ORONO WEE ELY TIMES The Orono Weekly Times Established January, 1937. Published every Thursday morning at The Times Office Oronjo, Ontario All Job Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention Advertising Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 Subscription to the United States, $2,00 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursday, November 24llh, 1938 SHOP AT HOME We are getting quite close to the Ohrsit-mas season and: it would be a good thing to start, thinking about the presents we have to buy. Here is a suggestion it would be wdll for us to consider. We live, in and around Orono, and we are well acquainted1 with the mer- chants because we have dealt with them for years. In the past we have sent out of town to buy a lot of our stuff. Why not change the program this year and buy at home. These merchants have carried us many a time in the past and1 have given us good service. It would be a fair thing to shop early and let, the storekeepers know what we wlant and there is no doubt they will get anything we want long before we really need it. â- • -, „ Let the determination this year be ‘To Shop at Home. THE INCONSISTENT HITLER The Madman of Europe is still adding, more evidence to the heap of unholy actions perpetrated in the past, and he is showing himself just as inconsistant, and. cruel as ever. He does not want the Jews! in Germany and is hoping for some solution to foe made whereby some other nation or nations shall provide for the safety ot these unfortunate people. He Wants tbeir money, their property and is turning Germany into a slaughter house in order to terrify lean and finally get rid of them. His latest move in showing his anger because the British Parliament wants to put the German Jews in Africa on soil that was formerly German only goes to prove that he is irresponsible and it is, time he was brought to a halt, 1 erhaps it would be best to, fight Mm with his own weapons. I or every Jew he robs and expels let the other nations deport a Nazi to Germany and. keep his wealth here' to be used by the Jews. POPULARITY CONTEST The following is the standing- in the boys’ and girfis’ Popularity Con- test at Tyrrell’s Drug Store : GULLS Audrey Billings, Margaret York, Mil- dred- Richards, Shirley Flintoff, Con- nie Mitchell, Marlene Oantrefil and Helen Lewis. BOYS Gerald Rainey, Ray West, Donnie Lynich, Sonny Jordan, Jackie Bry- son, John. Herrester, George Shaw. Monty Richardson and Keith Wood. GORDON F. ASH At one of the most widely attended funerals held, in Newcastle district, Gordon F. Ash, Newcastle business man, was buried on Tuesday aftrnoon. Internient was made in Bond Head , Cemetery. He was widely known throughout Newcastle district, having worked in Oobourg and Oshawa prior to enter- ing business in Newcastle. A veteran of the Great War, he enlisted in the Oobourg heavy battery, serving two years in France. Alfred Cummings, one-time Poter- ioro civic -employe, celebrated his â-º2nd" birthdlay on Thursday of fast reek, ,and he has resided in the ‘ lift- oek†city for fifty-six years. , â€"----------o---------- Geo. Fell on, of Peterboro, who is noiwriti his 100th year, said that work, lioeis not hurt anyone. Bom on a Quebec farm in 1839, the old gentle- nan has lived la, life of toil. He be- ieves be is a family of nine boys, and ,ne girl. He is a bachelor. Notice of Sale of TAXES Notice is hereby given that uder and Iby virtue of a warrant from A. J. -Staples, Treasurer for the Muni- cipality of Township of Clarke, and to me directed, I have seized and taken the following property : 1 Mtc- Oorm iek-Deeri ng Sulky (Hay) Rake, 1 two-horse Cultivator, 1 two- horse Disc Cultivator, 1 Souffler, 1 two-horse Potato Digger, 1 Hard Rtibber-Tired Buggy -and Pole and 1 Cutting Box and also a quan- tity of hay to satisfy the sum of $565.20, being the taxes payable by W. H. Littlefidld to the said Muni- cipality for the year 1907, in respect of taxes lot 32, 33, 34, Concession 2, together with costs, -all of which -said property will be sold by public auction at the said premises on the 30th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1938 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- Dated this 22-nd day of November, 1938. JAMES MO FEAT T, Bailiff. Classified COMING EVENTS Keep the date open for the A.Y.P. A. meeting on Wednesday, December 7th. Special atjtratotions. Further no- tice next week. WANTED TO RIENT. . In Qrono, â- Mbderb Six-Roomed House, all conveniences. Apply Box 17, Orono. b-45-p. FOR SALE Used Parlour Suite, $12.00; 2 Kit- chen Chairs, 25c. each ; 1 Rocking Oh-air, 50c, Apply at Times office. PIGS FOR SALE Yorkshire Pigs, 6 week-s old. Gor- don Kirk, Lot 14, Con. 1, Maurers, Bonty-pool. a-44-p. WORK WANTED Two able-bodied men want work, -cutting wood or any other hind. Any- one wamting hélp apply a-t the Times Office. a-44-p. FOR EXCHANGE One pair of Hockey Boots and Skates, size 4, in good, condition, for one pair of boots an-d skates, size 13. -----Apply Shlirley Flintoff, Orono." a-44-c. WORK WANTED All kinds of building and repair work wanted, house building a spe- cialty. Estimates given. P. J. Chap- man, Builder, Orono, Ont, c-44-p. WOOD SALE â- Mrs. C. G. Armstrong will offer for sale 10 -acres, m-or-e or less, of Mixed Wood t,, be sold iri 1-4 acre lots, on Lot 34, Con. 5, Clarke Town- ship, on THURSDAY, NOV. 24th, at 2.00 o'clock. All wood must be removed by May 1st, 1939. Terms Cash at time of the. sale.. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer Leon Bedlat, elderly Toronto broker, survived hours of wandering through a treacherous quicksand marsh near Janet,ville on (Saturday night last. While visiting with friends he decided to go rabbit hunting and set out, on his journey. He saw -a rabbit enter the swamp and followed it into the swamp, and after tramping around for some time became utterly lost. Once he sank to his hips in quicksand and was just ià .bîe to extricate himself before becoming exhausted. He finally wandered- around until -he came to a sideroa-d and- later returned t,o the home of his friends after seven hours absence li tile the worse1 for his -adven- ture. -----------o----------- Try us with your printing order. SPECIALS WE HAVE PURCHASED AN ENTIRE BANKRUPT STOCK of New Radios at Sacrifice Prices which makes it possible to offer these OUTSTANDING VALUES New 1938 8-tube Electric Cabinet All *» Wave, $134,50, for .......................$89.50 New 1938 6-tube Electric Cabinet All Wave, $99.95, for .......................... .$69.50 New 1938 5-tube Electric Cabinet All Wave, $69.95, for................1... .........$49.50 New 1938 6-tube Battery Cabinet, one battery operated, $124.95, for................$69.95 New 1938 6-tube Batt-ery Mantell, one battery operated, $99.50, for .................$59.00 New 1938 5-tube Battery Mantel, one battery operated, $59.95, for .............-..$46.50 Demonstrator Floor Models 1938 5-tuihe Marconi Electric Mantel All Wave, $71.95, for .......••••*.$39.00 1938 44ube Marconi Electric Mantel $42.95, for................. $29.95 1938 4-tube Marconi Electric Mantel, $42.95, for.....................$29.95 1938 4-tube Marconi Battery Mantel, complete, price $43.60, for ....$29.95 The New Marconi Ra- dios are in stock Priced $32.95 and up Standard B Batteries $ 1.59 General B “ $2.75 Burgess B “ $2.95 Eveready B “ $2.95 TED WOODYARD Radio and Electric Sales and Service Orono - Phone 78rl6 New Thor Washers $59.50 and up Connor and General Washers Radio Tubes Testek FREE TOWN HALL, ORONO TUESDAY, EVENING, NOV. 29 ADMISSION, 35c. AUSPICES CANADIAN SOCIAL HYGIENE COUNClL-Burstin-g with Life’s Laughter, Life’s Drama, Life’s Heartaches, Focuses ou the intimate happenings, the mistakes/ the sorrows, an triumphs of REAL HUMAN PEOPLE. The story of a young woman faced with the moat hUUL CRUSHING dilemma that marriage has ever played before anyone. "YOU WILL NOT BE SHOCKEDâ€"YOU CANNOT BE SHOCKED You will be chastened by a tear, a sob and some acute revelations which will! do you a world of good. And you will laughâ€"yes, laugh at its lighter moments. A POWERFUL WEAPON WILL BE PLACED IN YOUR HANDS AGAINST IGNORANCE AND AGAINST the possible ionsequences of personal neglect on the part of any or your neighbours,' or a Chance acquaintance, or even the result of any of these; infinitely varied and-numerous fleeting contacts w-itih total strangers which are recognized as a nedesSary incident to life under modern conditions. NO ONE UNDER 16 ADMITTED TWO SHOWS 7.30 WOMEN ONLY 9.15 MEN ONLY Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.tii. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment, Phone 18rl, MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - Ontario Office Hou-ra : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Con due to Auction -Sales of all sixes and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see Ms Olerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO ‘Tgv John J. Gilfillan Finn B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in 0. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Phone 68r2 Orono Tinshop Agent for Pease Furnaces Repairs for all makes of Stoves and Furnaces We make all sizes of Pipes R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono PhoiieESO r 1® PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, S. Littiewood Pastor sr.VDAV, NOV. 27th A.M.â€"Faith in Man. P.M.â€"'Why a Conscience on j Liquor, THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY PORT HOPE Matinee Sat. Canada's Own Star Deanna Durbin In a Gay Comedy-Drama with Lilting Music "THAT CERTAIN AGE†With Melvyn Douglas *32 Jackie Cooper MONDAY AND TUESDAY “ Last Show at 8.30 “Breakfast for Two†Herbert MARSHALL Barbara STANWYCK “RACKET BUSTERS†Humphrey BOGART George BRENT THURSDAY AND THURSDAY Mystery and Fun ! “There’s Always a Woman†With Melvyn Douglas *S Joan Blondell EVENINGS AT 7.00 & 9.00