CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Wishing our ma^y Friends & Custodiers the Compliments ! of the Season j CEDARDALE DAIRY MERRY CH W § i Wishing One a the Compliments of the Season COOPER’S BARBER SHOP m mmmmm mmmmm 1 1 WISHING EVERY ONE jj| A Merry Xmas and a 9 Prosperous New Year Public Schools Act,, section 97 (d) As required by The Public School* Act, 1, the undersigned, Secretasy of the Board of Trustees of School Spc- tint! No. 112 in the Township of Clarke, hfereby give notice that the Annual School Meeting of the Sup- porters of the Public School in the Section will be held at the School House on Wednesday, the Twenty- eighith day of December, 1938, at the hour of Eight o’clock in the evening, for the transaction of the business prescribed; by the sixty Seventh . sec- tion of said Public 'Schools Act, and of such o!her, business ns may be lawfully brought,.before the meeting. Daicd this 20th day of December, 1938. R. E. WADDEDL, Sec,, Board of Trustees John Gibson and 0. W. Rolph ORONO / , ! f For last minute shopping and last minute bargains Rolph Hardware PORT HOPE His Last Picture! FRIDAY & SATLFDAY Matinee Sat.. 2.30 “CHARLIE CHAN AT MONTE CARLO†With Warner Oland MONDAY AND TUESDAY Matinee Monday at 2.30 ^ k wà . EDGAR BER6EN w CHARLIE "McCARTHV '/ * tk THE RITZ BROTHERS -â- + ADOLPM MEfliOUq \ Gorgeous Girls â- HOLLYWOOD CIRCUIT PRESENTS A Smart Sophisticated Comedy “LOVE BEFORE BREAKFAST†Other Attractions;on the same programme DANCE AFTER SHOW Admission, Adulte», 25c. ; Children, 15c. Dance Included TOWN HALL, ORONO Wednesday, December 28 Commencing at 8.15 p.m. The Best in Talking Pictures | WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY S Fun for the Family! “Listen, Darling†With Judy Garland and Freddie Bartholomew ~ËVENINGS"Âf 7.00 & 9.00 GREETINGS Wishing our many Friends & customers the Compliments of the Season ORONO LUNCH BAR 1 Why is that good olid English dance, the Mi nut, left out of our school pro- grams. Probably our High School management will introduce it this season. There was another band" concert in the Royal Theatre on Sunday even- ing last, but how it- panned out we did not, hear as yet. It was not ad- vertised in the churches as the first one was. At Christmastdde there seems to be more Carols snug than usual! by our church choirs. At. St.. Paul’s, on Sunday morning last the, music: wtas very good along this line, with the sermon bearing along the Yulej tide season. The 48th: Highlanders Brass Quar- tette, of Toronto’, accompany the carol singing at the big-Simpson store every morning this week. Our 'merchants have not got that far just yet. Orono may get there before we to in this burg. iShaiw’s School No. 2 Highway held their school en tertainmemt on .Monday evening and there was a good pro- gramme. Years ago they held the saine when an orchestra would go down and' assist on the program and there was always an interesting pro- gram as probably this one would be also. Women .as end men in a minstrel show iis something new in this dis- trict. We Green’s female minstrel troupe in the old; town hall some years ago, with the exception of the manager Green, the performers wore all girls and the songs and acting were of the best, also the band. Those were the d'ays when minstrels, were at their best. That truck driver who almost went over the bridge at, Y an si one’s mill had certainly a close call from going into the icy water, and another almost fol- lowed suit. Drivers have certainly to be careful in this district with that C IMF bridge only : a short, distance away. We should -imagine that this “night mare†to all truck and motor drivers should! be done away with in this age of unemployment. Ilf you would like to feast your or- bits on motor-ears of the highest or- der, y iis it Chalks Motor premises on King- street, -opposite the A. &, P. -store for a firm display of DeSofo" -and other makes for which we have never seen a better showing, and not "only ears but: radios -of the finest speci- men of workmanship and all access- ories in connection1 with that carried by a first class garage. Visit this show room when in town., BoiwmanviUe Public School Christ- mas concert entertain,mentis took place on Monday ami Tuesday evenings of this week and: a large attendance was at both .entertainments.' Francis Sutton, supervisor of music, which was under his directoin, assisted by Principal Thompson and start, while those Who accompanied on the piano were Mieses Morris and Bragg, also COMING EVENTS A Concert and Clndstrnas Treé wiB be told in Oak SatoiMi on Ttofrs- day evening, December body welcome. DENTAL 22nd. JSvery- b-48-c. TAXI SERVICE Day and Night.â€"-Phone -Orono. ; DE. J. C. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.m. to 5-00 p.m. Evenings by ay - pointaient. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl. 42rU, as48-p. MEDICAL LOST . •One Sow on Saturday night, white. Finder please notify Ee-rl McCut- cheon, Lot 17, Oon. 6, Clarke; Phone 14rl9. i /.: a-48-c. Forxi) Bundle of Clothing in shopping -bag in Orono on Tuesday. Finder may have same by proving property and1 paying expenses. Apply at The Times Office, Orono. c-50-c. STRAYED Onto the premises of John Stew art, Lot, 13, Coficession 6/Clarke, one steer, possibly i rising wo years old. Owner may hâve same by proving property and paying/expenses. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT B EGG'S, late of Pontypool, in the County of Durham, Retired Farm- er, Deceased : Wishing all a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year To the minute shoppers, we can supply Radios, Washers, Refrigerators, Va- cuums, Ironers, Mixers, Lamps, T oast- ers, Irons, Clocks, Coffee Makers, Bed Lamps, Flashlights, Batteries, and all kinds of accessories, such as Bulbs, Tree Lights, Sockets, Fuses, Extension Cords, etc. TED WOODYARD Radio and Electric Phone 78rl6 I H Dean’s Bakery Wishes all their g§ Customers a Very Merry Christmas m, and a M Happy & Prosperous SI New Year » £ utmmmmmmmm i m In appreciation for your patronage || THE TÂMBLYN § *1 BEAUTY SHOPPE § wishes you all a :J| f Mçrry Christmas » and a M Prosperous New Year .j| W( H1 Symons. Mr. Sutton’s- public School orchestra opened the program with a selection. followed, by the présentation of prizes to those re- ceiving tine highest standing in Canadian history, also English and oratory, field day prizes also were pre- sented. The program Consisted; large- ly of songs and carols, Swedish sing- ing games, tumbling and pyramids, folk dianlces, club swinging. A feature ,,f the program was the singing of some 'seventy-five boy s and girl's under the direction of Mr. Sutton without any accompaniment. This was splen- didly sung. Another item was the ac- robatic work by the senior boys, and w,e would not forget the pageant or carol “Away in a Manger.†The pro- gram terminated with an orchestra selection “Uniivensity†march and “The Princess and the Wood, Cut- ter.†: It was a fine program and re fleeted a wonderful amount of hard work on others besides the school staff. The ebst,nines were very fine. The tap damoek, well, af ter seeing that by the Cheerio people, were not so good, but why not introduce a High- land Fling or a Reel or two. We understand the High School enters iaimnent will be some time in Janu- ary, but due announcement will be given. The orchestra did very well considering the time for getting up Such a number of juveniles in their different parts. Anyone who thinks it is a clinch, why just try it, it means work, much patience and tribulation sometimes. t -â€" -------o------------ MBS. DOROTHY ROWE LYNCH A.T.C.M. ' Teacher, of Piano and Theory Winter term .begins January 3rd. Modern methods, beginners 6 years and' up a specialty. Let your chil- dren accomplish something worth- wMle during the winter. Rates vea- soniable. Phone 37r2. DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orone - - - Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment A. F. McKenzie, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, Hours : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 7.00 to; 9.00 p.m. PHONE 47rl ORONO auctioneers TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Stales of all since and at reasonable' rates. Communicate with him at P«ri Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A, E. Morton, at Orono, for date. All persons having claims against the estate-of the said Robert Be/fes who died on o1’ about the 21st da/ of November, 1938, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned "Solicitor. or Executors on or before the 21/d day of December, 1-938, their nai/es- and addresses and full particulars of their claims-: and the nature of the securities (* f any) held by flieni, duly verified by affidavit. Immediately after the 23rd day of December., 1938, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors or the undersigned Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Orono this 1st day of December, 1988. ALBERT McMAHON, Pontypool, Ont. IF. II. BEGGS, Pontypool, Ont. Executors. R. R. WADpEiLL, Orono, Ont, Solicitor. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker s All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention V PARK STREET - | ORONO John J. tiilfillan Phn| B. QUALIFIED (fetOMETRiST Licentiate, of the Cotiege of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in C. R. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Rhone 68r2 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Littlewood Pastor SUNDAY, DEC. 20th In the name of Him who came_ to bring the world new light, I wish you Christmas Happiness and a New Year Gil ad mid Bright • 7.00 p.m.â€"-A Christmas Pageant;, ! entitled “Nlo Room in the Inn†to Orono Tinshop Wishing Everyone the Compliments of the Season R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 30 r 16 We extend to our Patrons a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, New Year MERCER’S GÂRAGE Mayan Indians in Yucatan sur- rounded their important city of May- apan with a wall six feet high and over five miles in, it® extent. The ainmiric altitude record is over ten and a half miles,; the aliti'tude re- cord for foalobn ffigM is over" thir- teen and a half miles. / / We take this opportunity to thank one and all for their generous support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Orono Meat Market