lu the meantime a study is alls'I gums; ahead regard: planning for refuse dispok_ for the County of Northumberland Northumberland but it is considered that this study in no way will be connected with the CP announcement LAY OFF HO WORKKKS CGE in Cobourg has laid off a total of 140 workers siiice the first of the year due to lack of orders. Of this number 55 had worked less than three moi His with the firm while ft others had a longer empli ment record. decision would be announced in the very near future regarding the proposed CP dump in Hope Township. CPR is proposing using a site in the south of the Township to bury refuse and garbage from Metro Toronto. The proposal has been vigorously vigorously opposed from residents of the Township and in a resent vote voted 90 in opposition to the proposal The Minister stated they are doing a lot of hydraulic- testing and are making a final assessment of the proposal. costs and social services entailed. Under the present provincial housing policy, when a municipality accepts a new development which is low in assessment yield, the grant rate is increased. For example, example, for OHAP houses proposed in Oshawa, the Ministry of Education would pay 95 percent of the annual debt charges for school facilities facilities and li7 percent of operating operating expenses. Few municipalities municipalities appear to he aware of this assistance. Of course, there are additional costs in any new housing development with the result that municipalities municipalities are not encouraging these developments. DEVELOPERS VIEWS Developers express concern over the fact that municipal ities have imposed municipal levies to relieve present qwners of added costs for developments - water, sewage, sewage, etc. Developers point out that it is seldom recognized that these same house owners are enjoying services already paid for by previous owners, industry and through money provided from general provincial provincial revenues. When developers are limited limited by municipal by-laws, governing lot size, minimum areas of living space, etc. the Decision soon on Cp dump Last week in the legislature Environment Minister William William Newman stated that a Adequate housing no easy problem the federal government. FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT This year the federal government government has seen fit to change its housing priorities. Funds tor socially assisted housing have been reduced from $,78 million in the last fiscal year to $50.4 million for the fiscal year. Funds granted for non-profit non-profit rental housing dropped by over $9 million; money for land assembly and development development is less by $20 million and the Neighbourhood Improvement Improvement Program loans are down from $9 million to $2 million. While the provincial government government feels people in the middle income brackets - between $13,000 and $17,000 are adequately housed, the federal government has increased increased the allotment for this group. MUNICIPAL INVOLVEMENT Here, municipalities are hesitant to approve housing because of the educational It is apparent that housing will be a major issue in the next election and it would seem to be in order to review some of the problems involved involved in developing a housing program. The problems are far from smniple; .they are shared "by all levels of government as well as by the private and public sectors. PROVINCIAL INVOLVEMENT The provincial government cannot, single handedly, solve all the housing problems which exist in this province. Financially it would be impossible. impossible. This year the prov- vince has increased the housing housing budget by $101 million to $284 million. It is expected that this last figure will be doubled in 1976. Over the past 10 months a number of programs have been accelerated to supply accommodation, especially for the low income earners. This was planned on the basis of previous agreements with cost per unit of housing is increased. There is, then, the desire on the part of (he developer to cut corners. The public the individual who lives in a rural area or on a quiet street in the towns or cities does not want to alter the pleasant environment. I believe we must realize that when Canada allows over 20(1,000 newcomers to enter the country each year, there has to be a housing crisis. Over 75 percent of these newcomers choose to live in Ontario. It would appear that while we recognize the great need for more housing none of Us want il to happen where we live. As you can sec. housing problems, such as the expense and need, cannot be the total responsibility of any one level of government nor can the problems be blamed solely on developers, governments or public. We must all pull together. • Alex Carruthers RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY respectfully wishes to announce a 10 percent reduction on all Cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between now and March :ilst,for Spring erection. This offer is made annually in order that their entire staff may be employed during the winter months. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY has an excellent selection of domestic and foreign granites in many colours from « hieli to . boose RUTTER GAN1TE COMPANY is located ai. 7:: Ontario Street, Port Hope, telephone ■a.. TENNANT FUELS stierwin WHams Your Fina Sales Agent, Orono, Ontario Serving all of the Town of Newcastle Enjoy the warmth of summer throughout the winter months we provide everything you need. -FREE annual furnace conditioning. -PLUS FREE, Emergency burner service, -Hot water tank rental. ■Dependable automatic metered deliveries. ■Monthly credit terms. ■Interest free budget accounts. ■Furnance financing and installation. For complete personalized home comfort day or night. petrofina CANADA LTD Clarke High School CONCERT Featuring: KING CITY HIGH SCHOOL BAND AT CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL < 7:80 p.m.)" APRIL 4th Admission $1.00 Refreshments Students ,50c C.H.S. Band and Choir members will be selling magazines. April 1 - 11. Any subscriptions will be appreciated. PAY NO MORE THAN GALLON* 167 * 9 A QUART MARCH 25™ to APRIL 5™ Just when you thought all prices were going up -- along comes Sherwin-Williams Kern paints with a Rolls Back the Prices Sale. And all these Kern paints are available in all Fashion-Right Colors. Visit your Sherwin Williams store now while the exciting Rolls Back the Prices Sale is rolling along PAY NO MORE THAN D SEMI-GLOi PAY NO MORE THAN GALLON* 2 97 * A QUART k GALLON 37 * 1 A QUART The tough semi-gloss Kem-Glo Velvet is the enamel that really stands one to perk up the decor up to wear and tear. For of any room. A beautiful high traffic areas in your velvet finish in a tough, home, Kem-Glo enamei long-lasting enamel, is the natural choice. PAY NO MORE THAN Super Kem-Tone iatex paint that is the choice, for walls and ceilings in 1000's of homes. Kem-Namel is the beautiful beautiful semi-gloss latex paint for living-rooms, bedrooms and halls. GALLON* 167 * 9 A QUART ÜÎEX SEMI-GLOSS Helps you do it all Rolph Dominion Hardware * When contents are a tinting base, the colorants. ' short-filled to allow for addition of ORONO, ONT Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207