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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1938, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 2. No. 59._______ORONO. ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1938. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year Special Offerâ€"Orono Weekly Times from now until Dec. 31, ’39, $1.25, New Subscribers Millbrook Captures Shield From Orono School At Field Meet On Friday # -----â€"------â€" Clerk Township of Clarke TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Police Village of Orono u.raaruii m vuuano an- a,operate system for the Police Village from the fir sit day of tire month in which the assent of the: ©lectors is given un- 'til a date to be fixed by the Commis- sion. , The yearly installments oil the de- bentures are to be paid from revenue of the system. BY-LAW NO. 1031 Synopsis of above By-Law Purpose To provide for the submission tc the electors of the Police Village of Orono qualified Ho vote on money by-laws of the question as to whether they are in favour of securing a sup- ply of electrical power or energy from the Tlydro-Keetric 1 tower Com- mission of Ontario. To provide for the submission to the said electors of a By-law 'to auth- orize the proposed purchase of the electrical distribution system in the Police Village of Orono and to pro- vide for the 'borrowing of $8,000.00 for thlat purpose. The question to be voted on is as follows : “Are you in favor of secur- ing a supply of electrical power or energy from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario ?” Vote Voting shall take place on Saturday the 6th d|ay of November, 1938, be- ll ween the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The Electors entitled to vote on money by-laws shall vote at the Fire Hall in Orono and C. F. Aw,le will be the D.BjO. ain-d Mrs. Clara Harri- son the Poll Clerk. •Synopsis of By-laws Ho be published in the Orono W-eekly Times on the 13th, 30th and 27th days of October, 1938. Scrutineers On the 1st day of November, 1938, at 2 p.,m. at the Ooumicil Chamber, in the Village of Orono, the Peeve shall appoint scrutineers to attend at the polling booth on the voting day and at the official counit of ballots, on be- half of all interests. Official Count On the 9 th day »f Novemlber, 1938, at 8 p.m. at the Council Chamber in Orono the Township Clerk will sum up the votes oust. NOTICE I, ALBERT J. STAPLES, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, do her-dby certify that the foregoing are true synopses of By- laws Nos. 1030 and 1031 to authorize the purchase of the “Orono Electric System” and to provide for submitting the same and a correct statement of the question to be submitted to- the elecitors ; And I hereby give notice that if the assent of die electors is obtained to By-law No. 1030 which passed first and second readings at a meeting of â- the Council of the Township of Clarke on the 12th day of October, 1988, it will be taken, into consider- ation by the Council of the Township of Clarke after the expiration of one m,m|-’i from the date of its first pub- lication which is the 13th day of October, 1938 ; And I hereby further give notice that a tenant who is qualified to vote on money by-Ba-ws and desires to vote must deliver to me not later than the tenth day before the said- 5 th day of November, 1938, the dedtaraliion pro- vided for by subsection 3 of section 283 of Chapiter 26-6, B.iS.O. 1937. A. J. STAPLES, -A. Reynolds, Mr Ohas, . Reynold's, of: AVaveriey : Mrs. Charles. Mr. and A dvertisement H.E.P.C. Has Profit Of $10,650.34 In Six Years From Electric System Jim Powers For Seniors And Dick Morton For Juniors Excel Very favourable weather attended the Field- M-eet of Orono Continua- tion -School on Friday last with -Millbrook pupils as their o-pp'or- - snts. After the events were a,II contested and the points added up it was found that Millbrook had a very comfortable margin, with 212 points to Or-ono’s1 138, thus giving Miilibrook the shield for this year. Hast year the shield was won by Orono when they went to Millbrook for the field meet, This is only the second year the shield has been awarded. Dick Morton and Jean Mercer won -thé Juriior medals for Orono School, with Herb. Duvall and ’Olive 'Brown and Rvlth Goode the •medals for Intermediates, while Jim Powers and Helen Case won the med- als for the Senior event. Dick Mor- ton won five firsts and two thirds, while Jim Powers was the highest scorer with fiv-e firsts and two sec- onds. In the mixed softball game Orono -defeated Millbrook in three innings by a score of 9 to 3. Jim Powers for Orono, and B. McDowell, Mill- brook, were on the pitcher’s mound. In the evening the pupils were given refreshments in the school and the rest of the evening was taken up by dancing. BOVS’ EVENTS, Jutiior â€"100 yard -dash/ Dick Mb-rton (O), Eioss l.unu (M), Don V-i•.chard ,M). 220 yard -dash, Dick 31- smn .0), -Ross l-unir (M), Don Pritoliard (M,). Discus Throw, Dick Miontore (0), Eoss Lunn (M), -C. Darling (M). Shot Put, Boss Lunn, ( M ), Don Pritchard (Ml), Dick Morton (O,. Pole. Vault, Boss Lunn (H), D. Hatherley (M), Dick Mor- ton' (O). High Jump, Dick Morton (O), Boss Lunn (M), T). Staples (0). Banning Broad Jump, Dick Morton (O), Boss Lunn (M), H. Wiliams. (M>. Belay Race, Orono 1st, Mill- brook 2nd. Intermediateâ€" 100 yard dasih, Bill Kerr (M), 'Bill Oolivifle (0), Me!. Wood- (M). 220 yard dash, Bill Kerr (M), Bill Badge (M), Bill Colville (O). 880 yard run, Bill Kerr (M), Calvin Dunn (()), Bill Ridge IAD. Shot Put, Bill Kerr "(M), Bill Bidge (M), He*. Duval (-0). Pole. Vault, Bill R'idige CM), He*. Duvall (O), Bill Kerr (M). High Jump, Bill Kerr (M), Bill Bidge (AT), He*. Du- vall (0). Running Broad Jump, Bill Kerr (M), Mel. Wood (M), M. Lit- tiewood (0). (Senior â€" 100 yard dash, Jim Pow- ers (0), Me'rvyn Keane ( O), E. Fal- lis (M). 220 yard dash, Jim Powers (O). Meirvy-n Keane (O), E, Dalis (M). 440 yard dash, Jim Powers. (0), Merwn Keane ( O ), E. Fall i s (!M), Shot Put, E. Fails (M), Jim Powers (0), 0. Foster (M). Pole Vault, Mc-rvyn Keane (-0), Jim Pow- ers (0), G. Trumipmw (M). High Jump, Jim- Powers (0), C. Poster (-M), < 1. Tnumpôur (M). Bn nr:inn B-ro-ad Jump, Jilm Powers (O), 0. -i-pSeventeen seniors . and : twenty-five juniors participated in the most .suc- cessful Junior Farmer’s Judging Competitions ever held in this dis- trict in, Orono on Tuesday of last week and filled a complete day with visits to farms in the vicinity for judging purposes1 and a banquet in the evening with the Orono Wo- men’s Institute catering. Farms visited included those of AT. II. Staples, Clarence Alllin, Chris " Barch'ard, Jas. Brown, Bussell Os- borne and the Ontario Training School for Boys. E, A. Summers, Agricultural representative for Dur- hai, f County, acted as supervisor for the w upetition. Highest honors in competition were MRS. ALICE MARY JACKSON A resident of Pete*oro city for many years, and a men -her of Trin- ity United Church, Mrs. Alice Mary Jackson, widow of the la-te Bober t Jackson, formerly of Kendal, died at her home 186 Stewart 'Street, Petei- boro, on Tuesday, October 4th. .She was in. her 70th year and had been ill only a short time. iShe is survived by three daugh- ters, Mrs. L. E. Thornt-on, -of Toronto ; Mrs. S. D. Baskill, of Pete*oro, and Mias Kl va, ai home; also two sisters, Airs. Robert Payne, of Pontypool, and Mrs. J. O. Elliott, of Peterboro; one brother, Hugh Hanna, of Saskatche- wan, also ' survives. The funeral Was held on Thursday afternoon, October 6th, at 2 o’clock, from the family residence, 186 Stew- art Street, to Little Lake Cemetery, with Rev. George 'S. Easton, of Trin- ity I"nited Church, -conducting the service. Foster. (M), G. Trumpour ((M). GIRLS’ EVENTS -Junior â€" 75 yard dash, J. Forrester (O), M. Handley (M), M. Whitting- . ton (AT). Discus Throw, M. -Su-tton (M), G. Tennant (0), M. Handley (M). Basketball Throw, Jean Mercer CO, M. Sun,,u (M), G. Tennant (O). Baseball Throw, M. Whitting- ton- (M), Jean Mercer (O), M. Sut- ton (M). Bunn ing Broad Jump, Betty Monerief (M), M. Whittimg- lon ( M), C. Staples (O). -Standing Broad Jump (open), B. McDowell (M), 11. Case (O), J. Forrester (0). Belay R'aee, 1st Millbrook, 2nd Orono, Shutile Belay Race, 1st Mill- brook, 2nd Orono. Intermediate -- 100 yard dash, Dot Sis-cue CM), M. Smith (M). R. Rich ards (M). Discus Throw, R. Goode (0), J. Gillis (M), V. Clark (M). B-asketML Throw, B. Richards (AI), Olive Brown (0), 0. Staples (0). Baseball Throw, B. Richards (M), Olive Brown (O), Joyce Trumpour (M). Running Bro-ad Jump, M. Smith (M), B. Bichards (M), B. Goode (()). IS-eninr â€" 100 yard dash, J. Trum- pour (AD, B. Argue (M), H. Case CO). Discus Throw, B. McDowell â- CM), M. MeDow-el-1 (M), J. Trumpour (AI). Basketball Throw, B. Mc- Dowell (M), Dot. Smith (M), A. Cooper (O). Baseball Throw, B. McDowell (AI), Helen Case (0), Dot, Smith (AD, Bunning 'Broad Jump, M. McDowell fAl). B. Argue (AI), Helen Case (0). POINTS Millbrook Boy-s ...... ........103 Millbrook Girls ........ ........ 109 Total ...... ............. 212 Orono Boys.................. 95 Orono Girls ................. 43 Total ........ .............138 ISlohooI Champions -â€" Junior (boys), Dick Morton; girls. Jean Mercer. Intermediate (boys), Herb. Du-vall ; girls, Olive Brown and Ruth Good equal. Senior (boys), â-  Jim Powers ; girls, Helen Oas-e. â-  won by Elmore Scott with a score of 943. He was awarded the trophy and also a cash prize, Norman B'airstow scored 843 points to win the C.N.E. Shield and a cash prize as the high novice judge. Three coaches each took three jun- ior farmers who had never -competed before, training -them and entered them into competition. The team of Marlow Hancock, Gen Hancock and Gerald S-liacldeton, coached by John Rickard, won first honours; while El- ford Oobibtedick, Rohr. Morton and Lawrence Harris, -coached by Garnet Ribkard, came second, and Keith Chute. Murray Hanna and Boss Scott, coached by Ehnore -Scott took third place. BY-LAW NO. 1030 Synopsis of above By-Law Purpose To approve and authorize the purchase of the electrical distribution system and -business known as the “Or-omo Electric System” under the terms of ian agreement attached to the By-Law as Exhibit “A” for $8,128.40 and any -capital rocount costs incurred since Get. 31st, 1987 and to provide for the issuing of $8,000 debentures in payment, therefor. Amount and Nature of Debt Created The sum of $8,000.00 % be borrow- ed on the credit of the Corporation d£ the Township of Clarke at large by an issue of debentures of not less than $100.00 each therefor bearing interest at 4 3-4 per cent per annum payable semi-annually with coupons attached for interest. The debentures both as to principal and imterest are to be payable by ten equal annual instalments of $1,028.50. The first debenture is for $643.50, payable on Nov. 1st, 1939, and the last is for $977.08, payable on Nov. 1st, 1948, with interest on all unpaid debentures payable on 1st May and 1st Nov. in each year, -commencing 1st May, 1939. The respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each year is s-et forth in a schedule attached to the By-law aa Exhibit “B”. The said debentures as to both prin- cipal and interest, are to be payable in lawful money of Canada at the chli-ef office of the Bank of Montreal at Toronto and at such other place or places as the Corporation may decide. The Beeve and Treasurer are to sign and issue the debentures and coupons. During the currency of the deben- tures the said sum of $1,028,50 shall be raised annually by the Orono, Electric System and f ailing such rev- enue then any balance shall be raised and levied annually as a special rate upon the rateable property of the said Police Village of Orono at the same time and in the same manner -as other rates. The debentures may contain such clause as to registration thereof as -authorized by any Statute affecting same. AGREEMEMT OF SALE A synopsis of the Agreement of -S'ale and Transfer mentioned in the above by-law -and the schedules- men- tioned therein and thereto attached : The purchase is of all the electrical distribution system and business, in- cluding all -contracts in- the Police Village of Orono and certain switch- es to the south of Orono now owned by the Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario and known as the “Oron-o Electric System” b,u-t not in- cluding the Commission’s primary circuit for distribution of power in the Newcastle Burn I Power District on 14 poles on Main street, north of Mill street, nor three poles with equip- ment thereon at . the north end- of Main Street in the Pb'llee Village, nor two poles on Princess Street at the west edge of the Police Village nor the service wires supplying con- sumers south of the fifth concession road-, all of which, is in the Newcastle Rura'. Power District. The price is $8,128.40 and any -capital account costs which have been incurred since Oct. Slab, 1937, and the Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario accept the debentures of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke for $8,000.00 at 4 3-4 per cent, per annum in. payment of the purchase price and -agree to allow prepayment of any of these deben- tures on any first day of May or November. The Hydro-Elec trie Power Oom- .. ENGAGEMENT Mr. W. E. Davey wishes to an- nounce the engagement of his young- est daughter, Olive Gertrude, to Mr. Everetlt W. J., Porter, only son of Air. and Mrs. Albert Porter of Janet- vile ; the marriage to take place early in November. --------o-------- Mrs. 0. F'roste returned home Wed- nesday afternoon from Osbawa Hos- pital much improved in health. W.C.T.U. Silver » Medal Con- test at Park St. Church, Orono, Friday Night. -----â€"-nâ€"-----â€"â€"â€" One hundred and fifty mayors, reeves and heads of service organiza- tions from Orangeville to Pete*oro, met ait Port Perry to fight for the highway east of Port Perry. The Ontario Government cancelled the contracts for the road work. SARAH JANE REYNOLDS : i After -a lengthy illness there passed kwhy at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary H. Andrus. Orono, on Thurs- day, October 13th, Sarah Jane Bey- nol'd's, widow of. the late John Mel- ton, in her 76th year. The late Mrs. Melton was born in Darlington Township, the daughter of the Hate Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rey- nold'. In 1886 she was united in marriage to John Melton and they resided in Dawson City, Alaska. Later they bought a home in Wash- ington Sltate near Seattle, where they resided until thé death .of her hus- band in 1930. Her husband being buried at Port Orchard, U.iS.A,, af- ter which she came to Orono 'and. made lier home with her • sister. She leaves: to mourn her loss one edefbor, Mrs. Mjary H. Andrus, of Orono-, and one brother, William Reynold's, Tyrone. The funeral took place from the residence of her sister. Mrs. Mary H. Andrus, on iSat-urday, October 15-th, at 2.00 o’clock, Rev. S. Little- wood conducting the services. Inter- ment took place in St. John’s Angli- can Cemetery, Blackstocfc. The pallbearers were all nephews of the deceased. Relatives and friends attending she funeral from a distance were, Mr. Lewis Reynolds, of Regina, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds, of Lindsay, Fred Reynolds, Midland ; Mr. and Mrs. T. Reynolds, Mr. John Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. French, Mr, and Mrs. â- Mrs. Henry Reynold's and son, all of Wyebrid'ge and Mr. and Mrs. Greer and son, Brooklin ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Su I ley arid Mrs. Wade, of Oshawa ; Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Hooey, of Darlington. HARVEST SERVICES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday was observed at ISt. -Saviour’s Anglican Church on Sunday last, with morning and evening Services. At 9.30 a.m. the rector, Rev. D. R. Dowd11ey, was in charge of Holy Communion and sermon. The even- ing service at 7.00 p.m. was conduct- ed -by Bov. C. R. 'Spencer of St. J ohm’s Church, Bowmanviile, assist- ed by the Lay Reader, Mr. G, Bru- ton,. Mr. 'Sfpencer delivered a very in- teresting sermon in wlii-ch he stress- ed our obligation of thankfulness to God for the countless blessings which we have received. The music was led by a large choir with Mrs. John Morris at the organ. The church was beautifully decorat- ed with flowers and fruits of the field and also for this occasion was the beautiful memorial for the late: Rev. Fening, a former rector of the Parish of Clarke, presented by Mrs. Fening. The memorial consisted of veils- of the Lee-turn o and Prayer Desk three sets of Book Marks, and- linen for the Communion Service. The Orono Garrison Badminton Club had its official opening on Fri- day the 14ill. The room had been- repainted in a deep cream with touches of Chinese red. The centre table was â- beautiful with a fan shaped- vase of sweétpeas in the centre, grown by Mrs. J. C.' Gamey which were beautiful specimens-, ' also two bud ya-ses each hdllding two deep pink dahlias, donated from Mrs. Ohas. Knox’s flower garden adorned each end of the table. A large silver cof- fee and tea pot made a delightful pic- ture. The two smaller tables were equally as attractive with lace- cloths and large wicker bowls- filled: with deep pink dahlias. Mrs. O. Gamey was in charge •arid Mrs. O. W, Rolph kindly poured tea. There was quite a large atten-d- a _____ In The Last Three Years Orono Could Have Paid Half Of Purchase Price I he Hydro - Elec hr i c Power System in the village of Orono has been one of -steady growth and expansion with yearly profits. _ Iu 1918, the first year of Hydro administration that records are available for -a complete year, show 133 subscribers with a revenue of $2,343.56. This has -grown year by year til 1937 when, there were 2,25 subscribers with a total revenue of $6,622.19, which illustrates a march of yearly progress. During these years from 1918 to 1937 many extensions -and replace- ments gf the -system have been made, including new poles, primary wires; new s-wi-tches and new meters, all be- ing taken care out of revenue received from the. system, and -at the same time, year in and year out, large profits have been made for the Hydro-Eli'ec- tric Power Commission of Ontario who own the system. The Police Trustee Board has records- of the operation- of the Orono system from 1982 to 1987, both years inclusive. During these six years the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of On- tario has paid for horse. power con- sumed, maintenance and operation of the distribution system, transformer maintenance, meter maintenance, meter reading, billing and collecting, superintendence and general' expense: and after deducting all expenses, in con nection wi th the sys t em the I T v ;dro-Electrie.,,,Power Commission of Ontario have reaped the handsome profit over this six-year period of -ten, thousand six hundred and fifty dollars, and thirty-four cents ($10,650.34). This sum is more than the total cost of the system today, including both principal and interest. Had the citizens of Orono purchas- ed their electric system in: 19-32, it would have been all paid for out of. the revenue and we would all have been enjoying a much reduced Hy- dro rate. In January, 1935, the citizens had the opportunity of vot- ing on this bylaw for the puirchase. of their electric system, the result' - w-as practically a three,to one against the purchase, Ju-st, what that vote has done for us may be better under- stood when you realize that the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, of Ontario have maintained the system, paid all charges in connection with its operation, and showed a gross profit over the three-year period of 1935-36- 37 of $6,650.641 ' This amount would have been sufficient to have paid more than half of the debenture issue with the result that- the management would mow be in the position to re- duce the Hydro rates to- all consum- ers and thereby make use of the Hy- drous policy which is, power at cost. •Tit will readily be -seen that there is li'llle dioubt as to the possibilities of tiro Eleidt-ric -System in- Orono paying- debenture issues and interest out of anee and a very promising club is in, the . offing with quite a. few new young members joining. Some of those present were, Dr. McKenzie, Mr. S. J’ay ue, Mr, P. Winter, Miss Somer- ville, Misa Gladys Ca'ley, Miss Betty Rowe, Oapti and Mrs. Fred Lyeett dropped in during the evening, also Rev, and Mrs. Lrtriewood and Mr. Smith from Arkansas. A business meeting was held and the following officers were elected for 1939 : President, Major J. C. Gamey; Vice-Pn-sidenr, Mrs. O. W. Rolph ; 'Secretary, : Miss Marjorie Adiamei; Courts Committee, Mr. J. J. Corn- ish ..and- Mr. A. West, . Everyone voted it a very pleasant evening with a suggestion to have- these social evenings more o-fton. Junior Farmers’ Judging Contest Best In Y ears revenue earned and> not out of taxa- ('O-o-mtinued on page eight) Badminton Club Celebrate Official Opening Night

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