ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS KIRBY M'is-s Annie Foi be.» has secured a pdejtiion.' in the Ladies’ College, Whitby. d leased to see: 'Mis. I. T. Chhip- man and Miss* Fern .at our Thank- offering on Sunday. Pleased to see Messrs. T. W. Jackson and Percy Brown in such good company oil Sunday at Kirby. Gome again. • Mrs. James L. Powers. Orono, is a welcome visitor with Kirby friends and none living here as yet. ever done more for the church. There were several autos called here on Monday intending to wait for the fowl supper that was advertised several week's ago and was later can- celled. Mr. Percy Chapman has com- menced ploughing o-n his farm for- merly occupied- by Mr. George Gian- vi'lle, who has rented Mr. Wm. Cob- bledli'ck’s ferai. Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Powers, Jim Powers1, A. Morrow and Miss Pearl Morrow spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bryson and daughter, Miss Marion: Bryson. The BowmanviHe Male Quartette furnished the mrsiic and singing for the thank-offering services and they certainly did well and we hope that they will be in demand here again when: am opportunity prevails, Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold, of Tororij'o, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fraser, were in Kirby on â- 'Sunday. Mrs. A : lin'd is a daughter of the late William Ilughson and a nieice (,f Mrs. J. !.. Powers, Orono. Mr, and Mrs. Lome Winmail, ac- companied by MBps' E. Ard, of the 'Sixth Line, and Miss- Patterson, of Enterprise, both of the public school teachers staff, attended the Teachers Convention held in Toronto on Thutis- day and Friday of last week. Bov. Morton, of Newcastle, •con- ducted the service here on Sunday af- ternoon and all present were well pleased with big address. In the evening Bey. S. L'ittlawood occupied the pulipn't giving an interesting and appropriate sermon for the occasion. PONTYPOOL Mr. J'laick Malley has gone to New- castle to pick apples. Miilss Doris Wilson is spending a few day's with her parents. Mrs. Hudson and family spent Sun- day with friends at Manners 'Station. Mr. and Mils. Roy Porter and Marie visited Mrs. Chas. Porter on iPunday. Mr, and Mrs. Boy Mills and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Ball Malloy spent the week-end with -their par- , puts. Miss' Bemeiee Caine and Mr. Nor- STARKVILLE Mr. and M rs. Lome To did attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Bob Jackson in Peteitboi'io one diay last week. •Shiloh -anniversary services will be held oil October 16th at 2.30 in the afternoon, and 7.30 in the evening. Rev. A. W. March, of Tyrone, will be the minister at both â- services. Visitors : Miss Hazel Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowed. Mr. Go I’d on Glysdale, with liis mother, Mrs. J. Glysdale. Miss Beulah Hlallowell, with Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Hlallowell'. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rutherford spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. WHlffie Harrow and , Lena, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Boss Hallo-well, with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, of Eliza- bethville, Mr, and Mrs. Lome Todd and Biieen, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Todd, GshaWa. Mr. land: Mrs. Jack Davies, of Toronto', With Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hlallowell •Mrs. Oa if os Tainblyn, Mrs. Gor- don Power and Oa;brine, With Mrs. 1. B. 'Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holt and Doreen, of Toronto, with Mr. and Frank Stone. Mr. Delbert Hal lofwell and friend Miss -Kay McConnell, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jlacob Halltiwell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Béa tty, of Welcome, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hallowell Mrs...I. Little, Mrs. E. Ough and boys of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Hallowed. Mrs, Jennie Robertson and daugii- ter Hazel, Mr. apd Mrs. J. Marks and Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. W. MleKay, with Mrs. John McKay. The world’s- tallest tree on record is the Founders Treè, à redwood. 