VRONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS KIRBY Miss Annie Forbes is visiting friends in Oshawa. • Mr, and Mns. 0. L. Powers spent Sunday afternoon- with A. Morrow and Mis® Pearl. Mrs. E. Blgtby, from San Fran- cisco, Oa:L, is visiting her brother, Mr. John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Win. D-emill and Miss Eileen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Mi-. D. A. Mackinn-on is having the roof of his house painted, with Mir. John Brown doing the work. Mir. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow drove over to Peterboro on Sunday to see their niece, Miss E. Woods, who is ill in the hospital. Mjr, jS. 'Ljithlewood occupied thle pulpit here on -Suinday and spoke well to a small attendance as usual. There is very little here to encour- age a. pastor. Miss Marion MuKelvey has re- turned home again after her long trip to Seattle, Washington, San Francisco, California ; Salt Lake City and other cities and to-wns of note. Sorry to learn of the death of Mr. George Mercer this Tuesday morn- ing. Mr. Mercer was highly esteem- ed by all whom he came in contact .with and we join- in extending our sincere-1 sy-mipiathy to Mrs. Merc-er and family in their great loss of a loving husband and father. ENTERPRISE Mr. George Kendrick is visiting friends in the city. Mr. Gordon Moffatt and family spent Sunday in Cavan. The !»wer grader is working on this road and making a good job of it. Mrs. Ard iSr. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ohas. Rutherford, Kirby. A good number attended Ladies’ Aid on Thursday and decided to not have a supper this year. Misses Bessie Patterson and Gladys Ard are attending the- school convention in Toronto this week. Mrs. W. Dawson has gone to St. Mitehiael’s Hospital, Toronto, for treatment. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson and family, of Ormio, spent Sunday at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ranslberry. MeCrea's are holding a Thank- offering service on Sunday evening, October 1-th, at 7.00 o’clock. Kirby choir will furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt and Miss Bessie Patterson visited STARKVILLE Visitors: » Miss Marion Green was home over the week-end. Misses Gwen Gilmer and Ruth S avery, in Oshaiwa. Mrs, T. Stapleton, with Mr. and Mrs. George Sini'.h: Mrs. Wm. Henry, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallo-well. Mr. L-avernc Farrow, with Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Ogden. Mr. Bill Barclay, of Toronto# with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hallowed. Mr. and Mrs. James Stark and Donna, with Mrs. I. B. Stark. Mrs. Wm. Sa wry. with Mr. and Mrs,, Lawrence- Sa very, Newtonville. Mr. Gordon Cyl-sdale, of Peterboro, with his' mother, Mrs. J. Olysdale. Mr®. Richard Hallo-well and Alice,, with Mr. and Mrs. -Ross Ilaliowell. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor, Orono, with Mir. and Mrs. Sidney Ruther- ford. Mrs. Lew H-all-owelil, Maurice and Mary, with her mother, Mrs. T. Falls. iMiss Meda Ilaliowell, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McKay, Newton- ville. Mr.- and Mrs. -Russell Savery, with Air. -and Mrs. Frank Reesor, Markham. Mr. and Mrs. George Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough, with .Mrs. John McKay. Mr. and Mrs. . Lome Todd, Carl and Eileen, with Mr. and Mrs. Will T-.odd, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson, with her parent's Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson-, Perry-town. Air. and Mrs. Herb. Gilmer and Gwen and Phyllis, with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner, Newcastle. Miss Alice Hal!owed has returned to Toronto, after a two weeks’ holi- day With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hallo-well. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yule and George, Air. and Mrs. Alex. Barclay and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S-aivery and ’boys, with Mr. and Mrs. Wim. -Slavery, Mrs-. Mutton and daughter and Mrs. Bruce Thompson, of Cblbourg, Mrs. Win. Robinson, of Kendal, and .Vli-s. Frances Halil, of Toronto, with Mrs. I. B. Sitark. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. White, of Elizabethvüle, Mr. and Mrs. Tren- outh, Napa-nee, Air. and Mrs. Brock P-efh'ick, i Newtonville. with Mr. and Airs. Ross Hallo-well. friends in Lakeficl-d and Peterboro on Sunday and were, -accompanied home by Mrs. Allen ef Peterboro. ! I i j I i i i i I i ï FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent 1R. G. A. BEAMISH - orono ! 1 i i i i ! I i t I BOWMANVILLE Pleased to. see. Mr. E. Swindells home again after his sojourn up at Myrtle Stallion, C.P.R., for several weeks past. New institution in town, known as the -girl guides and rangers with the first meeting' this week in- St. John’s Parish Hall. We presume it will be along the same line as the Boy Scouts. .We have not learned when the patving of the Orono to Lind’say highway will be started. It is cer- tainly needed even- if the road is in fair shape so far this fall, but give us the pavement please. This is the season for “showers†to the bridé to be -and -several of gulch have been held in this town during the past month. Well the goo-d old sun has been- on the job now for some time past -and may it continue, whether for marriages or less important affairs of life. Orono, its place on the map is get- ting larger -and great than e-v-er, “The Laird of Orono.†Well that is going some. It will: now be in or- der to issue the clan’s tartan, silver buckles and the Skenn Dim, Ola-y- mor and battle axe, with castle and drawbridge oil some prominent craig, also the historical name Gee. Aurora, town held a band festival on Saturday last, an-d competitors were present from Lindsay, George- town, Toronto, Meaford in the cor- net and trombone sections, and bugle bande from Newmarket, Hamilton, and regular bands from Stouffville, Pie-arbor,o and Acton. Well, we hope to see more of those competitions in the near future. Thar is the way to keep up the interest in this line of art. P>. H. Morfock, who has been for seme time pas-t associate editor of the Canadian Statesman for the past . eight years, h-as severed his .connec- tion with that paper to be associate editor of the Times Review of Fort Erie, Ontario. A splendid citizen, and what is- Fort Erie’s gain will be our loiss by the leaving of Mr. Mort- loek. and his family. We hope he will succeed in his new field of labour. (St. Paul’s congTegultdotn. Held a social evening on Friday last in the bin-day School auditorium and the chairman wte the minister. The pro- gram consisted of community sing- ing, solos from different members, chamades, readings, and refresh- ments were served in abundance. It Was a fine opportunity to" get ac- niainted which is a very desirable thing to cultivate in any commun- ity, especially in the church. We are pleased to know the Orono School Fair was such a success. Those fairs are going to be a won derlM thing for the community, probably more so than the big fairs of today and they should be encour- aged -by a good mttendance, wM-ch we are glad to know was the case at Orono, We noticed there was no band music, but singing under the direction of Mrs. Robb, that ener- getic teacher aind supervisor of music in our schools, but there should be band music -and probably will when our boys bands gat on far enough to accept such a position, Wlh-ait a curious thing it is when you think about it, certain, people when trouble looms up develop a w-o ; i-deiiful pious streak and hasten to the prayer meeting for aid. Well that is probably all right, in war time butt why not keep it up the ye ir round anil get. sort of used to if when trouble comds because it m'bist take considerable time to get into, the “hang†of iit. IIow about ! kanksgivingt, that i-s one day that -people should observe of all days and yet how few are really thankful. Pr-nh-aps if there were a famine in the larnd it would stir up the houglït-less.like the signs of war did, but have we not a war on our hands every day ? (Some have at any rate, and just -as terrible a-s any that we have had. Rather peculiar isn’t it? P0NTYP00L The School Fair which was held at Bafllyduff on Tuesday was quite well attended.' Mrs. James Mai ley spout a couple of days- in Peterboro with friends this week. Dr. MneXoil is having his home resiling!ed. Perhaps it will put a. few more-in the notion. Air. and Mrs. Hooper spent a cou- ple of days this week visiting their daughter, Mrs. Andrews, at Brant- ford. Mrs. Harry Richardson -aind Mrs. Harold Masters and Mbs. Roy Porter NEWTONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burley an-d family are soon moving to Newcas- tle. Mrs. Dawson, of Bailieboro, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Cullough. Congratulations to our W. I. upon winning 1st on their exhibit at Port Hope Fair. -Mrs.- Dawn and Roy, of Toronto, were guests- of Mr.- and Mrs. Max Stapleton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haigh, Braoe- bridge, visited his mo-tber, Mrs. Haigh iSr., recently. Mrs. L. Clarke, of Chicago, has re- turned home after spending the sum- mer here with, friends. Mrs. Wlaldimer Eddy,. of Newcas- tle, visited friends' in and arou-nd the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. John. Barrie and Murray spent Sunday with Mr, and Airs. Wright, Enniskillen. Mrs. Thomas Stapleton visited her daughter, Mrs. G. N. -Smith, of S-tarkiville, over the week-end. Mrs. A. Harris and Miss Ruby Payne, Toronto- were guests on Sun- day with their sister, Mrs. Frank veris. * Mr. and Mrs. 8. Knapp and son, of Toronto, visited their uncle, Mr. D. Kaufman and Mrs. Kaufman re- cently. Mr. and' Mrs. George McCullough and Laureen and Mr. and Mrs. Bro-ck Pethiok were among those who attended MiF.brook Fair. Mrs. W. C. Lane visited Mr. and Mrs. H-arve Britton, Newcastle, last week, white Mr. Lane visited Air. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Collborne. Mr. and- Mrs. W. 1. Trenouth, o-f Napanee, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethiek and motored them to Peterboro Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Build and Mrs. Wragg, Dale, and Mrs. Darke, of Lindsay, were Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs, Sam Jones and Mrs. Henry Jones. Mrs. E. 0. Hoar, Newcastle, and Alias Gordon, Toronto, Mr. Roger Tamlblyn- and Mrs. -Runn-al'l-s, Zion, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John B'arri-e on Thursday, Air. and Mrs. James- Brown, of Lotus; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr and Air. and .Mrs. Miliburn Hutchi- son, of Lindsay, visited their cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. Gord-o-n Martin and Mr. and Mrs, George J. Staple- ton, Sunday. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Dudley Jones and MacGregor in their time of sorrow for a lov- ing husband and father. Rev. Wal- lace and Douglas, Gr.eenbank, and Mr. Herb. Alexander, Markham, at- tended the funeral -Next Sunday, October 9th, the Presbyterian Church will hold its annual Thanksgiving Slervi-ces at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. In -the af- ternoon Rev. J. W. Foote, Port Hope, will preach and Mr. Bev. George, of Port Hope, will be the soloist. In the evening Rev. W. (1. Blake will be the speaker and the Newcastle Male Quartette will provide special music. The W. A. held their quarterly meeting at the home of Mrs. Willis Jones on Wednesday. The business for the three ipon-t-hs was' transacted. Mrs. G. McCullough gave a reading; Miss Hazel Reid and Mrs. Redkna-pp favoured with solos. A contest on “parts of the body†was enjoyed, af- ter which lunch was served. Mrs. Savery was in the chair owing to the absence of the President, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Tyrrell’s Drug St e were business visitors to Peterboro on Wednesday afternoon. (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Murray have returned to their home in Oshawa. Quite a. number attended the fu- neral on Tuesday afternoon of the late Win. Corbett. (Mrs, S-am M'alley has. returned to her home 'South of Or-ono. Mrs. Ruber: White accompanied her for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kiliett and daughter, end Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kiliett s-penit -Sunday afternoon with, Mrs. James, Richardson.- iQur butcher - is thinking about starting back to school. He thinks Drum would be a, good place as the teacher wouldn't be very cross. What do you say Lome ? Mrs. Bren-ton, of Toronto, spent- a few days with her sister, Mrs. J as. Maliey. They also attended thé double wedding in Peterboro of their niece and nephew on Wednes- day afternoon, -September 2'lst. DRU3S STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT YOUR FLOWER BULBS See our complete stock of Finest Quality Bulbs, imported direct frqm Holland New Low Prices on the Best Stock Procurable TULIPS â€" “Ingleseomlbe Yellow,†“King of Lavender/’ “Clara Butt,†“La Tulips Noire,†and “Biartigon†any assortment, Brice 5 cts- ea-dh ; 50 cts. dozen DAFFODILS â€" “Spring Glbry†and- “King Alfred†Any assortment, Price 6 ots. each; 60 cts d-oz NARCISSES â€" “Paper White’s»†“Glory of Lisse†and “Laurens Rosterâ€, any assortment Price 6 c.ts- each; 60 cts dozen HYACINTHS â€"- “La Viotorie,†“L’innocence†“King of the Blues†15 Cents each BACK-RITE TABLETS A New Prescription for use in the treatment of Kidney dis- order and resulting back-ache and weakness. Back-rite -tablets are guaranteed to give relief and satisfaction or money refunded. Large size box, 39c. 3 boxes, $1.00 You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store POPULAR NEW MERCHANDISE OUR NEW FALL MERCHANDISE IS ARRIVING EVERY WEEK. VISIT THIS STORE OFTEN AND SEE THE NEW LINES FOR FALL LADIES’ SHOE PROTECTORS, to protect yo-ur shoes from goloshes, sizes small, medium, large- ....25c. WOMEN’S CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, fine qual- ity, fancy cuff, colors brown’s, greys, blues...25c WOMEN’S RAYON GLOVES, llcece-lined» fancy cuff, colors black and browns .......,.-.25c. NEW PICTURES and PICTURE FRAMES, WALL PLAQUES, etc. ..... ..........,......10ç. to 79cV LADIES’ GOLD COLORED BELTS.......15c. to 25c. SPECIAL â€" 3 cakes Cashmere BOUQUET TOILET Soap and bottle PERFUME, complete .....25c. SPECIAL â€" FRESH CHOCOLATE MINT WAF- ERS, 1-2 pound for .... .....*.........10c. FRENCH’S PREPARED MUSTARD with HOT DANS OWN SPOON. We have them again complete... 10c. â„¢â€"FOR CUP QUALITY TRY Chase and Sanborn’s TENDER LEAF TEA PER PKG. 30c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big j Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection â€"ramâ€" .'.â€".... ..... SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal&Lumber Co All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised