ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 4A': " I' NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTO^ViLLE Mr. and Mip.-. Ãœ, Morris have moved into the late Mr. Mite-hell Zealand’s house. Mrs. J. T, Pearce visited Mr. and Mis i.hrvey Osborne, of Welcome, las: week. .Mv. W. W. Henderson, of Bow- maiiville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. â- Stapleton. Et. Missi Gladys d’eafee and friend took in the Motor Show in Toronto on Sa tu relay. Mr. Bullied, of Si.irkv'i'e. is spend- ing the" winter with his sister, Mrs. John Jarikson. Mr. anvl Mrs. D.Morrison and son, of Peterboro, visited Mrs. Hos- kin and family on Sunday. Mrs, Clifford Avery and family, of Grafton, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Avery. Mr. Melville Jones and Mr. Willis Jones were in Peterboro at a ban- quet given by the Masonic Lodge. On Tuesday evening Orono Y.P. A. visited out Y.P.TJ. and put on a splendid program. The Home Lea- gue served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. George McCullough and Laureen and Miss Margaret Luxori visited Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton Jr. on Friday evening. The W. A. of Zion- Ohurich, Hope Township, held a bazaar last week when a number from' Newtonville went out to hear the Debate in which Mr. Melville Jones took, part. The Girls’ Fbftiball Team are put- ting on another dance in the Com- raunity Hall this Friday evening, Dec. Dth. The. music will be supplied by the Merrymaker’s Orchestra, of Oshawa. Admission 2-5-0. Lunch 10c. COW AN VILLE S tringer and Mrs. J. J. W. -Stringer on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Cowan has been visit- ing Mrs. Roy Smith and Mrs, Lan- eon Millson at Newtonville. 'Reserve Friday evening, December Mr. and Mrs. Wostol visited hie parents, Mr. CLARKE UNION Mr. Beverley Fogg is employed at Mr. Lawson's, Mrs. Fred Blackburn spent, a few days in the city last week. Mr. Lew Smith has been drawing wood to Bpwmaiwille this week. Miss Lor na Clark and Miss Eileen couch spent, the week-end at their respective. â- homes. Mr. Archie Watson,' clerk in a drug store in Oobourg, spent the week-end witih his parents, Clarke Union Home and School Club will bold theiri next meeting on December 15th. Miss Ruth Fogg, nurse in train- ing in B-o-wm-anville hospital, spent a few hours at home one day last, week. A number of the farmers of this section are getting up their supply of winter’s wood while others are fin- ishing' tiler ploughing, Mir. 8. D. Someth purchased a cow from Mr. Neil Rainey recently and MjrV Myijtijed ' ISiw vwjin purchased some cattle from Mr, Hector Bowen recently. Don’t get. in a hurry to buy your goose for Christmas. Buy a ticket on the one being given away by the Home and School Olub which will be given away at the Christmas con- cert. Miss Rena Rail, who has been en- gaged at Mrs. Watson’s during her illness, has accepted a position in Mr. Frost’» 5c. to $1.00 store. Miss Viola Ruiier taking her place at, Mrs. Wa Ison’s. LTnaffected by mild weather this autumn, migrating birdsi departed at the usual time for the south. 16th, 1938, for Oowanville Christmas Tree at Clarke Church. Everybody welcome. The Y.-P.U. met . as usual on Thursday night. The programme was in charge of the .Mission convenor Lack Barnes. The topic on “Home Economies†was given by Mr. Mor- ton, STRONG BONES and SOUND TEETH ECONOMY SIZE $4 45 (144 DAYS’ + SUPPLY) SOLD BY MELLOW’S DRUG STORE Newcactie - - Ont. FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. Today, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details i:i connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono NEWCASTLE Macs Ilattie Mason spent the week- end with friends in Toronto. Mr. Burncey Couch, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Couch. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean How- ard returned this week from a four months’ business trijp throughout the West,. Mrs. A. Pollard has been visiting her daughter and soli-in-liaiw, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown, at Hudson’s i ieights, Qutibe'c. The J. Anderson Smith Box Fac- tory» fine new addition has reached the third storey and the brick will soon be completed. Miss ’Sialome Howard, Miss Arres- to Martin, Mr. George Bonathon, Mr. Murray Butler were all home from the city for the week-end. Congratulations to Mr. Albert Mel- low who has just -celebrated his tenth anniversary in business in Newcastle in Mellow’s Drug Store, and Soda Fountain. The U nited Church Sunday .School will hold their annual Christmas Tree Entertainment on Friday even- ing, December 23rd, in the Sabbath School rooms. The C.G.I.T. girls with their lead er, Mrs. Archie Glenny, attended1 the large rally in- Oshawa on Sun- day last. The annual candle light service was held in the evening. Mrs. J. Ain'sley Butler entertained the members of the Ladies’ Bowling -Gltib on Wednesday evening last. Bridge was played and the prizes won in playing during the summer were presented. The Library Board have decided to keep: the Library open two evenings each week, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m. This is in order to allow the village more opportunity to enjoy the splendid lot of maga- zines found there. Mrs. Herrington, who has .spent the summer with her cousin Misa Hedges, has returned to her home in Syracuse for the winter. Miss Hed- ges has closed her home and is stay ing with Mrs. Thomas Gibson for the winter. The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. George’s Church held its annual el-ec tlo-n, of officers on Tuesday and the following form the executive for the year 1938 : President, Mrs. W. H. Gibson; list vice-president, Mrs, D. R. Dewdney ; 2nd vice-président, Mrs. Philip LeGresloy; secretary, Miss C. Cutler : treasurer, Mrs. J. -Scott Howard; literature secretary, Miss B. S. McIntosh : Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Brereton; Little Helpers secretary. Miss Audrey Horrock; “Living Mes- sage†secretary. Mrs. John G-arrod ; social service secretary, Mrs. Philip LeGresley ; leader of the girls’ branch, Mrs. D. R_ Dewdney ; oxtra- cen.t-a-.diay. secretary, Mrs, Gjeorge "-ii'ingham. The Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church held their an- nual: election of officers and are as follows : Hon. president, Mrs. Nor- man Rickard ; president, Mrs- Nor- man Allin-; 1st- vice-president, Mrs. I. 0. 1 Ian cock ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. George Honey; 3rd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. R. E. Morton; rec.-sec., Mrs. Floyd Butler ; ' cor. -sec., Miss Ferguson ; treasurer. Mrs. W, E. Be- rna n-; sec, Chris, stewardship, Miss Robinson; sec community friendship, Mrs. P. Hare and Mrs. O'arveth; sup- ply secretaries, Mrs. E. Hoar, Mrs, E. Thackeray ; associate helpers, Mrs. W. Glenny> Mrs. Awide; mission band, Mass Lycett, Mrs. Clarence Al- lin, Mrs. Irwin Col will, Mrs. Harold- All in; baby band, Mrs. Mellow, Mrs. Herb. Toms; temperance secre- tary, Mrs. W. J, F. Rickard; mis- sionary monthly, Mrs. Harold Toms, Mrs. Walter Couch ; literature sec- retary, Mrs. T. C. Ch-Tnenee ; press secretary, Mrs, Howard Cooks; C.G. !.T. leader, Mrs. A. Glenny; pan let, Mrs. Rihrii ; group leaders, Miss Fer- guson, Mrs. Will Cowan, Mrs, Jerry Brown, Mrs. Norman Rickard, Mrs. Pinch and Mrs. Awde, Mrs. Herb. Hiiiifuck; finance committee, Mrs. Bemiah, Mi ss' Robinson, Mrs. N, Al- lin,1 Mrs. J. A. Butler, Miss Drum- mond, KENDAL LESKARD Don’t forget the Leskard' Christmas Tree and Concert on Wednesday, December 21st. The residents of the village, are enjoying the electric lights these long evenings. Mrs. .Roy Thompson has returned home, having completed her work at Mr. W, Oarr-uthers. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. L. Bourne and Betty spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crowe. Mr. and Mirs. II. Best and Anne spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Tennant. The- Home and School Club held their meeting on Monday evening, owing to the illness of the president, Mr. Carl 'Billings, Mr. Harry Davey took the chair. The meeting was opened with the singing of “O Can- ada,’’ followed by the Lord’s Pray- er.†The minutes of the last meet- ing were -read land adopted!. Mr. Milton Cornish took 1 the' chair for the programme. Music, .by Messrs. Kenneth S-hackl-eton and Charlie Har- ris. Master Bill Boyd gave his speech that he gave at the school fair when- he won a medial. Music by Messrs. Charles Taylor and Char- les Harris; reading by Robert Chat- era. Mr. Roy Thompson favoured with a qui tar selection. Mr. J. J. M-ellor, Orono, was the speaker for the evening, giving -as his address “The End of the Road,†which was enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with singing “God -S-ave the King.†Bunich w'as served by the ladies. The remainder of the -evening" was spent in dancing, music being supplied by Messrs.. Charles Taylor and Charles Harris, accompanied by Mrs. Art Robbins at the piano. TyrreH’sBrug Store (Too- late for last week) Mr. Bob. Robertson is busy wiring the school these days. Mrs. R. Miller, Newpark, visited with her daughter, Mrs. E. Duvall, on Tuesday. The School Concert and Christmas Tree will be held on Wednesday, December 21-st. Everyone welcome. ,Several from here attended the show “Damaged Livesâ€, held in the Orono Town Hall on Tuesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and Audrey were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. Martin, of Bowman- vil-le on Sunday and tea guests of Mr. ând Mrs. Arthur Oove-rly, of Bowman ville. -----------O----------- KIRBY Miss Marion Bannori spent a few days last; week with her mother, Mrs. Wm. B'anmon. Mir. and Mrs. 'Demill were guests of Mr. John Brown and Mr. George Glanville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Maekinnon and Miss Margaret were guests o Mr. and Mrs, A. Watson on Sunday evening. Mr. "and Mirs. O. L. Powers, accom- panied by Jim, spent Sunday after- noon with A. Morrow and Mi® Pearl, Miss Christina Maekinnon, who is taking a business course in Oshawa High School, was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Wan nan and Donald were in Lindsay last Siatur day, with M-rs. J. Gordon acting as tlerk in thei-r absence. Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Bryson and their two sons Bay and Jack, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deynian at their home near Cold Springs. Mr. Thomas Beaco-ek, who . resides with his daughter, Mrs. Win. Ban- non, we are pleased to Say is looking well and keeps bright although he s past his 90th birthday. Mr. Geo. Forbes is kept very busy looking after the water supplies he digs. N-o -dry wells now. Does he leave any -drills, picks or shovels be- hind in the well;,'this• he -claims is the work of amateurs and only that. Mr. Hartwell Lowery is a delegate to the Conservative Cun vent ion t-o be held in Toronto on. Thursday and Friday of this week. We all hope that Mr. Lowery will cast his ballot for the best man and which we know he will do just that, The Kirby Young People’s Union met on Tuesday evening. The Presi- dent. Gerald Shackle ion, was- in -charge of the meeting. The pro- .gratine opened with the Hymn 196, Clarence Bell and Miss 1 ilda f0|]oWe(j the Lord’s Prayer in- uni- m Mr. Wm. Bosto-ok, of Toronto, was in Kendal over the week-end, Mr. Leonard Buckler, of Newcastle spent Sunday with- Mr. John Paitt-on. Mrs. V. Peacock, of Eliza,bethvllle, spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. A. Jaokson, !Mr. Bei,l vtiited Mrs. Arthur Bell, Bow- mianville, on Sunday. ; Mias Marjorie Patton, -off Bowman- ville, visited- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patton. . . ' IMrs, Milt-on Robins-on ilii-d Mrs. Cecil Glass- spent Sunday will, Mrs. John Jackson, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bell, J-eanand John and Mr. Borne Plunkott, of Oamipbellieroft, were visitors with Mr., -and Mrs. L. I). Bell. son. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read arid adopted. The president read the Scripture taken from Psalm 119, then followed a dis- cussion on the Scripture, being fol- lowed1 by Hymn 334, Mr. Borne Wannan, devotional convenor, took charge of the meeting, taking as his topic “The way to live.†A harmon- ica- selection by Charlie Sullivan was greatly appfrodkited. The meeting closed with the League Benediction. * DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO Let your Christmas Gift this year be S F LOWERS 1 FROM THE DALE ESTATE BLUE BOYS at 50c. and 75c. CYCLEMENS, at 90c., $1.25 and $1.50 AZALIAS, at $1.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $6.00 FERNS, at 50c. and $1.00 These plants are sturdy and of excellent quality. They make excellent Christmas Gifts You Save With Safety when you do your Christmas Shopping at Tyrrell’s Drug Store CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Y our Christmas Shopping will be made easy if you take a f ew minutes to look over -our large range 0f suitable presents. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE WHETHER YOU BUY, OR NOT POCKET WATCHES for men or boys ...$1.00, $1.35, $1.75 PAL BLUE RAZOR BLADES...........THE PRICE......5 for 25c, EVER-READY SAFETY RAZORS, oompldte...2 blades 25c PROBAK SAFETY RAZORS, complete .............5 blades 29c. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS, complete ...........5 blades 49c. Boxed Toiletry Gifts, Perfumes, Bath Salts, Face Powders, Men’s Shaving Sets, etc; Ladies’ Rayon Satin Stripe, Pan- ties, Pant y Bloomers and Vests, colors Tea Rose and white, sizes small, medium and large ....... .......eadh......49c. Tying Ribbons, Pale Blue, while or red. Note the price 10 yards for ......... ........... ..................10c. Just received another shipment of Chocolate Peppermint. Wafers, made of pure milk chocolate.....HALF LB......10c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD , IN STOCK AT ALL TJMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 | Orono Coal&LumberCo i All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call and compare our prices with others, you will be surprised