OKOXT) WEEKLY TIMES RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY | LIBBY’S J Pork & Beans 21 ounce tins 2 for 15c. SATURDAY 5 lb. bag Wheat Flakes 19c. CUT Macaroni 3 lbs. for lie. Aurora Belle Pastry Flour, 7 lb. bag...............20c. Slnljoin Steak, lb........23c. Pork Chops, lb. ..........23c. Porterhouse Steak, lb.....23c. Round Steak, lb...........19c. Breakfast Bacon, lib......29c. Butt of Pork, lb..........18c. Shoulder of Pork, lb......17c. 'Hoad Cheese, lb .........18c. Salmton, large tin .......10c. Magic Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin .......... 28c. Walnuts, fresh, lb...........35c. Ivory Soap, 2 for ... Chocolate Pip per lb ... Pearl White 5 bars for Comfort Soap Rolled Oats, Mixed Peel, Mixed Peel lb. ...... Currants, 2 lb Maraschino Q box ..... MATCHES 3 boxes for 19c eg. 10c cake, .....15c. ger Biscuits, ............19c Naptha Soap, .........19c. 5 bars 21c. 5 lbs, .....25c kinds...23c. xjvith Cherries, ....35c. is. .....25c. berries, 1 lb. ...25c. LOCAL AND SOCIAL YELLOW SUGAR 10 lbs for 49c. Extra large Prunes, «1°, 2 lbs - 25 Aunt Mary’s Krunchie Peanut Butter, large jar Oranges, reg. 25c size, dozen - 20c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Pronjïpt Delivery New CH 19c. Forty-eight hour Radio Service, guaranteed. Charles E. Knox. ; Phone 42ir% prono. " c-43-c. Miss' Thelma Myles, oif Toronto, - pent the week-end at her parental home*. Mrs. A. A. Drummond entertained in her home last Friday afternoon at bridge. Mrs. T. H. Powers, of Bowman ville, attended the fowl supper on Tuesday evening. Mr. Dave Morrison, of Bowman- ville, paid The Times office a visit, on Saturday last. Mrs. Gordon Oliver and son Keith, of Bobcaygeon, are visiting Mr. andl Mrs. Neil Porter this week. Mr. A. Smith and Mr. Vernon Saunders, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Saun- ders. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bouck and daugh- ters Misses Eve and Ethel', of Tor- onto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy A, Forrester and family. The Masonic Lodge will hol'd, their annual banquet in the town hall (to- night) Thursday, with the ladies of the Anglican Church catering. 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Shaw were: Mrs. A. Virtue, of Tyrone, and Miss Beta Carr and Mr. George A.ldred, 0f Bowmanvilile. Mrs. Fred Soiich, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Brown, of Whit- by, attended the fowl supper on Tues- day night in Orouo in Park iSt. United Church. Miss Flora Oobbledick, who has been visiting in Toronto, returned home on Monday. She expects to re- turn to Toronto Saturday 'or Sunday to spend the winter < In Sunday Rev. Littlewood de- livered two splendid discourses in. Park St. Church, :Tn the morning he chose for his subject “Democracy of Faith,†and' in' the evening “Re- meiubran.ee.'’ Both services were well attended. Miss Helen Case, 'wh0 is boarding with Mrs. Hazel Flint./if while at- tending Continuation school, left to gpend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Case, of Aurora. Mr. Alpha Pinch, of Oshawa, call- ed on friends in town on Thursday last, Mr. Pinch was once a resident of our village many years ago and was employed in Mr. John Allen’s blacksmith at that time. Mr. R. E. Logan has moved his family and household effects from Bowman vibe to Orono to take up residence here. He has rented the house of Mr. Martin Linton, on Sta- tion Street. We wefcome Mr. and Mrs. Logan and family to our fair village, J. P. Biokdll, registrar of motor vehidke, appealed for purchasers of new 1939 automobile licenses to de- stroy their old plates. Mr. Bickell pointed out that the 1938 markers are good until Mlarch of 1939, and if not destroyed might be put to some illegal use. The members of the Orange -Lodge, No. 409, are holding a banquet in the Lodge Rooms on Friday evening of this week and will have ag their ghosts the wives of their members, the 'Grand Master, and those that spoke -at the 10th of Jlu'ly celebration in 'Orono.^ The Horticultural , Society are supplying for the banquet The poppy committee of Orono wish ito thank the citizens of Orono and the surrounding district for their generous response in this worthy cause. The money will be used1 to heflip the needy ones at Christmas time to bring them cheer, and for other worthy causes as -long as the funds last. It is expected the re- ceipts will be about the same as last year. Armistice Service will be held in PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday, November 11 land Regimental Band w Canadian Legion member and school pupills from the school ground's1 to the town hall. Mr. J. J. M 'chairman. Rev. S. Littlewood will give the address and Mrs. Dorothy Rowe Lynch will sing, at 11.13. at 10.30 a.m. h. The Mid- ill parade the Beiwice closes OLET1939 UYI J°C ..V, vO*1! L" sU-pV| : \\es lrt *†»tMa 80* ,0»» 6-be,WeL»f' »' ,’v.o°T o» at *X<>a £)S^* .5X^21 Tip-», “ Ry, "1/ t vM-y. .XXXrX â„¢*- ‘'It?, «'9s, ^ffCTtn -- Uc ^ ... \ XtXXXv. I Xo^C{atêe'^ooWl0fi. 3<C< ;eaP_k:pfOot i&s&k • TiPüaV ^ „roOi ^ -\H S\* , W'"fX.X Xu-' %-r oas-.LcX'W- . C\* cost. * aOu Again More Quality AT SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED PRICES Come in today. See this marvelous new Chevrolet for 1939 . . , The highest quality motor car ever offered in the entire history of low- cost motoring .. .with all these sen- sational new features making it the outstanding car for all-round satisfaction as well as the biggest buy in motordom. SEE ITâ€"DRIVE ITâ€"TODAY! BUY A CHEVROLET AND BE SATISFIED. EASIER THAN EVER TO BUY! At new reduced delivered prices . . , and with low monthly pay- ments on the General Motors Instalment Plan. ALL THE BEST OF ALL THAT’S NEW nCTr ivy, . «oea*b<*ibt;g SMo°th <Mw 4 v,cfe s[h ers T Wzthiy S* sVi "LV r°h â- eti to , **r}y** C-’Aov n- ’ ° ClUTl oh 1 X. c-m ROY NICHOLS - Courtice "b PHONE 73rl WE DELI Vi: R SPECIALS Shortening or Domestic and Hillcrest, 2 lbs - 23c WHEAT FLAKES 5 lb bag, 19c. PITTED DATES 2 lbs. for 22c. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs., 53c. PURITY FLOUR ...... .......,1 CWT..$2.85 ECLIPSE PASTRY ............. 24 LBS....,45c RED ROSE SALMON, TALI....... 2 FOR . 19c NEW CHEESE ................ LB 20c OLD CHEESE..........................LB.28c. MUFFETS ...................2 BOXES...17c. BULK COCOA................... 1 LB...12,:. JAM SANDWICH BISCUITS........2 LBS..29c. CHOCOLATE MALLOW.............2 LBS..27c. Chocolate Assorted Cream Centre, 1 lb. for - - 15c" Jelly Beans, 2 lbs. for - 25c. SOAP CHIPS HONEY, WHITE 3 lbs. for 17c. 4 lb. pail 40c. 0. K. SOAP HONEY, AMBER 13 bars for 25c. 4 lb. pail 30c. ARMSTRONG’S Come in and see our wide range of Striped and plain | FLANNELETTE r Wide, range, of Stt Flannelettes, 17-inch width in striped or plain, yd.. Pllain white in different qualities, yard 20, 22 Slid 25c Real Striped Yama Cloth, heavy quality, yard...30c HATS Only two dozen Winter Hats r enfin. We are prac- tically offering them» i 4 Q to you at ......... PRINT Reg. 25c. Prints in ten dif- ferent pattern's of blue, pink, yellow, mauve and green, this week only, yd COATS If you want a Winter Coat you are under no obligation to buy in our store. Come in and see them, we may have one that just- suits you. ~ IBEX BLANKETS Large sized Ibex Blankets, White or grey with pink or blue borders, per (p(l yjC pair BLAN;KETS Comforters B edspreads Pure Wool Plan- Reversible Satin Here i-s rieal value kets with blue Comforters i n jin 72x90 Bed borders, only a mauve and gold, Spree ids of mauve few pair in stock, and blue and gold gold, green and per pair $7.50 each $7.00 • blu» $2.50 NIGHTGOWNS Ladies’ White Flannelette Gowns with fancy yokes or t"lured bindings', in (h 1 S., M„ L, each........ Y 1 SOX Heavy Extra Wool Sox, all straight factory yarn of the best quality, pen pr. 7Sc Child’s, 8 to 10 1-2 ......50c Misses’, sizes 11 to 2........55c. Women’s, 3 to 8 ..........65c. RUBBERS Youths’, 11 to 13...........55c Boys’, 1 to 5...65c. Men’s, 6 to 12 for .........75c Child’s Overshoe, 8 to 10 1-2...8Ã"C Misses’ Overshoe, 11 to 2 ...9(.)c Women’s Over- shoe, 3 to 8...$1. RUBBERS Men’s Red Sole 6-eyelet Heavy Rubbers, sizes 6 to 12- Special ............... $ J .65 COMBINATION S _ Turnbull’s 92 Combinations, ' double back and front ; a rieal warm long wearing un- derwear, sizes 36( to 44, suit ... :$2.50 Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery e From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono UNDER WEAR He; ivy Riibbec Wool Un- derwear, made by Penman’s, Shii "size *ts and Dra s 36 t-o 44 . T.11.59 UNDERWEAR 1 Fleece Lined Shirts and 1 ' Dr; wars, each 75c 1 Con ibinations, sizes 36 to 1 44, eadh $1.50 | t A