6-<)r,.nottVeklv Times. Wednesday. .March 19th, 1975 |lF@ETSl SKATING TESTS PASSED BY LOCAL FIGURE SKATERS Successful candidates for skating tests held at the Orono Figure Skating Club oir March 9th, 1975 were as follows : PRELIMINARY FIGURE-Beth Gatchell, Stephanie Hood, Kendra Kemp, Debra Murree, Sandra Simmons and Andrea Williams. DANCES DUTCH WALTZ-Denise Maher, Debra Murree, Sherri Nance kieville. SWING DANCE-Shelley Farrow, Kendra Kemp, Karen Quantrill, Heather Sawyer, Sandra Simmons, Paisley Stutt, Janice Wood. FIESTA TANGO-Shelley Farrow. HARRISTANGO-Lynn Lowery. ROCKER FOXTROT-Lynn Lowery. Dutch and Swing are Preliminary dances while the Fiesta Tango is the Junior Bronze and Harris and Rocker is the Junior Silver. PLACES SECOND IN ONTARIO JUDO CHAMPIONSHIP Mr. Ray Wilson, instructor at the Clarke Judo Club which works out every Saturday morning at the Orono Town Hall placed second in the Ontario Championships held recently in the O'Neil Collegiate in Oshawa. Ray competed in the open category and with his second place in the championship is now eligible to compete for the Canadian Championship. NEWCASTLE TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY by HAD. Don Todd : Ron Slack wen I on to score the clincher later in the third period into the empty net to give Elmhurst 2-0 win over Regional and the town championship. Although Regional only.won two of the five games, it was a tight series and I am sure Elmhurst agrees. Regional put in a superb effort as three of the games were won in overtime. _ COMMENTS With the close of the 74-75 season the Newcastle Town League Hockey Association would like to thank the sponsors and their fans, all of whom put in a great effort in making this season the best ever. We would like to congratulate Elmhurst Hotel, champions of the Newcastle Town League. BENEFIT GAME Next Sunday the Elmhurst Town League Champions will be playing a little different type of sport, a broom ball game with the Newcastle Broom Ball team starting at 8.00 p.m. Proceeds of which will go to two injured players. ,D. NEWMAN SEES MOST KAWARTHA ACTION SUNDAY Local horsemen were not too plentiful at the Kawartha on Sunday other than Derek Newman who had five drives during the ten races. In the fourth race Newman finished third with Argyel Royal with the win going to Stewart's Tartan. Gerald Robinson placed sixth in the race driving Angela Grattan. Newman finished second in the fifth with Misty Dream with the win going to Ron Rob Cy. In the sixth race Glenn Tennant finished seventh with Ron Rob Betsy. Newman again appeared in the seventh but fell back to eighth position at the finish line driving Bae State Swinger. In the eighth race the win went to Elm Grove Chief with Gerald Robinson right behind in second place driving Lucky Streak which now has two first place finishes, two second and a third in seven starts for the year. Newman was fourth in the race with Hoot Van. Newman picked up another second place finish in the tenth event driving Rogerland while the win went to Tack Master. ELMHURST HOTEL EARN THEIR TITLE. Elmhurst Hotel had a lot to prove when they made the Newcastle Town League final play-offs five weeks ago, and they came through in high style as they won the Town League Championship Sunday night be defeating Regional ; Reclaimers 2-0 at the Ice Palace. Elmhurst hotel opened the scoring at the 19.40 mark of the second period on a pass by Ron Slack across the goal mouth to Captain Mike -Doyle who popped it behind goalie Marlene and Alan Risebrough wish to announce the opening of Risebrough Refrigeration R.R. 2, Orono (Leskard) WRESTLING COMING TO ORONO According to Mr. George Carson an agreement has been settled between the fair board and a wrestler promoter to hold a series of matches in the Orono Fair Building. The matches are expected to start on the last'Friday in May and will be held two or three weeks during the suitiriier providing attendance warrants the events. More particulars will he available later. TRUSTEES INCREASE YEARLY HONORARIUM Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education members on Thursday evening evening passed a motion which in effect raises their honorarium from $200 a month to $300 a month. Along with the increase increase they also rated their mileage rate from 10 cents a mile to 16 cents a mile. The original motion by Cy Johnson was withdrawn with Johnson then proposing the new rate be set at $300 a month. After some discussion the motion passed by a majority. W. H. Carman, Ian Wilson and S. D. Worden spoke against any raise in the honorarium. * COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC REPAIRS for Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 2 4 HOUR SERVICE Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R.l, Orono 983-5624 10 Years Experience Phone 983-5702 Licensed VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE Recreational Figure Skating Club Proudly presents its Annual Figure Skating Carnival Saturday, March 29 -7p.m. Sunday, March 30 - 2 p.m. • in NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL ARENA JACK RICARD; REALTOR 99 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling's Call » WILF HAWKE: Your Orono Area * Representative d 983-5274 » • Member of Oshawa and t District Real Estate < Board « NOVICE HOCKEY The Orono Novice No. 1 team took a 4-2 victory ov-- a visiting team from Bowtminviile. The four Orono goalft^^.e shared by Greg Phi Ip, Glenn Jenkins, Derek Mumford and Murray Dennis The Orono Novice No. 2 team also came out infront of a 5-0 win over Millbrook. Andy Davey and Stephen Murree both scored two goals with the fifth off the stick of Steve Mitchell. ATOM HOCKEY The Orono Atom Flyers have been eieiminated from the playdowns by Bewdley who took two wins and a tie. The Orono Fly es did take a 3-1 win over Bewdley with goals to Brett Johnson, Ken Farrow and Steve Graham. In the final game of the series the Flyers were downed 3-1 by Bewdley with the lone Orono goal by Ken Farrow. Mr. Roast Beef atoms and Newcastle Atoms are tied in their playdown series. On Friday the local boys were defeated 5-2 by Newcastle with the Orono goals by William VanSegglen and Bruce MacLean. On Saturday Orono turned the tables taking a 4-1 win over Newcastle with two goals by Bruce MacLean and singles to William VanSegglen and Ed King .The third game is to he played in Newcastle to-night, Wednesday at 6.00p.m. The Orono Athletic Atoms defeated Millbrook 4-2 with two goals by Steve Wood and single counters to Derek Hedges and Wayne Zoschke. PEEWEE HOCKEY The Orono Flyer PeeWees and Bewdley PeeWees played to a one-all tie with the Orono goal off the stick of Warren Nichols. The Orono Kinsmen PeeWees took a 4-2 win over the Orono Hornet PeeWees. Kevin Philp scored two of the LKinsmen goals with Tom Bollinger and Robbie Talsma completing the score. Earl Atkins and Paul Reed shared in the Hornets scoring. BANTAM HOCKEY The Dutch Oven Bantams 1 shut-out the Orono Falcon 5-0 with Dale Dubeau gaining the shut-out. The Dutch Oven goals were by Dave Sunstrum, Kenny Evans, Mike Hoilinger, Kerry Davis and Ron Opoka. MIDGET HOCKEY The Orono Midgets took a 4-1 win frpm Colborne over the week-end and are no faced with a suddën'dêath game to he' pTiÿ'é'a in the Orono Arena on Saturday night at 8,00 p.m. for the Consolation series of the playdowns. In the rec game the Orono goals were by Larry Haskell, Bob Dav^ Greg Hickey and fan Moffat. , ■- ,r Randy Thompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build from the ; foundation up - ; 4 ... J, ;. INSTALL AN FURNACE çQ BOILER HUMIDIFIER ^ OR HOT WATER l ■ - HEATER No payments for six months- Call Harvey Partner Your Esso Service Dealer Free Estimates 983-5206 Orono '. Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the " person who bought from us, a neighbour, neighbour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-522* jf tONEY MAY TALK, BUT IT liBEMSTO BE VERY HARD OF [HEARING WHEN YOU NEED 11 Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono Hamiltons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency YOUR All and Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For dependable service 983-5115