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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Aug 1938, p. 7

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Europe Follows Housing Plans regulations Regarding Upkeep Of Houses Are Enforced in Several Countriesâ€"Holland, Sweden, Educate People To Proper Living Conditions, 1m Holland, as in Great Britain, considerable importance is at- tached to effective housing in- • spection and to the enforcement of regulations concerning the up- keep of dwelling's. The Amsterdam housing depart- ment employs 15 specially-trained women estate managers who do social work and carry out inspec- tions. In Sweden, too, the inspec- tion of dwellings for structural defects is done by a specially qualified staff of women. Staff of Inspectors In Stockholm, Sweden, the health department maintains an isolation home containing 40 beds, which is used mainly when dwell- ings need fumigating. And in Am- sterdam a special block of flats is used for the education of peo- ple who have proved to be unsat- isfactory tenants. In Some, Florence and Venice, in special municipally-owned “ho- tels” cheap accommodation is pro- vided for families which are con- sidered unsatisfactory as tenants for new dwellings.. Private Baths Not Common In Sweden there has been diffi- culty in inducing the people to accept more roomy homes, because the. climate and long habit have made them more comfortable when crowded into small rooms. Even in the homes of professional peo- ple it is common to see a bed in the living-room. The only form of bath provided in many of the continental hous- ing schemes is a shower bath, the public bathing pools being re- garded as meeting the general needs. As for equipment, there seems to be a dislike, in European countries, of the small workshop type of kitchen, the kitchen-liv- ingroom being preferred. Tulip Legend Charming Story of This Flower’s Origin Here is a charming little legend -of the tulip, the gay flower with the bright color. It is from Vach- ell’s book “This Was England," “In Devon the pixies are said to cradle their babies in the cups. A woman, so the story runs, rising early to -bathe hér face in May dew, espied the .babies in the flowers, .and forthwith planted more bulbs and established a kindergarten of pixies. To reward her, the fairies caused the tulips to wear brighter colors, than heretofore, and gave them a sweet perfume. Then the woman died and another which took her place, uprooted the tulips. Lo! a miracle! Tulips bloomed gor- geously upon the humble grave of her who had loved them. Then rude feet trampled them down. The fair- ies were , so angry that they took from all tulips their perfume." So today, the beautiful tulips that â- so delight us, have no scent. Swim Champions In Competition Will Battle It Out at The C. N. E. The Ontario Section of the Cana- dian Amateur Swimming Associa- tion holds the Ontario 1 Mile Cham- pionship for Men and for Women at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, on August 27th. On Saturday, September 3rd, all Provincial champions will meet for the 1 mile Senior Canadian Swim- ming Championship at the, C.N.E. The Wrigley plaques for 1 Mile Championships are now held by Gordon Devlin of Toronto, and Phyllis Dewar of Vancouver, The donors of the Trophies, Wm. Wrig- ley Jr. Company Limited, have shown for years a hearty interest in the development of swimming in Canada, and in recent years the amateur swims for Wrigley Tro- phies have created much additional interest, swimming clubs having been inspired in many cities and towns, and in some instances have caused civic authorities to install swimming pools. Following the announcement of additional restrictions on consump- tion of goods and the extension of price control, business in Japan is steadily decreasing. Canadian. investment Securities Out-of-town clients are invited to avail them- selves of the facilities of our organization in the purchase or sale of securities. Investment suggestions upon request. Wood, Gundy & Company, Lim ited j Toronto Ottawa Montreal Hamilton Winnipeg: Vancouver London, Eng, London, Ont, Some Celebration Highlights Founders’ Day Ceremoniesâ€"Of- ficial opening of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition by the Right Hon- ourable Lord Stanley, M.C., M.P., Secretary of State for the Domini- ons. Band Shell, 2.30 p.m., Friday, August 26. Four Dance Bandsâ€"Benny Good- manâ€"King of Swingâ€"Aug. 26, 27, 29; Buddy Rogers and his Holly- wooditesâ€"Aug. 30, 31; GUY LOM- BARDO and his Royal Canadiansâ€" Sept. 1, 2, 3; Buddy Rogers and his Hollywooditesâ€"Sept. 5, 6, 7; Tommy Dorsey and his orchestraâ€" Sept. 8, 9, 10. Top flight bands, in- ternational favourites -of screen, stage and radio, brought to Toronto for those special engagements to inaugurate the New Dance Pavilion -â€"the largest al fresco dance pavi- lion in Canada. Dancing afternoon and evening, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Prices: afternoon 50c per person, and evening $1.00 per person. Military Tattooâ€"Superb military spectacle with massed bands in- cluding that of the Royal Artillery of England. Saturday night, Au- gust 27, only. Thrilling pyrotech- nic finale. General Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 50 and 75 cents. Box seats $1.00. The Decadesâ€"Spectacular Exhi- bition Pageantâ€"Nightly from Au- gust 29 to September 10. Twelve hundred performers on a 1,000 ft stage, depicting 60 years of Cana- dian progress during the life of the Canadian National Exhibition. Crashing pyrotechnic finale of scin- tillating beauty, famous throughout the Americas. General Admission 25c. Reserved seats .50, .75 and $1.00. Box'sea ts $1.50 (six chairs in a box). Canada’s Premier Horse Showâ€" Evenings from September 2 to Sep- tember 10. General admission 25 cents. Reserved seat's 50 cents. Coliseum Arena. Children’s Zooâ€"Collection of ani- mal, reptile'and bird life of great interest, including a special ship- ment of fauna from Europe, a col- lection of interesting jinimal repre- sentatives from Western Canada. Hobby Showâ€"Model Airplanes, Amateur Art, Myriad Novelties. Mezzanine, Automotive Salon. SPORTING EVENTS Sports Eventsâ€"World’s Profes- sional Sculling Championshipâ€"Fri- day, August 26, Sept. 2 and Sept. 9. Bobby Pearce, defending world champion; challengers, Evans Pad- don, Australian champion, George Cook, New South Wales champion, j>-id pi"-- "ve. NA’-th»vn Rivera While In Toronto SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE NEW and SECONDHAND J.fifJ.TAYLQR LIMITED* TORONTO SAFE WORKS Show Rooms 145 Front E. Champion (Australia). Canadian Tandem Canoe 15-Mile Marathon Championship, August 27. Swims â€"Barker Gold Trophy races for Ca- nadian Amateur Championships: 1 mile for Women, Sept. 5; 2 miles for Men, Sept. 5; Canadian Cham- pionshipsâ€"swimming and diving Aug. 27 to Sept. 5. Athletic Dayâ€" Canada’s oldest and best track meetâ€"Sept. 3. Yacht and Dinghy races, August ’27, September 3, 5, 10. Tug-of-War championships, Sept. 3. Weight lifting champion- ships, Sept. 3, 5. Girls’ softball tournament, Sept. 6 to 10. Junior track meet and junior paddling re- gatta, Aug. 29. Canadian Table Tennis Championships, Sept. 8, 9, 10. International Table Tennis Championshipsâ€"Canada vs. U.S., Sept. 9, 10, east wing of Coliseum. World’s championship softball elim- ination tournament for men, Aug. 26 to Sept. 3. Labour Day track meet, Sept. 5. Model Yacht, Regat- ta, Waterfront, Aug. 29 and Sept. 3. Bicycle championships, Sefpt. 10. Joe Louis, world's heavyweight Canadian Mile Winner Gordon Devlin is the present holder of the Wrigley plaque, do- nated for the Canada 1 Mile Championship for Men. boxing champion, and his ‘‘Brown Bombers” softball team will be present for two days in exhibition softball games. The Briggs Beau- tywear softball team, world’s cham- pions, will play Aug. 26 and 27. The Toronto Star Dog Derby- Swimming Race for ‘‘mutts" and thoroughbreds, large and small. Re- gatta Course, Sept. 6, 7, 8. Welsh Imperial Singersâ€"A male choir of trained voices direct from the Welsh hills in concerts at the Coliseum, Aug. 26, 27, 29, 30,-31, Wednesday, Aug. 31, accompanied by Royal Artillery Band. General admission 25c; reserved 50c. Freckle Faced Kids Competition â€"Come and see the fun! The king and queen of Freckledom are crowned on Children’s Day, Mon- day, Aug. 29. North Band Stand. Finals at Band Shell. Model of R.M.S. Queen Maryâ€"- Realistic working model of world’s largest liner, twenty-two feet long, and capable of carrying three pas- sengersâ€"On the Regatta course, Waterfront. Cooking Schoolâ€"At 2.30, broad- cast program at 3.30 and 8.00 p;m. ; Electrical, Engineering and Con- struction Building. Horticultureâ€"Enthralling display of plants, shrubs and flowers in ex- otic settings. A visit to the re- freshing loveliness of this building is a memorable experience. Horti- cultural Building. Horse Judging â€" Harness and Hunter classes, September 2 to September 10. Breeding classes, August 31 to September 8. Coli- seum Arena. Cattle Judging â€" Dairy Breeds, September 1, 2. Beef classes, Sep- tember 3, 5 and 6. Coliseum. Airplane Armadaâ€"Scores of U. S. and Canadian 'planes in spec- tacular formation flights. Friday, Sept. 2, Saturday, Sept. 3. Ãœ A CPU Ai 8 Maple Leaf Stadium . e TORONTO ® EXHIBITION VISITORS will have a chance to see the Maple Leafs in the following Internation- al League games: AUGUST 26â€"27 â€" MONTREAL AUGUST 29â€"30 â€" BUFFALO SEPTEMBER 3 â€" double-header â€" MONTREAL SEPTEMBER 5â€"6 â€"- BUFFALO â€" (two games Labor Day) SEPTEMBER 7-8-9-10 â€" ROCHESTER NIGHT GAMES EVERY DAY EXCEPT LABOR DAY The Horse Show Canada’s premier horse show at the Canadian National Exhibition is held this year from Friday, September 2nd, to Saturday, September 10th. This outstanding event which attracts the aristo- crats of the equine world will be of a character entirely in keeping with the Diamond Jubilee celebra- tion. Canada’s premier horse show is held in the arena of the Colis- eumâ€"the largest exhibition build- ing in the world. European Powers Are Represented No less than eight European powers have taken space up to date, at the Canadian National Exhibition, several of them for the first time. Czechoslovakia and Finland are back again and the new exhibitors include Germany, The Netherlands and Poland. Italy is also present after several sea- sons of being without representa- tion. Fountain Pens Fountain pens have been in use for a much longer period than one realizes. As far back at 1657, in a “Diary of a Journey to Paris," un- der date July 11, a man is men- tioned who “makes pens of silver, in which he puts ink which does not get dry, so, without having to take any, one can write a half- quire of paper at a sitting.” Samuel Pepys, in his Diary, Au- gust 9, 1663, tells us: ‘‘This day I begun to make use of the silver pen to carry inks in.” They were also known as “reservoir pens” and “fountain horns.” Dance Band Favorites Shouts Are Heard Above All Noises Habitues of Times Square, New Yorkâ€"the world’s busiest and noisiest crossroadâ€"were amazed recently by a court verdict fining a 71-year-old woman magazine vendor for shouting her wares so loud she disturbed residents of the district. A sound expert for the prosecu- tion testified that while a voice may not be audible 15 feet away on the street it might have enough decibel power to make it painful- ly audible above the street. Homes of Britain burned an av- erage of three tons of coal in the last year. Many private flyers in South Africa now carry pet dogs in their planes. Learn Hairdressing Diplomas issued by Dominion Chartered School. Visit us while at the Exhibition, Robertson’s Hairdressing 137 Avenue Road I ÏMÃŽ7MQ Specializing i ULillllLlliJ High Class Ta When in Toronto See Our Values and. Bed Linens, Trousseau ord- ers given special attention. Mail orders carefully filled. DONALD MacLEAN Formerly of The John Cut to Co.,» Ltd., 233'YONttH ST., TORONTO WHEN IN TORONTO SEE CASA LOMA Sir Henry Pellatt million dollar Cas- tle-on-the-Hill, Spadina Road, Tor- onto, Hour’s tour thro’ Castle, tow- er, tunnel, stables, art galleries, and coronation room special exhibits and souvenirs. See “The Fall of Nine- veh," (the king and his wives), painted by order of late Emperor Joseph of Austriaâ€"has 29 life size figures on a canvas, 28 feet x. 13 feet, and the Vimy Memorial. Open 10 a.m. till 9 p.m. Adults, 26câ€"Child- ren 15c. Sundays, 25 cents. The largest open air dance pavilion in the world has been rap- idly pushed to completion at the Canadian National Exhibition, where three outstanding dance bandsâ€"all favorites of radio and screen will be heard. These bands are Guy Lombardo and his Eoyal Canadians and the Benny Good- man and Tommy Dorsey units. Organ Recitalsâ€"Outstanding Ca- nadian organists, on the electric organ in the Band Shell. Two con- certs dailyâ€"12 noon to 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Mendelssohn Choir of Tor- ontoâ€"This Internationally famous choral organization in the Band Shell in a recital. 10 p.m. Music,* Day, Thursday, Sept. 1, followed by community singing with Royal Ar- tillery Band. “Sing with Mendels- sohn." Harley- Davidson 1938 Models now on display at our store. Also large assortment of USED MOTORCYCLES to choose from. Prices%lower than any time in our history. We invite you to call and inspect, our stock of Motorcycles while attending the Exhibition. Phone WAverley 9306 Kennedy and Menton 421 COLLEGE ST,, TORONTO Harley-Davidson Distributors When in Toronto Visit HERMAN FURS 700 Bay St., Toronto Furs* at factory to wearer prices FINE CUT Frolexland, music, colour, gaie tyâ€"strange ne w amuse- ment-area attractions. Games of skill, roller coast- er, aeroplanes and ponies,, Novelty devices for thrills and fun. For young and old -â€"Frolexland! The world-famous Royal Artillery Band fromEnglandt Leading Canadian bandsâ€" 50 in all! Music for everyone â€"the Mendelssohn Choir, the Welsh Imperial singers, the dance orchestras of Benny Goodman, Guy Lombardo, Tommy Dorsey, Buddy Rogers! Horse Show! Under the floodlights of the Coliseum Show Kingâ€"some of the world’s finest horses and horsemen! Dozens of excit- ing jumping classes, har- ness horses, ponies ! Even- ings, September 2nd to September 10th, General admission 25 cents. Re- served, 50 cents. “The Decades"! A glorious pageant of colour, music and beauty depicting Canada’s history! 1200 performers on a brilliantly lighted 1000- foot stage ! As a finale each eveningâ€"the most breath- taking pyrotechnic display on the Continent. General admission and reserved seats. Do machines replace mem? See a complete bottling unit, electric stoves being manufactured before your eyes, men’s clothes being expertly tailored. Industry â€" dramatized and spot- lighted for your interest. GEORGE BRIGDEN KLWOOD A. HUGHES President - General Manager

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