ORONO WEEKLY times NEWfÛiWILLE Messrs. Ronald Burley and Percy llosMii were in Toronto on Saturday. Miss Minnie Menzies, Port Britain, spent, the week-end with Miss Jean Made. Mr. George Wade, Kingston, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jack Wade and Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walkey visited with Mliss Robinson, Newcastle, on Sunday. Misa E. 'Rowland, of Newcastle, was a guest of Mrs. C. Burley on Thursday. Mrs. Alice Trusoott Jones is holi- daying with her cousin, Mrs. W. Bu.dd, Date. Miss Betty Stapleton spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. John .Morris, Orono, Mr, and Mrs. Mark Soper and Mrs. Patten, of Kendal, visited Mrs. Hos- kin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. George, of Port Hope, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beg. Woodham, of Toronto,, visited her mo .lier, Mrs. Normtin -S-amlis, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Avery and two boys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Avery Sr., Coldsprings.' •Mr. and Mrs. Gbyte and daughter, Hope Township, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Barrie one day last week. Mrs. Harry Wade and Billy visited relatives in Toronto during the week-end and witnessed the Santa Claus parade. Mr. and Mrs. Max Stapleton ac- â- •on paired Mr. and.Mrs. Robert Gor- don, of EBzabetliville, to Peterlboro on Saturday. [Misses- Elsie" Wallace 'and Mary Lane and Mr. and -Mr-. Lawrence Saivery visited Mr. and Mrs. Alec Barclay, Os'hawa, on Sunday. Mr. Allan Rusk, brother of Mrs. Hilton Avery, is in Oobourg Hospital â- with anasepiic throat. We hope to see him out in the near future. 'Sorry to report Mr. James Robin- son, now of Newcastle, but a former resident here, is in Oshawa Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Zealand, of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'â- 'Bffiith, fpf Wyliingtoh,' atiêmiéd:.tlito funeral o-f their father, the late Mr. Wlm. Smith. Douglas Rowe, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rowe, underwent an operation 'last week in the Sick Chil- dren’s Hospital, Toronto, and is re- covering nicely we are glad to report. Friends were indeed shocked at the Budden passing of Mr. Win. -Smith on Monday, November 13th, the more so because he had seemed in fair health lately. Sympathy is extended to the sorrowing family. On Wednesday evening, November 16th, a programme was held in the basement of the United Church under the auspices of the W.M.S.. There were vi-oil'in- sofas by Blonald Burley with piano accompaniment by Mar- garet Denault, These young artists CLARKE UNION Miss Ruth Fogg spent a few hours at home on Monday. Miss [.orna Clark is busy prepar- ing for her Christmas entertainment. A number from -this .section attend- ed the wood sale of Mrs. O. G. Arm- strong. â- • Mr. Jack Lorriman and sister- spent S-unday with Mr. and Mrs. Heber S-ouch. Miss Eileen S-ou'eh spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ifebcr Hunch. Mr. James Nixon says he thinks he bias finished threshing, reporting a good season. Mrs. Sandy Watson, who under- went an operation in BWmanvil-le Hbapitali, is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill and Ken- neth spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hills and family. Mr. Vernon Saunders and friend spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Souch spent a day in Bowmanviile last week the guests of Mrs. Allie Power and Miss Vera, KENDAL Misa Jean iStewart, R.N., and Miss McKinnon, of Oshawa, visited at M r. John iStewant’s. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bell and fam- ily visited friends in. Port Hope on Thursday. Mrs. Birch, of C arriéra le, Sask., has returned home after a visit with her - -parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Quairtril. The citizenship convenors, Messrs. F. Oprnis-h and -Clarence Belli, were in â- charge of the Young People’s Union on- Frday evening. The programme consisted -of a. reading by Katie 'S'tewart; topic by Pearl Hoy ; violin selection -by John- S'cott; s-olio by Mr. J. Swarbriiek, and-a-duet by Gwen Gilmer and Laverne Farrow. The pterodactyl, ancient -bird, was the: largest, , dying V. ea rure nature ever produced. play exceptionally well together and are becoming very popular at k>e;al entertainments. Then there were vo- cal duets by -Mrs. E. L. Beech and Mary Lane that were much enjoyed, particularly the first number “Whis- pering Hope,†They were lacooimpa iv- ied by Mrs. W. 0. Lane. Dr. Mills-on, -of Wtlcome, gave one -of his very in- teresting lectures “A Friend of the Friendless."’ He himself was that friend and held the close attention of his audience While he described his work in -oomneetiion with “Institu- tions†or “Homes†under the guar- dianship of the United Church' in London,, Ont., Saskatoon, Toronto, 'and as far east as the Maritimes. i FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pri Je is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition; we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. j THE COBOVRG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS j DELANTY BROS. ' | For further particulars see our local agent 1 MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono BOWMANVILLE “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer’ will be the big drawing card at, the Royal Theatre this, week, not only for the kid's, hut for the grown-ups as well! Mr. Roy Nichols, of Court ice, deal- er in General Motors, is fitting up the A. H. Williams .-tore on King St. west to display the 1939 'General Motors, One of our merchants took in one of those Mexican five dollar bills the other day. Just give it the once over when you get one of those Greaser notes as there is quite a lot, in circul- ation-, especially in Toronto. Mr. F. R. Foley, of S-t. Catharines, who has been here at his brother’s place, Liberty street, under the doc- tor’s care, moved up- to the farm at Maple Grove the past week which we hope will do him good and help him to recover. iS-evaf-al of our citizens took in- the R-oyal Winter Fair on Saturday last, and report a wonderful show. This week will see the finals fo-r this year, belt the weather was. on its best be- haviour, which was a great hdl-p for its success. Mr. D. Todd, of O-shawa, Mrs. John Kechie and Mm. Rankin, of Toronto, formerly of this town, were 'Sunday visitors la,s-t week and attend- ed St. Paul’s United Church Sunday morning. Old acquaintances were very pleased to m-eet -them and review old times where they used to meet in days gone by. There passed -away last week -one of this town’s respected citizens in the person of Muril Nooks, a well known tinsmith by trade who has not been in the best of health for some time past, but stood out. until the last, and was uptown only a day-or -so before he passed away. The interment took place on Friday last at the cemetery here. We notice the Cflarke Conservative Association has dropped the word “Liberal†from their vocabulary, and perhaps it -is just as well. It has been in use in the Grit party announce- ments that it- ha-s not the real sound lit ought to have -when used by the Tory element. They are having trouble enough these days without nny Grit, entanglements. À number of Bowmanviile Rotar- ian-s went up to Oshawa -arv M./uuay of last week to the eluib there and the guest speaker wa-s Lord Elgin, of Scotland, who came to the Toronto Winter Fair as a judge of: cattle. This distinguished man is one of: Scotland’s celebrated families and the Oshawa. Club were very fortunate in having him as a speaker at their regular meeting. It will be a blessing when the two lane highway will- be in operation, es- pecially so far as trucks are concern- ed, as they take up so much room that it blocks very much the vision of a car trying to paies another and it is so in town when they pull u;p by the curb, as they monopolize the greater part of the highway. Trucks should have a road by themselves, but the new highway will be a great help in Ms line of business. The lions Club of this town attend- ed1 at St, Paul’s United Church on Sunday evening last and the minis- ter gave a fine sermon on “Noah and ttio-se that ware with him in the A.-rk,†and the situation of that period and that of to-day, so far as the world is concerned, came in for very unchris- tian and Godless ways of life as we have it in this day and generation of dictatorial mismanagement. It was interesting and practical as all Mr. Bannister’s addresses are. A number from town attended the goose supper at Hampton the past week. Those goose suppers are a. great drawing card. Chicken pie so- cials held the boards for many de- cades but is being gradually eliminat- ed by his big neighbor, the goose. What, will be on the next, menu we can’t fortell The old time oyster -skew ha-si disappeared. We remember when in dur fipp-rntdee days a -red herring was much appreciated or a can of sardines arid crackers. A few years makes some difference, does it not ?" 'Only-four more weeks to Christmas and the first thing you know it will be here before you are ready for it. The weather has been- fine for pick- ing berries in this part of the country | but don’t'Count too much on that -pas- time for the -Christmas- celebration. Several of ou-r people hiked to the city to see.-the Eaton Santa Claus parade, -of-course taking their young- sters, which reminds us when, wo would have a. oircus parade in town dad would have to dome In with the children-, -of course he would, still he would have a backward feeling on the way home, probably more so than the ki diets. We may be somewhat late in con- gratulating Orme Gamdby on reach- ing his 75th birthday which was Thursday of last week, but never- theless it is too late to wish him many more returns of the same, as 75 years of age means a good deal to a citizen of Orme’s temperament. He does not take all day to find out if a 1 youngster will make -a. good -ball play- STARKVILLE Miss Ruth Savery with Miss Hazel Falïs. Mr. J. J. Mell'or with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gilroy with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Hal low eh. Mr. -and Mrs, Ross Halkwwdll with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White, of Wel- come Mr. and Mrs, Brock Pethic-k, of Nowtonville, with Mf. and Mrs. Ross Ha-Bow dl-l, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yule- and -George, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'S-avery. Mr. -and Mrs. Charles 11dit -and Doreen, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Stone. We would like to have as many out next week as possible as the Kendal Y.P.U. will visit us on November 30, The Y.P.V met on Monday even- ing, the mcetinir being in charge of the culture convenor, Mrs. A. Dunn. The programme consisted of a- duet by Eileen Todd and Phyllis- Gilmer; topic, Doris Williams; violin solo, Reg. Bolton, Mr. Ewart Robinson then conducted a geography match. The meeting closed with hymn and prayer. KIRBY Mr. Gordon Shaekieton, of Toronto, spent 'Sunday at his father’s, Mr. Ro- land -S'lmckioron. Mr. and Mrs. Monntjoy visited at their daughter’s, Mrs. Lome W-an- nan, on 'Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Orley Chapman and Mliss Eileen Morgan took in the Royal Winter Fair on Friday last. Mr. -and Mrs. W. S. Oobiblediick were guest's to dinner at Mr. and Mrs, F. Brim-adomlbe’s on Friday evening- last. The West- Group held a very suc- cessful] quilting- -at Mrs. Orley Chap- man’s on Wednesday afternoon of this -week. Mrs. h E. Chapman has returned home after -spending a few days visit- ing Mir. and Mrs. Andy Bandy at Hcrm-on, iSoirry to hear Mrs. Carl Billings being so ill. We all wish her a -speedy recovery. Hope to see her in our midst soon. Mrs. William Wanman and Mrs. Zoll.ii Little visited at the latter’s sis- ter, Mrs. George G'lanville Jr., one day lust week. The East Group held a quilting on Thursday of last week at Mrs. W. T. Little’s. The ladies of the West Group attended. Mr. and Mrs, N-elles, who spent the past few -weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Chapman, has returned to their home at Brantford. Please keep Tuesday, December 20th in mind as that is the da-te of ou r Christ m'a s concert to be h eld in the church. Come one, come all. Mr. D, A. McKinnon is visiting friends in Welland and- Toronto and attending the rugby and football games, the sport he admires very much. Mr. and Mrs. William DeMille and Irene, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S-tirev-ant and daughter Evelyn, all o-f Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. John Bro-wn’-s. Our young people held a very suc- cessful league meeting on Tuesday n-igh-t. Mies Eileen Morgan and Miss Mary Harris being responsible for the programme. Mr. Carl Billings and daughters Edna 'and Audrey motored to Tor- onto on Friday to- s-ee Mrs. Billings, who is in the Hospital. They return- ed home on Sunday. Mrs. Fred W, Rigby, of -Han Fran- cisco, California, who has spent the past five months visiting her brother, Mr. John iBroiw-n, and other relatives has returned to her home. It is thirty-two years since Mrs. .Rigby -last visited Lev old-home. er -or a rare ho-okey puck chaser, but soon sizes him up and put® him -on the 1-ist. Of course he has his weakness. We all have. One is trout fishing and we should say that it does not show m-uch weakness to'get up -and be .at -a trout stream at break of 'lay. Well may he have many a creel full before he comes to the afternoon of his life and the shadows'on the trout stream show -him the tima .to go homo! Citizens of tin’s town were very much shocked to leijrn- of the fatal accident of Mrs. Alex, Untidy, of Clinton, which occurred in a motor accident. This occurred somewhere in the neighborhood of Stratford, and according to the press notice she was taken to the Stratford Hospital. The funeral took place on (Saturday to the cemetery here and a. large number of citizen- assembled to pay their 'tribute o-f sympathy and -respect to the deceased and sorrowing rela- tives. 'She leaves twto sons, a mother and one sister and Allan Knight of this town is a brother. TyrrelFsDrug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO Everyday Sale Prices WINTER TONICS Burdock Blood Bititers 98c I Muskekee ..$1.00 Scotit’s Emulsion .98c j Beef, Iron & Wine... $1.00 Puretest Cod Liver Oil, plain or mint flavoured, 16 ozs...$.100 \\ ampule’s Extract of Cod Liver Oil .......,......$1.00 Peptona, the all-year round tonic ............$1.00 There is still plenty of time to enter -the BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ POPULARITY CONTESTâ€"Two valuable prize's to be given aw'ay. Slee special space for late contest results GIFT SPECIALS Ladies’ Brush comb and Mirror Sets, choice of colours, chrome trimmed ..... ..... .........$1.98 Kw'ik-S'haver, the New Electric Shaver, guaranteed for one year, price..........................$3.75 GIFT SETS FOR LADIES From Yardley’s, Gardenia of Southern France, Adrienne, Jasmine of Southern France, and Lady Lather. Priced from 25c., 30c., 50c., $1.00, $4.50 and up GIFT SETS FOR MEN From Yardley’s, Gardenia, Jasmine, Woodbury’s, Williams and the new and popular “Bachelor†line Gifts purchased aiti your RexaTl Store may be wrapped in new Holiday Wrappings, and if necessary, securely wrapped for mailing at N'O EXTRA COST You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store SEASONABLE SPECIALS Three Day Feature Sale FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24th, 25th, 26th See the large circulars in -the mail to-day, Check them over carefully as there is a saving on nearly every item. Prices that we will be unable to quote except on Sale, Days. Join Our Lay-away Xmas Club Now is the time to do your Christmas ' Shopping while you are not rushed. We strive to keep our Christmas Merchandise complete but some lines sell out, so why not play safe, make a small deposit and we will hold your selection's until Decem- ber 19th. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big j Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS -1. PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal&LumberCo All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised