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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Aug 1938, p. 8

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ORONO WEEXLY TIMES 17“ NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS P0NTYP00L 'Mr. Win. Rennie was a .business visitor to Orono last week. Step right up boys for your tickets as Teddy only has a couple left. Mr. Neil Porter, of Orono, was a Wednesday visitor to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kei’.oti have returned to their home in Oshawa. 'The castor oil sure has been getting a great call around here the past week or so. Some from the village attended the funeral at Bally dull of the late Wm. .Finney. Miss Hazel Rennie will likely do a.lot of stamping as she is back from her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Porter and son spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr.g Roy Porter. Mrs. James Richardson:, Mrs, Percy MaaMahori, and Miss Evelyn Cully are spending a week at Greenhurst. The band was invited to Bowman- vi He Lions Club on Thursday evening. They are sure keeping up the good work. KIRBY ENTERPRISE Miss Joian Man tell is visiting her .aunt, Mrs. John Moffat! We understand Mr. William Wright has traded h is farm for a home in the city, lA.11 who went to the carnival at Bowmanville last Wednesday evening report an enjoyable time. Miss Dorothy Stainton, of Toronto, has returned home accompanied' by her cousin, Miss Eleanor Rail.sherry. Mr. Irenous Morgan went to Peter- Iboro last week to visit his parents -and while there attended the Exhibi- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Berry, of Toronto, have returned home after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hogg. Mr. John Kendrick spent the past week with his parents and has re- turned to Vaughn, where he has a position. Mrs. Alex. Stevenson and David have returned to their home in Tor- onto after three weeks at Jas. E. Rjanslberry’s. The corn roast at McCrea’s was largely attended on Monday' evening. Oames were played which greatly amused both old and young. Master Ernest R».os-berry, who has been holidaying in Port Hope the past week, returned home with his parents on Sunday accompanied by his cousin, Douglas Bull. Raymond Vann est suffered severe burns from scalding water and steam from a tractor’s overheated radiator on Tuesday. The young man was driv- Mr. Philip Bigelow, of Port Hope High (School staff, was home for a week . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Demill, of Osh- awa, visited Mr. John Brown on (Sunday. Miss Marion Hannon spent Thuro- ay of last week with her mother, Mrs. Win. Batmen. Friends and relatives here of Mrs. John Tambiyn, Orono, are very sorry to hear of her illness. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. M-orrow and his two daughters, Audrey and Helen called for a short visit with A. Mor- row. Messrs. E. R. Bryson, D. A. Mac- kinnon, accompanied by their famil- ies, spent Sunday afternoon at New- castle Beach. We were pleased to have a call last week from Mr. Henry Birch and daughter, of Toronto, also his son, A. R. Birch, New York City. Miss Mary Tallman, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss Mar- ion Bryson and Miss Pearl Morrow, returning home on Sunday. The family of neighbors of Miss Marian McKelvey, who have received ards and letters of description of the ’-urious places she visits have some -perception of the very great pleasure she and her friends are experiencing on- their wonderful trip. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacoan-be, were Mr. John Major, from Liifton, England ;, Mr. J. Harris and daughters, of Agincourt, Mr. and Mr». Eagleson and Miss K. Colville, Orono, Mrs. Mae Campbell and Miss Florence Elliott, daughters of the late Wm. Ellliott, Minneapolis, Mrs. Ella. Thompson, her son and daughter, Mr. Arthur and Miss An- n-1 e Thompson, Kendal, Mrs. Charles Tambiyn, WoodJbridge, Mr. and Mrs. James Tambiyn, Orono. An article appearing in the New- castle item's of July 2-1st, “that it was rumored Mrs. Wm. Rebee Sr. had disposed of her farm to Mr. E. Rinoh is erroneous. Mr. Rinch informed us (fiat he never bought the farm and has no intention of doing so. ! Shaping a nail before driving it into a wall is said to be a good pre- caution against cracking wall plaster. ing a tractor, plowing a field on his father’s farm, a mile south of Enter- prise, when the water in the radiator began to boil. The boy went to the front of the tractor with the inten- tion of taking off the radiator cap. He had no more than loosened this clamp when the oaip Hew up and steam sprayed his face, .arms and 'â- lest. FOR YEARS the name of Delà My has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono »ti 11 n â€" 6 BOW IV! AN VILLE Mr: I’. Sutton-s, violin -class .for â- orchestra work begins on Sept. 1st. Young men interested should avail themselves of this opportunity to