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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Nov 1938, p. 7

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She Finds a Wav To Se!l. Raw Milk Faced with the possibility of having to discontinue the selling of raw milk for human consumption, a Deseronto (Ont.) milk vendor,, who owns four cows, faced an emerg- ency when recent pasteuriza- tion Jaws were passed. Now she displays a sign “Milk for sale for dog's and cats,” and reports a satisfac- tory demand. FREEDOM FROM WEED SEEDS C. h. S. Palmer, well-known judge, gives timely advice to farmers planning to exhibit at Guelph Win- ter Pair and other Seed Shows. Clover and grass seeds are judg- ed from the standpoint of freedom from weed seeds, particularly those prohibited and noxious under the Seeds Act. They are also judged on freedom from other crop seeds; germination and general appear- ance, says C. L. S. Palmer, noted seed expert, in an interview this week. He stated it was almost im- possible to clean out Dodder, Cam- pion, Chicory, Field Peppergrass, etc., in clovers and timothy unless special cleaning machinery was used. Certain other crop seeds were hard to removeâ€"white clo- ver and timothy in alsike,.red clo- ver in alfalfa,and vice versa. There- fore, seed containing too large a percentage of other crop seeds should not be used for exhibition purposes. Use Wind and Screens Germination is indicated by col- our and lustre, Mr. Palmer stated. Size, plumpness, uniformity in size and colour, colour and the lustre of the seed and freedom from inert matter (stems, etc.) contribute greatly to general appearance. Size, plumpness and uniformity of seed are obtained and increased by the use of wind and screens. The Right Colour Seed for1 show should not contain brown seed, either plump or shrun- ken. Samples containing much green seed should not be chosen as it indicates immaturity. Most judges of alsike and red clover pre- fer the dark purple type Of seed. Timothy, of course, should be silv- ery in colour and contain as little hulled seed as possible; alfalfa and sweet clover should be a honey yellow. While colour of seed cannot be improved except by eliminating light immature seeds, lustre some- times can be brought back by ar- tificial means. The seed can be shined by being placed in a long cotton bag and tilted from one end to the other so that the surface is rubbed against the sides of the bag. The screens and sieves used for the dressing of seed for commerce are given in a bulletin published by the Dominion Department of Agri- culture, No. 137, New Series. The BOOK SHELF! By ELIZABETH EEDY JOURNEY OF TAPIOLA By ROBERT NATHAN A child could read this “Journey cf Tapiola” as a nursery tale, and find it, quite satisfactory, something like the travels of the little red hen who went to tell the queen the skies were falling. Or tin adult could find in it food for profound thought. Here the adventurers are a little dog, Tapiola; a venerable rat, Jeremiah; and a canary, Rich- ard, who felt they could be heroes if they left home and found the right environment in which to ex- ercise their talents. Together they concealed them- selves in an ash can, and were car- ried out by a street cleaner and placed aboard a dump scow, head- ed out to sea. Since Tapiola had always led a sheltered life (chopped liver on a plate whenever he asked for it), tire cold, hard world was a blow and a shock to him. However, Je- remiah and Richard helped him to take it. Here, incidentally, is one of the most delightful books of the year. Journey of Tapiola. By Robert Nathan . . . 121 pp. . , . Tor- onto; Ryerson Press, 299 Queen St, W., $1,75. Issue 46â€"-’38 Grading Canadian Dressed Poultry New Regulations Call For Dis- tinction to Ee Made Before Preparing for Market Under the new regulations res- pecting the grading and marking of dressed poultry in Canada, is- sued by Order in Council 14th of September, 1938, the kinds, sub- kinds, and grades of the Canadian Dressed Poultry Standards are as follows: â€" Chickens â€" squab broilers, broi- lers, fryers, roasters, poulards, ca- pons, stags. Fowl â€" hens, roosters. Turkeys â€" young hens, young toms, old hens, old toms. Ducksâ€"Ducklings, ducks. Geese â€" goslings, geese. Pigeons â€" squab pigeons. Guineas â€" guinea chickens, guin- ea fowl. The kinds fo poultry outlined in the Canadian Dressed Poultry Standards include both sexes and no distinction is made between the breeds. According to the definitions of the kinds and sub-kinds, chick- ens, ducklings, goslings, young tur- keys and guinea chickens are all young birds with soft flexible car- tilage at the posterior end of the breastbone or keel. They are birds that are prepared for market and killed at or before maturity, iind before they are used for breeding purposes. CALCIUM DIET FOR LONG LIFE A new secret of long lifeâ€"that it depends partly on the calcium your ancestors ate. â€" was an- nounced to the U, S. Academy of Sciences last week. If a family is fed a rich calcium diet, the re- sults add up in the second and later generations. The amount of calcium in the descendants is increased. They live longer. JAWS AND DEAFNESS The American Society for the Hard of Hearing learned last week that many cases of deafness are caused by abnormal relations be- tween the jaws. Repositioning of the jaws, it was said, often would entirely eliminate deafness. TO CURE DRUG ADDICTS A hypodermic in the spine to make the cure of drug addicts easy and painless is reported. The hypodermic is an anaesthe- tic causing “nerve block,” a form of anaesthesia often used in surg- ery to render a portion of the body insensible to pain. This sort of nerve block frees narcotic addicts during their first few days of abstention from the nervous shock, excitement and mental upsets that accompany withdrawal of morphine. WHEN ATOMS EXPLODE The extent to which we are af- fected by powerful unseen forces is indicated by " studies made on the cosmic rays at the University of Manchester, England. They have detected atomic explosions which spread their debris over a span of fifteen feet, and there are indications that the effects cover greater areas. They estimate that the total energy release in one of the atomic explosions observed reached as high as 10,000,000,000,- 000,000 electron volts. EYES, ELECTRIC BATTERIES Human eyes are powerful elec- tric batteries. This discovery, showng that each eyeball is an in- dependent battery, was announc- ed last week by a Yalfe University psychologist. Each eye produces a current averaging 1-1,000-volt, an electrical energy equal to that of the heart beats which make the recordings of electrocardiographs. Numerous eyes, Dr. Miles found, average l-400th volt; one gave 2-100 volt. ^BRINGS INSTANT EASE from Irish Army Riders Will C ompe'e At “Royal” ... lu'*?;** *c Arriving to take part in the International Horse Show at Madison Square Gardens, New York, members of the Irish army riding team are warmly welcomed to this continent. The e Irish team will be among those competing at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto this month. Water Erosion Destroys Soil Evidences of Destruction Are Seen On Nearly Every Culti- vated Sloping Land in Can- ada While the extent of the damage done to cultivated soils in Canada by water erosion is not as yet suf- ficiently apparent to arouse pub- lic opinion, there is clear evidence that a considerable amount of dam- age has been done by This agency of destruction states Dr. A. Leahey, Division of Field Husbandry, Cen- tral Experimental Farm. “It is not exaggerating the case to state that on nearly all sloping cultivated land in this country, soil erosion by water has taken plaçe. Tp some dis- tricts the appearance of yellow clay or gravel spots, the stunted and sparse vegetation on the knolls, the occasional presence of gullies, are unmistakable evidences of its de- structive presence. ‘‘The common farm practice of cultivating and seeding land up and down the slope, is one of the lead- ing causes of soil erosion by water. Therefore, the first step that should be taken in controlling or prventing washing" away of the soil is to avoid this practice by culti- vating the crops across the slope, or on the contour of the land. Lighter Furs Are Popular For Between - Season Use and Wear In Mild Climates NEW YORK,â€"Furs make an appeal not only from the point of view of warmth but also of becom- ingness. Therefore the lighter pelts have their place in our con- sideration for between-season use and for wear in comparatively mild climates. Among them the following are important: Krim- mer, Galyak, Mouton, Rabbit, Kidskin, Burunduki, Marmot, Oce- lot and Pony. Krimmer is a curly slate-colored lambskin, which, when its curls are thick and even, has an attractive appearance. Galyak is the skin of the new-born lamb, goat, or pony. It is soft and shiny, quite hand- some but fragile. Mouton is lambskin processed to look like beaver or nutria. When Bliss Is Blister “If ignorance is bliss,” said she to him, “well then, my boy, you’d better get your life insured, you’re apt to die of joy.” Brownâ€"“I haven’t seen your son for years. He seemed quite a promising fellow.” Jonesâ€"“Too much so. He’s been sued twice for breach of promise.” Jasper: “Why do you want a rubber plant in your gar- den?” Casper: “I want to raise tires for my garden truck,” It’s after the tenants move out that the landlord sees the hand- writing on the wall. Dentist-â€"“Now, open wide! I’m not going to hurt you.” New Patientâ€"“Cut out the professional guff, old man. I’m a dentist myself.” If placed end to. end, the hairs grown by the average man in one year would equal 7,604 feet, we learn. The trick, of course, is to get them to grow end to end. Goofus â€" “They say the king of Denmark lives a regu- lar dog’s life.” Rufus.â€"“Of course; he’s a great Dane, isn’t he?” Dizzy Figures Finished Him' A transient will, walk over all Ontario and perhaps some neighboring provinces in the course of a year which may entitle him to walk no more. A Tiverton farmer hired a transient to plow a 15-acre field. The newly engaged man, before starting the job, sat down and figured out he would have to walk 160 miles in plow- ing the field, so he resigned on the spot. THIS FRAGRANT SLOW-BURNING DIXIE SAVES MONEY FOR YOU/ Classified Advert AGENTS WANTED AGENTSâ€"SELL MEN'S NECKTIES. .140% profit. We carry largest as- sortment. Lowest prices. Orders filled by return mail. Samples free. Ontario Neckwear Company, Dept. 08, Toronto. APRONS It Y MAIL APRONS FOR BIG WOMEN, THREE styles, tubfast printsâ€"colors, red, blue, green. Three for one dollar, post paid. Needleeraft Guild, 533 College Street, Toronto. AUTOMOBILE RE PAIRS Slittek Absorbers SALES AND SERVICE. ALL MAKES. We specialize. Fred Stratford, limited, 35 Gerrard West, Toronto, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ANDREWS’ HAIRDRESSING ACA- demy Course reduced one third to first six students enrolling to com- plete Fall Class. Free catalogue. 961 Bloor Street, Toronto. MEDICAL HIGH BLOOD PRESSUREâ€"WRITE for free booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly suc- cessful hyblood treatment. Pedi- greed Products. Dept. F, Saskatoon, Bask. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Com- pany, Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St,, Ottawa, Can. OPPORTUNITIES YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN COMMERCIAL TELEGRA- phyâ€"earn good salaries; very prac- tical career. Train at home or at- tend classes. Particulars free. Cassan Systems, Toronto. PERSONAL QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively. Guaranteed. Advice free. Box 1, Win nipeg. quilt ‘remnants ' 1 FREE! “QUILTING BATT” 72-90 inches. With six pounds. 'Wash-fast remnants! Prints, Broadcloths, Silks, Flannelettes “Collect” $1.25 Guaranteed! Samplesâ„¢-25c. Royal Textiles, YVL1.25, Outremont, Mont- I3RING STAMMERING CORRECTED, HELP- ful booklet giving full information. Write today. W. Dennison, 150 Carlton Street, Toronto. TRACTOR MAGNETO AND GENERATOR repairs SEND US YOUR TRACTOR MAGNË- to arid Generator Repairs. We save you money. Allanson Armature Manfr., 855 Bay St., Toronto. Football Terms If You Want'to “Be Able to En- joy A Good Game, You Should Know What Some of The Terms Mean For those people who like going to football games, even though the amount of their knowledge of the game is rather vague and sketchy, the following pointers by Joan Dur- ham may be a help in following the game with even keener enjoyment. There are three chief ways of scoring the touchdown, the field goal and the extra point. The touchdown is made when a player carries the ball or "receives a pass across the goal line. It counts five. After making a touchdown, a team gets one try to score an extra point, which counts one. The point is made by kicking the ball over the’ crossbar, by carrying the ball over the goal line, or by catching a. forward pass over the goal line. A field goal is made when a play-1 er kicks the ball over the cross- bars. It scores three. UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto Drastic reductions In our Trade-In Department. Every article in the store marked down for quick clear- ance. We must have floor space re- gardless of cost. Every piece is re- conditioned . guaranteed absolutely clean and sold under a definite mon- ey back guarantee of satisfaction. rôî'JO Walnut bedroom suite, dresser, vanity, chiffonier, bed, spring, and brand new mattress. Perfect. Beautiful large suite in walnut epVftjy finish. Dresser, vanity, bed, chiffonier, spring and new mattress. ‘BBS Modern suite with Venetian «pvu niirrorSf dresser, chiffonier, vanity, bed, spring, new mattress. Modern suite, apartment size dresser, chiffonier, vanity, bed, spring and mattress. Like new. Smart suite in rich walnut «pviy finish, dresser, chiffonier, van- ity and bed. KA Beautiful dresser, full size ejp^iJieUV bed, spring- and new felt mattress. 4î4 UP. Large assortment dres- sers, vanities, chiffoniers and beds in walnut and enamel fin- ishes. &24 Gak dining room suite, buffet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs in real leather. Beautiful oak suite, buffet, china cabinet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. English oak suite, buffet, ex- tension table, china cabinet and 6 leather upholstered chairs. Perfect. <££*7 Large suite in rich two tone walnut finish. Buffet, china cabinet, extension table and 6 leath- er seat chairs. &7Q Solid walnut suite. Buffet, china cabinet, extension table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. „ <hQEÏ Large walnut suite. Buffet, •POD china cabinet, extension ,table and 6 leather seat chairs. 24 Beautiful large walnut suite, «piAd8* Buffet, china cabinet, exten- sion table and 6 chairs with uphol- stered backs and spring seats in blue mohair. Cost new $450. Com- pletely refinished like new. ^07 EA Chesterfield suite, 3 pieces, fdLdu upholstered in brown mo- hair, reversible Marshall spring cushions, LARGE 3 PIECE SUITE, UP-, ejKJO bolstered in real hard-wearing repp, rust shade with figured revers- ible Marshall spring cushions. d»20 Smart 3 piece suite in figured velour, reversible Marshall spring cushions. Perfect condition. «jjï/glE! Beautiful chesterfield bed «jrttnj suite, three pieces, upholstered in brown mohair, complete with new felt mattress and thoroughly clean- ed. ^^4 Three-piece suite upholstered jn brown novelty repp with figured reversible Marshall spring cushions. Large 3 piece suite, upholster- er1'^' ed in English • tapestry. Mar- shall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned. La. rare- assortment of single chester- fields and chesterfield chairs in a wide variety of covers, all thorough- ly cleaned and reconditioned, priced from $4.95 up. Kitchen cabinets, $8.95; gas stoves, &4.!>r»; breakfast suites. $13.95. sew- ing machines (Singers). $U\50; tables, $2.9?».* Rugs, 9 x 9 at BUY WITH CONFIDENCE All merchandise sold with a posi- tive monel' back guarantee of satis- faction. All pieces carefully packed for safe shipment on.receipt of mon- ey order. Write for free illustrated catalogue showing hundreds of other amazing values in new and recon- ditioned furniture and list of free g,i f t s with pu r e h a ses. LYONS’ TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Ycengb St., Toronto Inventions WANTFD We have been ¥¥ -rllN I successfully sell- ing inventions, patented and un pat- en ted, since 1924. If you have a. sound, practical invention for sale, write us immediately. Chartered' InstStiete of American inventors, , Dept. 37-11, Washington, D. C. Claim to the title of world’s record snuff-taker is made by a tailor in Apoldo, near Weimar, in Central Germany. In the 65 years of his,, life, the man says, he has used 770 pounds of snuff and is still going strong. OVER Let this overwhelming preference for ‘blue coal the world s finest anthraciteâ€"be your guide to better heating, ‘blue coal will give you a standard of heating satisfaction and value that has won the confidence of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners. Order a ton of'blue tool' today Ask your ‘blue coal* dealer also about the ‘blue coal* Heat Regulator which provides automatic heat with your present equipment. fune in “The Shadow” every Sat., 7 p.m., CEL, TORONTO, or 6.30 p.m., CEO, Ottawa.

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