OEONO WEEKLY TIMES As a cheap substitute for reptile skin in trimming leather goods, the skin of the dentes, an Atlantic fish, is being tried in Italy. Gold in French: West Africa is mined in primitive ways by 70,000 natives, who tvork more or less in- dependently and sell the gold them- selves. ( Aim OF THANKS This is to extend to one and all my grateful thanks for your kind- nesses, fond wishes a ml ki nd thoughts for me, also for the beau I if ui flowers, anid other things done for my benefit. Please accept from me and Mrs. Richards our grateful thanks. Sincerely yours, J. E. Richards LOCAL AND SOCIAL $ ! GET SERVICED FOR WINTER AT ERNIE’S SERVICE STATION 42rl 1, Orono WINTER OILS ARE IN Sealed National Oil......... 25c. a quart Sealed Enarco Oil ... 35c. a quart Transmission Differential Extreme Pressure Lub- ricant . . . . . I5c. a | lb shot Slovap Alcohol Antifreeze . 35c. a quart Prestone Antifreeze . . $3.75 a gallon THIS WEEK “The Magnificent Brute†Starring Victor McLaglen Added attractionsâ€"Unpopular Mechanic, a com- ical carton comedy hit and Stranger than Fiction, oddities the world over. TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday, October 29th Doors open at 8.00 p.m. Show starts 8.15 Three Lucky Ticket Number Prizes will be given away ADULTS, 25c.; CHILDREN, 15c. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Gold Medal Orange MARMALADE 32 oz. jar 21c. Campbell’s Tomato Soup 3 tins 25c. QUICK QUAKER OATS Pkg. 19c. Shredded Wheat, cash and carry, 2 pkg's..........23c Carnaitlion Milk, 3 large tins ............. ......;...,28c Shredded Cocoa ntn, lb,.. 19c Sweet Gherkin Pickles, large bottle ............. 25c. Magic Coffee, l-b,....„...........29c. Stewing- Beef, 2 libs .....25c Sausage, small casings, Aunt Mary’s Peanut Butter, jar ............ 19c Harvest Biscuits, 2 lbs,..29c Jelly Beams, lb........,15c.. Kliss Candy, lb ..........13c Gum Drops, lb .......... 15c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per lb................. 11c 4 lb. tins White Honey, for .................... 39c 2 lbs. for 37c Chicken Ha'idie, 2 tins...29c NEW Unwrapped Washing CHEESE SOAP SODA lb. 14 bars 2 pkgs. 19c. 15 c. Roasting Pork, lb. 18c Head Cheese, extra quality, lb. 1 7c J. J. CORNISH ONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery .4 . Mr. and Mrs. K. Sherwin visited at the home of Mr. Knox at Salem recetly. Just received a shipment, of Flower Pots and Earthenware. Rolpli Hard- ware. Miss Duncan, of Mill brook, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1 human. The Misses Tourjee, of Toronto, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mr, McPherson. Mr, Goddard, of Bowmanville, read the hydro indters this moth for Mr, J. E. Richards. Many Oronites enjoyed the Goose Dinner at Clarke United Church on Wednesday evening. _ Mr. Limbert Andrews, of Toronto, visited his aunt, Mrs. R. H. Brown, diuring the week-end. Mrs. H. G. Reid and Miss Hooper, of Lindsay, visited the former’s sister, Mrs. R. H. Brown, on Thursday last. Miss Lois Banbaree, R.N., of Fer- gus, has been visiting her cousin, Mr. J. F. Lomman, for the past week. Miss Mildred Henry, of Toronto, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. Henry, and unlcOe Mr. A. Henry, over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Wim. Keats, of Water- town, N. J., and Mr. Edson Keats, of Trenton, were visiting friends in town over Sunday. Miss Marjorie Bleweft and Miss Norma Glaspell, of Oehawa, visited the former’s sister, Mrs. Neil Rainey, over the week-end. The Women’s Institute have can- celled their Hallowe’en Social which was to have been held on Monday evening, October 31st. Miss Glen Qamey, R.X.. of Osh- axvii, is spending a couple of days with her parents, Major and Mrs. J. C. Glanaey, this week. Mr. James MoCamtmus (ex-War- den) and daughter Miss Isabella,, of Bniliehoro, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bagleson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lyons, of Whifhv, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. II, Brown one day last week, also calling upon Mr. and Mrs. John Bigelow at Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. James Robb and Mr. Vernon Saunders, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the latter’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Satumders. Mrs. A, Henry, Park Street, en- tertained Miss Duff, who was lectur- ing on Tomlperance at the Silver Medal Contest On Friday evening last, at her home. It "is expected: that the midgets of the Orono Midget Hockey Club will play a game of rugby against Osh- ava midgets at the local park on Saturday, November 5th. Orono and vicinity has been enjoy- ing summer weather so far this this full. The first frost of the season not iced was on Tuesday night with Wednesday a perfect summer day. Prize winners at last Saturday evening’s movies in the town hall were, Miss K. Waddell, Mrs. W. E. Daivey and John Thompson. Chil- dren winners, Greta Mercer and Gor- don Lowery. Messrs...'Ross Wood and “Scotty'’ Winter were the successful tenders on the Agricultural rink for the win- ter season. There were three tenders entered this year with the rink going to the highest bidder. Orono Women’s Institute received a cheque for $6.00 which was the first prize they won at the Durham Agri- cultural Flair in the special donation, by Mr. W. F. Rickard, M l*. Con- gratulations on their ooliectiop. The Literary iSociety of Orono Continuation School held their elec- tion of officers on Wednesday,, when the following were elected : President, M. Keane; Secretary. Adele Morton; Treasurer, Donald Staples; Editor of the School Paper, Dick Morton. Mr. R. 'Sherwin and Mr. James Eagleson were among others from here at the recent plowing Match at Sdlina. Mr. Eagleson has still ami in- terest in plowing matches. In past years he carried off many prizes: in both County and Provncial mat- ches. Mr. Ollie Cooper moved;his tonsor- ial equipment into his newly pur- chased premises on Wednesday1 after- noon. The room directly back of the barber shop is being used as a pool room where he has installed a rebuilt .pool table, with new cushions, pockets, felt and the slate reground, making the table as good as new. By Friday he will: have finished moving his household) furniture to his new site. Mr. Milton Morris spent the"week- end in the city. Mr. Martin Linton, of Marmora, spent the week-end with his family. Mrs. W. Hooey returned home from St. Michael1’s Hospital, Tor onto. Mr. Allison Cowan spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowan. Mr. ('has. Shaw has rented the store and rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Ollie Cooper, and takes pos- session on November 1st. Mr. Walter Oarieton . left for Tor- onto on Monday morning where he is taking a two weeks’ option on a shoe repair business which is for sale. October 31st is Hallowe’en and the, children will be busy from now on planning what mischief they can do to . the annoyance of property own- ers. The smaller children will cam- vas from house to house to receive the usual handout of candy, apples, cook- ies, etc. Messrs. ,W. E. Armstrong and Harry Mercer were the only two from the village who attended the pheasant .shoot at Pe'lee Island last week. This year only a certain num- ber of licenses were issued, as other years the Island was taxed to capa- city for board and1 lodging. They returned on 'Steday with their quota otf birds. The 26th Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charlies Cooper, Sixth Line, was celebrated Saturday even- ing, October 27th, in the Orange Lodge Rooms. Sixty relatives and friends gathered together for this happy occasion 'and presented Mr. and Mrs. Cooper with a studio, couch. Mr, Roy Bryson acted as chairman for the evening and Mrs. Burnham read the address. A good programme and cards were enjoyed during the evening, after which a delicious lunch was served, Mrs. Roy Bryson and Mrs. Percy Cooper pour- ed tea and the tables were bea/utifully decorated with flowers. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hooey, Air. and: Mrs. By all Lowery, Mr W. J. Riddell and daughter Eileen, Mr, E. H. Brown and Mr. Wm. Malley attended the re- ception given to Dr. G. G. R. Hall of Little Britain, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows for Ontario, held in the Armouries at Lindsay on Monday nigh't. About eight hundred sat down to a sumptuous banquet, followed by a program of music and addresses, ending in a huge dance. Dr. Hall was given a large filing cabinet by his District, No. 43, in honour of the service and distinction brought to his District, Mr's. Hall was the recipient of a beautiful bon qriot of flowers. Many Past Grand Masters were present, also the Presi- dent of the Rebel ah Assembly, Ernie Anderson, of'Lindsay, Crown Attor- ney and a Past Grand Master, was chairman for the evening. HOCKEY A meeting will shortly be held for the reorganization of the Orono Mid- get Hockey Club for thie season of 1938-19:3'9. This team-gave a very creditable account of themselves last season, but haven’t ice surface enough for development. This could ea,silly be obraibed with an addition built on the east side of the building at a nominal east for curling arid the west cushion moved back to its ori- giniall place. This will1 provide suffi- cient i.ee surface for O.H.A. hockey, what would mean gtrleater revenue, as the management of a hockey team in Bowmanville Iras agreed to bring his team to Orono for practise and play all his home games here. Again $150.00 has been offered for the use of the rink if the above conditions are carried out, «ko a well-wisher of sports in Orono will cireuiliaje a peti- tion for funds to assist, the Agricul- tural Society in defraying the cost of the necessary expense in conitec- tion with the alteration*. This seems to be a step in the right direction towards furthering the interest and welfare of the younger generation without -interfering with the activi- ties of the grown ups. We hope the executive of the rink will take this matter into consider- ation and act accordingly. OPENINGMEETING The opening meeting of the Dur- ham County Club', of Toronto, will be held in the Shorboume House, Tor- onto, on Thursday, October 27th. The guest speaker will be W. J. Pickup, K.C., his subject being “The Courts of Ontario.†Master Raymond Gil- mer, winner in the Public School Provincial Speaking Contest, will alto give his address, namely “I want to be a good Canadian citizen.†The election of officers for the cur- rent year will also take place. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STukE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER Get These Values For One Week Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. bag Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. Cambell’s Soups, Chicken, Mushroom, Vegetable, Pea 21c 4Sc 10c Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. - 53c Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin - 22c Shortening - Jewel and Easifirsl, 2 lbs. 25c Salmon, Clover Leaf, tall tins 2 for - 25c Pure Lard, 3 lb. pkg. Aylmer, Ready Dinner, 2 tins for Halloween Cream Biscuits, !b. Apple Blossom Biscuits, 2 lbs. Raisins, seedless, 2 lbs. Prunes, extra large, 1 lb. Macaroni, cut in bulk, 2 lbs. Bee Hive, Cooper’s, doz. 32c 22c 14c 27c ARMSTRONG’S COATS Only a few Ladies’ Coats remain, ranging from sizes 14 to 42; in navy, black, wine andfiH , znrii r a green....... ,.*Mv l® <pZ 1 ,jU Come in and see them PRINT Here is a real bargain in “Somerset Print,†ten dif- ferent patterns to choose from, reg. 25 c. print 1 Q for per yard ..... lï/v SLEEPERS Children’s Warm Fleeced Lined Sleepers, in blue and pink with fancy pockets, sizes 1 to 6, pair... HOSE Labres’ All Wool Hose, in fawn and gunmetal, sizes 8 1-2 to 10 1-2, per CQ pair ............... vvL UNDERWEAR Ladies All Wool Plantées, Bloomers anid vests with embroidered flowers or HATS We have a large assortment of Fall and Winter Hats for Misses and Ladies, in navy, .black, brown, green, rust and burgundy, all d*1 AC head sizes...... REMNANTS Another pile of Remnants have accumulated pieces of towelling, print, flannel, chintz and ticking, all these alt bargain prices. Come in and see them. vestsâ€.......... Ladies’ Vests of soft warm Wooliex with long sleeves, draw string and but- toned front ....... $1 HOSE Ladies’ Lisle Hose with rib- bed stretch top in gunmetal and ". fawn, shades in all sizes, pair. 49c plain, per gar ment .............. $1.00 Children's Stockings Children’s All Wool Ribbed Hose, in a fawn shade, good sturdy Hose for romping children, sizes 5 to 10, pair 30c., 35c., 45c., 50c. WOOLTEX Ladies’ Winter- weight Un- derwear, made /of Warm Wpoffitex. Bloomers are roomy and Warm, the vest's have quarter sleeves and draw strings, each J*Q garment .......... v«/L COTTON FLANNEL Extra Heavy Cotton Flan- nel, in ten different patterns suitable f'dr dresies OA and shirt's, per yard OVERCOATS A Bargain in Overcoats, 8 only, blue heather shade, raglan Coats with half belt alt back, slash pockets. Regu- lar $24.50 value for...........'.... $19.50 COMBINATION /s’ Wooltex Combina- tions; a nice Soft Warm garment of long wearing quality, sizes i 22 to 34 . $1, $1.25 UNDERWEAR Heavy Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers ; warm kind, sizes 36 to 44 ....... the extra $1.50 Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery F rom the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. rhà y be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and 0 Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono 21c 15c 6c 5c HALLOWEEN CANDIES Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb. 10c Kisses, lb. 10c Jelly Beans, 2 lbs. 25c Gum Drops lb. 13c