V>/; DorV.* Sunspots Affect Weather InîorÅ"etià n Is Not Sufficient Say* Meteorological Director There did not exist sufficient in- formation on the relation between sunspots and weather to warrant, at this time, any conclusions as far as weather forecasting was concerned, said John Patterson, director of the Dominion Meteoro- logical Service, interviewed last week. In other words, prophecies made in the United States that this winter would be cold because the stm was facing a recession in its eleven-year sunspot cycle were viewed askance by the Canadian meteorologist. “Maybe Cold, Maybe Not†“Nothing in if,†said Mr. Pat- terson. “We may have a cold win- ter and we may not. One doesn’t know. We don’t know what is go- ing to happen, and I don’t think anyone else does. “Certainly there has not been anything established between sun- spots and weather that the Me- teorological Service has used or is using,†Ataturk’s Successor General Ismu Inonu, has been chosen to succeed the late Kemal Ataturk as president of Turkey. Inonu was closely associated with the late Turkish dictator and is held in high esteem by the Turkish people. Ontario’s 645,900 License Plates Registrar Bickell Expects This Number to he Issued to Drivers for 1938-9 J. P, Bickell, registrar of the Department of Highways, says there were some 615,000 license plates issued last year, and he ex- pects to see this total increased by about 80,000 for 1939. A •similar increase in the n'um- ber of licensed drivers was also forecast by the registrar. Last year, he said, almost 900,000 driv- ers were registered, with a regis- tration of 925,000 expected for 1939. “Judging by the annual increase in the number of drivers it should not be more than two years before we have at least a million in the province.†Beacon Visible 25 Miles Away A great beacon, with a 750,000 candle-power beam floods across the sky from Malton Airport, a new aerial guide for night-flying" airmen that can be seen from a distance of 25 miles. Electrical engineers of the Toronto Harbor Commission who installed the sys- tem, express themselves as quite satisfied with the initial tests and intimate that the port is now ready for the projected night flights on air mail schedule of Trans-Canada Air Lines. Philip G. Johnson, vice- president in charge of operations of the air lines in making a recent address at Toronto stated that, within two months Trans-Can- ada planes will be regularly flying a night schedule. Spotted along each runway are thirty-two “contact†lights out- lining the landing space. Forty- four boundary lights completely- circle the outer fringe of the en- tire field. Iraq State Railways are being extended from Baiji to Tel-Kot- chek, the Syrian railroad termin- us, Sunday School Lesson LESSON IX HONESTY IN ALL THINGS Exodus 20: 15; Matthew 19: 16-22; Luke 19: 1-10, 45, 46; 20:9-16. Printed Text Exodus 20: 15; Luke 19: 1-10, 45, 46. Golden 1 ext Thou shall not steal. Ex. 20: 15 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. â€" The Ten Command- ments were given in 1498 B.Ç. The words from Matthew were spoken in February or March, A.D. 30; the conversion of Zac- chaeus took place in "March, A.D. 30 ; the cleansing of the temple oc- curred on Monday, April 3, of the same year; and the parable of this lesson was given on the following day, Tuesday. Place. â€" The Ten Command- ments were given from Mount Sin- ai; the interview with the rich young man took place in Peraea on the eastern side of the Jordan River; the conversion of Zac- chaeus occurred in the city of Jericho near the Jordan River op- posite the city of Jerusalem; the scene of the temple-cleansing of course was in Jerusalem; and the parable of this lesson formed a part of our Lord’s teaching in the same city during his last week on earth. LIFE’S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher 15. Thou shalt not steal. For further treatment of this subject see Lev. 19: 11; Hos. 4:2; Jer. 7: 9. The penalties for stealing are found in Ex. 21: 16 and 22: 1. The Eighth Commandment is necessary to protect society not merely against the violence of the burglar and the craft of the im- poster, but also against the deceit- ' fulness of our own hearts, asking, What .harm is in the evasion of an impost? Why should I not do jus- tice to myself when law refuses it? On every one of its sacred pages the Bible endeavors to shift the centre of gravity "of man’s nature from selfishness to love, from man to God, from time to eternity, from earth to heaven. The. lesson of the Eighth Commandment is the lesson of Christ, “Set: your affections on things aboveâ€. Zaccheus Luke 19: 1-10. 1. And he en- tered and was passing through Jericho. 2. And behold, a man called by name Zacchaeus; and he Was a chief publican, and he was rich. Jericho was a very ancient city and a very wicked city. It was on the frontier of Palestine, and through it much trade was compelled to pass, necessitating the residence here of a tax-col- lector. Zacchaeus was not only a tax-collector, but he was the chief tax-collector of that community. Among the Romans the tax-gath- erer bought the privilege of gath- ering. He paid a large sum for the office; and the taxes were his own. Thus the more he gathered, the more he gained. There was great temptation here to extortion and oppression. 3. And he sought to see Jesus who he "was ; and could not for the crowd, because he was little of stature. 4. And he ran on before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him : for he was to pass that way. Zacchaeus down in his heart knew he was dishon- est and a thief. Of course he knew he was out of ail com- munion with God. It • was the hunger of his heart for the things that satisfy that made him run on before the Lord and climb up into this sycomore tree,. The Tax-Collector 5. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and “Good morning, sir . are you entirely satisfied, with the condition of your scalp?†come down; for today I must abide at thy house. 6. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. Note the eagerness, the joyfulness, the ear- nestness, which marked every move of Zacchaeus that day. Jesus never forces anyone to accept him. He never drags anyone into the kingdom of God. 7. And when they saw it, they ail murmured, saying, He is gone in to lodge with a man that is a sinner. 8. And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have wrong- fully exacted aught of any man, I restore fourfold. 9. And Jesus said unto him, To-day is salvation come to this house, forasmuch as he aiso is a son of Abraham. 10. For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost. In offering to restore fourfold all he had falsely taken he meets Are" You Listening? By FREDDIE TEE SHE TOOK A DARE Glamorous Templeton Fox broke into radio as the result of taking a dare, and made her debut before the microphone singing in a contest sponsored by a famous hotel in Hollywood. Featured as a singer on West Coast programs, she stopped off in Chicago en route to the East and a stage car- eer, and became a dramatic ac- tress after one audition. She is starring novV in the new CBS dra- matic serial, “This Day Is Ours,†a thrill - packed story of romance in the setting of the Chinese-J'ap- anese conflict. Miss Fox plays the part of a mis- sionary’s daugh- ter opposite Jay Jostyn, noted radio actor, who . portrays a mys- terious American j newspaper r e - Templeton Fox ies is heard each Monday through Friday over a WABC - CBS network from 1.45 to 2.00 p.m. EST. COMPLIMENTS Although the organ melodies of Dr. Charles M. Courboin, Mutual’s distinguished Belgian console ar- tist who plays at the American Academy of Arts and Letters, have been short-waved from WIXAL, Boston, to the world beyond the oceans for only a few weeks now, letters from music lovers are pouring in with many strange postmarks. Mail just arrived on the giant Queen Mary reports that Prince Charles of Belgium, broth- er of King Leopold who bestowed knighthood on Dr. Courboin last •; '"bib", was among the thousands of Europeans listeaing at faraway loud speakers, _ INTRODUCING ROBERT BENCHLEY Here he is folks, Robert Bench- ley, author - playwright - aetor-col- umriist-critic, ad infinitum, the newest thing in radio. “Bob the beast†he is call- ed in Hollywood, but his bark is much worse than his bite.' The scribe was only recently captured and he is to" be held in captivity t o demonstrate his humor and witticisms to Col- umbia network audiences each Sunday b e g i n- Robert Bemchley ning November 20 (WABC-CBS, 10.00 to 10.30 p.m. EST.) HEAR NEWS FROM ENGLAND Beside the famous Majestic powerful tone, the 1939 “Mighty Monarchs of the Air†set a new standard in performance for short-wave reception, due to de- voting individual bands for each short-wave channel, each of which are spread out to 10†wide, per- •mitting foreign stations to be tuned in easily and accurately. It is now a simple matter to listen to the news broadcast from Lon- don, England, if you owii one of these new “Spread-Band†Majes- ties, POPâ€"Pop’s Fussy About His Tailoring the extreme penalty imposed by the law on a man who was being compelled to make reparation (Ex. 22: 1; 2 Sam. 12: 6). Luke 19: 45, 46. 45. And he en- tered into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold, 46, say- ing unto them, It is written, And my house shall be a house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of robbers. This is the second pur- ification of the temple on the part of Jesus. The first one is record- ed in John 2: 13-17. The passage quoted by our Lord is found in Isa. 56: 7. See also Jer. 7: 11. What our Lord here is fiercely condemning i : the dragging of the business of the world into the precincts, of a holy place dedicated to worship and. proyer and sacri- fice and praise. Book Reading Is À Vital Action Psychologist Challenges Statement That it is But a Substitute for Real Living Challenging the philosophy that “reading is but a substitute ac- tivity,†Dr. Alice Bryan, psycho- logist of Columbia University and Pratt Institute, asserts “the read- ing of books or other printed ma- terial may be just as real and vital an experience as playing a game of tennis, building a radio, paint- ing" a picture, or marching in a parade.†The relative stimulus value of activities depends upon the capac- ity of the individual to adjust them to his own previous and fu- , ture experiences, she added. B0UOT ROYRL HOTEL Your automobile or bus speeds yon over the many highways toward Montrealâ€"over magnificent road® designed to bring you safely, com- fortably and speedily to Canada8® metropolis. Those great highway® over which you travel so confidently* in your journey toward Montreal's stately sky-line, lead you unfailing- ly to YOUR hotelâ€"-THE MOUNT ROYAL. J, Alilerlc Raymond President Vernon G. Ca**<Iy Vice-President & Managing Director HORIZONTAL 1 A Rumanian queen dowager. 5 She ruled with her husband late King-------, 13 Last word of a prayer. ÃŽ4 Bravery. 15 Aroma, 16 Converses. 18 Battering machine. 19 To ride. . 20 To weep. 21 First" rtame. 24 Child’s marble 25 Laughter sound. 86 Braided. 87 Meadow. 38 To butt, 30 Doctor. 11 Arabian. 32 She attained wide publicity during the War. 33 Half. 35 Behold. Answer t# Previous P traite. 37 Type standard 39 Bench. 59 .41 Meadow..... 42 To decay. 44 Advocate of . realism. 46 Away. 1 49 An easy gait. 51 Ratite bird. 52 One who hires. 54 To peel. 55 Jewel from an oyster. 57 Pealed. 50 Her â€"- preceded her son as king of Rumania. She was famous for he†VERTICAL She was known as the royal. ~â€". Ground beetle. To depend. Writing fluid. Happened. Enthusiasm., Braided quirt. Dram. Neither. 10 Entrance, 11 New star. 12 Sketched. 1.7 Whirled. 19 Costly. 22 To twine again. 23 Tampers. 26 Aromatic berry. 28 Evil. 29 Branch, 34 Female horse. 38 Curse. 38 Grinding tooth 40 Carved, jewel, 4! Falsifier. 43 Precept 45 Art Of it.: L; S 46 German married , woman. 47 To lease. 48 Dissolute revelry. 50 Writing implement. 53 God of war. 54 Portugal. 55 Postscript. 56 Pound. By J. MILLAR WATT ? » i