does not know how long he will be away or if they are going to operate or not. We hope he will soon be back again with hii-s arm. "back to normal. Holiday week visitors at Mr. T. J. and Jack Carscnddcn’s were, Mr. Saunders Finlay Sr. an son Saunders, of Unionville ; Mr. Sam McEoberts and son Nelson, Woodstock; Missi Hazel "Hamilton, Havelock; Mr. and Mrs, Leonard- Caldwell, Cmnpbeil- croft; Mrs, W. Byers, Garden Hill; Mr. Arthur Thompson, Mrs. E. Thompson, and Miss Annie Thompson, Kendal; Mr. and Mrs, Ambrose Fin- lay, daughter Dorothy and son, Rob- ert and Mr, Thomas Finlay, all of Toronto, and Mr. iFin-lay is staying for a little longer visit. , Messrs, Jack Stobert, Bill McKen- zie, George -Ralph, Ross Wood, ,0. Stapleton. Lyall Lowery and J. Bogey were in Toronto on- Sunday, and while there gave samples of their blood at the General Hospital where doctors were looking for a class three type for Harry Davey if needed, and who was operated on Monday morning, When sampling Geo.. Ralph’s -donation lid fainted away, followed! by Ross Wood, who cut his .forehead when he fell striking his head against the baseboard. The doctor thought he had sam'e healthy specimens up until the fainting started. ARMSTRONG’S REMNANTS We have some WALLPAPER REMNANTS which we are practically giving away. Et Va real 'opportunity for you to get a room lot of good .wlallpaper dhealp Mercerized Broadcloth Only a few mill ends remain of this white mercerized ma- terial". It is a real buy for underwear, dresses, quilt linings,.-Jiousesx etc. reg., 45c. value, for per yard 25c DIMITY Light and dainty self-check- ed Cotton Dimity in ,a firm ' weave, in peach, white, sky, and rose, per yard j| 5c GINGHAM Brightly Checked Gingham Is just the thing for apron-s, dresses, smbeks, etc. We have iiti in green, yellow, red, orange and mauve, g* per yard ........,... •â- OC WHITE PURSES Only fiv-e purses remain- We don’t want them again next year sO wé are offering them to you for, each.. BATHING SUITS At 20 per centt- discount off •the original price. You can’t afford not to have a bathing suit. Come in and get one. SHEETS We have a few pair of Sheets remaining, real Wa- basso sheets, pair... tj)4 VOILES Fine, sheer, cool Collon Voiles in floral patterns of yellow and blue, also dotted. Swiss Voile's of navy, green and royal, pdr yard 25c. and 35c Cotton Krinkle Crepe •Gool, easily-laundered Cot- ton Krinkle Crepe for pyja- mas, nightgowns, etc. Plain colors df white, maize and pink, also printed in as-sort- ed colors, yard ..25c PRINT We are selling all our regu- lar priced' 20c. print 1 O for.'.......,..... IOC We have about ten bolts, all different patterns. A. real bargain for quilts-. SOCKËËS More Sockees remain. We must clear them out, they are mostly children’s and you can afford some at H I 3 pair, for ............... w -l C COTTON UNDERWEAR Ladies ! Here is a real bar- gain, all our Cotton Vests, I'Lm inters and Panltoes 25c and 30c _ PILLOW CASES Real Madeira Pillow Cases, dainty and lovely. They make excellent gifts. Regu- lar $2.25 per j>air(t‘1 Qfl for per pair ..„.*pl.«/0 PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE 1 PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS 10 lbs B. Sugar - 49c j Large Rlnso - 21c. Rice, 3 lbs. - - 15c 1 Soap Chips, 3 lbs - 19c CORN FLAKES, WITH BOAT 3 FOR 23c. CYRUS FLOUR 85c. SEEDED RAISINS .. 2 LBS 23c- CERT-0 BOTTLE ,.....25c. CERTO CRYSTALS - PKG 15c. CLOVER HONEY, NEW 4 LB PAIL 42c. NEW CHEESE ..LB. 20c. EDDY’S MATCHES 3 BOXES 20c. FLY COILS DOZEN 20c. SALMON, CLOVER LEAF 2 TALL TINS 25c. HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE 2 TINS 22c. CANDY, JUMBO GUMS .... LB. 15c. Bacon, C-ooked Meats, Jellied Vêlai, Dutch Loaf Ham and Tongue Biscuitsâ€"Fig Rolls Rose Baking Powder 2 lbs for 29c. 11c. Assorted Sandwich Table Salt lb, 15c; 2 lbs, 29c per bag, 5c. Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and 0 Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono