ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Local News Mr. Juin:. Allen, of St. Petersburg, Virginia, ..is spending a few days in town, the guest of Mr. Madison Hail, and renewing- old acquaintances. Mr. â- â- Alien was born and raised in Orono, tins father conducting a blacksmith business in the north ward. It is just forty-four years ago since he left this district to take up residence in the iStates, Messrs. John Armstrong, Will, Armstrong and Fèrcy Lunn were on a fishing trip to Pigeon .'Lake on Wed- nesday afternoon and returned home with a splendid ’lunge, measuring 31 inches in length. The fish was caught by Jack. Over the week-end these fishing enthusiasts lost three ’lunge larger than the one they caught on Wednesday. Mis. Charlie Tarnblyn, of Wood' bridge, spent, a few days with her aunt, Mrs, James Tarnblyn, and other relatives. Bovmianville baseball team defeat- ed Pori Hope in the former place on Wednesday evening in the Lake- shore League, thus taking the hon- ors in the playoffs. Mr. O. W. Scott celebrated his 86th birthday in the form of a pic- nic at the Orono Park last Wednes- day afternoon. Some of those present for the occasion being, Mr and Mrs. J. R. Joy, Toronto, Mrs. G. Robin- son and two daughters, Toronto, Mr. Wilbur Scott and daughter, of West Guilford, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Scott and daughter, West 'Guilford, and Mrs. 0. I.aRue. also of West Guil- ford. Subscribe to The Orono Times. Announcing the Opening OF THE “Tarnblyn Beauty†Shoppe Next door north of the Times Office, on or about August 29th. OPENING SPECIALS Permanent Wave, reg. $3.00, for - - $1.95 Genesco Oil Wave, reg. $5.00, for - - $2.75 Royal D* Oil Wave, reg. $6.50, for - $3.50 Finger Wave - - - - 35c Shampoo and Finger Wave - 50c. To the first ten customers for a Shampoo and Finger Waveâ€"FREE, an Oil Shampoo and Rinse SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY $3.55 FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 98-lb bag - ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR, AC„ 24-lb. bag - - - - - CARBOLIC SOAP 3 cakes 13c. HANDY AMMONIA 4 pkgs. 19c. Brunswick Sardines 2 tins 9c CUT MACARONI, 2 lbs. for ........... 9c. BORAX, pkig. .. 9c. KRUNCHI E PEANUT, BUTTER with nuts, jar .............. 19c- JELLY POWDERS, 4 pkgs. for ........„..19c. VITONE, small, tin....27c. M A. R S H MALLOW CANDY ............ 5c. SALTED PEANUTS, per lb............13c. COFFEE, We grind it While you wait, lb.....29c. STEEL WOOL, pkg..... 9c. OYSTER SHELL, cwit ......... $1.05 - COOKING ONIONS, 8 lbs for ..:....23c. SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for ......... 25c. -w Laundry Soap, 1 1 bars Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 25c. 32c. --T We are endeavoring to handle nothing but the best in peaches. Our Prices are right J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery LOCAL AND SOCIAL] Mr. Cooper, df Toronto, visited his father, Mr. George Cooper, on Sun- day. Mr. E'verett Porter, of Janetville, is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Caverly, of Montreal, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.-Davey. Mr. Len. Gamsby, of Van Wag- ner’s Beach, Hamilton, is spending a. few days in town. Master Jack Graham, Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with his aunt, Miss Freeda Wilson. Miss Freeda Wilson returned home on Sunday, after spending the past month with her parents, in Toronto. Mr. Buchanan and daughter, of Mount Forrest, are visiting with the former’s daughter, Mrs. A, A, Drum- mond. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Quttell left on Monday for a few weeks’ vacation with their -son, Dr. Floyd. Gutted, in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. David Graham -and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howson, -all of Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. Moffatt’s. Park Street United Church Sun- day School picnic will foe held in Orono -Community Park on Saturday, September 3rd. Mr. Joe Hall is having his house reshingled by the J ohns Man vide Roofing Go. of Toronto, an asphalt shingle being used. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bagleson, Mrs. E. M. Campbell -and Miss F. Elliott took in the Peter-boro Ex. -on Wed- nesday, August 17 th. Miss Edith S-herwin, of Winnipeg, Mr. a nd Mrs. R. Sherwin and Mrs. C. Moon spent a day in Peterhoro with friends this week, Mrs. Gardner returned to her home in Elizabethville after a few weeks’ visit -with Mr. -and Mrs. Carl Billing's and others in town. Mins. Carl-os- Tarojblyn and Mrs. Fred Tamlblyn were judges a.t the flower show which was held on Wed- nesday of last week at Solina. Mi-ss- Jean Forrester is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Betty Ohidley^ -who is visiting the Misses Ch'idley at “The Lilacsâ€, Newcastle. Mi-, and Mrs. Wm. Inch, of Wes- ton, spent the week-end with -the lat- ter’s mother, Mrs. S. Billings, Mrs, Inch staying over for a week’s visit. Mr. Frank Hall, who is building a new bridge at Harwood for the Ham- ilton Bridge Co., was home for Sun- day. He expects to complete the bridge this week. Mr. Wallace Sisson, who was to have enjoyed a two weeks’ vacation with his mother, Was called back to his office position after a week’s va cation. Mr. and Mrs. F. Brimacombe. Mrs. May Campbell and sister, Mies Flor- ence Elliott, of Minneapolis, and Mrs. J, Bagleson, enjoyed a fine motor trip t0 I-onion Falls -and Millbrook on August 14th ins-t. Mrs. AM. Chapman was happily surprised on Thursday last to have a visit from her brother, Henry Birch, with his daughter, Mrs. Hugh- son, his grandchild, Mts. Swarbaek and great grandchild Ronnie, of Tor- onto, and also Mr. Birch’s1 son Lou and wife of New York. Mr. George Smith, who was hurt in a motor accident some time ago, has resumed his duties again at the hank in Tarn-worth. His manager, Mr. Fred Froste and Mrs. Froste are taking their holidays, at present they are visiting Mr. and ,.Mrs.. Chas. Froste, Orono. Mrs. 1. M. Campbell and Miss F. Elliott, of Minneapolis; Miss Annie Thompson, of Kendal, Mrs., C. Tam- bly-ni, of Woodbridge, and Mrs. Eiagl'e- son, of Orono, were recent visitors with their; aunt, Mrs. F. J. Brima- co-mbe. Mr. .and Mrs. Jas. Tarnblyn were also visitors at the same place. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bagleson arid cou- sins Miss- Mary Fowler, of Lindsay, Mi-s-s Florence Elliott and sister, Mrs. May -Campbell, of Minneapolis, Minn., visited recently at the home of Mrs. E. Oars'cadden, ef Kendal. jVtr. George Lang was in, North Bay Tuesday on a business, trip. Mr- and Mrs. Cecil Powers and son Jiii-i spent Sunday in the BWkhorn district. Mrs. Wm. Riddell, Eileen and Viola Noden spent Wednesday in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Knox has returned home from the Kingston hospital after a serious operation. Miss Mary Tamb'iyn’s modern up- to-date beauty parlor is nearing com- pletion and looks real smart. Mrs. Hazel FUn-toff and children returned home Wednesday morning- after spending a few days in Tor- onto. Mr. Ted Woodyard, local radio dealer, had the interior of his store redecorated, making a big improve- ment. Mrs. Charles Hunter and son Gil- bert, of Lakefiel-d, are spending a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Co-wan, A large number of government -surveyors are at, present surveying at Crooked Creek. No information is being given out for the reason of the survey. Rev. C. T. and Mrs. A-llin, and fam- ily left this morning for their home at O-nargo, 111., after spending two weeks with the Misses A-llin and Clarence. In, last week’-s issue in connection with the Cowan reunion, we said Mr. W. ,J. Cowan of Odhaiwa, was elected president, when it should have read of Orono instead o'f Oshaiwa. MV. O. W. S-cott brought a fine sample of tomatoes into the Times office this week, called Ponty Rose. These tomatoes w-ere large and of a nice color, something of the beefsteak variety. Mr. William Smith, -of King St. West, won the oar at the Bowman- ville Lions Club Carnival on Friday evening of last week. iSmith also re- ceived $35 for selling himself the winning ticket. Am airplane was circling around town, on Wednesday morning, flying- low as if for observation. iS-ome-peo- ple said the occupant was looking over the new race track, and others had different ideas. Mrs. George Richards and daugh- ter Mildred spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto, Mrs. Richards returned home Sunday evening, Mil- dred staying for a week’s holiday, taking in the Exhibition. Mr. Arthur Beamish is busy in his cabinet shop filling orders for lawn chairs, and making clothes- cabinets and other work. So if you are in -need of any special work call on Arthur for estimates in this line. ' Another sunset service will be held in the local park on Sunday, August 28th, at 6.45 p.tm. The service will be taken by Mr. J. J. Meilor and spe- cial music will be rendered- by the choir. Come out and enjoy this ser- vice. Horn Bro. Woollen Co. Ltd., of Lindsay, are giving a special prize to race horse owners. Word was re- ceived on Tuesday that they would -give a woollen blanket to the horse making the fastest time on the new track. Mrs. I. M. Campbell and sister Miss, Florence Elliott, daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. William R. El- liott, of Minneapolis, Mi-im,, accom- panied by their cousin, Mrs. J. Eagle- son, spent Thursday last at Niagara, Falls and. visited cousins in .Wood- foridge and Toronto on Friday and 'Saturday of last week. ' A benefit softball game will be played on the local diamond on Wed- nesday, August 31st, at 6 p.rri. sharp (standard time), between Port Hope and Orono All-Stars, The proceeds will go to help defray the hospital expenses of Harry Davey. This promises to be a good game and a large turnout /.is looked for. Mr. Howard Walsh brought into the Times office a copy of the Wat- rons Manitou, the newspaper that won the Printer & Publisher award for the'best front page among all Canadian Weeklies with a circulation between 500- and 1000, Low. McKen- zie, who made up the front’page is a .nephew of Mr. Howard Walsh and is •a former Orono boy -and at one time worked as clerk for the late Mr. C. G. Armstrong. This is a great honor for Lew and his friends in Orono will: be pleased to hear of hie success. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS ECLIPSE FLOUR 24 lb. bag, 4!c RICE, 3 lbs. 15c. CHIPSO Large pkg. 19c. Small pkg 8c. SHREDDED WHEAT ...............2 FOR...23c SEEDLESS RAISINS .............,2 LBS.........,23c ROSE SALMON ............ ...„.....2 TINS.19c PI CAKE SHORTENING OR MAPLE LEAF LARD, 2 LBS-...25c KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES, large box.2 FOR.......23c GOLD or SURPRISE LAUNDRY SOAP...8 BARS.25c FLY COILS ...:............. .DOZEN....20c EDDY MATCHES...................3 FOR..20c PEANUT BUTTER ...:.............PINT..........22c BLUE RIBBON COCOA ........i LB....22c ROYAL YORK ORANGE PEKOE TEA......LB...59c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP.........2 LB TIN...18c BISCUITS Lemon Creams Cocoa Fruit Delight lb. 15c.: 2 lb. 29c Sani Toilet Tissue 4 rolls for 22c Magic Baking Powder Cash & carry, lb tin 28c. ARMSTRONG’S FALL SHOES Girls ! We have our NEW FALL LOW-HEELED OX- FORDS in. Suedes with leather and patent trim in browns and blacks. Just the thing to begin school in this d*Q à C Pall. Come and see them, they are awfully smart LINEN TOWELLING Pure Linien Tea Towelling, in a checked pattern, 20-in* widfh, reg. 35c. yd., O for only ......... «vv HOUSE DRESSES We have a whole new line of Ladies’ House Dresses, ranging from sizes 14 to 52. This week only, QQ each..... *?«/C WHITE PURSES Only a few of our Summer White Pufseis remain. We Want t o sell them now and you need one at this price- Regular $1.00, for.. 59 C Children’s Pyjamas Made of Krinkle Crepe, in yellow, green, pink and white. Some in one piece, others in two pieces. 7A„ This week only, each ® vV TERRY TOWELLING Heavy Striped Terry Tow- elling, suitable for roller towels, 18-in. width ; Ot a real buy at yd. fcivL. CORSETS For firmness and -support this back-lacing corset of peach coutil has no equal. It has graduated front steels and four elastic hose sup- ports, sizes 26 to <M AA 36 . . «pl.vU SOCKEES Sockees, sizes 5 to- 10 1-2, in all colours, reg. 1 L 20c. pair for ...I... l^iL« Also Cuff Sox, in £* small sizes, pair .Vv« COTTON UNDERWEAR Now is the time for Cotton Underwear. We have it all out on display- Come in and look it over. Our prices are reasonable. COATS Ten Spring Fall Coats, regular value $15.00. We would rather have your money than the coats, all sizes, (|J [J QQ your dioic-e SUITS Men’s English Worsted Suite with 2 Pants, are well made and well lined. Every suit will, give you good wear ........ ..... These Clothes $27.50 OVERCOATS Two weeks ago we bought the sample Winter Coats of the Cook Clothing Co. These coats are ’worth as much as $100.00 each. There are a lot of people that have not seen quality of this kind. Come in and see these coats and see the prices we will give you ora them. Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly, fittèd and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono