ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS COWANVILLE Miss Viola Hollingsworth is home for two weeks’ holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Vanplin, Tor- onto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. T. J, .Simpson's. Because of Decoration Day in New- tonville on Sunday, church service at Clarke is postponed. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DunniclitV were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Cross!ey. Miss Marian Simpson has complet- ed the agricuitiura! course at Guelph and is home again. Miss B. Hollingsworth and Mr. Stephens, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hol- lingsworth. Mr. and Mrs. A. Irwin and Mrs, Martin, Peteiboro, and Mr. and Mrs. .11. D. Irwin, Detroit, were Sunday visitors with Mr. -and Mrs. George Henderson, c , The regular monthly meeting of the W.À. met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ohas. Cowan. They de- cided to hold an Amateur Hour and Bazaar, also various booths at Clarke Church on Wednesday, August 17th. Admission to amateur hour, 10c. All entries' to the amateur hour are to be sent in to either of the following not later than August 15th, Mrs, Brooks Cowan, Mrs. Westol Stringer, Mrs. W. A. Reid. There are | to be three prizes, 1st, $1.50 ; 2nd, $1.00, -and 3rd, 50c. P0NTYP00L Mr. Fred Graham wa|s in Orono last Friday on business. Mr. Wm. Rennie was a visitor to Orono on Friday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wright, of New- castle, spent Sunday with friends. We have noticed that, Mr. Percy Mantle has his blacksmith shop up for sale. A mock wedding was i held at the -Crystal summer resort. All reported lots -of fun. â- Madeline tBogges has been spending some of her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilder. ; We are glad to see Mrs. Harry Hooper able to be up again after suf- fering from a severe cold'. Mr, Jack Malley went jo-n a trip to Belleville a week ago Suilday and re- po-rted having -a good time. - Mr. and Mrs. -George Williamson, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Williamson- Sunday -morning. Mrs. Wm. Go been and daughter, of Toronto, left for their forane Thurs- day night after spending some holi- days with friends. Dr. MadNeil took Mrs Peteiboro hospital Sat Voicey to nrd'ay after- ENTERPRISE Mr. Robert Ard is busy threshing. Mr. Lloyd Taylor visited friends in Bally-dulf Sunday. Miss Gladys Ard is home from summer school, Guelph. Mr. Oren Mally visited Mr. Hardy at Ag'incourt on ISunday, Mrs. Roy Cochrane was the guest of Mrs. Gordon Mofiatt on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen and. Vance spent 'Sunday with his sister, Mrs. John Mofiatt. . Mr. and Mrs. John Davenport, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Malley. Mrs. Stevenson and son David, of Toronto, are spending two weeks with Mrs, J as. Ranslberry. Mr. and Mrs. W. Malley visited her sister, (Mrs. Robert McGahey, near Lindsay, on Tuesday last, Mr, Colin Brown and men have been busy raising John Moffatt’s barn and building a wall under. Most -of the grain all through this vicinity has been cut and ready for threshing if dry weather continues. Mr. Allen Mofiatt and family, Bow- manville, spent (Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mofiatt. Mr. Kendrick and family, of Kin- sale, have -moved unto John White’s farm, formerly tenanted by Mr. El- son. Mr. -and Mrs. Gordon Hou-lden, Donald and Mlarylyn, of Oshawa, visited her sister, Mrs. John Mofiatt on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bull and fam- ily, of Port Hope, visited her -sister, Mrs. Lloyd -Ranslberry. Little Evelyn Bull remaining for a visit. Mr. Frank Stainton and family, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J as. E. IBan-sfoerry over the week-end1. Miss Dorothy staying for a holiday. The W. A. of MeCrea’s -Church are having a meeting this week and on Sunday next Rev. W. F. Riding will preach his farewell sermon. Mr. Rid- ing has been- a faithful pastor for the past four years and his leaving is much regretted. Few farmers realize that they are really chemists, siays a Canadian Government chemist. Automobile colors are said to fol- low economic trends ; in depression times, darker colors' are more in favor. noon. Her friends hope she will soon be home again. â- Quite a • number attended the fit neral of the late Harry Ridge, of Toronto, a former resident of the v:i lage, who was buried here on Sunday afternoon. FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono NEWTONVILLE Miss Annie Nesbitt left for the West on Tuesday. Decoration Day Services at the cemetery August 14th. Our girls’; team played Newcastle Thursday but suffered a defeat. Miss Audrey Whittaker, Hamilton, i-s visiting Mrs. Wm. Whittaker. The Hoskin family enjoyed a pic- nic at Oofoaurg during the week-end. Miss June Ware, is visiting rela- tives at Oonseoon for a couple of wbeks. The United -Sunday School Anni- versary will be the second Sunday in i Sept.â€"11th. Mrs, Leuchner and Roger, Niagara, are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ro-we. Master N-oel Brooks, Montreal, is visiting at the home ,o-f his aunt, Mrs. Frank Gilmer. Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Miss Inez Symons have returned from a week’s visit at -Niagara. Mrs. Willis Jones and Miss Rena Hoskin visited Mrs. Jlaick Glover, Newcastle, on Friday. Mr. Alfred Rledknapp is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whittaker of Hamilton. (Mr. Harold Burley accompanied by his sister, Mias Audrey Burley, made a business trip to Petenboro on Wed. nes-dlay. Mr. and Mrs. -George Stapleton Sr. and Mr. Elb. Stapleton visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon, Elizabeth ville on Siu-nday. The euchre club from east of New- ton ville held an ice cream- -social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell on Friday evening. Miss Carol Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Robb, of Montreal, have .returned Iiome after visiting the later’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ro-we. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe, son and. daughters with their con-sorts and families held am enjoyable family pic- nic at Willow Beach recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley and family, Mrs. R. Bruce and Isabel, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walkey holidayed at Loon Lake for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and Leona, of Oolborn-e, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty and son, of Port .Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Lane last week. 1 *â- Miss Helen Snell visited Miss Molly Cable, Rochester, N.Y., while Mrs. E. Cable, Rochester, visited Mr, end Mrs. Percy Snell. Both have re- turned home. Mrs. (Dr.) Slemon, Bowmanville, will address the next W.M.-S. meeting in the United Church basement on Tuesday, September 13th. Group I. will be in charge. There will be a benefit ball game on Friday and a benefit dance Friday night in a id of the mail from Garden Hill who broke his collarbone and shoulder at Kendal on - Field Day. - Mi;. and Mrs. Clemens and son and Miss Helen Trus-cott, Franklin-ville, N.Y., Mr. .and Mrs. A. Trenouth and family, Mrs. Trenouth -Sr. and Mrs. Oornthwai t-e, Port Hope, spent Sun day with Mrs. Alice Trus-cott Jones and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones. Miscellaneous Shower A large crowd of friends gathered in the basement of the United Church cm J-uly 26till -and presented Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Glover, formerly Miss Helen Darlington, with a large array of beautiful, gifts. Rev. E. L. .Beech w-as chairman for the following pro- gram : Vocal solo, Edna Deniault; guitar selection, Alfred Redkn-app ; piano solo, J ean Campbell ; Camp- bell’s -Orchestra; reading, Helen C-ouch ; piano solo, Bud Jo rues ; read- ing, Mrs. F. Burley, Miss Hazel Reid on beh/alf of their many friends read an address which was in poetic form and neatly expressed the high -esteem in which both Mr. and. Mrs, Glover are held by everyone in and around Newto-nville. The bride and groom both expressed "their apprecia- tion after which the presents were opened and admired. Lunch was ser- ved and a social time enjoyed. Dur- ing the evening the following were called upon for speeches and respond- ed : Messrs. George Walkey, Arthur Redknapp and Melville Jones ; Miss 1. Lain g and Mrs: Willis Jones. KIRBY Mr, J. J. Mellor very ably occupied the pulpit here on (Sunday. Mr. James Wannon is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Wannon and babe. - . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow were up to Tyrone to see Mrs. Ohas. Bige- low, who has been ailing for some time. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winn, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. 'Seath and NEWCASTLE Miss Audrey Ragen spent the week- end with her grandmother, Mrs. Douglas. Rev. Rogers, of Bowmanville, took the services in the United -Church on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Ball, of Toronto, is staying at the “Newcastle Arms†for a fortnight. Mrs. Harold Gibson and daughter visited her mother, Mrs. Annis, at Stoarboro for a week. Rev. D. Morton and family have gone to their cottage at Mir,den for the month of August. Mrs. S-tinson and Mis-s- Francis S-ti-nson, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Geo. Eilbeok over the week-end. The Newcastle Memorial „ Library will be closed for two weeks commen- cing Monday, August 1.5th, Mr. arid Mrs. A. Graham, <yf Toron- to, are occupying one of Mrs. Mc- Evoy’s cottages in the glen. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Gaines are now occupying Mrs. Toplift.’s apart- ment in the Jamieson black. Miss B. S. McIntosh has returned from a motor trip through Central Ontario with Mr. and Mrs. Sam -Sut- ton of Oolfoorne. Mrs, Clarence B'atty and Miss Lor- in-e haive returned from a month at Caesarea, Mr. Batty having returned a week previously. Miss Tobin, of Fergus, and Mr. Cowan Ardagh, of Toronto, were visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ar- dagh over the week-end. “The m-ovies,†an innovation for Newcastle were -well attended on Fri- day evening last. They will be held each Friday evening for the rest of the season. Miss Dorothy Gibson, of Bramp- ton, has returned from a motor trip to. the Gaspo coast and is visiting Mrs. W. II. Gibson -.uni Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Gibson. Mr. George Wright and Mr. Doug- las Wright have gone to Copper Cliff for a holiday. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don-aid Wright who had been visiting here for a fortnight. Miss Ethel Tamblyn, of Toronto, is with Miss Drummond for the re- mainder of, the summer. Miss Taylor of Vancouver, a niece of Miss- T'am- blyn’s, was her guest for several days. Mrs. Will Anderson and Miss Eleanor Anderson -are home for a visit, Mr. Will. Anderson is also home convalescing from a minor operation in. Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. John Clark, Ottawa, Provincial Lecturer in Horticultural matters, will be tiho judge and speaker at the District Flower Slho-w held in the Community Hall on Friday. This will be a largely attended and popular event. Those not abl-e to attend the High Tea in connection with the slhtow may, for a sm-all fee view the flowers on -exhibit. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn and two sons, of Brantford, are occupying Dr. Walton Ball’s cottage at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie, of Brantford, were their guests over the week-end. as was also Mr. E. Wilmot. Mr. Wil-m-ot ar rived in his aeroplane which he landed in on Mrs. Wm, Pearce’s lake, shore fields. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wynn, of. New York, are at present staying with. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn. -family,-spent 'Sunday at A. Morrow’s, taking home Frank Winn Jr., who. has been spending his holidays with Pearl and Andy. Miss Audrey Mountjoy has return- ed home again after visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. L, Wannon- for a week. While here she became quite a favor- ite with all the youth in the village and adults as well. Bres'lin, in bis Boukaho-or outfit, was a prominent figure at the Cream of Barley Park last iSunday.. The co-op is where such exhibits of disgust should be to any person possessing the least degree of refinement. It’s not to foe wondered at in the least why Palestine was relieved of such. The funeral of Mr. Henry Ridge who died in the General Hospital, Tor onto, last Friday morning, passed through here Sunday afterno-on going to .Bontyrpool cemetery for burial. There was a large assembly of' rela- tives and friends present to pay their last tribute of respect to one who.was a friend to all. We noticed' ill an recent issue of â- the Globe" and Mail an article stating that Orono had .no depression what- ever. Now if this was -correct we would be pleased to hear such good news, but as we have learned that, this is -obscure,' and that an old Oronoite lived 'and dined in- the basement of his- home for several days over this being published before, as at that time you would meet -pedestrians from all directions wen-ding their way to Orono “The place of prosperityâ€. TyrrelPs Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO To keep yonr teeth sparkling white MI 31 TOOTH POWDER, regular 35dts. and KLENZO TOOTH BRUSH (choice of three .shapes), regular 19 cts. Both for 39c. Fly Catchers and Fly Sprayers WILSON FLY PAPER, pkg....10c. 3 for...25c. TANGLEFOOT FLY PAPER, pair....5c- 6 for.25c. AEROXON FLY COILS.....................4 for 10c PEARSON’S LIVE STOCK SPRAY ........-gallon $1.00 KRESCO DIP, 32 ounces ........ ..........75c. . Gallon.........................!......$2.25 OUR OWN LIVE STOCK SPRAY Scientifically prepared, and guaranteed to be TWICE the strength of most advertised cattle sprays lit is a perfect disinfectant and -antiseptic solution for repel- in g and killing bouse, barn, and stable flies, -ticks and lice. Does not taint the niilk, does ndt discolor hair, will not cause blisters or burn Half Gallon ......................,50c. One Gallon ......................».85c. 10 cits, less in your containers You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store SPECIAL SUPER SUDS BEADS of SOAP for Tub, Washer, find Dishes! SPECIAL One 20c. pkg SUPER SUDS .19c. One 10c. pkg. SUPER SUDS le. REG. 30c. VALUE FOR.20c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE P New Merchandise Just received another shipment of those RICH CREAMED CAKES', direct from the ovens, over 12 varieties to choose frlom .............. •...LB....15c New Open Stock Pattern in Canadian made DINNER- WARE, beautiful gloss finish jn white with gold edge and line. Be sure to -see this number. LONDON HOUSE SILVER BANNER COFFEE, 1-2 lb. tins ..*....................25c. MCLAREN’s QUICK TAPIOCA, 2 1-2 lb pkg®..17r ICING SUGAR, 2 lbs.......... .........15c- SHREDDED COCOA-NUT, lb ...... .........15c. WALNUTS, shelled, fresh -stock, 2 lbs for'........21c. PRIDE OF B. C. SALMON, 2 1-lb tins.....21c. Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A. FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ‘ALL TIMES : D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLljE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection lFMrPnl"llll,lllllT imiJiifflfflilliJ III ill 111 IÉH NHHII IP 111 I JIIIIIIHâ€"MlUM'iHiWWlIMniT SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE ! PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co I All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised