Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 16,1975 Interim plan now ready for counci The Interim Plan devised for the Town of Newcastle by the Planning Advisory Committee Committee has been approved to be sent to Council for their consideration. This move was made on Tuesday evening of last week at Hampton at a special meeting of the committee committee to handle this matter. There are some typing revisions to be made before its presentation to council. The planner and the committee committee have now considered some 45 briefs which had been sent in by citizens in the municipality municipality pertaining to the plan. George Bowden planner, said it was about time the plan was completed and further commented that it was ar "administrative device to enable the Town to function during the next 18 months while awaiting the Regional Official Plan and the final district plan for the Town. Those sending in briefs will be sent a copy of the revised plan and will also be informed when the plan will come before Council. Vice-chairman, Doug Mof- fatt of the Planning Committee, Committee, said he was concerned that all citizens be given the opportunity for input to the revised plan. He said "we have to have the support of the people of this Town if the plan is to work'-'. Chairman Kirk Entwisle said that they had been spending all their time on the plan and that now some action must be taken. Junior gardeners prepare for summer Who's coming for dinner The Durham County Conservative Conservative Association is ex- - pecting close to 550 to attend a Parliamentary dinner being held in Port Hope this coming Friday, April 18th. The dinner and evening will be held in the Legion Hall, Toronto Street. Alex Carruthers, MPP for Durham will be honoured on this occasion for his twelve years of service to the area and many noted cabinet members from the Ontario legislature will be present along with Premier Bill Davis who made his intentions known that he will be present. Member of Parliament at Ottawa for Durham, Allan Lawrence will also be present, present, Those listed to attend are Margaret Birch, William A. Stewart, Donald Irvine, Rene Brunelle, John MacBeth and Russell Rowe along with Dr, And Mrs. M. Dymond, Dr. and Mrs. C, Mcllveen, Syl Apps, James Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, John Turner, all members members of the Ontario legistla- turc. -"X. Orono Junior Gardeners net on Tuesday, April 8 in the . ;;-per Christian Education ; mi with an attendance of Mrs. Zegers welcomed everyone everyone and especially the new members. She said she hoped they would enjoy gardening with the others. Hymn 589 in the Hymnary, "This is my Father's World" was practised, It is hoped all the Junior Gardeners will learn the words of this hymn as air will be singing it on Thursday, April 24 when the Juniors entertain the Senior Society. Mrs. Zegers asked now many of the members would be able to have garden this year. Most thought they could have one. Would the parents please check with their children children and if they are not able to have a garden please let Mrs. Expect founding meeting soon In speaking with Mr. Kirk Entwisle of Newtonville he said that he expects that a founding meeting for the Liberals in the proposed Durham East riding will be held near the end of the month. A number of tentative dates had been set expecting that legislation would have been passed by the province Pancakes, syrup and sausages The church service and sermon at the Orono United Church on Sunday had an added flavour with the annual holding of the United Church • ucake dinner. It was quite y dent during the later part of the service {hat something was underway in the basement basement with the preparation of tables and in general being ready for the pancake patrons. patrons. The menu included an abundance of pancakes, syrups, syrups, sausages and delicious apples with serving continuing continuing after the morning service and again in the evening from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock. It was a happy band oi workers who created the dinners taking care to meet every demand. It is reported that close to three hundred were served during the two settings. The Orono Beavers who meet regularly on a weekly basis in the basement of the Orono United Church are now the proud owners of a new Beaver Flag. The flag was donated to the group last week by Kin Dennis Abramoff on behalf of the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club. 'Express concern The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education in a motion to the Town of Newcastle expressed their concern for an application for (Continued page 2) Place growth west ©f Wilmot zegers know. Also, if you were not at the meeting and can have a garden please phone Mrs. Zegèrs. Mrs. Chapman showed slides slides of wild and garden flowers and had the members identify them. While Mrs. Zegers practised the skit with one group more slides were shown of various subjects such as -hens in the pen (ready to sing), baby pigs, pigs by the bushel, Toby, sunrise, feeding the chipmunks, scenes in Reid's Greenhouses with the "Beatles", Bunny Carousel, Easter egg tree. The slides were shown over again to the first group while the second group practised. Don't forget boys and girls to learn "This is my Father's World" for the concert April 24, 8 p.m. at the church. Next meeting May 13 when you will receive your garden seeds. Asks for OHC subsidized rentals in connection with the setting up of the new ridings. Mr. Entwisle stated that the founding meeting would elect the new executive as well as set forth by-law of the organization. He said that it was expected that the province province would enact the new boundary legislation within the next week. At the recent meeting of the Town of Newcastle council a recommendation was accepted accepted from the Committee of the Whole asking the-province of Ontario through the Ontario Housing corporation to provide provide rental housing accomodation accomodation for families and individuals individuals on a rent-geared-to-in- corrie basis in the Town of Newcastle., The > Town council also authorized that the municipality municipality would accept to contribute contribute 7.5 percent of any operating loss arising out of the program. Counc. Kirk Entwisle opposed opposed the move both in the Committee of the Whole and at the council meeting. He said, "we can't deny the fact of the need of rent supplements, supplements, but we do have to be careful of the extension of welfare statism". This program, program, he said, us nist favourable to builders and burecrats at the provincial and federal level of government. government. It does the least for those who get the rent subsidy, he said. ( Oounc. Lyall disagreed with Counc. Entwisle and said being on the Social Services Committee of the Region had opened his eyes to the needs of many people in the Region. Counc. Allin said that he could agree wim counc, nmtwisie but hoped in supporting the acceptance of the scheme that it would not be abused. Following the meeting Counc. Counc. Entwisle explained that the Federal government granted granted 50 percent of the Subsidy, the province 42.5 percent and the municipality 7.5 percent. The Ontario Housing Corporation Corporation will enter into agreement agreement with owners of rental units subsidizing not more than 25 percent of their units for low income families. A certain formula is used, he said, with the OHC guaranteeing guaranteeing rent at the market value up to a period of five years. A recent planning report discussed by the Durham Region planning and development development committee which referred referred to future development and population trends in the region dealt briefly with the Wilmot Creek area. In presenting a number of schemes which may be followed followed as to population development development the planners had used principles which aïe being assumed and this includes includes the Wilmot Creek area. Major urban development in the first place, should not take place in the Oak Ridges moraine says the report. New development should be restricted restricted to the area west of the Wilmot Creek drainage basin due to the potential of the area Continued page 3 Mini-music festival for Mosport Park The Town of Newcastle Council has given approval in principle for the holding of a Mini-Music Festival at Mosport. Mosport. The first planned Mini Festival is proposed to be held on July 5th and if it is successful the second could be held on August 8th. Although council have given their approval in principle they have turned the matter over to the Planning Advisory Committee to set out tne ground rules on which this could be held. Bernard Kamin, executive vice-president of Mosport Park has assured council that there is no intention of a repeat of the 1970 mannoth three - day rock festival. He compared the one - day blue - grass country music concert to Toronto's Mariposa folk festival and stated that the show would centre on the grandstand which only holds sorge 5000 spectators. He also assurèd council that the show would be operating on a small budget of no more than $15,000 and that advertising would be contained within a limited area. The executive vice-president vice-president also said that it was impossible to hold a large festival as the fees demanded by the major acts was sxorbitant. At a meeting of the Planning Planning Advisory Committee last Tuesday Douglas Moffatt wondered wondered why council had given this approval. Counc. Kirk Entwisle stated that council would have been on Slippery ground had it rejected the application. He pointed out that the Ontario General's Office for Ontario had sought an injunction injunction against the 1970 rock festival and that this had been turned down by the Supreme Court of Ontario. The matter will be discussed discussed further by Planning Advisory Advisory Committee. A FEW INTERESTING ACTIVITIES The Orono Home and School Club is holding a Fun Fair at the Orono Public School on Thursday, April 17th from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. with everyone being invited. Refreshments are also being served. The Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club are joining with Kinsmen Clubs across the nation and holding a National Kinsmen Senior Citizens Week. In the Orono area the senior citizens are invited to an outing at the Oddfellow's Hall on Monday, April 21 at 8:00p.m. Those wishing transportation are asked to phone 983-5140 or 983-9424. Refer to advertisement re activities at Clarke High School during the coming week. Education Week. SPRING CLEANUP Beleive it or not it is spring clean-up time and the Town of Newcastle Road department has been "Johjnnie on the spot" and has already had the street cleaner in Orono to take away the many tons of sand ahd dust that has accumulated during the winter months. A job well done in jig time. 35 PERCENT PAY INCREASE Employees at General Foods Cobourg have received a 35 percent wage increase over the two year period of the contract. They will receive 20.5 percent in the first year and 15 percent in the second year. GANARASKA NO C ANOE COURSE John Veldhius along with his wife Isabel, King Baker and Don McDonald attempted their trip down the Ganaraska River on Saturday starting at Garden Hill at 10 a.m. and calling the game over at Canton at 4.30. Mr. Veldhuis states there was a lot of portaging in the course of the day due to log jams, shallow water and many other obstacles. It has been reported by the group that it is a beautiful river. Two _canoes made the trip with the first portage 100 yards from the sttarting point. REGIONAL TAXES TO GO UP UP A report from the finance commissioner for the Region of Durham has noted that Regional levies will have to go up this year. They are looking at an average increase of 11.6 percent with that for the Town of Newcastle being around 12.5 percent. IT IS A SMALL, SMALL WORLD Nancy Forrester who has been travelling in the southern states for the last few weeks met 0. W, (Bud) Rolph in California last week. Mr. Rolph is also touring many parts of North America.on a bus trip. It certainly is a small world when fwo from Orono can meet accidently thousands of miles away from home.