ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEWTOMVILLE Miss' Isabel Bruce is home f rom Bancroft!, again. Mr. J. II. Couch was a juryman in .Oobourg last week. 'Sorry Co report Mr. Sam Jones in Port Ifope Hospital. Mr. George Stapleton Sr. has been under Orbe dçtetcirV oare. 'Mies Gladys Peardë visited Mrs. Oh-as. iS'mith, Cavan vide, Sunday. Mrs. Jack Glover, Newcastle, spent Thursday with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Chatterton, Oron-o, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruce on Sunday. Mrs. Hawkins and" daughter, Port Hope, visited Mrs. *Sarn Jones on Sunday. Mr. Foster, Toronto, and Mrs. Fowler, Whitby, visited Mrs. J. Jack- son, Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Bache and Denise, of Toronto, spent the past week with Miss. I. Laing. Mrs. F. Moore and family, of Cas- tleton, visited the former’s daughter, Mrs. Jaime's Sitark. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Ennis- killen, were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrie. Mr. and Mis. Alfred Peate. ' Balti- more. Maryland, are visiting his sis- ter. Mrs. Jaimes Dà rçh. Come to our Hallowe’en Party in the U. C. basement on Monday, Opt. 31st. Prizes for cos; mues and con- tests. 'Miss Margaret Pen-milt wias pianist for the junior choir at, church Sun- day evening. The adluit choir sang at Clarke Anniversary. 'Sunday visitors at Mr. James Dur,-ids: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Part- ner arid three , children. Tyrone; Miss Edith Partner and Mr. S. Gl-ob-l-e, Tfow-manvil'le. Mrs. Willis Jones, Miss I. Laing, Miss Florence, Burley, Rev. E. L. Beech and Mr, R. J. Rowe were at the Sunday School Convention in Bowmamville last Tuesday. Mr. W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. M. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Lindsay, and Mrs. J. Pollard and boys, of Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. AYjn. Milligan on Sunday. KENDAL (Too late for last week) Mrs. Underwood and Miss Em- i ringlmm arc taking in Marmora Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jaekson and Mr. L. Hoy spent the latter part of the week at Powassan. Mrs. Ma ’Innés and Tittle Harvey, of West Hilt, are visiting at the home of Mlrs. Roy Mercer. The topic of the Kendal Women’s Institute meeting for October being music, the ladies were much delighted in being privileged, to hear Mrs. Robb conduct her regular music lesson with the children in Kendal Public School. The Juniors and -Seniors did their teacher credit in- their voice.exercise, STARKVILLE Visitors : Mrs. Rosa Hallowed with Mr. and Mrs. W. Prouse. .. Mr. Norman Bruton with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Mr. John Stark made) a business trip to. Detroit last week. Mr. Laverne Stone, Bronte, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank -Stone. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Metier with Mr, and Mrs. Richard Hiallowell. Mr. and Mrs. It. Saver.v with Air. and Mrs. A, Mul-drew, Elizabet'hville. Mr, and Mrs. John McKnight, of Milbrook, with her aister, Mrs. Lome Todd. Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Gilmer -and Gwen with Mr. and Mrs, T. Q. Sow- den, Eliaajbefbvill-e. 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay and family, B'ronite; Air. and Mrs. A. A. Martin and family, Brighton ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton and family, of drone ; Mr. and. Mrs. Wlil-fredl McKay and family, Newtonvilile; Mrs. Har- old B-arrowcl’ough, Wesleyville, and Mr. Arthur MoKay, with Mr. and Airs. It. B-oughen. â€"U-)â€"-â€",â€"o--------- The large brick dwelling house on the farm of Carl Moynes, west of. Lindsay, was completely r.azed by tire Sunday night last wMIle the family was in Newcastle. Oon'tenrs on the first floor were removed, but those on the second floor were destroyed. The barn and miillt house nearby were saved through the efforts of the fire crew. reading and singing niâtes, and sing- in their songs. Airs. Robb also gave the Institute an interesting and in- structive talk on the value of music and what is being d-on-e in the schools now that music is compulsory. .She also- said that the schools in this district were among the first to have musical instruction for which we should be justly proud. After a bountiful lunch was served: to -the pupils and the Institute, the pupils were dismissed and the meeting con- tinued. The roll call was “A Great Musician.†The .librarians offering their services were : October 15th, Mrs. Elber Luxon-; October 22nd, Mrs. Evan Quantriil; October 29th, Mrs. Wm. Mercer, and November 5th, Mrs. McKenna. Thirty-five bo-ok-s were donated by Air. and- Mrs. George Ollark and a consignment was received from- the Uxbridge Public Library, making a total of four hun- dredi and twenty books.. It was de- cided that fifty cents per year be charged to those outside of the Wo- men is Institute who desire books to read. Mrs. Roy Mercer was chosen as delegate to attend the convention in Toronto, a collection will be taken up at our next meeting to go to the crippled children. The next meeting held in the library on November 9th, will be in charge of r\Irs. Neva Lit- tle’s group. The roll call to be Christmas gift suggestions. FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono BOWMANVILLE AVe have not heard anything fur- ther about the bugle band of the High School whether if is to be on not to be, that is the question. The carpet ball season, has opened -and from now on the town clubs will compete for ; repaies presented by ad- mirers of this indoor game. Those firemen- who were so badly hurt and shaken up when their fire en- gine ran into a truck are on the way to recovery and will -soon be on the job again. -We notice the LaiSalle Boys’ Band of Toronto have been presented with a new set of instruments by Senator Smith, who always has been interested in this organization. The orchestra that furnished the music at the Badminton hail -on- Fri- day evening last, was. the “Jack Evens†outfit,, but we did not. learn where their home 'town is. Air. Win. M. Ives celebrated his 90th birthday on the 1.9th of this month by a family celebration at the home, Centre Street. Well the “youngster†looks fit, for another sea- son in his vegetable garden. We are sorry to record the death of Dr. Bel, which took place* on Sat- urday last,, after a long and painful illness. We understand Dr. Fergu- son, of Enniskillen, took oyer Dr. Bell’s practice in the meantime. The street cleaning gang are do- ing a good work in cleaning up the large number of leaves on the differ- ent streets o-f the town. If left they soon clog up the sewers and cause extra work in cleaning out the grate openings. Jury and Lovell’s drug store, of O -lii.wa Sotuth, seems to have been an easy job for thieves of late, as they came back for a second helping. They should have allowed the first trip to cool-off before venturing on the sec- ond- course. . Some of -those football . (pictures get us so confused that wë d-o not know whether it is a Chinese battle or union riot of motor ear employees. Ocas* ion all y we notice it takes toll of some adherents who play not wisely but too w-ell. We notice Oshawa youngsters have taken a lino from Toronto in the mat- ter of swiping a woman’s bag as- they sweep- by on their bicycle. Those young thieves- should get a dose of the -cat o’ nine fails, which is the only way to stop this depi-cnble business. At the diamond jubilee concert on Wednesday evening, October 26th, of the Parkdale Church, Toronto, we no- tire a large number of Toronto ar- tists took part Mr. Francis Sutton is the organist of this church, late of Trinity Church of this town. He was also the piano accompanist on this occasion. There was a sound of revelry by night and the source was the Badmin- ton Hal, King Street, and it wia-s the - : ng people’s initial dance for the -- - non,- and judging from the number Oil cars parked in the vicinity there must have been a large number pres- ent. Th e ball was well décorai ted and the floor in excellent condition. -Such a lot we hear nowadays about vitamins. How the old timers ever got through, without them we do not understand, probably they lumped the whole business at one dose and got through with it as soon -as possible as they did not have the time or inclin- ation to study the A. B. 0, and D. of this cross word solution or the number of calories to the square inch. -Such an epidemic of banditry as we have nowadays. Stealing of bicy- cles, motor cars and even trucks, and holdups as- never was known in this county before, is today a very com- mon occurrence. AYdll, the only way to stop It is to do as they did at one time in the West,, when cattle' rust- ling and horse stealing, was in vogue, s 1’mb of a tree arid a rope did: the job. The past week in 'this town has been a busy one with various do- ings, ' from bridge i(o rummage sales, to fraternal gatherings and Institute meetings, to music clubs, to' bonne cooking find winter cloth- ing collecting# - and the usual num- ber of padllcrs from -the city who take a-wey that which should go to our (merchant -citizens, who. are called on by everything going to help support and pay taxes- besides, Which is not a square deal. Out- out the pedl'er nuisance and patronize your home ni* rehaut and give boot lace and safety pin pedlers the cold: greeting. 'This is the time of year when the -rolaphinie-ry people attend the -plough- ing matches and exhibit their wares, tractors, 'cream separators, -gang plows and everything a farmer should h-a-ve to make farm work more pl'eà s- anr and profitable with a large num- ber, but with others it has been just the' opposite. With the million- aire from the city it is, of course, a hobby, with the general farming community it is to make a living for himself and family, and as we all dépend on the land for our. food and clothing hence the great inter- est taken by all, or should be in what- pertains to farm life. Ploughing ma fiches. Fal Fairs, Winter Fairs, Boys’ Calf Clubs, "Swine Clubs, NEWCASTLE Miss Annabel Hendry was home from Tyrone for the week-end, Mr. Jack 11 are was home from Queen’s. Kingston, over the week- end. Mrs. W. II. Gibson has 'gone to Meaford to visit friends and rela- tives for -a fortnight.- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coulson, o-f Tor- onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coulson. The Men’s Cluib of S't, George’s Church entertained"the Men’s Club of Sf. Peter’s,, Oobourg. on Tues- day- evening. Air. and Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown- and Miss Margaret Brown visited) relatives in the ici t-y on Sunday. The Parochial Committee of St. George’s Ohur'eh intend holding their annual supper in the Parish Hall on Thursday, November 10th. Rev. J. Scot*. and Mil’s. Howard were “At Home†to their numerous friend's on Thursday afternoon last, the occasion being Mr. Howard’s eighty-second birthday. Anne Thomas, daughter off Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas, was chris- tened in St. George’s Church on Sat- urday evening, the Rector, Rev. D. It. Dewdeney officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rayner, of Lake Forest, Illinois, spent the week-end . with Mrs. Rayner’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibson. Mr. -and Mrs. Rayner were return- ing from a month’s holiday in Eng- land and Italy. Mrs. R. W. Gibson entertained a: four tables off Bridge on Friday af- ternoon last. Mrs. Cecil Cannon, of Oshawa, won the high score prize and M’rs. J. A. Butler the lucky score prize. Tea was served in. the diningroom and Mrs. David Valleau, of Oshawa. poured tea and coffee at a table -artistically decorated with funk and flo-wers. Mrs. Gi'bson leaves in two weeks-for Orillia where she has taken an apartment for the winter. COWANVILLE Mr. and Airs. S'am Smith were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Will Watters-on and Irene and Mrs. Heard were Sunday visitors with.Mr. and Mrs., Erwin Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Westai) Stringer, Mr. and Mis. Cecil Waikey and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Hancock were -Sun-day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George I Tend arson. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Orossley, Mr. and Mrs. S. Yeo and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Rosaline and Helen Harness, Rev. .lull and son were Sunday visitors with Mr. -and Mrs. W. 0. Cross ley. Mr. and Mlrs. Mqrrish, Osborne, Mrs. Hiayn.es, Mr. -and Mrs. Will Cowan, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Hail, and Mir. and Mrs. 0. Cowan, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan. • The anniversary services at Clarke Church oh Sunday was a complete success with Rev. P. F. Jull. Brook- lin, in the pulpit. The local choir provided special music in the. after- noon and the United Church choir from Newtonvilile for the, evening service. Mr. and Mlrs. Robert, Graham, M.r. and Mrs. Russell McNeil and Phyliss, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner and Sammy, Mr. and Mrs. IK. Payne, Mias Sybil Hood', Peterfooro, Mrs. Fred Graham and Mr. Alfred Graham were Sunday visitors with Mr. T. J. Simpson and family. ENTERPRISE Airs. L. Allien has been a -guest of Mrs. John Moffat* for the past two weeks. Air. and Mrs.1 Wm. Mallley and Or en visited friends in Whitby re- cently. Air. and Mrs. Gordon Moffatt at- tended a shower for Mr. land Mrs. Mervyn Smith, of Bethany. We are sorry to lose our-neighbors, Mr. an-d Mrs. Kendrick and family, who are moving to Drum section. Mr. and) Mrs'. J. Moffatt, Mrs. L. All-dread and-Viola, and Mrs; L. Al- ien, visited relatives in Bowman vile, Newcastle and Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and son, Charley and Miss Pauline Fraser attended a party given in honor of the birthday of his brother. Wm. T. Tay- lor, iSbliii'a. On Wednesday evening a shower was held, at Mr'. I.. Ran sherry’s for Mary Slcott, sister of Mrs. Ransberry, whose marriage to Mr- Thos. Abbott will take place at Port Hope on Oct- ober 218th. Many friends and relative^ from Bethany, Drum, Oshawa and Newcastle were, present. Best wishes to the young eon-pile were expressed in a short address, They will reside in Sudbury. ' School Fairs-, Judging Teams, .Poul- try Raising and Farm Mechanics, so therefore attend those farmers gath- erings ' because of such you live more and have yo-ur being. - TyrrelPsDrug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO COD LIVER OIL FOR POULTRY AND LIVE STOCK Tbi's oil ite 'the highest grade obtainable, by government test. It is 100 per cent. Bure Cod-liver Oil, contains not more than 1 per cent, fa-tty acid, fine odor and perfect taste. PRICE, per quart 35 crs., 1.-2 gal. 70 cts. 1 gallon, 1.35 (your containers) RADIATOR ALCOHOL Prepare your. car for winter with guaranteed full-strength, radiator anti-freeze When mixed in- the following dilution, 35 per cent, alcohol and 65 per cent, water, it wll remain fluid at 10 degrees below zero. If is not injurious to radiator or engine through cor- rosion,, is perfectly fluid alt all temperatures for which it is miked and will not dlo-g any cooling system. It is one of the most -efficient and rapid conductors of heat. PRICE, per quart 35 cts., 1-2 gal. 65 cts, 1 gallon, $1.19 Radiator Glycerin, 1 lb., 35c. VETERINARY REMEDIES We have a complete stock of Veterinary Remedies for every use. Let 1.1s fill your favorite recipe and blend them for yo-u for the price of -the ingredients. Gamisby’s Condition Powders, an old and proven tonic for all s-tock, full size package ..... 14 ozs..39c. You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store YOU’LL GET SOAP CHIPS ...».. NEW C'HEE-SE .:....... LINE OLD CHEESE.... INFANT’S DELIGHT SOAP, ml FRY’S BAKING CHOCOLATE ICING SUGAR.......... WALNUTS ( FRESH STOCK) lecials d LB 17c. 3 LBS ...19 c LB; ..20c. LB ..25 c. Special 4 FOR ...19c 1-2 LB TIN ..22c. 2 LBS. ...15c ,4 OZS ...10c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Value and Save Money AT THIS STORE THREE DAY FEATURE SALE FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY October 27, 28, 29th Ju'st recéived another Fresh Shipment direct from, the factory LOG CABIN CHOCOLATES. You know that every piece is a pure chne sugar cream, being entirely hand-rolled and 100 per cent, hand dipped. Assorted flavour's 0r 12 different var- ieties to choose from, 0ne half pound ..... 10c. Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF . BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR - REQUIREMENTS -- PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal&LumberCo All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised