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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1938, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES The oan/yiais for funds for the com- munity ‘Christmas tree to be held in Orono on Friday met with splendid sufecèss. The amount realized was $51.10, and on Tuesday evening the X, â-  women of the town, were busy making up bags of candy, oranges, nuts, etc. for the children. Santa will be on kX __________._______ X, hand to meet the children and dis- tribute the presents to the children of the community. The programme will be given, by the different schools of the community, and which prom- ises to be the best held so far. Don’t forget . the dateâ€"Friday, December 03rd, and the time, 0 p.m. We extend to our Patrons A Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year BOWMANVILLE DAIRY i i f r-. With the Best of Good Wishes We extend to our Many Friends A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year RIDDELL’S / RED & WHITE STORES 1 uX-'-X t’; x Silllx® SlilKri Very Best Wishes for a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year Seasonable Articles as a reminder Oysters in bulk or jar Plants and Centre Decorations Tomato Juice O’Keefe’s Dry Ginger Ale Box Chocolates Bulk Candy Oranges and Nuts jLOCAL AND SOCIAL J. J. CORNISH ÃŽ* PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery Mr. Cv'.in Taylor spent a few days in the city last week. Mr, VVm. Da-vey spent- a day this week visiting in Osluiwa. Mr. Jack Cobbledick, of Toronto, spent Sunday -at his home here. Mira. McPherson and Mrs, Smith will spend1 Christmas in Toronto. Mrs, Arthur Saunders returned from a visit to Toronto and Clark- son. Mrs. Russell Best,. who is quite ill, we hope will soon be able to lie around again. Mrs. Bert Reid visited her aunt, rr«. .7 a lives Tandhyn, one day last week. Mr, ; John Armstrong returned â- me on Sunday from- hits' trip to the Pacific Coast,â-  . Mi-sis Ell va Buchanan is assisting at the local post-office during the busy Christmas rush. We extend sympathy to- Mrs-. Jiames Burgess and family in her sudden and sad bereavement. Mrs. Deb. Myles had the misfor- tune t-o fall down the steps and hurt her ankle quite severely. Mr. Arthur Manning, our genial blacksmith, is busy shoeing horses for the coming icy roads. -Bliss. Betty Clough .:is'sitstingiMr-s,:. Ah West, who has beeti quite' sick: during the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Kplirinm Evans -en- tertained a number ;.of" friends;';tat. dinner i n Monday evening,: We;are glad to. learn that Mrs. W. Andrews is much improved in health after her many we IX illness. I Mrs, Florence. Harris, R.N"., of Co- bo-urg, spent a few days with her parents, Mb*, and Mrs. C. Harris, -. â-  Mrs.,;, W. D. Jones and -amt .â-  ..'ME (1 rigor, -of Newton ville, were recônp isitors with ..Mr, and Mrs. Geddus Jones; ; '-"X;. S;t Mr. and Mr-. -jK^lfenee Allen .nul daughter A#i Marie, of Otyhawa, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Thomas Patterson. X; >Mrh Frçd Wood has brightnd his home with a frdsh coat of paint while the mild spell was on Mr. Fred Sisson was the-brush artist, y;;' ; Mr.- Roy COlville, who is attending the Toronto Dniversity, is spending the Christmas holidays with Ms par- ents, Dr. and ; Mr's.-'Neil',.. OoiMlle. â- â- , 'We are sorry to learn of ..Mrs, John Henry’s illness the past few Mays who.has, been; confined to her bed with a doctor in a.t ten-da rice. We wish her ,a speedy reefwery. Mr, Bruce Waddell, who has been spending his two weeks’ holidays at the home;of Mr. T. W. Somerville and other- friends, has returned to his home in Montreal, Miss Dorothy ' Blaekw'el-l, Miss Audrey Smith, Mr. and Mis. Bert, Simlith and Mrs. Mary Henry, of Tor- onto, were guests one day last week with Mrs., HenryX; sisters, Mrs. M. Coopei* and Mrs. L. Sear! on Centre street-. There will be two Christmas ser- vices-at -St. Saviour’s Church on Sunday. Holy (.'on n mm inn will be partaken at- 9.30 n.m., while at 3.00 pan. the regular service will be held. There will also be special Christmas music. All; are welcome. Mr. Wilfred W. Sherwiin, 3rd year veterinary student,- returned home from Guelph last week. Wilfred is suffering from -an attack of undiu liant fever. It is believed that he receiv- ed the infection from working with cows -affected with Bang’s Disease (Brucella Almrtns) last summer while he wa-s in practise.: The school children on Wednesday evening were entertained to a free picture show* by -the business men of Oroiio. The picture shown ; was “Wings Over Honolulu,” and a .large number, of the children turned out to see. this picture. The follow- ing business men contributed to the cause: CTtaa. Shaw,- Stia,n Payne, Ted Woodvard. C. IT. Fb-otste, F. F. Morris, H. M. Mercer, F. O. Cooper, N, Porter, Dr. N. -Colville, E. E. Pat- terson, M. Cowan, Orono Times, Lnnn Hardware, 'Tyrrell’s Drug Store, W. J. Riddell and W. E. Davey. You must have complete “blue- prints” of all Canadian made radios to insure good service. Delicate set analyzers, -service . oscillators and abmimeters are -also a necessary part of good, servicingâ€"I have them.â€" CShas. Knox; Phone 42 r 2. b-48-p. The Orono Continuation 'School will hold their -annual school dance in the town ha'lll (to-night) Thursday, when a large crowd i-s expected. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornish and family will occupy Mrs. John Henry’s house which is vacant, owing to her taking up residence in Tor- onto. Mir. Haines and staff wish to thank the merchants: of Orono who so kind- ly contributed and made it possible for the children of the village and surrounding district to attend the picture show in the town hall on Wednesday night. •Six children were christened on Sunday morning at the Park St. United Church. Mr. and . Mrs, T. Lewis’ two children, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson’s two children,1 and Mr. and Mrs, Lynch’s youngest’ -chi,Id, also ' Mr. and Mrs, Haneodk’is (young- est child. Oliarke nomination meeting will be held in the town hall, Orono, on Mon- day, also the nominations for Police Trustees. Clarke Township has had a very successful year, showing a very favourable balance on the right side of the ledger which augurs well for the present council in the man- ner in which they looked! after the affairs of the ratepayers, St, Saviour's Sunday ' School Christimas Tree was held on Wednes- day evening and a splendid program was produced, 'Santa was present to hand the puretés to the boys’and girls. Rev, D-cwdney gave- a short address and;carols-, were sung' before the fol- 'ioiwing ’ :pnigramrme : Song,, Sonny and: Betty: Jordon ; recitations, Connie MilchdM, Victor Jord-on, Lorn,a Chirke. .J.oyOe ,Cornish ; song, Connie Mit«‘liell and Alan Cornisli; récita- tions, Monty! IBIi'ch-ardson,. Chris,sy Jordon : sung1, Miss Lois Wood ; reci- tation, Thelma Jordon, Albert Mit- chell and Rdna “Morgan ; song, Win. Mitchell,A short, talk was- given by Mr. R; Allen. Refres-himenits were served after the programme. CLARKE COUNCIL - (Continued, from page one) salaries. ; /"V - : T. A. Reid, Peeve . ............$ 80.00 W. J. . Patton, Deputy Reeve P. -B, LoveMn,, Councillio-r ... H. Lowery,"Councillor ..... W m. Lining Councillor .... À J Staples, . Itli quarterly R. IT. Wood, messenger 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 125.00 25.00 â€"Carried, were passed ; The following bills and: Ordered paid : Can. Bank of Commeree, d'eb. 'S.-S. .............., .$501.85 Can. Bank of Commerce, deb. XS.S, 12 . .. ................. 845.66 E. L„ MateiNiaehtian, Treas., Counties’ rate, 1038 ....18113.31 Can. Bank of Commerce, crosBing'Counties’â-  rate .... 5.85 C. F. Aiwdé, colleoting town- ship frontage taxes ....... 2.97 Mrs. J. Clys'dallé, relief order J. T)un.«ford ................. 6.00 Cowan’s -Store, relief order J. Dumsford: ....... .......... . 15.00 C. G. Armstrong, relief order J. Dunsford ........ ...... 20.00 Orono Mêlait Market, relief or- der Mrs, II. Morris .......... 11.37 Dean’s Biakery, relief order- Mrs. II. Morris ............. 2.24 Mrs. E. J. Panda-’, monthly payment ...................... 40.00 A. J. Staples, taxi attending meeting at Cbibouirg ....... 4.00 A. J. Sitaiples, stamps, excise, .................. 14.75 I PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE * PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER Wishing One and All A Very Merry Christmas Orono Weekly Times, printing 'envelopes, receipt forms, •minutes ..................... 11.75- Municipal World, book and: Forms ...... ...... ..... 5.68 E. L. MaiÂNlatoihStan, Treas.â€" 50 p.e. mlt-ce Jean Har- ness, JIosp for Side Children' .... .... 28.88 5o p.<-. ' mtoe Martha iDafieh, St. Mich. .. 13.13 42.01 O. Smith, services Divisiomi Lake Shore road .............. 43.50 C. F. Aiwde, School Ai tend- ance Officer ....... 4.00 McGregor Jones, rebate dog . tax ............A............ 2.15 Roibt. Moffat t. sheep damages1 23.00 Austin Turner, sheep dam- ages ...... ............ • 21.50 Geo. Laing, sheep damages' .. , 10.00 Clarence A Kin. pure-bred reg- istered sheep damages ..... 27.00 Clarence Allin, services' valua- tor ........................... 7.50 W. A. Reid, Road Supt., Vou- cher No. 1-3 ................. 482.00 R. Moffatt, shooting dog .... 5.00 adjourned1 sine die. I CANDIES, NUTS AND FRUITS FOR ALL THE FAMILY NICE JUICY ORANGES, DOZ............19c, 25c, 35c. and 40c. GRAPE FRUIT........................6 FOR 25c TANGERINE ORANGES ...................DOZâ€"............15c. GRAPES .............................2 LBS...25c NICE CRISP SPY APPLES......11 QT,BASKET ...,35c. BANANAS, LARGE .....................I X)Z 30c. TABLE RAISINS ......T.................. 1 LB BOX..27c. CRANBERRIES.........q......:i... ;..:..LB....25c. LARGE FIGS ............................LB............10c, PEANUTS............................2 LBS.....19c MIXED NUTS WITH PEANUT .............2 LBS....29c EXTRA MIXED WALNUTS, FILBERTS, PEK1NS, ALMONDS.........................................I,B... 19c CHOCOLATE DROPS, CREAM CENTRES.........2 for.........25c. CREAMS, ASSORTED FLAVOURS .................LB........15c. CHRISTMAS MIXTURES............€ .......... 10c CLEAR MIXED CANDY ............; 2 LBS......25c, WILLARD’S CHOCOLATE JELLIES AND MARSH- MALLOW CREAMS .........................LB_17c. XMAS BOXED CANDY ........25c, 35c, 49c, 75c, and 95c. CHRISTMAS CAKE..................LB....25c and 35c. SCOTCH BREAD....................1 LB BOX.............15c. NICE ASSORTED BISCUITS..............2 LBS....27c. GINGER ALE, Xrnax package ...... BOTTLE______15c. TOMATO JUICE, LARGE TIN .............2 FOR...17c. HORNE’S PUNCH, ASSORTED FLAVOURS, foot.......17c. FOWL DRESSEDâ€" GEESE, DUCKS, CHICKENS AND TURKEYS ARMSTRONG i § i The Armstrong Family and Lillian, Ralph and Ah. Wish all the world, but more especially you a Very Merry Christmas I : mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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