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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Aug 1938, p. 5

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OK OX O WOKE i-V TIMES Local News a- Suwcliiy visitors at Mrs. Harold Oaswell’s, Clarke, on Sunday last were, Mr. and Mrs. George Butters, the Misses Waddell, of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Porter, of Hope, and Mr. ami Mrs. Fred1 Robb, of Sussex, Eng. Mr. and Mrs. Robb will leave for ttheir home on August 21st. Mrs. Wm. Riddell and Mrs. Beil Porter entertained about thirty-six ladies at bridge and afternoon tea last Thursday afternoon on their large lawn. Prize winners were : High score at bridge, Mrs. Helena, Macdonald, cup and saucer ; consola- tion prize, Mrs. Drummond, leather bound score pad; lucky chair prize, Mrs. D. Noble, cut glass dish. Mr. W. J. Riddell received a post card from. Mr. Russell Rodborough, who is tourning in the States. In eight d'ays they visited at Detroit, St. Louis, Tulsa, and also saw the Grand Canyon at Arizona; They crossed several deserts, one being 270 miles across, the temperature being 116 de- grees but had cooled down to 105 de. igrees. They left on Tuesday last for iSan Francisco, then on to Edmonton and Rtegin-a, before returning home. â- W. J. Riddell this year is offering a novelty special at Orono Fair, open to boys or girls 14 years or under, who can drive a rooster on a, rein for a distance of 60 yards, the driving display to be held in front of the grand stand at 3 p.m. on September 21st. Bow is the time for the boys and girls' to practise this difficult feat of training a rooster to be driven. The prize money is divided into three purses of $3.00, $2.00 and $1.00. The next softball game will be played on Friday evening next be- tween Forestry and Kirby. Each team has won a game and this1 should be '»â-  good one. Be sure to come out and -see these playoff games. Orono fin- ished on top of the league standing so will1 play the winners of this round. 'Oshawa, the team that came in late, are not eligible to play for the cup, but will be given the priv- ilege to play against the winners. Bow that the race track at the Agricultural grounds is nearly com- pleted and is one of the best in this part of the district, Mr. Saiunders, of Brock ville, expects to arrive in town on Thursday with five race horses and will make Orono his headquarters fo the summer. He will use the track to train his horses, for the coming races in this part of the country. The dir- ectors would like to see the people of the district drive around the track which will also help materially to pack the earth ready for the fair. A plague of worms or caterpillars made their appearance on the walnut tree on Mrs. A. Henry’s lawn this week and at the rate they were going would soon have had the tree stripped of all its foliage. Mr. Meredith Linton,, of the Reforestation Plant, was called in to find out what species they belonged to, but they were a new kind to him so he sent, some to Ottawa to find out all about them. They are covered with a grey fur and are dark brown, in color and very vicious. On Wednesday afternoon the tree was sprayed to detroyed the pests. Bowmanville Legion Band journey- ed to Orono Community Park on Sunday afternoon and played to a large number who had gathered at the park to enjoy the attraction. The programme consisted of overtures, marches and sacred music. Sunday seems to be a good time to hold a band concert as it is a day of relax- ation, and what is nicer than to stroll to the park and listen to band music, which seems to drive away the aches and pains, also brighten up this old world of ours. We hope that the band ‘will return again before the cold weather turns in. “Lord Jeff,” the 8th anniversary treat, starring Freddie Bartholomew and Mickey Rooney, will be shown at the -Capitol Theatre at Port Hope on Friday and -Saturday next. Messrs. Fas. and Fred Tamblyn are changing the partitions around in the new 'Beauty Parlour rooms, which will soon be opened to the public. It pays to spend a few dollars on outside referees for the three softball teams in this league. On Tuesday evening there wasn’t one single ar- gument during the whole game. Why can’t our local umpires enjoy the same confidence from the players ? RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CREAMERY BUTTER 1 st grade ORONO Pastry Flour 24-lb* bag Comfort Soap with colored apron 5 bars 26c. 39c. LOCAL AND SOCIAL Supreme Shortening, 2 lbs. - 7 lb bags Eclipse Pastry Flour Rolled wheat, 5 lb. bag - - 3 lbs. Soap Chips - - - - Polly Prim Catsup, bottle Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins - High Grade Bulk Tea, 1 lb. â-  Toddy Dealâ€"1 lb. tin with 1 -2 lb tin for 1 c. Handy Ammonia, 4 pkgs. - j 9c 23c. 19c. 21c. 19c 9c 19c 55c 39c. POT ROAST OF BEEF Boned & rolled, per lb. A jC STEWING BEEF fresh and lean aV 0Kb â€" per lb. JLJ5C Cashmere TISSUE Completely mapped Soft Pure White 700 SHEETS to the roll 3/«r25C J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery Je Mrs. A. West is suffering from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Orono Fair dates this year ,ar-e September 20th and 21st. Mr. Ilarry Rowe is making some improvements to his floçy mill. Mr. Stanley Bruton, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother. Mins. A. A. Drummond spent the week-end with her mother in- Lon- don. Mrs. F. L. Souch left last Thurs- day for Toronto where she will make her home. Mrs. Hazel Flint-off and family are spending the week in Oshawa with relatives. Misses Joan and Borina McOarroll, of Toronto, spent Sunday the guests of M-iss- Eileep. Jones. Mr. Jim G j Milan returned to Lon- don after spending a couple of weeks’ holidays with his parents. Mr. Wallace Sisson, of Toronto, is spending some holidays with his mother, Mrs. Mary Sisson. Mr. John Allin and: family, of Mew- castle, the expert chimney -builder, moved to Toronto last- week. Mrs. 'Gairdner, of Garden Hill, is spending a week with her friend, Mrs. S. Billings, South Ward1. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. IK Jury, of Bmvnianvi'ie, -spent -Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Giitillan. It is expected that Mr. Frank Hail will start work on the new sidewalk to be built to the park sometime next week. Mrs. A. W. Forrester and son Drew, of Hamilton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Forrester and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb are spending their 'holidays tourning Quebec and the Maritimes for a cou- ple of weeks. Mr. Harold Hooey has moved into his new home, recently purchased from Mrs. F. !.. Souch, who has gone to Toronto to reside. The Orono Goal and Lumber Co. were awarded the tender to supply the asphalt shingles for the town hall, their tender wa-s the lowest, Mr. W. II. Brent and son, of Ottawa, spent Thursday and Friday last the guests of Mr. Orme Ga.mslby on a trout fishing -experition. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rutherford and two daughter, Bethe’.ine and Maryln, of Mac-Tier, visited the for- mer’s aunt, Mrs. Fred Cowan. 'Orono Girls’ Softball team went- down to defeat at the hand's of New- cnsflo -on Wednesday evening at the local park by a score of 15 to 11. Mr. Adniams, of Russell, Ont, and Mrs. Lemoiul and daughter Miss Clara Lomond, of Ottawa, are spend- ing the week with Mrs. W. Harrison. An Open Air Service will be held ill Orono Community Park on Sun- day, August 28th. Service at- 6.45. J. J. Mellor will be the speaker. Spe- cial music. Correction : Dr. Lesley Somerville and daughter Patsy, of Forest Hill Village, visited Monday with Patsy’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Somerville. Mr. Walton Carlton put a fresh coating of asphalt on the fire hall roof, also on the postoffice and Mr. Wm. Cornish’s house on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs. E. O. Webster, Bewra anvil le, entertained at a Beach Party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Borman Win- ter, the occasion being the first an- niversary of their wedding. Mr. and1 Mrs. Crease and son Paul, of Toronto, visited Mrs-. Fred Cowan over the week-end and also attended the Co-wan picnic held in Orono Com- munity 'Park on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Macdonald and granddaughter -and grandson Nettie and Fred, all of Wellington, Prince Edward County, left for their home on Friday last after spending a few days’ visit with the former’s brother, Mr. FI. G. Macdonald. Mr. Macdonald says the tomato crop has lots of vines but not much fruit this year in that part and that grain, is not turning out as good as expected. M'is-s Betty Ohi-dley, -of Missoula, Montana, who is visiting her aunts, the Misses Ohidley at their summer cottage in Newcastle, called on- her unde and 'aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Forrester. Mrs. Mary Campbell and Miss Florence Elliott, of Minneapolis, Minn-septa, are spending a few weeks visit with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Tamiblyn, -and also other relatives. Messrs. Wilfred Ogden, Albert West and W. J. Riddell were in Bea- verton on- Sunday where they attend- ed the I.O.O.F. and Canadian Legion Decoration Day -Services held at the -Stone Church at Thor ah. Dr. and Mrs. McLelland, of Tor- onto, spent Sunday with the latter’s father, Mr. Robert Foster, their daughter Ruth, who has been spend- ing, an extendel visit in Orono, re- turned home with them. Mrs. McCail! and two daughters Joan and Norma, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Leander and daughter, of Wind- sor, Mr. and Miss Moore, Bowman- ville, -spent the week-end: with Mr. and Mrs. D. Carseadden. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen and daughter Anne Marie and Mrs. Tbo-s. Patterson, who have been holidaying at Parry Sound, Huntsville and the Lake of Bays, returned home Sunday after a very pleasant outing. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfililan were in Toronto on Friday last having some alterations made in the plan for their new home which will soon be started. The home, when -completed, will be of the -old English type. Many are enjoying the weekly dances at the Willows Pavilion -on Saturday evenings, where Galloway’s Orchestra supplies the music. The pavilion is under the Capable super- vision of Mr. Moffatt of Enterprise. The Prize Lists for Orono Fair are out and distributed as far as the mailing list i-s r concerned. If any one interested failed to receive one, kindly apply to the secretary, J. C. Gamey, Orono, and one will be for- warded. Mr. Ols -Cowan brought in- a sample of his corn on Saturday evening which was on display at O. W. Rolph’s hardware store, which measured twelve feet in height and is the gen- eral run of the field. It is the Learn- ing variety. * The Rev. C. T. All in and wife and family, of O-nargo, 111., are visiting their -old home town of Or-ono. They motored to CallendaT accompanied by Miss L. Ail in to see the quints. Mise L. Ailllh to -see the quints on Wednesday. The Midland Regimental - Band gave a band concert in front of the town hall on Saturday evening with -the result that Main -street, also the side streets' were lined with cars, thus showing that the general public -are still interested in good music. Ernie Dent is now running a ham- burger counter ait his service Station in the south end of town, and reports are to the effect that he is doing a~ rushing business and that the bur- gers are very toothsome. They can be purchased any time, day or night. Mrs. W. A. Richards, of Bowman- ville, entertained at a dinner in honour of Mrs. Norman Winter, ' the occasion of her first wedding anni- versary. -Mrs. Winter's: mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allen, of Oron-o, were guests. Mrs. Winter was ' the recipient of many beautif ul gifts. (Miss Mary Tamblyn-, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, has rented' the office,vacated by the News from Mr. S. Curie!! and will open -am up-to-date beauty parlor. Mi-s@ Tam- blyn has been employed by â-  the Ed- ward’s Beauty Parlour of Oshawa, and will soon h-aive her‘place of busi- ness fitted up and ready for business, either by the end of next week or the following week. We are pleased to report that Mr. O. W. Ralph is greatly improved -af- ter his -serious- illness. On Friday evening last Mr. R-olph did not feel in the best of health and on Saturday came up to his hardware -store, but around ten o’clock went to. the home of Mr. H. G'. Macdotiald, when Dr. Manning was called in and it was. found' he had a temperature of 108 and "was immediately ordered to bed. Later on, his teiriperture reached to 104.5. Owing to the quick diagnosis of the ca-se which was 'streptacoccal, an infection- of the throat, -medical attention prevented it from develop- ing into pneumonia. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS Orono Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag, 49c. Choice Tomatoes 2 cans for 18c. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. for 53c. Green Valley Peas 3 tins for 25c. SALMON, SUNFLOWER, FANCY PINK, 2 tail tios...23c OXYDOL ................... LARGE PKG.......21c. HILLCREST SHORTENING -or WHYTE PURE LARD 2 LBS ,25c. NEILSON’S COCOA , 1-2 LB ,18c. PEARL SOAP 7 BARS ..25c WILSON’S FLY PADS 9c. FLY COILS ,20c. OERTO BOTTLE..... ,25c. RUBBER RINGS, 12 CUT ... 3 DOZ .17c. PITTED DATES 2 LBS! ,21c. QUAKER CORN FLAKES LARGE LEMONS 3 FO R ,23-r .PER DOZEN ...25c SOAP CHIPS 5-LB CARTONS .3 3 c. ORDERS TAKEN FOR TOMATOES BY THE BUSHEL Sandwich Biscuits, Hillcrest Sodas Fig Bar Roll or 13c. lb. Marshmallow Finger Weston’s Wafers 15c. lb, 2 lb for 29c. 2 pkgs. for 23c. ARMSTRONG’S DRESSES We want to clear out our Summer Dresses, so this coming week, ladies dresses, sizes! 16 to 20, in crepe and slut) linen.......................*...,..... $1.50 Our Children's Dresses of spun material in maize, green,- blue and cream with flare: skirt's and fancy collars and cuff Is, QA sizes 1 to 6. Price....................:..................... Ot/C New stiipnierit Ladies’ House Dresses Will be in this week, in all colours and all sizes......................... $1.00 REMNANTS Many short end's of Sum- mer material's are left over, pieces of muslins, prints, voiles and linens. We have cut them down to half price- Come and look them over. BATISTE~PY’JAMAS Th'i's lovely cool material is â-  fashioned into youthfully styled pyjamas. Trousers havc elastic top and a var- iety of necklines, size's 14 to 20, reg. $1.65 for $1.39 BOSE Ladies’ Firisit Quality Silk Hose, in all. sizes and in all the new fall shades, 2 pair for ...,. 49c BLOOMERS Ladies’ Silk Bloomers, reg.. 59c. for ...29c APRONS Ladites’ Cellophane Aprons in red, yellow - green arid 25c TOWELS Pairs of brightly striped Terry Towels- for everyday use, while they last, per pair 49c. BEDSPREADS A moderate!)' priced Bed- spread of shimmering rayon, and cotton in, a pretty de- sign, with scalloped edges, colours of green, mauve, rose, blue, gold, $2.50 SUITS Men’s Flannel, als-o Grey Worsted Summer Stilts. We must clear these out, the values run as high as $25.00. Your Choice .................. ;................................ $12.50 I BOOTS Si's,man’s Reran All Leather Boot. It will, not go hard. ; a very comfortable hard wearing Boot. It pays you to buy ( good boots .. .............,.... $3.00 Work Sox for $1.00 50c Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery e From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. KRINKLE CREPE This w-eek only we have a real bargain of several bolt's of Krinklc Grelpe suitable for dresses, might- 1 g gown's, etc, yard... I OC CUPS AND SAUCERS Of Semi Porcelain, trimmed with blue, pink, green and blue border, special bargain,. dozen . ML.VS OXFORDS . I WORK SOX Fine quality calfskin, Good I 1 3 pair of Heavy Cotton year wit sole, : Û®^V CA 1 black pnly, price tp«3.3V | TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono

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