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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Nov 1938, p. 6

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Minister Hits Lazy Farmers Dept- of Agriculture Head Criticises Them For Indif- ferent Attitude Toward Weed Control Farmers depend too much on the legislation and not enough on self- respect and self-determination in the matter of weed control in this province intimated the Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Minister of Agricul- ture, in an address to members of the Kent Plowmen’s Association last week, “There is one thing I am great- ly disappointed with in the farm set-up in Ontario and that is the apparent indifferent attitude toward weed control,” Mr. Dewan stated. “Is it not true that our farms are getting more and more dirty inso- far as weeds are concerned. Victims of Own Neglect . The Minister of Agriculture also maintained that the farmers in On- tario are the victims of their own neglect. “If we would do the things we1 should do without force and legis- lation, we would avoid a great deal of trouble and expense in keeping control machinery in operation,” he observed. FROM E*IiUG CLERK TO ACTOR , HAv=J "hÈXrD Strong Men! God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith And ready hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; _ Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor; men who will not lie. Salesmanship is a great art: Mrs. Brown (to grocery clerk)â€"“Can you pick me a melon that will be just right for breakfast in the morn- ing?” Quick Clerk â€" 111 surely can. What time?” Disguised As Calf, Hunter Bags Ducks Here’s the story that is being toldâ€"take it or leave it. A well-known young nimrod of Goderich, Ont., went out hunt- ing ducks and came to a field where there was a good sized flock of them. IlowëVer, the ducks were settled in an open field with no covering' by which the hunter could get close enough! for a shot. The wily chap then resorted to strategy ssd- his Jkhowlvttgs si wild life. K»o"'ing the ducks unafraid of cattle, he corraled two calves in the field, some distance away from the birds, and plac- ing an arm about the neck of each, led them close to the ducks. Thus hidden he was able to get within close range of the game and he arrived back in Goderich with three ducks. Robert Young held $â-  wide variety of jobs before settling down to a career of acting. He was a drug clerk, re- porter, building and loan salesman and bank clerk prior to the. time he joined a stock company on the Pacific Coast. Today, Robert Young is com- pleting his fiftieth motion picture role in “The Shining Hour." Welland Canal Traffic Record October Cargoes Equal Aver- age At Panama and Suez Cargoes transported through the Welland Ship Canal in October equalled the average monthly re- cord of the Panama and, Suez can- als, waterway officials announce. The total tonnage of cargo was more than 2,000,000. Heavy Flow Of Grain The October figure was-the high- est ever recorded for the Welland Canal. A previous record of 1,731,- 237 tons was set in May, 1938. Ton- nage for last year was 11,747,950, while until the end of October the 1938 total was 10,782,950 tons. A record for the canal is expect- ed for 1938 operations, which end mi December 15, when the water- way closes. An unusually heavy flow of grain to the Atlantic sea- board was credited with much of the Increase, Edith â€" “Don’t you ever get Johnnie and Bill confused?” Ruth â€" “Yes, mother, I get Johnnie confused one night and Bill the next.” Speaking of pioneer hard- ships, many people yet living can remember when they toasted their bread on a fork over the fire, and even had to cut the slices themselves. “How do you like this shaving soap?” asked the talkative bar- ber. The submerged customer re- plied, faintly: “Excellent. You must come and have lunch with me sometime.” Said the circus proprietor to the lion tamer: “What do you mean by going off to din- ner and leaving the cage un- fastened? Anybody might have nipped in and taken the lion!” “How did George break his leg?” “Well, do you see those steps over there?” “Yes.” “George didn’t.” Toronto Baby Rated Genius Trees Give Birds Food and Shelter Jack Miner 'Provides Lots Of Red Cedars On His Sanc- tuary et Kingsville By Lance Connery Jack Miner is a keen student of the feeding habits of the birds on his sanctuary at Kingsville. Ample food is provided for them, much of it through trees like the red cedar. Its blue berry has a seed highly nourishing to the feathered feeders. In addition to their food value for the birds, the trees with their golden foliage are a definite at- traction to the many human visit- ors to the bird refuge. Their varie- ty is such that every kind of bird is found on the sanctuary which crosses the Southern Ontario area. Eighteen-months-old Lillian May Bobson of Toronto is a claimant to the title of infant prodigy. Dr. Alan Brown, Toronto child special- ist says the child “is definitely in the genius class.” Lillian, brown-eyed daughter of Ukrainian parents, last week gave an example of her skill by spelling out each letter of a front-page newS- papre headline with clearness and confidence. She named a dozen ob- jects in English and Ukrainian without a mistake. Her first interest in the English alphabet came when she asked about, the letters on a set of build- ing blocks. Her mother named the letters and was surprised a few days later to hear Lillian repeating them with perfect accuracy. Within a month the baby knew the English alphabet and now picks them out with unfailing accuracy no matter where they are. •Dr. Brown says such intelligence in a child of 18 months was. “very unusual.” Scrumptious Scorpions TIRED FEET â€"rggsy, of Husband Gives Up Cave the weight of the bushel grain?â€"-J. W„ Durham Co. A.â€"Fertilizers will distinctly in- crease weight per measured bushel of grain. In tests on your own farm, the. maximum increase this year is 3.5 lbs. per bushel, and the minimum increase about 1 lb. per bushel. Mrs. Anne Thavis who last week married Alfred Staples, Colling- wood’s “Blue Mountain” hermit. She has persuaded her husband to stop living in a cave where he ate berries, rabbits, vegetables. Farm Column (Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell with the co-operation of the various departments of. the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.) 1. Q.-â€"Some of my neighbours have been asking a lot of ques- tions since you grew the oats and barley plots in the county last summer, and I am going to pass the questions on to you. “What do you think are the best kind of oats for our conditions in Ontario?”-â€"J. W., Durham Co. A.â€"Modern investigation of crop varieties indicates the imposs- ibility of naming one variety of our standard crops as the best for all conditions. In co-operation with other institutions, the 'Field Husbandry Department of the O. A. C. is dividing the province into climatic and soil zones for which different varieties appear to be specially suited. According to tests conducted in your own local- ity, this year, Erban Oat seems to be outstandingly 1 superior to Alaska, Banner or O. A. C. 72 for your section. g. Q.â€"“Which of the oats made the most grain feed to the acre?”â€"J. W., Durham Co. A.â€"The Field Husbandry Dept, publishes a five year average per cent, hull of the oat . varieties tested on your farm this fall as follows: Alaskaâ€"27.3 per cent. hull. Erbanâ€"29.8 per cent. hull. Bannerâ€"32 per cent. hull. O.A.C. 72â€"29.4 per cent. hull. It is dear that the variety which gave the largest yield of compara- tively low per cent, hull, is the one that will produce the largest amount of actual feed per acre. This is Erban oats which yielded as an average unfertilized 67.8 bus. per acre, and fertilized 76.2 bushels per acre. If you multiply the yield per acre by the weight per bushel, which was 32 lbs., and . subtract the weight of hull, which was 27.8 per cent, you will have the approximate weight of grain feed produced. Of course, the oat hulls contain a small amount of feed in addition. 4, q.â€"“Why did you choose 0-12-010 fertilizer for our field?” â€"J. W., Durham Go. A.â€"Actual soil test of samples from, your oat field showed it to be Medium in Available Nitrogen; Low in Phosphate and Low in Pot- ash. For this reason we chose 0-12-10 as the fertilizer for oats, and applied it at 150 lbs. per acre. 2. Q.â€"Will fertilizers increase Diyarbekir, near Istanbul (Tur- key), was troubled for years by a plague of Scorpions. Tahir Baba came along, began to scoop up scorpions and eat them. Said Tahir: “They taste like shrimps.” Prove for yourself... as over 100,000 Canadian housewives have already proved... that 'blue coal' gives the highest available standard of heating value and satisfaction. Order from your nearest ‘blue coal’ dealer today. Ask him also about the ‘blue coal’ Heat Regulator which' provides automatic , heat with your , present equipment. ’ Issue 47 Tune in “The Shadow” every Sat., 7 p.m., ,CBL, Toronto, or (5.30 p.m.. CBO. Ottawa. standing of the nature and treat- ment of other serious diseases. Nicotinic acid, a constituent of the vitamin B-2 complex, has been known for1 more than sixty years as a common chemical constituent of nicotine. PAIN OFTEN “FALSE ALARM” A belief that physical pain often is a “false alarm” when tak- en as an indication of deep-seated affliction was advanced last week before .the United States chapter of the International College of Surgeons. Careful investigation and the use of local anaesthesia often re- veals that what appears to be pain springing from a major ailment is in reality only superficial. It follows that proper determination of the pain’s source would obviate many operations performed be- cause of faulty diagnosis. â- â€"oâ€" LAST TO GO TO SLEEP Medical theory has held that unconsciousness begins in the brain of human beings. But ex- periments show that in white rats it develops just the opposite way, near the tail and creeps toward the head. The head is the last part to lose its sensitivity to touch and the eyes close only after the rest of the body is soundly asleep and un- responsive even to pinching. After the rat experiments arc completed it is proposed to carry on the experiments with higher animals. Auctions at which cripples are sold to be exploited as beggarsâ€"- the most wretched-looking fetch- ing the highest prizesâ€"are held in the heart of Colombo’s beggar- land, in Ceylon. You’ll climb to new peaks of enjoy- ment when you roll your own wilh Ogden’s Fine Cut. Ogden's is sweeter, cooler, mellowerâ€"a ciga- rette tobacco that steps up smoking pleasure to new highs for those who roll their own. Ogden's Fine Cut with “Chanfecler11 or “Vogue" papersâ€"that, sir, is a combination you can tie to for rolling cigarettes that always satisfy! MORE SENSITIVE TO SUN Gentlemen are like blondes. They are 20 per cent, more sensi- tive to ultra-violet rays, which cause sunburn, than are women, Blondes are from 40 to 170 per cent, more sensitive than brunets. MAY LAND IN BACK YARD The construction of airliners in the future which will be able to land in practically anybody’s back yard in perfect safety if an emer- gency develops was forecast last week by aeronautical engineers at the world’s first rotating wing aircraft conference. â€"oâ€" PELLAGRA CURE The recent discovery that nico- tinic acid, a chemical found in liver, red meats and fish, is a specific cure for pellagra, poor- man’s disease of malnutrition, is also revealing secrets of funda- mental life processes and opening up new vistas toward the under- ITCH . .. STOPPED IN A MINUTE . . . Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete s f oot, eruptions, or other skin afflictions? For quick and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D, D. Prescription. Its gentle oils soothe the irri- tated skin, Clear, greaseless and stainlessâ€" dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly, A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves itâ€"or money back. 20 “When you give yourself to oth- ers, the donation isn’t worth a great deal if you haven’t much of a self to give.” â€"Charles Francis Potter. I N E CUT Classified Advertising AGENTS, WANTED AGE NTSâ€"SELL MEN’S NECKTIES. 140% profit. We carry largest as- sortment. Lowest prices. Orders filled by return mail. Samples free. Ontario Neckwear Company. Dept. 98, Toronto. BE YOUR OWN BOSS, GET A JITO route. Toiletries, medicines, tea, coffee, extracts, spices, etc. Two hundred products. November, De- cember: two best months. Start now. Thirty-day Trial offer at our risk. Free, catalogue, details. Jito Products Company Ltd., 1031 'Dor- chester East, Montreal. AGENTSâ€"SELL MEN’S NECKTIES for Christmas. Write for samples. Murgatroyd Agencies, Yorige St. Arcade, Toronto, __________ APRONS Il Y MAIL APRONS FOR BIG WOMEN, THREE styles, tubfast printsâ€"colors, red, blue, green. Three for one dollar, post paid. Need leer aft Guild, 633 College Street, Toronto, < HHISTM A S GARBS PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS made from your favourite nega- tives, 3 .for 25c; 12 for 75c. Envel- opes to match included. Establish- ed over 25 years. Brightling Stu- dio, 29 Richmond Street -East, Tor- onto. FURS WANTED RAW FURS WANTED FOR HIGH- est market prices. Prompt returns. Bring or ship your furs to Lewis A. Jones, 189 Talbot; Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. HA 1KI) R ES SING SOHO O L 'AIR DRl demy Course- reduced one third to first six students enrolling to com- plete Fall Class. Free catalogue. !)(>! Bio or Street. Toronto. HIGH BLO( > 1 > I ‘ 1 tESSTJ REâ€"W RITJ3 for free booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly suc- cessful by blood treatment. Pedi- greed Products, Dept. F. Saskatoon, Sask. »ATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free.-The Ramsay Com- pany, Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St, Ottawa, Can. STAMMERING STAMMER! N G COR RECTED, HE L P- ful booklet giving full information. Write today. W. Dennison, 150 Carlton Street, Toronto. TRACTOR MAGNETO AND G ENER A TOR REV A1 IIS SEND US YOUR TRACTOR MAGNE- to and Generator Repairs, We save you money. Allanson Armature Manfr., 855 Bay St., Toronto. PHONOGRAPHY FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH Ev- ery order of 25c. Roll Developed pi* 8 reprints 25c. Mammoth Pic- tures, Box 104, Adelaide East, To- Vv ANTED YOUNG MEN WITH HIGH SCHOOL training to become Traffic Steno- graphers. Very practical career. Free folder describes home course. W r i to C a s s a t i S y stems, Toronto. W RITERS ! ESTABLISHED AUTHOR . and critic offers full criticism and market -advice oil any short story for $1 plus return postage. Terms ' foÿ* collaboration, revision, market- ing,. etc., on request. Sales repre- sentatives in New York, Hollywood, London. Coast Writers’' Bureau, Box 34, Lynn Creek, B.C. UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE. LYONS ALTERATION SALE RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Everything must .be sold regardless of cost. Thousands of dollars worth of real good used furniture to be sold at a fraction of its real value. Every piece thoroughly cleaned, re- conditioned and sold under a posi- tive money back guarantee of sat- isfaction. <fc1 Q CA 8 piece solid oak dining *p £. V room Ru i te, bu f f et, ex ten- f- sion table, 6 leather seat chairs,, good condition. Beautiful fumed oak din* jng room suite, buffet, ex- tension table, 6 leather upholstered chairs. Perfect. djrjrf English oak Suite, buffet,. square extension table, 6 lea- ther upholstered chairs, completely ré finished. ffcAEi Large solid dak suite* 9 pieces buffet, china cabinet, exten- sion table and (i leather upholstered chairs. Perfect. Beautiful 9 piece suite in rich 2 tone walnut finish, large buffet, double door china cabinet, square extension table and € leath- er upholstered chairs. Completely r ©finished. ftQ.y Solid walnut suite, cost new â-  approximately $250. Buffet, e a b i n e t, e x t e n s i o n In. b le and ti lea- ther seat chairs. Like new. <|»qq Bed room suite, large dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sag- io ss spring, and brand new. felt mat- tress. Completely refill)shed. <t*4 o £*/-> Smart modern suite, vanity yhest, full size bed,.sagless spring and brand new mattress. Completely refinished. Solid walnut suite, large fires-- •r**' ser, chiffonier, full size bed, s a g 1 e s s s p r i ri g ; in d hr a n d n e w m a t - tress. Perfect' condition. <&£*£* Beautiful suite in rich two Ve*' tpne walnut, large dresser, vanity, chiffonier, full size bed,, sag - . less spring and brand new mattress. O o m p 1 e t e 1 y re fini she d. Modern suit e i n Or i e n t a 1 w a I ~ â-¼9*' .nut, Venetian mirrors, large dresser; chiffonier, vanity, full size bed, sagless spring and brand n e w m a t tr e ss. O o m p 1 e t e 1 y r e finished. CosJ. new approximately $300. élû c!fi Large dresser, in walnut. â- eplv.oV finish, full size bed, sag.-. less; spring and new felt mattress., ' Completely re finished... # d»i’A Three piece chesterfield suite '*"â-  upholstered in good tapestry cover. <hi q cfiTk Large three piece Chester- -ip 1 & * DU fiejfi s u j t e, u p h o Is te red in hard wearing repp, rust shade, per- fect'condition. d»on Smart 3 piece suite, up hols-- ^ered j n real hard wearing repp, reversible Marshall spring* cushions, thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned. Beautiful suite, three pieces, upholstered in French jac- quard-, reversible Marshall spring cushions, guaranteed clean and in. perfect, condition. r'A Large suite upholstered in wo/.all real good mohair, revers- ible Marshall spring cushions. Per- fect condition, guaranteed clean. We have the largest stock of re- conditioned chesterfield suites in the v city. Over 100 suites in a large va- j riety of styles and covers for you to choose from. Priced from $5.05 to $100.00. 25 Kitchen cabinets from $5.05. 49 stoves, large variety, $4.05 up. Large assortment dressers from $4,05, Chiffoniers $5.75, vani- ties $51.05. wash stands $1.75, ward- robes $8.05, beds, $2.50, springs, $2.50., New Mattresses. $51.05. Buy with confidence. All merchanâ€" dise sold with a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction. Thorough- ly cleaned, reconditioned and care- fully packed for safe, and immedi- ate shipment on receipt of money LYONS Chesterfield Manufacturers 478 Yonge, St., Toronto

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