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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1938, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES CLARKE UNION (Norman Bains tow, Lca-kard, wi ns the goose, Amy S tarn* id, Oshawa, wins the second prize, a four pound box of chocolates, and Kenneth Hill, Clarke Union', wins the pound box of chcooliates for selling the most tickets. Mias Clarke and her nine pupils are to be congratulated on the fine pro- gratmimé which was as follows : The opening Song was an old carol of Welch origin “Deck the Hail.” (Jhrist- niais pageant, depicting the manger -Beene, charaotere in order of appear- ance were, Virgin • Mary, Isabel Glàrke;, Innkeeper,! Bob. S'winford; lyt Shepherd, Orvitlle Chatterton ; 2nd ©ïtoplurd, Henry .X-’xoif; 1st Wise- man, Her toil Baker ; .2nd Wiseman, Brer.ton Fogg; 3rd Wiseman, Alvin Porter; Narrator, Jack Colville. A â- group of three songs, the first, “My Own Ch I'istm'as Tree,” is byB-ei-tlia Tan'blyn. a farmer red dm t .of the section ; the second is an action song “Tlhe Frog’s School,” and. the last is « lullaby “Ladybird.” Another group of three selections being prepared for the musical festival. Thé first song in unison is a. Irish ‘•Ki'U.aniey,” the other two are: two-part songs. Irish song “Tara’s Hall,” and a Scottish one “Bluebells of Sieofland.” A hu- morous. sketch performed in dumb show, entitled ’’Special To-day,” which wias well acted. Two games as .are prescribed in the new program of studies for Grade III ; the first bears the - tii file “Autumn Leaves,” nad the second “The Wind and the Lea- COWANVILLE Because of decorating for the- con- cert the , Y.F.ll. meeting! was whin drawn. •Congra: uhuious to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hughes upon their recent marriiage, Everybody come to the Christmas «erylce in Clarke Church on Sunday, December 25 th, A good crowd, attended the Christ- mas concert on Friday night. Santa Claus Was pretty good to all. John Hacks was taken to the hos- pital for an attack of’ appendicitis, hut lie is home again. We wish him a speedy recovery. ves.” A number which was sung by the massed choir of children at the 1938 O. E. A. convention, on tilled “The Whistling Farmer Boy.” The girls’ musical festival isolo, The Mailiden’s: Wish,” by Chapin. Another short sketch “Mr. John Blunt,” by piaine the action hinges upon the -fact that Mr. Bliunt f-orgot to- bar the dour o-he-fore going to bed. Have i ou ovàr ' had the measles or the •mumps. Listen, to- the girls tell apart the bad time they had with these di- seases in a, little song by Bertha Tam- blyn, entitled “Mumps.” We hear another number by Bertha Taxnblyn dSiainta Ohms is coming.” Then old -Sain: Nto-k dame and distributed the nresent.- and what not. NEIGHBORS )OD NEWS Try us with your printing order. m Season's Greetings Christmas time provides one of those rare moments in life when we forget the rush and cares of business and give thoughts to the more worth- while things. So it is at this time when Hop and I wish all our friends a Merry Christmas and a f Happy and Ffosperous New Year NEWTONVILLE Andy Lockhart, Newcastle, spent Saturday with Bud Jones. Doreen Burley, Newcastle, spent- Saturday with June and Pat Ware. Word has been received here that Mr. Çool died in Ooborrg Hospital, Mrs. Willis Jones, Mrs, Iloski-n and Rena were in Peteroibor on, Thursday, Electric- power was turned on for the Lake Short farmers Saturday evening. â-  iMllts. Lena Barrow, Lake ©hare, spent Thursday with. Miss Betty Staple ton. Mr. and Mus. W. Milligan and Jean attended a funeral in Lindsay last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones and fam- ily were Sunday guests of her parents at Wavkworn'i. Mrs. John Stapleton, Newcastle, - pent, a few days last week, with Mrs. Thomas Stapllleton. Mrs. Stanley Glover is seriously ill in l’eievborodgli Hospital, where she was taken a week ago Monday. At Y.P.U. Rena Iloskin, President, opened the meeting. Business over, Lena Kin.bad and Sid Lancaster had charge1 of the folowing programme : I Jack Kimball, reading; Gladys Pdarce,, Scripture; Wanda McKay, solo,- entitled “Sianla Claus is coming to Town,” accompanied by Margaret 1 lenauli : slides by Sid Lancaster; .Mir. Beech gave the topic; Rena Ho.s- kin conducted a contest. The meet- ing dlbised: withthe Miapaih Benedic- tion.- The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. J. Pearce on Friday, December 16th, After the business period Mrs. 8. Buricy had charge of the following programme. Roll call answered with the exchanging of Christmas gifts. Mrs. liaigih gave a report of the W. 1 convention in Toronto recently. Re- citation, Laureea McCullough; Lena Kimball! and Lima Farrow favoured with a piano and mouth organ selec- tion. Mrs. O. Burley gave an in rev- esting talk. Mrs. F. Gilmer con- ducted1-* contest after which lunch was served. KENDAL LUNN HARDWARE jjj FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for ÃŽ courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair f and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than $ ever, this.,firm takes pride is guaraing and maintain- | ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of j straightforward dealing with the public. I No matter how small or how large a proposition, we jj will gladly go into details in connection so that you I can intelligently come to a decision. to. ’ " to-' THE COBOVRG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent FAR. G. A. BEAMISH - orono There was a good" attendance at church on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Patton motored to 'Toronto on Friday. Mrs. W. Wilson and Victor spent ,Sunday with Mrs. R. Wilson. â- Mr. and Mrs. II. Hoy, ,/ Oa-hawa, were visitons with Mr. and Mrs. 0." Tebble. Mrs. A. Lamigstaff has returned to lier home in Newtonville, following a visit with friends here. There was a good attendance at the school -concert under the super- vision of Miss Catherine Stewart on Friday evening. Mr. Donald Little, is in Rowman- ville hospital where lie underwent an J '[tipenilion for appendicitis. We are pluSlsed to hear he "is improving n;ice- ,.iy- '...,â- ' The- Women is Institute held their meeting on December 14 th in the .Library with Mrs. R. Mender in charge. The roll call, “Improve- ment. for the, Library,” brought out some ideas which would be of bene- fit if carried out. The improvement committee is to meet in the near fu- ture to decide what will be, done along this line., - It, whs decided that $3.00 .«hon'd be sent "to M rs. Thick- son for, the Women’s i institute ward in the Bovrunmvilh' hospital. Mr. and Mrs. McKenna were to be seen regarding looking after1 the library for the winter months. .Mrs. . Gilroy and Mins. Patterson were appointed to ask the council' for a grant for the library for the purpose of purchasing new books. A orolrinole party is to be held: ,,n Dec. 30th for" the, pleasure of the young folk of tiv-. conimuniiy, Aidimiiasibn was set at 15c. and lunch will be served. Mrs. Roy Mercer gave an interesting account. of the annual W. 1. convention held in Tor- onto recently. It is felt that the ideas she brought back will be of great help in deciding what work the women’s Institute will carry on. • Misé- Agnes White favoured with a miouth organ selection and Mrs. Patterson read her paper on current events. The syn- opsis of the book “Citadel”, which was to be given by Mrs. Gilroy will be looked forward to for the next meeting. Mrs. Luxon’s group served a bountiful lunch and a pleasant time was spent, in spite of the snow whirling around outside. ! I NEWCASTLE Mr. James Robinson is home .from Oshawa hospital1 and convalescing nicely. Mr. Bob Dongles was taken to Osh- awa Hospital on Tuesday to undergo an operation. Congru tula lions to Mr. and Mrs, 1.,a,wre.nice Gaines upon the birth of a daughter. Miss Flattie Mason has closed her house for the: winter and is at -the “Newcastle Arms.” The United Church Sabbath. School Christinas-, Tree and Concert will be held Friday- evening. Mrs. John- Douglas and Mbs. :> in have gone to Toronto to spend Christmlais wi 1: "relatives:' Miss Butler motored to Brantford with Mrs. A. 1). Wheeler and. vis-ited Mrs. A. R. Wynn over the week-end. Miss Margaret Brown is home, from Orillia for Christmas with her parents,: Mr. ami Mrs. Herb. Brown, Master Danny Butler, of Oshawa, is spending the Christinas holiday- with his grandmother, Mrs. F. But- ler. Congratulat:or.s to Mr. and Mrs. Fmedlander upon tile birth of their second daughter. Mrs. Friedlander .was formerly Rae Define. The annual. Christmas Tree will be held in the Community Hall , on Friday afternoon. The school, chil- dren will sing carols under the super- vision of Miss Ma-or. A. number of men attended the Canadian Club meeting in Bowman- ville last week and1 enjoyed hearing Mr. Woodside, lecturer at Toronto I'niv r iiy, apeak on the “Munich Pact.” The services on Christmas Day at St. George’s Church will be Holy C -mm i-ii.m at eight o’clock and nt elev-en o-’tolock and evensong at five o’clock " when , the, Christmas- -carols will be sung. In the United Church on Christmas Day the morning servile will be held tot n’r-ven o'clock with a sacred can- tata being suing by the choir, and a number of children will be baptized. In the evening at seven o’clock the service will be choral, STÀRKVTLLE Miss Ruth Slavery with Miss Gwen Gilmer. â-  Miss Hazel Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Liew-el lyn Flallowe'J. iMr. and Mrs. J ame-s ©tone and boys with Mr, and Mrs. Lome Todd. -Mr. a nd Mrs. C. Cowan, Newcas- tle, with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilmer. Misses. Norma Ha Howell and Mar- ion Green with Mr. and Mrs. Dime T odd. Iiee. and Mrs. E. Beech and. boys wiili Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn IIallo- wed. Mr. and Airs. J. J. MieV.or, Orono, with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ruther- ford. :Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Miss Hazel Falls with Mpr. and Mrs. W-in. Martin, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Russel ©av.-rv and Mias Ruth S'avery with Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Savory. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin and family, Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred McKay and family, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowelougii, with Mrs. John McKay. A number from our" community at- tended -the Crooked Creek Christmas Tree last Thursday evening. An ex- cdllerit programme, was put on by the children- and Santa even bad some i.n- teresti-nig letters. We expect to see the old fellow again the 21st- at -Stark- ville, ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs, Tt. Ard- and Gladys Spm-t Friday in Toronto. Mite: B. Patterson visited o-n Sun- day at- M:r. R. Cochrane’s. Mr. arid Mrs. II. Bull, of Port Hope,'visited at Mr. L. Bap-siberry’s, M r. Oren Mkfliley spent Sunday at- Neveiplrk as a guest of Mr. II. Fkaser. Enterprise pupils presented a very successful programme last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, G. M-offatt and family spent1 Sunday at Mr. A. Moffatt’s, Bowin-anivil-le. Messrs. Walter Murphy and Char- les Peniwarden have rented part of Mr. Boychuks house. A number of Enterprise young people attended the badminton dance at Pontypool on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cochrane visited his sister, Mrs. Tho>s. MpRbfoert-s, who is ill in B-owmanville Hospital. Merry Christmas! 1 hese are the joys that are wished for you at Christ mas- I he Companionshipof those you § love, the mirth and gaiety |jj which are part of the season, and-most of all-happiness which is the most precious gift of Christmas CHARLESB. TYRRELL / I LAST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS ! |||r LOG CABIN CHOCOLATESâ€"We juslt received, another â-  §: Shipment of Log Cabin Chocolat'cs direct from the factory, «flavours Mandarin (cocoamu covered), Peppermint, Straw- berry, Lemon, Orange-, Vanilla, Hordeau, Maple, Pineapple #. and Honey N-ougat, duliglnfully fr^l) for Christmas, lb......20c. I Neatly packed....».......£...„.1 LB BOX.......25c. MIXED NUTS, guaranteed Fresli .....................2 LBS.35c. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS .......... ........................10c. STUFFED OLIVES........LARGE 11 OZ JAR....25c. LADIES PURSES......................,59c. and 98c. MEN’S PIPES...........,.....:.!...15c. and 25c. MEN’S FOLTR-INrHAND TIES, a beaut ful assortment of full length -ties ..:.....................25c. TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES WE EXTEND THE SEASON’S GREETINGS FOR $ A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS $----------â€"-----------â€":â€"------------------- Your Chrisimias Shopping will be made- easy at I ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE 1 H YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience Wishing Everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS H. A. Clarke C. S. McLaren PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal&LumberCo

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