ORO.VO WEEKLY TIMES KIRBY Mr. C. L. Powers called' bn friends here on Saturday evening. Come again. Miss Jean Mackinnon, who is on the staff of the Bank of | Montreal, spent the week-end and holiday under the parental roof. Our school has opened \ up again under the able .'management of Mr. Lome Wannon, who is quite, popular -with the pupils -and public in gen- eral. Pleased to see Mr, and I Mrs. Sid Eiu-therford in our midst on S-un-day and we join, in extending our best wises to this- popular young c-ouple for a long "and happy life together. Mr. Arthur Manning spoilt a short visit with A. Morrow on Monday last and he advised Andy to resign his office as captain of the Kirby Fire Brigade. Thirty-five years should demand an honorary! member- ship. ®ev. S. Littlewood occupied the pulpit here on Sunday and. gave- us an interesting sermon, touching on the “Elite†at times quite right, or perhaps those who consider that is the rank they belong to, art} laboring under a mistake. Mr. and Mrs. Oriey Chapman and his mother, Mrs. Tilley Chapman, and Misses L. and E. Woods’ daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood, left here for a trip to Flint, Mioli., where they intend spending a few days with relatives and friends. We noticed that the Port Hope softball team suffered a severe "defeat by the Orono team. Well,; tha-t’s 'all that could be expected as one of Kir- by’s former sports viz., J. E|. Powers was holding the boys from the Ganaraskey Hiver almost scoreless to the last. Miss Marion McKelvey and her partner Miss Reading have seen some strange country since leaving here a month -ago. They visited at Salt Lake City. San Francisco, California, Seat- tle, Washing-ton, returning by Van- couver, B.-C. and Chicago. Without a doubt they have had a grand and well deserved trip. Mir. George Forbes* gnivdcn is Worth admiring at the present. George has seen too many .artistic de- signs on Orono’s beautiful refores- trati on plant to take second place to -the best. At gardening ti is- doubtful if the reforestation pant’s flowers and park can be surpassed in Ontario, and Mr. Meredith Linton deserves great credit as superintendent over such an enterprise. P0NTYP00L Mrs. James Malley spent a few days in Peterlbôi'o last week. Mr. Jack Malley is spending a couple of days in Toronto. Mr. Keith Porter is spending a feiw days with Mr. Roy Porter. -Mrs. Hart was a business visitor to Lindsay on Friday and 'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Malley, of New- castle, were week-end visitors in the village. Dr. Mae Neil lias returned back to town and has been kept busy since his return. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and family left for their home, at Brantford on Monday. Mr. Neil Porter and family, of Or-ono, were in the village last week on business. Mr. and- Mrs. Worn. Rennie and family were in Toronto on -Sunday and Monday. George has got to get back to work. We guess he wishes his holidays would last forever. Mr. George Wilder and Nelson and Joe Richardson spent -a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. and -Mrs. Leonard Kellett and daughter are spending a few dayà with Mrs. James Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Porter and baby spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles -Porter -and attended the funeral of Mrs. F'a'ilis, The Women’s Association had a quilting in the basement, of the -church -last Wednesday. Step right up with your quilts as the cold weath- er is just around the corner. The “milk†man in Los Angeles now delivers bottled juices of celery, spinach, Jeets, cocoanut, rhubarb and parsley. COWANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Perrin motored to Peterboro, Belleville and Eastern points last week. Mir. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Ross and Lloyd, were week-ed visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gariapi, of Tor- onto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and- Mrs. Brooks Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Ford, of Newcastle. Mr., and Mrs. Win-. Watters-on, of Welland, were recent visitors at the Stephens home. Mr. Alfred Perrin,! Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Simpson and family and Mr. A. J, Knox went to Hamilton to a shooting m'atoh. Mrs, D. Rogers and daughter, Mrs. B. Ro'binson and son, Mrs. Fleming, Miss Carmel Stringer and Mr. Orville Stringer, Kirkland Lake, are visitors with Mr. and1 Mrs. J., J. W. Stringer. An electrically lighted microscope is an aid to surgeons for magnifying delicate structures during an opera tion. 'â€""I FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship j and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even niore than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and n^aintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a propos will gladly go into details in connection so can intelligently come to a decision. years of ition, we that you THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS For further particulars see our local a£;ent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono NEWTONVILLE Air. Howard Bellamy is on the sick list. Mr. Melville Jones was in Toronto on Friday. Mrs. John Couch and family have returned from Hamilton. Mrs. Av-ery and Children have re- turned home from Oaetlèton. Miss Annie Anderson, of Port Hope, was home over Sunday. Mr. George Payne .has sold his farm to his nephew, Mr. Poland Payne. Mrs, Ho-akin, Percy and Rena attended the funeral of Mrs. John Tamlblyn, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stapleton, of Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton on Sunday. Misses Audrey Burley and Inn niece Milligan left Saturday to take posi- tions in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs1. Wright, of Ennis- killen, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, of Port Hope, visited her parents, Mr, and -Mrs. George E. Stapleton. Mr. MacGregor Jones, Markham, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and M'rs. Dudley J ones. Mr. and Mrs, Max -Stapleton and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Gor- don, Elizaibethville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster and family, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley and Brown md son, MiDbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs, George McCullough on Sunday. Mrs. James Bareli has gone home with her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, of Toronto, for a rest after her recent illness," -Miss Helen Bryan, Port Hope, Miss Lois Wood and Mr. Jim Wood, Orono, visited Rena Hoskin on Wed- nesday. Mias Marion Samis has been nurs- ing Mrs. Qu-an trill, Kendal, and was alternate nurse for Mr. Jacob Hallo- well, Starkville, Come and hear Mrs. (Dr.) Sle- m-oh, Bdwmanville, at the W.M.S. meeting in the U. C. basement, on Tuesday, September 13th. Mrs. G. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones and Bud, and Mrs. I, iStark, of Starkville, motored to Cal- lander during the week-end. U. C. S. S. Anniversary Septem- ber 11th, at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 pan. Mr. A. A. Martin, I. P. S., Brighton, will be in charge o-f both services. The Nmnoiiviiiv Girls’- softball team entertained with a weiuer roast at their cottage on Lake Scugog one evening last week. They came home on Sunday. Among those attending Toronto Exhibition from here were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McKay, Mr. EJb. Staple- ou -and Mr. Win. Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell Mr. J. T. Pearce was home from Carle:on Place aver the week-end. -M-r. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and Al- l-in, of Welcome, -also visited the Pearce home on Sunday. Mrs. Bee, who has been helping to- icare for her uncle, Mr. Mitchell Zea- land, returned to her home at Quay’s Crossing, on Monday in time for her daughter, Mlarion, to resume school. -Sympathy is extended to Mrs. J. -Barrie on account of the death of her uncle, Mr. J. Oobbledick, at New- cflistle. M'r. and Mrs. Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. L. Cole attended the fu neilaii. â- J STARKVILLE (Too late for last week) Miss Jean Campbell visited her friend, Mi-ss' Phylis Gilmer. Misés® Beulah ' and Norma Hallo- we 1 visited friends in Toronto. Mr. Laverne Farrow -attended the Toronto Exhibition on- Wednesday. Mrs. 'Silver and daughter, Mrs. Bert Trim, visited - friends at Ux- bridge. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow upon the arrival of -a baby boy. Mr. -and Mrs. Robert Sa in.-bury, of Port Hope, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savery. We are- sorry to report Mr. Jake I Iff] lowed on the sick list with a nurse in anendah.ee. Miss Meda I failowell is holidaying with the “Newt'o-nivil-le Girls’ Softball team at View Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ross 1 hallo well spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. loawr- enee White, Maple. Grove. Miss Lena Farrow has returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. Miss Bertha HalloweM. and Mr. Frank Rennet, of Toronto, are spend- NEWCASTLE Miss Vivian Duck spent three weeks with friends in Beaverton. Miss Muriel Bradley was home from Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, of Coibonic, were week-end guests with Miss B. -S. McIntosh. Mr. John Coombs, the new High School Principal, is staying at the ‘Newcastle Arms.†Mrs. W. H. Gibson'has accompan- ied a party of friends on a motor trip to the Gaspe. -Mr. Wells, off the Bank of Com- merce, spent the holiday with his parents in Bfelleville. (Mr. Jack Toms is h-om-e from the Toronto General Hospital, still wear- ing a east but able to get about. Mr. and 1rs. Fred Gibson have been over from New York State visit- ing their .mother, Mrs. Tom Gibson. Mr. Robert Duck is in charge of he new meat, department which has been installed in Mr. Emerson Fish- er’s store. Mrs. B. S, Hunter, Miss B'aibara and Mr. Jim Hunter, of Toronto, -were guests of Mr. R. P. Butler over the week-end. Miss Patricia and Miss Margaret -Pdarce, Miss Vivian. Duck and Mr. Tom Brereton are now attending Bawmanville High School. Miss Ethel Lockhart has gone on ai motor trip to Cape Cod and Boston with Miss Olive Thorn and Mr. Gowan Ardagh of Toronto. Mrs. Clarence Batty, Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mrs. Floyd Butler and Mrs. Chris Law attended a bowling tour- nament in Oshwa on Thursday last. Mrs. E. W. Gibson visited friends in Toronto for a week and upon her return was accompanied by Miss Jem Cowans and Mr. W'm. Sanders of iSt-anville. Miss Salome Howard, Mr. Allan Howard, Miss Arrest a Martin, Miss Clara Oaew-ell, Mr, Murray Butler and Miss Minnie Pearce spent the week-end with their respective par- ents. Dr. L-eRoy Ha finer, of New York, visited Mrs. George Eilbeck over Labor Day and upon his return was accompanied by Mrs. Haffner and Mrs. Richard Turner, Mrs. Brad- ford Kay is remaining with her mother for some time. A number of cottagers at the Lake 'Shore and some ,,f the towns' folk had the great pleasure of attending a recital given at “Copper Beiach†by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adaskin on 'Sunday evening. It was a great treat to hear these well known musi- cians who have been summering here and who leave shortly for Toronto where they have been accepted for radio broadcasts. ing a few days at Mr. Jacob Hallo- well’s. 'Mrs. Alex. Barclay and Barbara have returned home after spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Savery. M'rs. A. A. Martin, of Brighton, is with her mother, Mrs. John Mc- Kay. We" are glad to report Mrs. McKay feeling some better. Harvest Home Service was con- ducted 'Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Beech to, a good congregation. Our choir furnished special music. There was lots of excitement around otir corners a few days ago when over one hundred men looked over some of our farms, three days in succession. Some say an airport, some say drawing a map. Now we just wonder ! (Miss Ruth Savery spent the week- end with friends in Osh-awa. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Todd attended the Exhibition on Thursday. Mrs. I. B. Stark accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones on -a trip to â- Osllendar. -Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Hallowed! at- .tended a Golden Wedding at Mr. and 'Mrs. J. J. White’s, EliziUb-etii-ville, on Wedensday. iM'r. Harold Barrowelough, with her mother, Mrs. John McKay ; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Savery. I Week-end, visitors: Mrs. Ed. White with her daughter, Mrs. Rose Hal- lowed ; Mr." and Mrs. Alex .Prou'tt and' 'her father, Mr. W. E. Gilban'k, with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Todd on •Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark at hia mother’s; Mrs. Rnliagh. Mrs. 'Gordon and Miss Kathleen McKay, with Mr. and Mrs. W. À. "Hall'owell ; Mr. Bill Bird, of Belleville, called on friends. > , GUest-size towels have real .useful- ness for small childrenâ€"two-year- olds can m a age them better than big towels. Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO SPECIAL VALUES IN Timely Fall Items FOURSQUARE A.S.A. TABLETS .PER TIN.15c. FOURSQUARE CHEST RUB ..LARGE JAR.29c FOURSQUARE MINERAL OIL..16 OZ BOTTLE FOR..................,.... 49c. FOURSQUARE MINERAL OIL.,.40 OZ BOTTLE FOR ......... ..... ... .!.,89c. FOURSQUARE EPSOM SALTS .8 OZ TIN. .. 9c FOURSQUARE EPSOM SALTS ....16 OZ TIN..15c CERESAN The dust treatment for fall wheat d* i one pound tin - 4) 1 • VV FORMALDEHYDE One pound - - - : 25c CYANOGAS à lb. - - 50c 1 lb. - - 85c 5 lb. - - $3.25 You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store Are Your Buildings Protected FROM THE FALL AND WINTER STORMS ? A good coat or two of STEDMAN’S DIAMOND S- PAINT 'will help 'to preserve as well a)s beautify yotir buildings .You will; be pleased with the results as well as the LOW COST of the paint. Just received out* NEW FALL PURSES ...,59c. and 98c. STERLING 4-PLY KNITTING WOOL for knitting Sweaters, Scarves, fine for sportswear, 2 full one ounce balls "for ........,...ApL...*..... ..25c. ELECTRIC LAMPS, 30 and 60 watt.2 FOR...25c... Grocery Specials CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP 2 for 11c. WHEAT PUFFS, 2 full 6 oz p'kgs..15c. PURE LARD, 2 one-poùnd pkgs....25c. BORAX, makes clothes soft and whiter, per pkg. .................. 8c SHERRI FF S JELLY POWDERS ...6 FOR 25c. FINE OLD CHEESE ! .........PER LB 25c. HABITANT PEA SOUP......2 LARGE CANS...15c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL JThe Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE â€" - PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal&Lumber Co All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised