OKONO WEEKLY TIMES CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Killings wish to thank their many neighbors and frienJds for enquiries and for all the many kindnesses shown them during her recent illneis in Toronto General Hospital. BIG L.O.L CARD PARTY Monday, Dec. 12th 8.00 o.clock sharp L.O.L. HALL Prizes - Lunch Final Safeguard Safeguarding of our Milk’s purity begins with hard selection, and con tinues right to the moment of bot- tling; with laboratory-regulated Pas- teurization. Pasteurizing Is not just a word with us. It is a PROTECT ing process. Our name should not be a mere word, with. you. It should be your Reliance ! BOWMANVILLE DAIRY For Quality and Service WE OFFER FOR YOUR Christmas Shopping A full line of Tobaccos, Cigard and Cigarettes Annie Laurie Chocolates, in assort- ed Family packages, Nuts and Hard Centres, in \ lbs., 1 lb, 2 lbs. All Gifts will be Christmas Wrapped without Extra Charge Special Orders Given Prompt Attention WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE RIDDELL’S Phone 49-1 Orono THURSDAY FRIDAY SggB5=g^^ Fine Tasty Canadian Five Rose CHEESE FLOUR lb. 7 lb. bag 24c 18c. 24 lb. bag 74c 98 lb. bag $2.85 SATURDAY Lard Specials Maple Leaf or Whyte’s, 1 lb. pkg. 2 lbs. 23c i 3 lb. block, pure J| lard, 31c S O’Keefe’s Dry Ale, 4 large bottles in Xmas carton.......;...80c. Mottles returned .....20c. Silver Beads for cakes, pkg...............5c. & 10c. Almond Flavouring, bot- tle ................ ...10c. Swansdown Cake Flour...29c Lassie’s Syrup, 24b tin 19c. Ground Ginger, lb ......29c. Sunny Cereal, pkg. .....20c. Fine Old Stilton Cheese, in 5-lb. round, lb...29c. Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs......29c. Freshly Roasted Peanuts, 2 lbs. ... ..........19c. High Quality Mince- meat, 2 lbs. .......23c. Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. ...25c Lean Stewing Beef, 2 lbs. for.............23c Cooking Onions, 8 lbs... 19c. Almond Paste, tin .....18c. I CORN STARCH pkg. 8c. Breakfast BACON in piece, lb. 23c sliced, lb. 25c I m Fine Mixture of $ Hard I CANDY g 2 lb. | 19c. I Plates of Beef and Chuck Rolls, Boned and Rolled, 13 C We are taking orders for Geese and Turkeys for Xmas. Order yours early J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery LOCAL AND SOCIAL RED & WHITE STORES I Mr. W. J. Stutt has left to visit his daughter in Detroit. Mrs. W. Harrison has been indis- posed for the past week. Try a box of Annie Laurie Oho'eo- l'ates at W. J. Riddell’s. Mr. Milton Morris is making im- provements to his property. Mrs. A. West has been laid up with a severe attack of the flu. Mr. C. R. Oarveth, of Newcastle, visited our village last week. Mr. Cecil G. Mercer, M.1..A.. was in town on Tuesday on business. Mrs. Stan Bowen, of Newcastle, spent -a day in town last week visiting Mrs. George Butters, Mr. Deb. Myles, who has been em- ployed in the north country, has re- turned home for the winter months. Mr. Clarence Allin has erected a new driving shed to his barn just north of the Agricultural Grounds. Mr. Sid Hughs'hi and Mrs. Hugh- son and son Glenn, of Toronto, visit- ed1 the former’s father, Mr. C. J. Hughson. •Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorrimnn, of Toronto, spentt he week-end with the former’s father, Mr. J. F. Lorriman, Cob Hill. Mr. Clifford Bruton has rented the house of Mrs. George Seymour and moved his household effects to his new abode on Monday of this week. We understand that Mr. Win. Lynch is building a new piggery near the Orono Flour Mill and is go- ing into the business of raising pigs-. Mr. A. Morrow since he has lost, his position as fire chi ef of Kirby says he don't know what time it is and stays in bed on Sundays till church time. Miss Mary Tatnblyn attended the Hollywood Review of Sonja: He:nie. that great skating marvel, held in the Maple Leaf Gardens on Monday evening. We noticed the government Sander in town on Saturday morning sand- ing the iicy roads: after the rain of the night before which froze during the night, thus making the roads a glare of ice. Mrs. A, Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Ros- borough, Mrs. R. A. Forrester and son John were in Toronto on Satur- day. While there Mrs. Henry pur- chased some new books for the library. Have you tried Annie Laurie Cho- colates.".- They’re good. Make your purchase a; W. J. Riddell’s. Mill,brook on Saturday last carried the Hydro bylaw for purchase by the vote of 127 for and 27 against. With Orono and Millbrook taking over the Hydro systems of their respective villages, this leaves only one muni- cipality in the Eastern Ontario Cir- cuit, that does not own- its1 own system. The students of the Orono Public School extended an invitation to their parents to attend an open session of the different classes: on Tuesday af- ternoon of this week. The parents gladly .accepted these invitations and were pleased to see the different work that is being accomplished in Miss Adam’s and Miss Foster’s class rooms. 'On Wednesday evening, December 21tet, the Hollywood Circuits of Tor- onto will present “Wings1 Over Hono- lulu†in the town hall. Then com- mencing on Tuesday, December 27th, they will present a weekly movie show on Tuesday evening of ' each week and up-to-date pictures will! be shown for the benefit of the commun- ity. The weather up to the preset has been very unseasonable. 6o far we have had very little cold weather with hardly any frost in the- ground and that has: disappeared in some places in the township, allowing farmers to complete their plowing. Ploughing on' December 6th is very rare, but this year quitte a number of farmers were in their fields, Mr. A. FI. Keane’s oar .figured in an accident on the Main street on Friday night, when a light truck struck the left rear side of the ear, bending the rear fender, also an axle, damaged one of the rear bump- ers, and put a dent in the rear door. The cat was taken to Toronto for re- pairs. The Misses Tourjees, of Toronto', ifpent Sunday with Mrs, S. MaoPlier- s§n. j. Mrs, Sanderson (nee Erma Fuller) and son, of Peterborough, is visiting Iter sister, Mrs. Ervan Rainey. Clarke Township Council escaped one month for which it did not have to pay any sheep claims. The dogs, most likely, are now busy chasing rabbits. Mrs. Caldwell and daughter Mil- dred, of Chesley, returned home, last Saturday after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Milne, Dr. Milne and family. 'Some of the wiring for the colored lights were strung across the Main street on Wednesday afternoon, and soon- our main thoroughfare will take on a. picturesque appearance. All women are invited to attend the W.MjS. meeting on Friday, December 9th, it 3 p.m. in the New- castle United Church to hear an adiIre.-.- by Miss Luella. Rorke, of Japan. . ] The local Orange Lodge have all plans made for their big annual patty which will be held on Friday, December 30th. If you would like an 'invitation let the committee know about it. 'Mr. William Hoar suffered a pain- ful accident -one day last week when one knuckle of his left hand was smashed. The broken member got caught in the door handle on the in- side of the car. There are still a, number -of dogs running at large on the streets of Orono without tags. All persons own- ing dogs arc compelled to purchase a dog license from the tax collector, Mr. C. F. Awde. Messrs. R. Wood and G. Winter this year’s proprietors of the skating rink, will have to start all over again to make an ice surfa- the, warm weather'melting the ice that was made in an earlier cold snap. - Mrs. L. Bruton, Messrs; Gordon and Norman Bruton, accompanied by Misses Ruth and Marion Hamm, Bowmanville, motored to Midland on Sunday last paying a visit to Mr. Cecil Bruton, a drug apprentice there. Last Wednesday afternoon, the" lo- cal' fire brigade were busy filling up the water tanks around the town. The new tank just south of the old railroad track was to have been -filled (yesterday) Wednesday, but thig has been cancelled for another week at least. | PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE $ W PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER # ! SPECIALS SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. 22c CORN STARCH 2 boxes, 17c - Easifirst or jewel Shortening "M 2 lb 23c Wheat Flakes 5 lbs., 21c DOMINION SUGAR...............CWT $5 00 PRUNES........................3 LBS.23c. ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR .... 24 LB BAG.. 45c. GRANULATED SUGAR.............10 LBS. 53c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP ........5 LBS.36c. 1 PKG, QUICK TAPIOCA and 1 BOTTLE OF VANILLA................BOTH FOR..';....15c. CUT MIXED PEEL...„............1 LB..23c. | SHELLED WALNUTS ..............-...LB.35c. «ff MINCEMEAT................PER LB..10c. PINEAPPLE SLICES............2 TINS.19c. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN .....; ..2 TINS..19c. GLACED CHERRIES.*.............1 LB..35c. SODA BISCUITS ...........1 LB. PKG.10c. PEA MEAL BACON 5E m BREAKFAST BACON .......LB... ......LB..... ..30c. ..27c. «« MACARONI 3 lbs., 10c GREEN GIANT PEAS 2 for 25c OXYDOL large pkg., 21c SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs., 17c 1 m ARMSTRONG’S » I Christmas Suggestions | I" SATIN BEDROOM SETS f |[; Real elegance in these high-class Bedspreads of rich lustrous jjjc m Satin, size- 88x100, in gold, green and rose. »• pride.;......................... Sf: Cushions, also made of rich satin in all fancy shapes. (P 1 A A â Colors in. rose, wine, blue, gold and green, each.<P 1*UU Reversible Satin Comforters of blue and gold, also mauve and green. Price .......... .......2.2. ...,.. $7.50 Send the Orono Weekly Times to that distant ,friend for a Christmas present arid save the time -of writing letters now and again. The Times would go into the home fifty-two- times every year, carrying the news â- of our village and surrounding com- munity. The W.A. -Relief Committee wish to thank all who contributed to the bale of clothing and bedding that was packed for the Prairie Provinces on Tuesday evening of this week, to the value of about seventy-five dol- lars, This committee has also made up -other bales for local assistances. Mrs, John Henry, accompanied by her daughters, Misses Dorothy and Mildred Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Elliott, 0f Toronto, attended the 40th wedding anniversary of her sister’s wedding, Mrs. Ed. White, of Elizalbethville, on Friday last. Some fifty guests arrived at Mr. White’s home, giving them -a, complete sur- prise and presented them with a beau- tiful studio couch. The merchants are very busy now that the Christmas season has arriv- ed decorating their store, windows with gift suggestions for the buying public. With stimmerKke weather it; is difficulty to realize that Christmas is only three weeks away. Do your shopping -early with our local mer- chants, they are anxious, to supply your needs and will also help you to decide what to buy. George Mitchell, son of Wm. Mit- chell, while in Bowmanville on Satur- day evening figured in. a oar accident at one of' the intersections of that place. George was driving east- when his view was blocked by a car park- ed at the curb with the result, that another car going north crashed into the side of his car, which cracked the front fender, broke the running ’board and made a large bent in the door on the right side of the ear. No one was injured in the accident. The other car escaped without damage. KIMQNAS; Warm Blanket, Cloth Ki- monas for ladies and chil- dren, in mauw, green, coral fand blue , Ladies $3.50 Children $2.50 § TOWELS ~~ W. We have the largest variety you ever saw in towels and Towel Sets, with or without cellophane wrappings, prices range from 29c. tO 98c PILLOW CASES Fancy Embroidered or Plain Pillow Cases of Pure Linen, per pair $1, $1.50, "$1.69, $2 PYJAMAS Misses and Ladies’ Flannel- || ette Pyjamas, in flora'l, dot- :ij| ted and plain patterns, ail % «°»......$1.50 & $2.0(1f LUNCHEON SETS -1 Daintily Boxed Sets, a. Cloth c* and four serviettes, in, linen, cotton, tapestry, etc. Priced $1.95 lo $3.95 ! SILK UNDERWEAR j We have a complete line of à Ladies’ Underwear, Pantees Bloomers, Slips and gowns. All these at reasonable prices, rangingOQç CQ :f from ....... ’ " ». BLANKETS All Wool, made in England, while with blue borders, a very special price, per pair .......:. $7.00 SWEATERS Brushed Wool Pullovers with zipper ; a smart looking garment in a good variety of coloris. $2 10 Overcoats, prices, each.. OVERCOATS these are good 1 Coats at $10.00 i OVERALLS Of 9 ounce blue Denim; a very heavy Overall (Pi QC for winter .... «plevv GLOVES Brown and Grey Capeskin Gloves, lined and : Unlined ... $1.50 PANTS wool & cotton Pant in grey and brown Wor- steds; winter Pant $2.45 WINDEREAKERS All Kindis, made in plain & fancy colors, Priced . i$2.95 to $5 8 ....... % Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono