Early morning fire forces residents out On Sunday at the Orono Arena young skating members members of the Orono Skating Club competed in competition. A- bove are the three top pair winners in the Preliminary dance (1 to r) in third place Sandra Simmons and Heather Sawyer, in first place Karen Quantrill and Janice Wood, in second place Debra Murree and Kendra Kemp. Further pictures will be published next week. A 6.00 p.m. fire early Thursday morning forced residents residents of three apartments on the Main Street of Orono outon to the street. A fire in the basement of the Harvey Partner building in the business business section not only aroused the residents of the building but also did considerable soot and smoke damage within the building. Besides the apartment the building is used as an office for Partner Plumbing and Heating. According to fire chief, Ross Mercer, a malfunction of the oil-fired furnace in the building caused the fire. Apparently through the malfunction malfunction furnace oil covered the floor of the cellar and caught fire. Early discovery by the residents and quick action by the fire department eliminated any structural damage to the building. However it has been estima- Orono Wtûk Eîmes ted that the clëàn-up of soot and smoke damage throughout throughout the building could amount to some $1000.00. The store was closed for a day during the clean-up. The fire , department expects expects a report on a switch used on the furnace. SECOND FIRE IN ORONO On Saturday morning the fire department was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Harness on Centre Street. Overheated pipes on the kitchen stove had started a fire in the ceiling of the kitchen. Part of the ceiling, a drop ceiling had to be removed to fight the fire. It is estimate that the cost to repair the ceiling will amount in the neighbourhood of $100.00. Given five years for fata! shooting Reagh Campbell Stewart, 19 year old Cobourg man, was convicted of manslaughter on Friday in the shooting death of a neighbour, 57 year old Perry Giddings, and sentenced sentenced to five years in federal penitentiary. The verdict came following a four-and-a-half day trail when evidence showed that Stewart's Stewart's dog, named dog, was the key issue in the shooting. It was stated that Stewart had missed his dog after returning home on September 1st and that after attending a dance and corn roast where had consumed an amount of alcohol approached Mr. Giddings Giddings at 3:30 a.m. in his home. After an argument Giddings was shot in the back resulting in his death. Six character witnesses were brought before the court who had found Stewart to be a diligent, hard worker, and that he had not been prone to assaults or acts of violence. French kindergarten now available locally Skating club holds local competitions To hold inquest f'e Orono Figure Skating neld their second annual x -wmpetition in the Orono arena on Sunday with the event starting at 8.30 in the morning and continuing to the presentation of trophies just prior to six in the afternoon. All classes of skaters in the various divisions competed throughout the day with keen competition coming to the fore on a number of events. Most of the members of the club took part in the competitions competitions and Organizers of the event were well pleased with the results of the day. "he Great Pine Ridge _ smen Club, sponsored the competitons with local merchants merchants and supporters of the club providing a host of trophies for the winners and the first two runners-up in the the various events. The presentation of trophies was a mammoth event for the winners. The following is a list of winners and the runners-up, first, second and third, respectively. respectively. -BEGINNERS Doris Gaudet, Charlene Tennant. STROKING Steven Barry, Rhonda Parker, Parker, Erin Parker. ELEMENTARY Cindy Nelson, Tracy Miller, Sherri Sharp. .BASIC AND SPEED " ■ ' ' _ Laura Ann Hickey, Sonya Braehvogel, Darlene Veinot. NOVICE ONE Tracy Neate, Ellen Graham, Graham, Lynda Merrick, NOVICE TWO Janice Gatchell, Jeanette Hesketh, Susan Stolk. DANCE ONE AND TWO Peter Bolton, Jocevln (Continued nage 4). ELECTION TO REPLACE COUNC. D. WEARN A motion by Counc. Lyall and Emtwisle on Monday calls for an election to replace Don Wearn on council. Counc. Wearn resigned his position on council and during the past year has represented the former Township of Darlington on Council. The election will be held only in the former Township of Darlington. It is the intention that nominations will be held within the next forty days with the election to follow according to the regulations. COUNCIL SUPPORTS COMMITTEE DECISION The Newcastle Town Council supported the decision of the Public Works committee that the municipality not spent the necessary monies to improve a Clarke Township road so winter maintenance could be acrried out. Mrs. Chamberlaine has now approached both council and the committee on two occasions. Counc. Lyall claims it is the duty of council to .snow plow the road and states that Mrs. Chambelaine is now to see her lawyer. DOG LICENSES TO BE SOLD IN ORONO In the near future dog licenses will be sold in the ~ Tage of Orono. The licenses will be sold at Midtown V .ifectionery on the Main Street of the Village. FINAL BY-LAW TO BE PASSED The final money by-law for the second Orono Village well is to be passed this week by the region. We undertand that the total cost of the well will be in the neighbourhood of $50,000.00. Dr. D. Mosienko, coroner for the Town of Newcastle, has stated that he will hold an inquest into the death of Mrs. Jo-anne Elizabeth Baton and her daughter Misty Denise on January 31st on Highway 115 north of Kirby- on a strip which has becôme known as the death strip. The inquest will be held on May 2nd. 'Dr. Mosienko agrees with most of a report by the Ministry concerning the cause and remedy of accidents accidents along Highway 115 but does feel that a reduction in speed along the highway could at least reduce the severity of the accidents. Solandt report expected April The Solandt report concerning concerning the 500 KVA transmission lines from Lennox to Oshawa is expected to be made public sometime iii April. It is understood that the report has yet to be completed and that Dr. Solandt is still assembling and studying information obtained obtained during the numerous hearings held in this connection connection from public meetings along the route of the proposed proposed line. Dr. Solandt is a one-man commission appointed by Premier Wm. Davis to study and report on the proposed hydro transmission lines. Teenage program During the March break, the Visual Arts Centre is presenting presenting a Student Art Program with Maureen Remington at the Cream of Barley Mill, Simpson Avenue, Bowman- ville. It is a water colour program which will be geared to teens, although adults are also welcome. Mrs. Remington Remington has held such programs at ( Continued nage 3 ) Arlene Allin Miss Arlene Allin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allin, R.r.l Orono, was recently awarded a United Kingdon scholarship by the Ontario Junior Farmers. The scholarship scholarship is a trip to the United Kingdom along with five other Junior Farmers with the trip sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Over 2300 young people from across Ontario attended the recent annual Junior Farmer's Talent Talent Festival in Toronto. Miss Allin placed second in a photography display and was a winner in the public speaking section of the competitions. competitions. Public works budget increases Coun. Kirk Entwisle expressed expressed some concern at a public works committee meeting last Thursday at which time the committee was giving approval to a budget which saw an increase of 26 percent over that of last year and which will require a 16 percent increase in the municipal municipal tax rate for the Town's public works. The committee approved a supplementary budget of $240,762 of which amount $53,000 will be paid by subsidies from the province. The remainder will be paid through local taxes. Previously Previously the committee gave approval of $1.2 million for Town public works. Out of the supplementary (Continued page 3) The Board of Education of Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle gave their approval to the extension of french immersion immersion kindergartens for the 1975-76 term. French kindergartens will be extended to Port Hope and Bowmanville with a half day class in Port Hope and two half-day classes in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The two half-day class will be continued in Cobourg. The board also gave approval approval for the first Grade 1 French class and this will be held in Cobourg taking students students from the pilot classes now in operation in Cobourg at the kindergarten level. The report on Thursday stated there were 33 students registered registered for the proposed grade 1 French Immersion class. The committee recommended recommended that no more than 25 children be enrolled in any one french kindergarten. The enrolment for the Orono sector of the district totals seven children while Newcastle has 6 and Bowmanville Bowmanville 27. The remainder of the total registration for the western area of 58 come from Courtice, Kirby, Maple Grove and other centres. Further the report shows a total registration of 73 for the Central sector of the school district and 29 from the eastern sectors. In speaking with Mr, Douglas Douglas Moffatt, priniepal of the Orono Public School he was surprised that only seven had enrolled in the french kindergarten kindergarten out of the Orono area. He felt that there was a much greater interest in the french classes than the seven which were registered as of March 10th. These children will also register in the english kindergartens. kindergartens. Four-year-olds may be students A pilot program for educating educating four year old children has been extended through the 1975,-76 school year by the Board of Education with the consideration that an assessment assessment of the future of this program will be made in the spring of 1976. The program has existed as a pilot project in Brighton and Roseneath since 1973-74. The prime object of the program is to provide the child with opportunities for socializing with 'peers. It is also the intention that the child learns to play, explore, react, interact, share, co operate and communicate with others. The objects also include development of language language skills and muscular co-ordination. A report handed to the board on Thursday states that it genearally appears that the program is meeting its objectives objectives and that these students adjust more readily to kindergarten. kindergarten. It also pointed out that the long term implication of the program cannot yet be determined determined but will be more apparent when formal reading reading is introduced in grades one and two. Two Orono residents injured in accident Seven persons were injured in an automobile accident on highway 401 on .Friday nighi with two of the seven from the Orono area. The accident happened in the east bound lane of 401 highway just east of the Liberty Streét intersection intersection at Bowmanville. Four (Continued page 4)