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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Nov 1938, p. 5

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ORONO WflEKLY TIMES | County and 6 District News believed that the wolf was the guilty culprit. Ashley receives a bounty of $15,00. Anniversary services, marking the 104th year of St. Andrew’s Presby- terian Church, were held Sunday at Oobourg. Work has commenced on. the addi- tion -to Pueenie Wharf, Port Hope, a project which will cost the govern- ment $49,1-90. O-liver Giles Johns, of Oobourg, passed away on Saturday from a heart attack. The late Mr. Johns conducted a drug business in that town. He was a member of the Ma- sonic Lodge. Len Gatchell-, Darlington Town- ship, was assessed $100 in Bowman- ville police court with the option of .three months when be pleaded guilty to a change of illegal possession un- der the L.O.A. before Magistrate F. S .Ebbs on Friday last. (Returning to devour four sheep it bad killed previously, a lirge timber wolf was shot north otf Lindsay on Thursday of last week by Gordon Ashley. Dogs in the past have been Mamed for the killing but now it is OLIVER GETS 15 YEARS Harold Oliver, 19-year-old Ham- ilton. Township farmhand, was sen- teniced to 15 years in Kingston peni- tentiary on -a charge of wounding with intent to harm, .and fiv-e years on an arson charge, to run concur- rently, by Mr. Justice Green at the lall assizes at Oobourg, on Friday last. The, third cdunt, a serious offence, was transferred to the next court and the crown intimated that lire charge would be withdrawn. When sentencing Oliver, His Lord- ship pointed out that the penalty drew a maximum sentence of life, but in view. of Oliver’s youth, he said., the sentence was reduced to 15 years. Oliver was arrainged in court on a charge of attempted murder, arson and a third serious offence. Thurs- day, the jury reduced the first charge to wounding causing grievous bodily injury with intent to harm. In this charge the jlury found the accused guilty,- [LOCAL AND SOCIAL Subscribe to The Orono Times. BUCK JONES, IN “Boss Of Londy Valley” On the Same Programme Teddy Bergman's Bar Bâ€"Q, a two reel Musical Comedy Hit The Lamplighter, a highly amusing cartoon Comedy TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday, November 5th Doors open at 8.00 p m. Show starts 8.15 ADULTS, 25c.; CHILDREN, 15c. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Mother Parkers 5 lb. tins Breakfast TEA Bee Hive- Bacon i lb. pkg. Corn Syrup piece, lb 27c X*7c SLICED # V» JF M Ve lb. 30c. Torn Tablets, 6 pkgs......25c Snap Hand Cleaner, per tin ............... 14c Java! Water, 2 large tot- ties ..... ...lie P & G Soap, 5 bars.......21c. Soap Chips, 3 lbs........19c Scrub Brushes, each ......15c 3 lb. tins Crisco ........61c Large Lemons, doz Oranges, dozen, ... Pot Barley, 3 lbs ... ....25c ....19c ....13c Red and White Tea Bags â- Bbx....................25 c Fancy Pink Salmon, large tins, 2 for ..... .....;.25c Aurora Belle High Grade Pastry Flour, 24-lb. -bag 58c Supreme Molasses, 2 tins for ....................19c Magic Goflfee, lib.........29c Pork Hocks, lb ......10c Pork Shoulders, lib........17c Butt of Pork, lb..........18c. Golden Bantam CORN 3 tins 25c. Picake Shortening Per lb. lie. ROUND STEAK lb. 19c. Quality Bulk Tea, reg. 55c., this week, per lb. - - 49c. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. with Cereal Bowl - - 25 c. PHONE 12r2 J. J. CORNISH Phone For It Prompt Delivery Mrs. W, Irwin, of Mimieo, is visit- ing with her mother, Mris. I. Winter. . Forty-eight hour Radio Service, guaranteed, Charles R. Knox; Phone 42r2, pm no. c-48-c, Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Junker, of Preston, Spent Sunday at Mrs, Mary Sdeson’ë. Mrs, John Armstrong has returned home from a two weeks’ visit in Tor onto and1 Hamilton. A number of brethren of L.O.I,. No. 409 paid à fraternal visit- to Ken- dal Lodge Wednesday evenjng. _ Mias Malbel Davy and Mrs, L. Fra- lick spent a pleasant week-end- in Bi.nvmanville with Mrs. A. E. Powers, New cement steps are being laid at- the main entrance to the Continua- tion School. -Contractor Frank Hall is doing the work. Mia. F. Duncan wilth her daughter, Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Wilson and family visited relatives in Port Hope over the week-end. Mrs, Kaart, of Toronto, Mrs. Cav- erly, of Bowman-vile, attended the shower given in honour of their sis- ter, Miss Ollie Davey. iRev. J. II. and Mrs. Osterhout, of Ottawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh last week-end, also ,-alied on several other friends. The members of Sit. -Saviour’s Church held a congregational party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Morton on Wednesday evening. The household effects of 'the late Mrs. John Honeywell will be sold by public auction jn the -village of Orono on Saturday, November 5th, 1988. Miss Edna- Shortt and Miss Hazel Wright, of Osha.wa, who were altitend* ing the Young People’s, Congress, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chapman, of Whitby, moved into Orono on Mon- day evening, occupying 'the apartment recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs Charles Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anderson, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Onklyna Hodgkins, Misses A. and E. Morrison, of Toronto, were Sunday guest# of Mr. 01mlies Tyrrell. The new signboard donated by the Women’s Institute to our main street is quite an added attraction. Mr. Ar- thur Beamish is to be congratulated on his artistic carpentry. Mr. and Mrs, Frank -Mason, Miss Beatrice Crydenman-, R,:N., of Osh- a;wa, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ory- dlermian, of Bowmanville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taifvhlyn on â- Sunday. iSunday visitors at Mr. and! Mrs. ’S. E. Alien’s were, Mr. and Mrs. Riichnrds, Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Mr. Harry Taylor, all of Buwmanvilte, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter, of Oshaiwa. The prize winners at the picture show on Saturday evening last were, adults, George Mitchell, pyrex plate, Don Baker, pyrex casserole; children, C'hrissy Jordan, bag of candy, Greta Mercer, bag oif candy. Mr. A. J. Tamlhlyn and F. F. L. Tamhlyn, of Oed-ar Dale Farms, mo- tored to Columbus, Ohio, las1: week and attended the 'National Dairy ©ho-w which is one of the . largest shows in the United States. Mr. Wim. Oullis, of Pickering, for- merly of Leskard, visited with Mr. John Morris on Saturday last. Mr. Oullis celebrated his 82-nd birthday and is in the beslt of health, still has good hearing and excellent eyesight. Contractors from Tbronto started work on-Mr. J. J. Giltillan’s new home on Main street south. The ex- cavation work is now in progress in préparai:ion for the foundation. It is expected the house will be closed in before the cold- weather sets in. The contractor will use whatever Orono labor he can in the erection of the house. At the last council: meeting on Tuesday Clarke - Township Council paid out in sheep and cattle claims $120.50. This is the largest amount that hais been paid out for some time. Owners that let their dogs run loose -at night should be positive that they are not in the habit -of worrying sheep. Owners of sheep have very little opportunity to protect- them at night which affords the dogs the op- portunity to carry on their nefarious w-ork. Miss Marguerite Harris, of Tor- onto-, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Har- ,i!d Dean,. Mrs. Hancock returned from the Bowmanville- Hospital on ’ Saturday and- is recovering nicely. -Mr. Keith Henderson, of Sudbury, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Geo. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter have moved to Osha-wa, where they are residing in the “Simcoe Manor Apartments. Mr. Wan. Miltchell and1 Mesdames Cantrell and Phasey will contribute to an amateur -contest at Garden Hill on Friday, November 4th. Miss Mae Ramsberry, of Mon- treal, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rams- berry, df Sudbury,, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Rams- berry. Mesdames Dr. Long, of Southamp- ton, -and Little, of Ingersoll, cousins of Mr. Orme Gamsby and daughters of the late Jesse Henry, whom older residents of Orono will remember as being the oiwner of the property "now occupied by Milton Staples, were in town on Thursday last viewing fa- miliar land marks -and calling on- friends of their parents, Mr. Alex. McLeod, of the Depart- ment of Game and Fisheries, Tor- onto, was in town on Tuesday, ac- companied by Frank Hall- and Orme Gamsby, inspecting various si|t-es with the object of establishing a trout pond. The above Mr. McLeod was n employee at the Newcastle Hatcher- ies under the supervision of the late Samuel Willmoltt, the first to estab- lish a fish hatchery in Ontario. Port Perry Continuation 'School football team played the local school team on Saturday, October 22nd, when Orono were victorious by a score of 3 to-2 in overtime. On Sat- urday, October 29th, Orono played a return game at Port Perry which re- sulted in a 2-all tie. Fifteen min- utes overtime was- played bu-t neither team could score. Weather permit- ting Port Perry are expected to play the local team in Orono park on Sat- urday next. Dome and cheer the boys to victory. For the direction of voters voting on the By-Law it is absolutely neces- sary for you- to vote on the question on the second ballot of securing a supply of eledt-rical power from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, as there is no other source by which we can obtain an electrical supply of power owing to our lack of water resources. There- fore it behooves our voters to vote- Y EiS on .the second ballot and assure us of an ample supply of power. Denny Lynch, the young son of Mr. and- Mrs. Lynch bad a narrow escape on Monday when he was struck by a car driven by Mr. Wm. Cornish at the tannery bridge. Mr. Cornish was travelling south, and Denny, who was holding the hand of Mrs. Wyman Reid, suddenly darted out onto 'the pavement in front of the on-ooming car, giving Mr. Cornish no chance whatever to avoid the accident. The child wa.s taken to Dr. Manning where he was examined and it was found -that he had come through his ordeal un-s'eathed. A number of citizens have asked as to wh0- will- run the Orono Hydro when it is purchased. This is easily â- answered. lit will continue to be handled- just as it has in the pas-t. We do not think ii is ever advisable to change when the people handling it are able to show over two thousand dollars a year profit and have all the equipment for doing the jab. The only extra work owning the Hydro will make for the Police Trustées will be in deciding what- bonds are to lie paid off each year and when the time comes to arrange a reduction in rotes. - ----------oâ€"â€"â€"------â-  - HORTIOULTUBAL PARTY Last Thursday evening the Honi- on ! turn 1 'Society held their social evening in. the town hall, when eight tables of five hundred', four of euchre -and two of crokmole were played. The prize winners for the evening were, five hundred, high lady, Mrs. O. W. Roliph, consolation, Miss Col- ville; high gent, E. J. I fiunm, con- solation, Frank Hall, Euchre, high lady, Mrs. M. Harris, consolation. Mrs. W. E. Armstrong ; high gent, James Dickson, consolation, George Butters. Ducky chair prizes, Mrs. O. F. Rolph, Mrs. Harold Déan. Raf- fle on -a bushel ,J Macintosh apples, Mrs. -Stan. Payne. Mr. M. H. 'Staples thanked- all those who had taken part in making the evening -a success, after which re- freshments of sandwiches and coffee brought a very pleasant evening to close. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS Monarch Pastry FI jur Orono Pastry Flour 24 lbs for 59c. 24 lbs 43c Durham Cornstarch, 2 for Rolled Oats, 5 lbs. 17c 19c ROBINHOOD FLOUR ..........1 CWT $2 85 CORN, PEAS and TOMATOES ...3 FOR.25c. CORN FLAKES, glass bowl free.3 FOR 25c FINEST QUALITY MINCEMEAT ..2 LBS 25c NEW CHEESE...................LB....20c. ORANGE MARMALADE ..... LARGE JAR.22c. POUR JELLY POWDERS, with fruit bowl.ALL.. „.,25c BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP.........5 LBS...37c.’ COFFEE, fresh ground.... .... LB...29c. Old Hickory Sodas, 2 lb box - 25c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs for - 1 7c Jewel Shortening 4 lbs. 45c. Rose Baking Powder 1 lb; tin 12c. Oxydol large pkg. 21c, P & G Naptha Soap 7 bars for 25c ARMSTRONG’S HATS Here is -the bargain you have been waiting for, all remain- ing hats, a two dozen assort- ment, for only each ..........- $1.49 MONARCH YARNS we have a complete line of Monarch Dove and Andu- lwsi'an, Winter time is sweater time i n J or biaiir,.....loc and lo c CORSETS Ladies’ Medium weight, -peach . -coutil, back-lacing Corset, sizes 26 to 34, odd and ev-en sizes... $1.00 COATS You can’t afford to go with- out a New. Winter Coat this •year, not at the prices We are offering you. Our coat's at $15 to $21.50 KIMONAS ~ â-  Ladies’ and Misses’ Eider- down Tvimonas, made for warmth, in blue, green and mauve. Misses 8, 10, 12 .... U K-V X ) IV*. $2.50 SNOW SUITS. ' Children’s Blanket Cloth Snow Suits with front zip- per closing, -reinforced knees, with helmet -to match, -sizes 2, 4 and 6.... $3.95 SNUGGIES Ladies’ and Missels’ Pink Snuggles, a -tight fitting gar- ment in a fancy stitch,- espec- ially designed to avoid OQ- bulkliniess, each...„„“vl GOTHIC; BRASSIERE For health and comfort here is your answer, the uplift brassiere of pink brocade with front fastening and built up shoulder straps. Sizes 38 to 46, TOWELS ~ We have a * wonderful as- sortment of fancy towels, -they- make lovely gift-s and are so reasonable from 35c. pair to 69c. each IBEX BLANKETS Large sizes Flannelette Ibex Blankets, white and grey with pink and blue I (borders, pair $2.45 SUITS Young Men Two Pant Suits, pleated back, patched pockets, in fancy tweeds and worsteds, pleated trousers, sizes 36 to 40................;...,. $19.50 SUITS Boys’ Suits of brown and grey tweeds, twod'l O FA pants, sizes 28-34 Y *• SWEATER COATS All Wool Heather Coat, without collar......... $1.50 SMOCKS With a heavy ileiie lining, corduroy collar in a good quality black de- (lO f A mim ............ OVERCOATS 4 only, Men’s Overcoats, all good styles, reg. $20.00, si $10.50 OVERALLS Big 88. Overalls, every pair guaranteed priced $2.25 PANTS Union Tweed Pant's, a good heavy quality, . suitable for second best pant or a good work pant, s’ize-s 34 (hO A F to ! 1 ........«P/Ãœ.4D Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono

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