get into this. The Legion Band advertised an -open air concert (Sunday evening at the beach but the rain called a halt. The season is coming to a close -and the weatherman can’t be depended bn as the days shorten up. Now that we have a number of Rotary and' Lions Club carnivals it will be in order for the next to have the committee that has -charge of -vaudeville features to think of fresh -ideas in connection therewith and a year -ahead is not too early to start. W-e notice Orono fair people are on the job with new features and even the big Toronto show have to be on the job good and early if they wish to hol'd the public. Nothing should be allowed to grow stale and a year soon slips -around. (So get busy. Oshaiwa Fair is (Sept. 12 to the 14th, Orono is Sept, 20th and 21st, and with good weather and good crops stored .away, a good holiday or two will do -all a power of good. So make calculations to be in Orono on the above dates. You know the whole -outfit depends on the farming com munity, although some nit-wits do -not think so. IS© when the farming community are doing well the whole (community, town ip-eonle and all, are benefitted thereby. So show your presence in Orono on Fair day and show that you are interested. The last four cars- that have 'been put up. at this town for .Rotary, Lions Clubs -and so on have been won by residents of this burg. We notice many districts -will not, allow the sale of tickets for cars. Well, we suppose it is on- the same principle that pos- sessed the powers that be in this town when they taxed circus and menager- ies s-o high that they gave the town the “go by.” The authorities thought. the show people took away more money than they spent, but just the same they spent a large sum, espe- cially when they travelled by .horse- drawn chariots, 'and especial, farmers who sold tons of hay and oats to feed the animals, and the butchers wh,: got rid of surplus stacks of meat, but this was- in- the good old days of Van A n-berg and shows of that period No doubt many music lovers, e=pe dally bandsmen will take in the Eng •Hah band prograr s at the Toron k Ex. We have not learned what day is Music Day for local bands, not L iving a program, but east of Tor "if o bands are not particularly in erested in â- competition: work. Why ve cannot say, Oshawa being the on ly place to send a band for that pur pose from .this district. We notice : new number of piano teacher on the list this new term, but one or two violin teachers, quite a number of youngsters on- brass band instruments but choir and vocal work seems to lie awaiting for cooler weather, anyway the good work of music teaching and practice -should not be neglected, no reason why we should have a fair or chestra and band in this town, a boys1 band, three or four good choirs, a glee club and -a dramatic society and an, .occasional old-time minstrel show, but with real songs, not that insanity species “See Me Wiggle My Ears -vw-li is anything but edifying. That certainly was some crowd that filled the Rotary Park on Thursday evening of last week, the occasion be ni g the Lions Club annual carnival and the weather being of the best brought out a splendid throng of peo pE from Port Hope, Whitby, Oshawa Or no, and all points of the County The parade was a very good one -and +he music by the different bands was as usual very good. Port Hope band in their dark blue -suits looked and •ph-.-ed well, so with Whitby in rind white uniform, and for a youngster’s I :d did -good work, but we are ml ways- pleased to have the girls’ flute band from Oshawa at those func- tions. they root only play well but look fine, especially on parade, as they play by note and have the pro- per instrumentation and their play- ing- appeals to music lo-ving people more so than the -regular fife -and drum-s, -and another feature is their -natty dress. They are .a credi t to--the •City of Oshawa and a feature in- any -parade. The children in the parade with their pet dogs, rabbits, and" so on certainly - took with both old and young, land the bicycle corps from Oshawa was a novelty in this district -and presented a good leading front for the parade. The Canadian Legion Band led the oa.val-cade and weather being fine the-band-men were not furn- ished with excessive perspiration. The different booths did a good business and -the Lions Chancellor of the NEWTONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. .Bruce Elliott motor- ed to Tweed on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Morris visited friends at Wellington recently. Mr.s Win. Shaw, Oslmwa, -spent Thursday with Mrs. D. Kaufman. Mrs. Willis -Jones and family visit- ed Wark worth friends last week. Miss Florence Burley was a week- end guest of Miss Jean Marvin, Mor- â-  rish. Mr. Brock Pethick attained' his 85th (birthday on Thursday, August 18th. ' Mrs, Tambiyn, Toronto, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Morris. Mrs. Keeler, Orillia, visited her sister, Mlrs. Chas. Snell, over the week-end. Mrs. J. H. Couch and family are holidaying with her sister, Mrs. R. Ounne.!, Hamilton. Mr. Melville .Tones and his mother, Mrs.. G. W. Jones made a trip to Toronto on Friday.. Mrs. John Jackson and. Joan Fos- ter visited Mr. and Mrs. G. N. -Smith, Starkiville, over the weeke-end. Master Melville M.errill and Mas- ter Del] Merrill, Wark worth, spent the week-end with their co-usin, Bud Jones. Mr. -and Mrs. George McCullough -and La ureen and Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick spent Sunday with friends- at Mid-brook. New ton ville girls gained a, victory over Coho urg Frid ay with a score of -20 to 15. IMfes Lena Kimball was injured during the game. Mr. and Mrs. Trenouth, Napanee, his sister, -Miss Trenouth and niece, Miss (Sheridan, Sa tilt >Ste. Marie, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick. Mr. Ronald Bu-rley, accompanied by some P-ort Hope friends motored to Ottawa on Wednesday, returning dur- ing the week-end by way of Callan- der. Mr. and Mrs. defend Lane visited tier sister, Mrs. J. Moore, Scotland, Ont., over the week-end and during their absence Mrs. Harry Lane, Col- in,rue, looked after their household. June, 1938, being the twenty-fifth .anniversary of the Provincial an- nual of the WATS, of the Presbyter- ian (Church, the Newto-nville branch took the opportunity of celebrating the occasion Wednesday, August 17, by holding a picnic at the home of Mrs. Ernest Haigh. A most enjoy- able time was spent in participating in games of various kinds under the direction of Mrs. F. Laiw, (after which a delightful lunch was served on the -lawn. SIXTH UNE As I write Mr. John Stone is threshing for Mr. F. Cornish. Mr. B,,li Lunn is his efficient helper. ,Sixth line people are now thinking of the proposed picnic in the Orono Park on Labor Day and anticipate a, pleasant time and reunion of Sixth Liners from far and near. There is -a most unanimous wish with their neighbors that operations in drilling for water on the farm of A. Oat-heart and Son at present may result in: success for our esteemed neighbor in this venture. We are informed that Mr. Wm. Cdtibledick has leased his farm, Lot 20, Con. 5, to Mr. George Glam, ville, Kirby, and your scribe as well- as a host of their friends regard the fam- ily as first-class neighbors. Mrs. Theodore Moll-er, Reg. N,, from near Hackensack, N.Y.. is a visitor at the home of her uncle, John Stewart, and Nurse Miss Jean (Stew- art is- also- a visitor at home. Little Miss Mmianne Bleak ley and Master Cliff. (Stalker also spent a pleasant Holiday at this home. Mrs. Christiana Henry, Miss Cath- erine 'Stewart and Messrs. George Cooper -and Neil Stewart were visi- tors on Friday last at the. home of Mrs. Sarah Hancock, Dublin -Street, . Peierbcivo. who was a former resident ; of the Sixth Line -as . Miss Sarah Cooper and who now is critically 1 ill. ’ - -Exchequer will • ha-ve something to work on during the year. The res- taurants of the town did a land office -trade during the, -evening -and ,far into the night and towards midnight the people began to hunt up their motor cars which were parked all over the front and side streets ia,nd hie them for home and bed. It was a great occasion and the Lions are to be congratulated on the success of the carnival. MBEMMim^aügffiSBiaMi mmsmammimt' -Mir-y-tfggiiiBft wmasmmaammm Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO SPECIAL VALUES IN TIMELY SUMMER NEEDS PEARSON’S FLY SPRAY .......GALLON.....$1.00 KRESO-DIP ...QUART.........75c. GALLON..$2.25 OUR OWN FLY SPRAY, DOUBLE STRENGTH GUARANTEED 1-2 GALLON..50c. 1 GALLON...85c- 10 Cents Less in you-r container REX FLY SWATS, WELL MADE....SPECIAL...,9c. WILSON’S FLY PADS ... ..... PER PKG..,10c. 3 FOR...............................25c TANGLEFOOT FLY PAPERS......2 SHEETS...5c. RED SEAL FLY COILS...PKG OF 5 COILS..10c. Special in Wallpaper Ends TO MAKE SPACE FOR THE NEW FALL SAMPLES OF SUNWORTHY PAPERS Room lots, complete; with borders, priced as low as 49c., 79c. 89c. and 99c. Gome in and see these Exceptional Values in 1938 papers You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store SPECIAL FEATURE SALE DAYS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AUGUST 25th, 26th, 27th Select Values in all Departments- Watch for Sale Bills in the mail today BOYS’ READY TIED TIES, NEW NEAT PAT- TERNS WITH NOVELTY ............ 20c For Best Résulte use STEDMAN’S DIAMOND S PAINTS and ENAMELSâ€"NEW LOW PRICES Grocery Specials BROWN’S BREAD, wrapped, 'sliced ..... 9c LIBBY’S COOKED SPAGHETTI, with Tomato Sauce and Cheese. SPECIAL, 3 for ........*. 25c ARRROW BLEND TEA, uniform quality, 1-2 lb.. 25c FANCY SARDINES in OIL. SPECIAL 6 for ... 25c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE ' PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co ] All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised

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