OEONO WEEKLY TIMES r i Watch for the Opening I OF THE NEWBARBERSHOP AT THE KUMRITE INN The prices will be right HAMCO WORK WANTED All kinds of building and repair work wanted, house building a spe- cialty. Estimates given, P. J, Chap- man, Builder, Ora no, Ont. c-44-p. ORONO [COAL & LUMBER co. jSulbseribe for The Orono Times. Ortono Masonic Lodge held their annual banquet on Thursday even- ing of last week, with the D.D.G.M. being the guest of honor. About, severity rod of earth has been trucked to the Fair grounds where it is being used to build up the south corner of the race track. The contractors are making good headway in building the house of Mr. J. J. GiWillian, and are at present laying the brick for the walls, which is expected to be finished the end of this week. Anyone sending mail matter over- seas are requested by the postmaster to either mail their articles this week or next week 'at the latest to. ensure the mail being received at -Christmas time. It generally takes from five to six weeks for mail to ar- rive in England so do not wait until the last day to send your cards or parcels. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1 HARDWARE AND STOVES MAY WE SUGGEST PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS -ALADDIN LAMPS, (TABLE, FLOOR and HANGING) PYREX WARE HALF PRICEâ€"ORDER NOW GRANITE, EARTHEN AND OVENWARE HAND SLEIGHS, SKATES AND HOCKEY STICKS WINTER GLOVES AND MITTS HORSE BLANKETS AND HARNESS SPECIALS HOUSE PAINT ..............Qt..53c. ONE SECOND-HA ND COOK STOVE ; THREE SECOND-HAND HEATERS ^.I^I^f^l^r=i|=l|=i|aaJiaslraalnssltag|pBJrsalrail't==l'iSfiS lyi a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Roph Hardware PHONE 43rl - ORONO LOCAL AND SOCIAL Forty-eight hour Radio Service, guaranteed. Charles , R,. Knox ; Phone 4ilr2, prono. c-43-c. . Miss Laura All in is in Toronto this veek visiting friend's. Mrs. Jennie Richardson was in Toronto on Wednesday. Manvers, ^n=^r^r^r=Jr^r=Hr^[^f^f=Ji^Jr=Jf==Jf=Jr=Jr=Jp=dp~ RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY PORK & BEANS 16 ounce tin 6c, Five Roses Flour 98 lb. bag $2.95 * Orono Golden Rod 98 lb bag $1.99 Grapefruit 5 f°r 19c . Corn St arc! l, 2 pkgs....19c. Assorted Meal Spreads, 2 tins for...............,.....19c. Sago, 2"lbs. for ...:......,.17c. Raisins with Seeds, 2 His. for ....................25c. Simbr'i'te Javal Water, 2 bottles ... Swansdo'wn â- l>kg ....' ............17c. Cake Flour, ............29c. Cooking Onions, 8 lbs...19c. Celery Hearts, 2 bundles for ......19c. Spanish Onions, 5 lbs...25c. Grapefruit Juice, 2 tins for ......................25c. Fresh Sodas, 2 lbs......25c. Fresh Cocoanuf, lb...19c. Tenderloins, per lb....33c. Picnic Shoulder, 11)...18c. PURE LARD 2 lbs. 23c. HAMBURG STEAK 2 lbs. 25c CA NED PEAS 3 tins 23c Blade Roast of Beef, lb, 13- Plate or Chuck of Beef, boned and rolled, lb. J. J. PHONE 12r2 CORNISH Phone For It Prompt Delivery Mr. Charles McNeil, of spent Monday in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rbsborough spent the week-end in Peterborough. Mr. an'd Mrs. E. E. Patterson visit- ed friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Harry Mercer is on his annual rip in the north country hunting deer. Mrs. W. Niebergall has been yisit- "ng her sister, Mm. Thomas Patter- son, recently. Don’t forget St. Saviour’s Church (upper and table of fancy goods to- '.n y (Thursday). Mrs. R. A. Bragg, - of Shaw’s, Dar- lington, is visiting with Miss. AJa'bel Os’.vey and sistej. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Richards were in Toronto on Wednesday . of last week on businci-s. Misses Margaret- and Marion Dixon spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. a r.d Mrs. James Dixon. Mr. A. Clough and son Maynard and Betty were in Toronto on Satur- day visiting Mrs, Win. Deline, Miss (Myrtle Webster, of the Ottawa teaching staff, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sherwin. Mrs. II. J. Reid and Mise- Hoolp-er of Lindsay visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. 'Brown on Remembrance Day. Mr. O. W. iS'co-tt spent the week-end in Pleterlbo.ro visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. K. iS'loane and Mr. Sloane. Mrs. A. 01 m pi nan, who has been visiting for two weeks in Toronto and1 Manilla, has returned home .this week. Mrs, Lena .Smith was in Toronto oh Saturday, her sister Mrs. Suther- land and daughter returning with her. Don’t miss taking in the best pic- ture of the year, “You Can’t; Take It With You,†at the Capitol, Port Hope, on Thursday, Friday and -Sat urday of this week. Mrs. J. R. Cooper 1-eft this week to attend the Central Ontario Wo men’s Institute 'Convention being held held at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto, from the- 15-th to the 18th, She will give -a report of the community activities and relief of the Central Areas. Mr. David Morrison and daughter Mrs. Thompson, of Bowman ville, with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Adams, of Begot, Man., called on friends in town, on -Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Adams came east with the body of Mrs. Adams father, the late W. K. Samson, who was ‘buried at Bowtnan- vil-'e last week. . Mr, and Mrs. ;R. ;S. Cornforth and Mr. G. Mills, of Lindsay, visited friends in Orono and vicinity on Sunday last. “Bob†also attended the Legio-n- Banquet in Bow-man ville on Thursday and also attended the Orange Lodge Banquet here on Fri- day. evening, accompanied by Mrs. Cornforth. Robert is always a wel- come visitor here in lOrono. Payne, of Toronto, Mr. Lome Perrin, Mrs. >S. Bayne on. Miss Dorothy accompanied by visited -Mr. and Armistice Day. A number of ladies from town at- tended -the Hospital Bridge held at the -nurse’s home, Bowmanvilie, on Thursday -of last week. Miss Donaghne, New Brunswick, nurse at Whitby Hospital, was the guest of Miss Glen Gamey at her home in Orono on Tuesday. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. 0. G. Armstrong, who has been con- fined to her bed for 'the Tart few weeks, is able to be up again. Miss Viola Gilfillan, of Kincardine, Mr. Jim Gilfillan, of London, and Viola, of Hamilton, spent the latter part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. -Sunday guests, of Major and Mrs. C. Gamey were, Mr, George -Smith, of Des-eronto, Miss Glenn. Gamey who was accompanied by three nurses, all from Whitby. (Riecent visitors with Mrs. Thomas Patterson, Mrs. McArthur, Mrs, Mc- Lurg and Mrs. Carl M-oLurg, of Tor- onto, Mrs. Nei-bergal, of Parry 'Sound, sister ! of Mrs. Patterson. The funeral.0f the late Mrs. Frank Souch, formerly Emil Ann Ohaipip-el, who died on Saturday last was,held in- Bowmanvilie to-day from the United’ Church. Mr. -Reaford -Souch, -a, son from. Winnipeg, and Mr. L. Ohappel, a (brother from Billings, Montana, at- tended- the- funeral, Mr. Wilfred W. (Sherwin, of the 0. V. C., Guelph, £)p-en-t the week-end at hi-s home in -Orono. At the Com- mencement Exercises on Wednesday he was presented with a pocket set of instrument-, the special prize in anatomy awarded by Dr. If. P. Ham- ilton, of Goring, England. The first; sndw of the season fell on Monday, with an added" flurry Tues- day. While the amount that. fell, did not warrant snow shovelling, the few flakes are an indication of cold weather in the n-ear future. Temper- atures have fallen all over the prov- ince during the past few days and it is possible -that we have seen the last of the warm weather this fall. W.M.S. MEETING The monthly meeting of Park Str. W.M.S. was held 1 on Tuesday last when Mrs. Howland Smith gave a very interesting report of the Osh- aw.a Presbyterial meeting recently held in Bowmanvilie. Mrs. L, Frali-ck introduced the new study book “The World in Canada,†describing the author and his aim in writing it. The devotional period had for its theme “Making Canada Christian†and in- cluded a reading by Mrs. C. Wood and prayer by Mrs. R. Rainey. On December 9th, Miss Luella Rorke, who is on -furlough from Japan, will speak in Newcastle Unit- ed Church and it is expected that, the Orono W.M.S. members will attend. PORTER â€" DA VEY A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Dublin Str. United Church, Guelph, on Thursday even- ing, November 10th, when Olivo Gertrude, youngest daughter of Mr. W. E. Diavey, Orono, became the bride of Everett W. S. Porter, ‘ only -on of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Porter, Janet-ville. i The bride wore a gown of wine crepe with matching hat- and carried a bouquet of roses. She was un- attended. Her travelling outfit was a black coat and accessories, After the ceremony, amid showers of confetti and good, wishes they left: by motor for their honeymoon. On their return -they will reside in Con-' estogo, where Mr. Porter is principal of the Oon-timiation School. .......â€"-O-----:---- Y.P.U. MEETING The meeting of the Young Peo- ple's Union was held Monday evening in the basement of Park Street Unit- ed -Church, with a good 'attendance. Miss Elsie Ro-we and Neil Wood had charge of the meeting. Miss Jean Mercer read the scripture, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. -Kathleen Stark discussed the business part of the meeting. It was suggested that books be bought but it was later decided to let the executive -choose them. Miss- Myrtle Tamiblyn read -the minutes of the last meeting, after which Colin Taylor took the topic. . Miss Elsie Rowe read a po-em and Miss Kathleen Stark sang the hymn “When I sur- vey the Wondrous- 'Cross.†The remainder of the evening un- til 9.30 was happily spent in playing games. CELEBRATES 75th BIRTHDAY Mr. Orme -Gamshy, that great sportsman of -Orono, and who has been fostering sports for a. great num- ber of years, will celebrate hi-s 75th birthday to-day. Orme has always been’ ver-y enthus- iastic in the line of baseball and hoc- key and has turned ont some marvel- lous teams in. both these lines , of «port, and once -came 'close to win- ning a baseball championship. Last winter lie started the Midget Hockey team which made a very creditable showing, and will carry on this win- ter where he left off last year. Orme takes a great delight in trout fishing,for when the season opens- you -can nearly always find him On one of the numerous streams in the dis- trict, either at ‘daybreak or in the latter part of .the afternoon, and at the 'same time sees to it that the streams are constantly replenished. We extend to 'Orme many happy re- turns of the day. PATTERSON’S SERViGL STORE PHONE 73r! WE DELIVER SPECIALS PURE LARD 3 lbs., 32c MACARONI 3 lbs., 10c ICING o-IJGaR 3 lbs., 22c Picake Shortening 2 lbs., 22c pRONC) PASTRY FLOUR ...... NEW CURRANTS ........ ... .COOKING FIGS .......... .. 8 OZ. BOTTLE VANILLA..13c. ....24 LBS........45c. ......2 LBS......25c. ......2 LBS.......23c. 2 FOR........25c. CUT MIXED PEEL ..............1 LB..23c. CHOICE GOLDEN BANTAM CORN...3 FOR..25c. CAMPBELL’S SPAGHETTI with CHEESE .2 for 17c. NEILSON’S COCOA ............1 TIN..17c. PEANUT BUTTER ............PT. JAR ..22c. TENDER LEAF TEA ............1-2 LB.28c. FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE ......1 LB...29c. CLOVER LEAF PINK SALMON.2 TALL TINS.25c SIDE BACON ............!.....1 LB..29c. PORK SAUSAGE ...’...........2 LBS..37c Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb., 39c Alymer Pork and Beans 16 oz. tins, 4 for 23c OXYDOL Large pkg., 21c New Fruits, Peels and Nuts in Stock ARMSTRONG’S HATS We are now offering our last bargain in Winter Hats, About 2 -dozen Hats to choose from, all the ». newest shades, each «pi.-uJ) TWIN SETS .These are exceptional values in Misses’ All Wool Twin Sets, dark green with light green, pure red, navy and Powder, brown and orange, jn sizes 28, 30, 32, DC and 34. SET......$L.LO CARDIGANS Children’s All Wool Red Cardigans with black and while irinVmings, with pock- ets on each side, also- trim- med, sizes 24 to 34 FLAN NELETTE†27-inch Flannelette in dark and light colours, good weight. SPECIAL J 5c SNUGGIES......... Misses’ Cotton Struggles in medium and large, QQ pink only ........ « vL .Misses’ Peach Snuggies, 25 per cenit. wool. 50c. Misses’ Pink 50 per cent. Snuggies and vest, per gar- ment ...... ........ 79c PULLOVERS’â€" Brushed Wool, Zipper front, very smart looking Sweater alt a very low price, grey, green, blue and maroon ...... OVERALLS ,88 Overalls are tire; made, every pair is guaranteed .. $2.00 best .$2.25 WOOLLEN GLOVES Misses’ and Ladies’ all wool Finger Gloves, in brown, wine, navy and black with contrasting embroidered trimming, small me- CQ diurn, large, pair. v«/L PULLOVERS Misses’ Pure Wool Pull- overs with smart trimmings, sizes 24 to 34, in red arid blue, each .. T SWEATER COATS Ladies’ high-buttoned neck green, sizes 34, $1 sweater coats, of navy and brown, .36 and 38, price.. $1.75 La'dlies’ Opened Neck Cardi- gan, with fancy collars sizes 38 Ito 44 ....... V†SHIRTING †.Men’s Strong Grey Flannel Shirting, 28-inch width ; just tire thing to make warm shirts for cold wea- ther, per yard .... 30c BLOOMERS J-adies' Fleece-lined White Bloomers, in. large size only, an -extra heavy weight per pair UNDERWEAR Wool and Cotton Combina- tions, for men and boys, at a very moderate price Boys, $1.25 Men $1.50 SMOCKS Heavy Black Smocks with a ‘heavy shirting as a lining makes a warm co-alt (j*D r* A for cold weather.«])£•*) U SOX 3 pair of heavy ribbed wool sox, reg. 50c, value ^2 J. Q 3 pair for OVERCOATS Yon need coats, we have them. Conte in and see our stock. Good coats at. very moderate prices. Priced from$15 to $45 Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and 0 . Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono