Births, Marriages Register Increase In Canada the First Seven Months of 1938 Over Same Period Last .Year. More marriages, more births and fewer deaths are reported by 'the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in a comparative statement of vital statistics for the first seven months of this year and the same period in 1937, Based on reports from 67 cities and towns of 10,000 population and over, the statement shows that from January to July inclusive there were 48,874 births, 30,770 deaths and 21,634 marriages. During1 the same period Iasi; year tjie figures wereâ€"births 47,- 430, deaths 32,481, marriages 20,- 871. Labor Minister Named Speaker of the Ontario Legisla- ture since 1934, Hon. Norman C. Hipel, of Preston, Ont., will enter’ the cabinet, of Premier M. F. Hep- burn as minister of labor. The portfolio has been administered by the minister of lands and forests since death of the former labor minister, Hon. M. M. McBride. Urges Nation To Take Over Food Control Virtual nationalization of the food industry of Great Britain, anti the creation of boards to en- sure low prices in the interest of public health, are advocated in a sensational document which has been drawn up by a body of emin- ent scientists and public adminis- trators who have been studying the grave effects of malnutrition in the country. Famous Scientists The memorandum, issued by the Committee Against Malnutrition, points out that the majority of people of Great Britain at present cannot afford to buy certain es- sential foodstuffs. Among the famous scientists contributing to this memorandum, are Dr. Julian Huxley, secretary â- of the Zoological Society; W. E. Le Gros Clark, Oxford professor of anatomy; A. St. G. Huggert, professor of physiology at London University; Sir F. Gowland Hop- kins, professor of bio-chemistry at Cambridge University, and V. II. Mottram, dietetic expert of Lon- don University.. Food boards, the scientists say, should be established under the control of a responsible cabinet minister tor control prices in such a way as to ensure supplies which are not at present ensured by the operation of the law of supply and demand. To Ensure Good Quality -7' The boards would also market these supplies through public con- cerns, thus ensuring low prices and good quality. It is argued that a steadily ris- ing demand for foodstuffs would encourage the producers to" be much more enterprising. It is also advocated that the Government make itself respons- ible for free dinners for all school children. Selassie’s Crown * Offered for $2,500 ..HOME,â€"The newspaper Mess- ages reported last week that the golden crown of Haile Selassie, once Emperor of Ethiopia, has glased on sale by a London USUIS- for a price of £500." The crown, studded, with 718 Sliamonds, is a “great. bargain at ueh a small price,†the newspa- per’s London correspondent re- ported, “provided that the diam- dfods are not made of glass,†At! SALIT.; _____ Wef spgTOme.â€"mso=-',StraHbrd, Limited, 35 Gerrard West, Tor- †FMtivmnVfe Lyôns* MID-SUMMER SALE Reconditioned Furniture This is a splendid opportunity to buy really high class, reconditioned furniture at a fraction of the real value. Every article thoroughly cleaned, reconditioned and sold un- der a positive money back guaran- tee of satisfaction. All goods care- fully packed for safe shipment, on receipt of money order. Special at- tention given to mail orders. Mahogany bed room suite, cliiffonier, triple mirror van- ity and full size bed with sagless spring and ne-W mattress. Walnut finish, bed room suite, dresser, chiffonier> full size bed and sagless spring. «LIT Beautiful four piece suite in *P*® rich walnut finish, dresser, vanity, full size bed, chiffonier and sagless spring. &C0 Barge walnut finish suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed,, s agi ess spring and new all felt mattress. Çûû Large suite in two tone vval- *** nut finish, dresser, large triple mirror, vanity, chi f fro be, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new mattress. &7Q Solid walnut, modern suite, 7** large dresser vanity, chiffon- ier, full size bed and sagless spring. $19. KA Oak dining room suite, buffet, extension table a n d ti le a t h e r s eat chairs. <$0,4 tfA Beautiful quarter cut oak suite, large buffet, exten- sion table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. Nine piece English oak suite, büffet, chipa ..cabinet, exten- sion table and 6 leather seat chairs. Perfect. jMQ Beautiful y piece suite, rich *** walnut finish, buffet, exten- sion table, china cabinet and 6 lea- ther upholstered chairs. English oak suite, buffet, ex- *** tension table, china cabinet ,;and 6 leather upholstered chairs. $79. $oIi(3 walnut suite, buffet, *** . cabinet,- extension table and 5 chairs -in blue leather, egg Larg4 solid walnut suite, buf- *#/ fet; cabinet, extension table and f> 1 ;at.her upholstered chairs, Perfect, r . $109 f buffet, .[h table fin| feet 'Ctmcf $129 cabinet,," tï f u 1 leaù $19 cushions* $29 *J repp material. Marshall spring’*' cushions; $32 uti f’u 1 8 piece, suite, up- ^ bolstered in French jacquard, Marshall, spring reversible cushions. $39 Smart . •* Piece suite, uphol- ^ stored in brown novelty repp, reversible Marshall spring cushions, show-wood fronts. $45 3 piece suite, upholstered in v good repp material, rust shade, perfect condition, reversible Marshal) spring cushions. $55 Beautiful 8 piece Mohair suite ", (cost new about $225) revers- ible Marshall cushions, walnut show wood facings. Perfect condition. Large «assortment, stoves, kitchen cabinets, sewing- machines, dressers, chiffoniers, beds, ice boxes, studio couches, rugs, . etc., at amazingly low prices. Special attention given to mail orders. Every article thor- oughly reconditioned, carefully packed for safe shipment on receipt of money order. Money back guarantee of . sfatisf action. Write for free illustrated catalogue. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT 478 Yonge St, Toronto I \STIÃŽ V <T1 ON S ' IF YOU. LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH Or pain tâ€"-Write for Talent. Test (No Fee). Give age and occupa- tion. Box. 14, Room 481, .73 Ade- laide St. W., Toronto. IJl-lSICiiVIXG SOHOOl, FOR CI.OTHI1VÃ" OX LASSO'S . PRACTICAL SCHOOL of Designing and Ratternmakitig' for ladies' and gentlemen’s gar- menls. dressmaking, and fur de~ sign Pie Correspondence courses if necessary. Day and evening- classes.: individual instruction, Write for information." 85 Avenue Road, Toronto, DEVELOPING AND PRINTING BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENT FREE â€"iROss developed and eight prints "45c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mail" Order Photo Service, Pox S 6 9. Peterborough, Ont, EDUCATIONAL "MATRICULATION COLLEGE,†20 leading- school for matriculation Bloor West, Toronto, Ontario's in ten months.; day-evenings. .FANNING -MILL FANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Grader, guaranteed to greatly in- crease your crop. Klihc Ma.nttfae- ’tuning, Islington, Ont. nursery stock : " RARE and hardy ornament- alsâ€"Send for pur latest fall plant- ing catalogue. Full descriptions of a wide assortment of lilies rockery plants and other peren- nial flowers, also fruit for the colder parts. Special offers; pre- mium with each order. Only strong roots and sturdy freïS shipped. Delivery in good condi- tion guaranteed. The Manitoba -rdy Plant Nursery, Dropmore, TRACTOR MAGNETO AND GENERATOR REPAIRS SEND US YOUR TRACTOR MAGNE- to and Generator, Repairs. We save you money. Allanson Armature Manfr., 855 Bay St., Toronto. îrtising •Eli PROPERTY WANTED 1SER IS INTERESTED IN mrsing Ontario Weekly. News- paper. Can make reasonable down payment in cash and monthly pay- ments for balance. Must include good ;iob business and well estab- lished newspaper in growing dis- trict. G, Emerson, 9 Delaware Ave., Toronto. ODOURLESS TOILETS YOU CAN HAVE CITY CONVENI- ences in your village or farm home without water supply or sewers Write for free information on our modern, self-emptying, odourless Toilets from $35.00 up and leave behind for ever the dread out- house with its flies, cold and un- healthy discomforts. Kaustine En- gineering Company. 104 Portland Street. Toronto. Ont. WAverley 8085. PHOTOGRAPHY ROLL FILM DEVELOPEDâ€"EIGHT prints 25c; reprints 8 for 25c. Free enlargement with 25c order. Es- tablished over 25 years. Bright- ling Studio, 20 Richmond St. East, Toronto. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 4 to 24 weeks. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, White Leghorns. Also: started chicks, pullets and cockerels all ages. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER LEFT. Cockerels Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, 9 weeks $23.95, 6 to 7 weeks $21.95, 4 weeks 20%, 3 weeks 15%. Large egg quality add le. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. SPORTING GOODS CATALOGUE SHOWING RIFLES, guns, ammunitions, gun sights and sundries. Hunters, trappers, pros- pectors needs,'ail priced low. Write for your copy today. Halls m, Dept. L; Toronto, Ontario, SILVER LINING tom tooth pulled out, s wise as I used to wuz â€"â€"â€"ow, without a doubt, Less brains don’t hurt like the toothache duz. Gob â€" "At the dance Thursday night my suspenders broke right in the middle of the dance floor.†She â€" ‘‘Weren’t you terribly em- barrassed?†Gob -- “No, my roommate had them on.†A statesman, plagued by authors who sent him their books to read, had a regular form of receipt mail- ed back, stating: ‘‘Mr.----------in- tends to lose no time in perusing your book.†There is a great deal of satisfac- tion in looking back if the train- ing of children has turned out well; O’Brien had five or six husky sohs that attracted attention: Clancy â€" “’Tis a fine lot of boys ye have, O’Brien.†O’Brien . â- I'They are that, And I never had to raise me hand ag- ainst them. except in self-defense.’’ Nothing-, annoys a woman more than having her friends drop in " and find the house looking just like it usually does, Visitor ~~ “How old are you, son- ny?" Boston Boy râ€" “That’s hard to say, sir. ; According to my latest school tests r have a psychological age of 11 and a moral age of 10, Anatomically, I’m 7; mentally, I'm 9. But I suppose you refer to my chronological age. That’s. 8 â€" but nobody pays 'any attention, to that these days!.†SCHOOLBOY HOWLERS Momentum is something to give a person when they are leaving. Jacob, son of Issac, stole his bro- ther’s birthmark. The letters “M.D.†signify Men- tally Deficient.†Vesuvius is a volcano, and if you climb to the top you will see a creator smoking. Science is material but religion is immaterial. A HAPPY REMINDER! While in town get your copy of this week's Toronto Stas Weekly. Coleman Lantern Defies Hurricane Hurricane winds exceeding 100 mileS Per hour cannot extinguish the light of a Coleman Pressure Mantle Lantern, according to tests conducted recently by engineers of the Cessna Aircraft Company of Wichita, Kansas’. A standard Coleman Gasoline Lantern, Model No. 242-B, was Placed in a wind-tunnelâ€"a device designed to create winds of any desired velocity for use in the test- ing of airplane parts and construc- tion. The lantern then was sub- jected to a gale of 105 miles per hour. Mr. Tom Salter, the aircraft engineer in charge of the test, gave the Coleman Lamp and Stove Co. an affidavit statihg that the Cole- man Lantern would give depend- able lighting service under this terrific wind velocity. The extreme power of a bundred- mile-an-hour xvind can be better ap- preciated when it is remembered that a genuine hurricane, as offi- cially defined by the Weather Bu- reau, is a wind “exceeding 75 miles per hour.†Newspaper readers will recall the many hurricanes which have bat- tered the state of Florida. In 1935 a hurricane which struck Florida literally demolished almost every structure â- within its thirty-mile path. More recently, ou Sept, 1 of this year, newspaper reports de- scribed a violent typhoon which battered Tokyo, Japan. According to reports, the typhoon “left in its wake vast destruction across East- ern Japan.†Hundreds of people were injured and many were kill- ed. Railroad and communication services were paralyzed. And the wind, said by: the weather. bureau to be the worst in 30 years, was blowing 75 miles per hourâ€"or 30 miles per-hour less than the wind resisted by this gasoline,lantern. Coleman engineers explain that the Coleman Lantern’s ability, to, withstand high winds is due to the manner in which the heat resisting glass globe is designed to deflect moving air away from the lighted mantels. Openings which admit air for combustion are sized and placed in such a manner as to prevent di- rect blasts of air from striking the point of illumination. This same globe protects the Coleman Lantern from insects and from rain, making it the greatest outdoor light. (Conducted by Professor Bell of the O. A. C., Guelph) 1. Q. ‘Will you please advise me if lime would take the place of fer- tilizer (second place) when prepar- ing the spring soil for seeding, and also on the corn soil, and would it benefit the hay and pastures? I do not feel that 1 can afford to buy commercial fertilizer, and I have heard lime is a good substitute, and much cheaper. I have been told my land heéd-s lime.†â€" W. C. M. of Liricolmn Co. A. Regarding the use of lime 1 would say definitely that lime will not take the place pf fertilizers, any more than a horse will take the place of a dairy cow. Lime is used, to sweeten the soil; fertiliz- ers carry plant constituents such as Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid, and Potash, none of which are carried by lime. If your soil needs lime to correct its acidity, lime is what you must add because fertilizer will not cor- rect soil acidity. - What you had better do is . to send a sample of your soil to the Department of Chemistry, and let us test it and advise you, what treatment the soil requires! In sending the sample, 1 would sug- gest that you send about a cupful in a small cotton bag. -â- Q. “Last Fall I sowed some Fall Wheat along with fertilizer. The Wheat was treated and stood too long, and it did not come up. Will the fertilizer be of any value to any other grain that T will sow this Spring on the same land? Or would It" be advisable to sow the Spring Wheat on the same land? Is there more than .one kind of Spring Wheat, and if so, which kind is the hestJt H. .1. of Haltoh Co. A, There is ho reason why Spring- Wheat, or any other Spring grain sown on your Fall YVheat field should not benefit from the fertili- zer, that was applied to your Fall Wheat where the Wheat did' not come up. 1 would suggest tha| in sowing the spring grain ybu fol- low the same direction as when the Fall Wheat was sown. It is general- ly found that fertilizer drilled in with grain gives better results than the same fertilizer broadcast. This is because it is concentrated near the roots of the young " growing crop. Hence, iw you drill along the same drill rows as followed when Fall Wheat was sown, in all prob- ability you: ’ will strike thé same drill rows in a great many instanc- es, whereas, if you cross the rown, the benefit will occur simply on the four corners where the drill rows cross. What Science * Is Doing * TWO NEW SATELLITES The Carnegie Institution of Washington has announced that, two new satellites of the planet Jupiter have been discovered by its Mt. Wilson Observatory in Cal- ifornia. Jupiter, largest of- the planets, was the firsts heavenly body to be studied with a, telescope. Galileo, with the first crude instrument, a wooden tube fitted with lenses and only about two feet long, discover- ed four Satellites of the planet in 1610. Subsequently five others were found. The satellites announc- ed today have been designed, as “Numbers. 10 and 11.†“MIDGET SUN†PERFECTED Perfection of “midget sun†in the form of a tiny mercury lamp that produces from a thread of metallic vapor no larger than a toothpick light twelve times as brilliant as the ordinary 1,000-watt incandes- cent filament lamp and gives three times the: amount of light for the same current consumed, was an- nounced simultaneously by the General Electric Company and the Westinghouse ..Electric and Manufacturing. Company. The mer- cury vapor'attains a brilliance of about onevfifth of that of the sun’s surface. The ne»: lamp is expected to re- volutionize lighting practice in â number of fields. Green, Brown, Blue For Men This Autumn And Winter You Will See .Fresh Tones in All.of Them; Shirts To Blend What will be the fashionable colors for men’s suits this autumn and winter? And what will be, the correct accessories tes accompany them? The British Color Council has answered these questions. Blue, brown and green are sug- gested for suits. Two new blues are introduced, a dark shade re- flecting the blue-green of the sea; college blue; a darker but warmer tint. Blue-green is indicated for the lining of both. Brown also has two fresh col- ors: a warm, deep shade named Barbadoes; a darker tone describ- ed as Indies brown. A lining matching the former, suits both cloths. The council further spon- sors regent green, a deep shade with lining in accord. Selecting the Right Tie Which are the most attractive shirts to go with These, suits? For the blue group, apart from white, there are three shades of blue and a gray that matches the sea gull’s feathers. To accompany brown kits, we have cream, ivory, parch- rhent, and pine-frost,1 the last a light green. Green outfits require shirts in gradations of that color, medium gray with a touch of green, silver-grey. Men are keen on tics and the council gives guidance to becom- ing selections. For- blue suits, chocolate, Oxford blue, peony red and purple, navy find favor. Cham- pagne, cream, maroon and peat brown represent "suitable ties for brown kit. While silver grey, bot- tle green, Cambridge blue and gold pass the test with green clothes. This should help those who give ties as presents. , SOUND AFFECTS VISION Sound improves the visibility of some colors and interferes with the seeing of others. Results of dn : in- vestigation on a single color were reported by P. A. Yakolev. of the Helmholtz Institute, of Ophthalmol- ogy in Moscow, in 1935, A. report of a more extensive series of experi- ments is communicated by him in â- “The Journal of the Optical Society of America.†There are important implications in these-experiments, not only phy- siological, but psychological as well. Interdependent relationships between taste and smell are well known. These Russian experiments indicate that there are similar re- lationships between hearing and seeing. According to them a picture seen in silence will have its color values changed when viewed to the accompaniment of sufficient noise. FiFIA1 S Â"R~É" THi f OUNOAtTON rir HÈÀI.TH "j nON’T suffer "with Stomach misery, ‘-'Rheumatism, Neuritis, Weak Kid- 2£yS'rfv!®s’ Colitis< Female ailments, Skin Diseases, Run-down, etc. Land’s Mineral: hai brought complete relief to thousands. The vital Minerals it con- tains assists Nature In élimina tin a ill- nS,?.arL# storing health: and vitality. Write for free Information. 7 Learn to Type al Home $1 Weekly Buys a CORONA and Touch "Typing Instructor. ° Write for full details. I 1 Smith ,• Corona Typewriters of Canada MU., Ãœ7 Front St. E„ Toronto typing is a valuable .asset. Only $,1 weekly buys a new Corona, world’s most popular portable typewriter, in- fllllriinp" fin vvxrin Issue No. 38â€"’38 ThorncSiffe Park Racing Starts SATURDAY Traces â€" daily # Admission $1.00. First" Race 2 p.m. I • S. Livingston, General Mgr, R. W. Cashley, Sec'y-Treas.