364 feet high, in California. ----------oâ€"-------- Italy has built her largest power plant underground, beneath Mount Gastello, where it- will be safe from air raids. NEWCASTLE Mrs. Brittain is visiting- friends in Toronto for a week. Mias Barrett, has taken one of Mr-9 Titos. Gibson’s apartments for -tin winter. Mr. Fred Graham has left to spend a month with friends and relatives in the West. Mrs. Kimber and. daughter, of Tor onto-, have been' visiting their cousin Mrs. J. Sicott Howard. Air. Danny Butler, of Osha-wa spent- the week-end with his grand mother, M r$. Floyd Butler. Mr. Walter Douglas, of New York, visited his mother, Mrs. John Doug las, for a few days last week. Mrs. R. W. Gibson, Miss Mar- garet Brown and Mr. Wm. Sanders motored to Orillia for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Stinson land Miss F ranees Stinson, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. George Eilbeok over the holiday. Mr. and Airs. E. Roy Butler and daughter Joan, of Toronto, -spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. R. P. But 1er. The men’s club of St. George’s Church held a very successful, bridge, euchre and “500†party on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eilbeok and Jack and Mrs. Erskine Duncan and Blister occupied their cottage at the Take over the holiday. Air. VanDusen and family have moved to the Buckley house at- the lake and Mr. and Mrs. Burley and family are occupying their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Hen ion, Mrs. B. R. Hunter, Miss Barbara Hunter 'and Mr. Jim Hunter, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs. R. P. Buffer and Mias Butler. Mrs. Thos, Brown lias exchanged her house and farm land adjacent to Mr. Oral Parker’s farm for the house and lot formerly owned by Mr. Park- er’s mother, Mrs. Regina Parker. M-i-s-s Cae-weH, Miss Minnie Pearce. Miss' Evelyn Rickard, Misa Dorothy Rickard, Miss Jean Rickard, Mias Ar- rests Martin, Miss Gladys Shaw, Miss Salome Howrd, Mr. Bill Toms, Mr. Murray Butler, Mr. George Gainea, Mr. George Bonathon and Miis-s Helen Lycertt were Thanks- giving visitors. â€",-------oâ€"-â€" ------ KENDAL -man Chine and lady friend, of Tor- onto, visited their parents over the week-end. Seeing that Mr. Roy Porter has moved into the parsonage be might be called upon once in awhile to per- form a marriage. What do you say IRioy ? Things would be a little better for Mr. Bert, Richardson if the person or persons who stole about, 150 to 200 gallons of ga-soline would return same or or pay for it. “ “1 i I | FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for ( courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair I and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than I ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono Mr. and Airs, Quantrel are with Mr and Mrs. Cecil Qmiurrell. Mrs. George Mercer spen t the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. Air. and. Mrs- Bishop, of Toronit-b, "Sir? visiting with Air. and Mrs. H. Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and Miss M. McLean paid a visit to our village last- Friday. Miss Beatrice Thompson is staying With - her grandmother, Mrs. George Mi Ivor. M r. and Mrs. George Clark, of Toronto, were in Kendal over the week-end. Mrs. G. Glass and Lyness, of Wood- bridge, called on friend's in Kendal on Sunday. Mrs. C. Tainblyn, of Woodbridge, visited at Mrs. O. Thompson’s over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoy, of Oshawa, spent Thursday with their daughter, Mrs. -C. Tdblble. . -.Mrs. G. Thompson and Gwytmc visited with Mrs. Kenneth Soper a day last week. We are sorry to 'lose Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woody ard. who have taken up housekeeping in Orono. Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott, of Bow- m:.'nvil'q, visited friends in the community a. day the past- week. ME F.iS-taker, of Toro-nito, is re- lirai ng to his house in Kenda-l and will work Lis farm the coining year. A number from here attended m: nivoraary ,-services in the Presbyter- ian Church in Newt-onvifle on Sun- day. Mrs. Reginald Elliott and Ross have returned home from a visit wi.-th her brother and sisters at Ba.il- lieb-oro. â- ; â- - , 'Air. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, of B-ow- -manvi-lle, spent Thanksgiving Day with the 1 after’s parents', Mr. and Mrs, !.. D. Bell. 'Sympathy is extended to the, fam- ily of the late George Mercer, who passed away on Tuesday of last week at his home. 'The funeral was largely attended in Kendal United Church on- Thursday, with Rev. T. Wallace, a former pastor, from Greenlhank, and Rev. E. Beceh conducting t he ser- vices. NEWTONVILLE Miss Florence Burley, Toronto-, was home -on 'Sunday. Airs. Hcskin and Percy were in Peterborough 0n Saturday, Mj-sj-s Ethel iSton-e, of Toronto, visited Mr®. Frank Law recently. -Mrs. Willis Farrow -is in- Detroit attending the funeral of her uncle. Mists Florence Edwards, Port Hope, visited her friend. Miss Haze] Reid. Mrs. Wm. Lane and Mary are visit- ing friends in Buffalo over the week- end. Air. and Mrs. Anderson and Annie visited their daughter, Mrs. R. Bebee, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry'Stone, of Tor- onto, were Thanksgiving guests with Mrs. Armor. Alias Audrey Jaynes, Tweed, spent Thank-giving with her mother, Mrs, Wi.i. Jaynes, Mrs. G. J ones and Melville at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Bryson of Port Ho-p-e. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Langs-taff, of Toronto, visited his mother over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Uaskivi, Tor- onto, visite! "Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wade recently. •All's, I. Cobbiedic-k and Mrs. N. Cobiilcdiek, of Orono, spent Friday at J. A. Barrie’s. •Miss Betty 'Stapleton spent the week-end with her aunt, Airs. Alvin Jones, of Port Hope. Thele will be no service in- the Uni.tetri Church next Siunday owing to Shi oli anniversary. Miss Amelia -Nichols, Wesley- vil-le, Visited her friend, Aliss Jean Wiade, Mr. visited one day last week, and Alr-s. George Staple ton Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon, Eiliz'afeetbviUe. last week. Mr. and Mrs. A1 f. George, of Port Hope, and Mrs. Oil egg', Orillia, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, Sam Jones. Mr. and Mrs. George Sa,vie* and family of - Kirkland Lake, are visit- ing he- mother,, Mrs. Hoskin. Air. and. Airs, Partridge and Mr. and Airs. Kiefer, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell. Mr. Mitchell Zealand expired on Thanksgiving Day 'after a lengthy ill- ness. Deepest sympathy is extended to the sorrowing ones. Recent guests with Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Milligan were, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Newibigging and family, Mr. Murray Newbigiging and Mr. Thos. Yellowlees, Toron to, Anniversary guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bred Nesbitt were, Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, Miss Flossie Gra- ham, C.waiwfle, Rev. W. G. Blake, Air. Alfred Reid and Mr. Harold King, Mrs1, played bank C if Bowmauville. George Campbell,. by request, the new pipe organ in Green - 1 lurch on Sunday when the or- gan Was dedicated to the church. Mr. Camjphi-Ãœ and Jean assisted the 'choir as did Miss Elsie Wallace who sang -a solo. The ' a mi,toil Thanksgiving , Servi- ces were held in the Presbyterian Church! oil October 9th at 2.30 and 7.30 pin. Rev. J. W. Foote, Port Hope, -preached in the afternoon and Miss Audrey Jaynes and Mrs. Harry . Stone each, sang a solo. In the evening Rev. W. G. Blake preached and Newcastle Male Quar- tette rendered tw0 selections. The regular October meeting â- of the W.M.IS. of the United Church was held in the basement on Tues- day, Otttmber 4th. Mrs. E. !.. Beech opened | the meeting and after dis- •liarg'iiig the business called on Airs. L. Slavery to take charge of the programme which included: Bible rea-dingl Mrs. Morris ; -chapter in the study Ho-ok, “The Ministry of Heal- ing,†Mbs. Géor-ge 'Stapleton Jr. CLARKE UNION , the sick Air. Albert Clark is , list. Mrs. Gordon Powers visited her mother,j ’Mrs-. White, at Stnrkvilic. for a few days" last week. C-lni'kje Union School was closed on I'hur-day and Friday of last week on account! of the Teachers’ Convention in Toronto. Mr. H. J. -Slouch celebrated hi-s birthday, on Monday and entertained a number of his neighbors to a dinner in the evening. Mr. Kenneth Cain, of Sudbury, and Air] Everett Cain, of Toronto, visited mei-r parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Cain, on -Sunday. Mrs. Pha-s. Cummings and Mrs. Jack Rieka,by, of' Toronto, visited with Mr,.H. J. Souc-h last week. Mbs. Riickaby! returned with them to Tor- onto where she will spend the winter. -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Watsio-n, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey and Miss Eileen- Souch visited at Mr. Archie Watson’s at Kingston on Sunday. Archie accompanied them Rack for the holiday, TyrrelPsDrug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT YOUR FLOWER BULBS See our complete stock of Finest Quality Bulbs, imported direct from Holland New Low Prices on the Best Stock Procurable TULIPS â€" “higlesconibc Yellow,†“King of Lavender,†“Clara Bu-tit,†“La Tulips Noire,†and “Bartigon†any assortment, Price 5 cts. each; 50 ots. dozen DAFFODILS â€" “Spring Glory†and “King Alfred†Any assortment, Price 6 ots. each; 60 cts doz NARCISSES â€" “Paper White’s,†“Glory of Lisse†and “Laurens Kosterâ€, any assortment Price 6 cts. each ; 60 cts dozen HYACINTHS â€" “La Viotorie,†“L’innocence†“King of the Blues†15 -Cents each BACK-RITE TABLETS A New Prescription for use in the treatment of Kidney dis- order and resulting back-adhe and weakness. Back-rite tablets are guaranteed to give relief and satisfaction or money refunded. Large size box, 39c. 3 boxes, $1.00 You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THE HOME OF GOOD PRINTING We print everything that is print- able -from Sale Bills to Calling Cards No orders too large or too small for us to handle Bring us your Jôb Printing and you will be satis- fied as to the quality of the work and the price Why pay more for your Job Printing when you can get just as good for less money Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big j Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE ...“ PHONË 48R16 Orono Coal&LumberCo All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call And compare our prices with others, you will be surprised