EDUCATION WEEK April 21 -25, 1975 Clarke High School Monday, April 21st Music Niaht - 7.30 p.m King City High School Band Clarke High School Senior Band Clarke High School Choir Admission $1,00 Tuesday, April 22 OPEN HOUSE-7.00 to 9.30 p.m Displays by Departments in Halls and Rooms Gymnasium Displays by Departments in Halls and Rooms Gymnastic Displays Intermediate Band Public Speaking Contest Special Event: From Toronto, Bruce Me Reptiles Cafeteria Mini Fashion Show Refreshments No Admission Charge Thursday, April 24th County Gymnastic Meet 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. No Admission Charge Are You Satisfied with Available Social Services Y our last chance to be heard SOCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEETING Council Chambers Bowmanville April 17th, 1975 m . 8:00 p.m. ■ "62T7ZI7 J 263-2173 Town of Newcastle Temporary Help Wanted For Traffic Counting The Council of the Town of Newcastle, in cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, is examining all local roads and streets for the purpose of developing future improvement programmes. Determination of traffic volumes is an essential part of the Study. Because of the extent of the road and street system, traffic at a number of locations will be counted manually. Consequently, the assistance of residents is being sought. Details are as follows: Period of Time Required: Approximately 8 hour&r In total. S to fi hours For counting and i hours for advance instruction. Dates: (a) Instruction - At Hampton Municipal Offices, Town of Newcastle, 2.00 p.m., Thursday, May 22,1975. (b) Counting - Thursday, May 29,1975, 2:00 p.m. to 6: oo p.m. Requirements: Transportation to count location and ability to count and record traffic with reasonable neatness on simple forms provided. provided. Compensation: A basic allowance of $26.00 will be paid to all persons who assist. The allowance is compensation for time required foi- instruction, counting and transportation. Number Required: Approximately 85 persons are required. This work could be interesting for retired or semi-retired persons, housewives, or members of community groups. Persons interested in applying should contact the Town of Newcastle Municipal Office at Hampton, Telephone 263-2231; Toll free from Clarke Township 987-5039. J. D. Dunham, Director of Public Works, Municipal Offices, Hampton, Ontario. I I I 1 1 1 Dr. McClure draws record UCW crowd Meeting of Durham Region Federation of Agriculture Columbus Hall, Columbus TUESDAY, APRIL 22nd At 8.30 nm. SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: GORDON HILL President of Ontario Federation of Agriculture Topic-Farm Income Protection Plan Dr. Robert McClure, medi-. cal missionary and former moderator of the United Church of Canada, in an address at the Annual Meeting Meeting of the Oshawa Presbyter- ial United Church Women warned that great civilizations civilizations are destroyed, not by invasion, but rather by rot from within. In his jolly, informative and optimistic manner, at both morning and afternoon sessions, he held the wrapt attention of * i record crowd of over 45C United Church Women attending attending the Annual Meeting April 2nd at St. Mark's Unitec Church, Whitby. Introduced by Mrs. Wm. Winter of St. Mark's U.C.W., Dr. McClure said that in Third World Countries the teaching of the Gospel is no longer left to foreign missionaries because because the natives prefer to hear the Word of God from their own people, but most often from Bibles translated by us, a task that takes up to twenty years. More requests come for experts to train the native people how to become j self sufficient because their; greatest need is for technical education. Paying tribute to the people of Borneo, fifty f percent of whom are Christians, Christians, Dr. McClure said they are a peace loving, non violent race of people, whom he never heard quarrelling; swearing or using unkind words. They have a great sense of dignity. Compared to affluent Canada where literally everything has to be kept under lock and key, in Borneo, where the average yearly salary is $148., there is 1 no covetousness - hence no stealing. To-day the natives line up to enroll their childrer in the church school to ensure their moral training. Medicine Medicine has made tremendous strides almost completely eradicating scourges as malaria, malaria, cholera and the plague. He praised the work of Unicef in wiping out so many children's diseases with vaccin vaccin ation. Family planning is a well advanced program, with a much better record than we have in Canada. Dr. McClure told how donations from two U.C.W. groups in Canada made it possible to prevent; the death from tetanus of hundred of week old babies each year. Dr. McClure deplored the biased American and Canadian press coverage ! showing only the killings and 1 war rather than the wonderful accomplishments of men such as Jock McCloud who averages averages a well a day, dynamiting and drilling in'arid India and the work of agricultural experts making possible ten to thirty fold crop increases. Dr. McClure was most graciously graciously thanked by Mrs. T. Stevens, fCendal who gave a special , welcome to Mrs. McClure, a former Whitby girl. To keep all mindful that this is the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Church of Canada five ladies presented a well planned skit, written by Mrs. Guthrie, in which Mrs. Walter Wright Blackstock, as cook, added such ingredients as co-operation, enthusiasm and participation, as she assembled assembled the three layered W.M.S., W.A., and U.C.W. cake, while four generations of ladies recorded interesting histori- cal anedotes. Great grandmother grandmother was portrayed by Mrs. G. Cathcart, Kendal, Grandmother by Mrs. Carl Adams, Blackstock, Mother by Mr. W. F. Guthrie, Audley, and the C.G.I.T. daughter by Mrs. W. G. McLean, Pickering. Pickering. A ladies choir from St. Mark's sang an Anniversary song, the words of which were written by incoming president Mrs. A. C. Ferries. A beautiful beautiful display in the literature room were historical folders and publications covering one hundred and fifty years of women's church work in Canada. Mrs. D. Redpath, of' Kingsview U.C.W., announced announced the big Anniversary Celebration Celebration for Bay of Quinte Conference to be held in Peterboro May 25th, starting with a 5:30 p.m. processional to the Memorial Center where, a massed choir of 1200 voices will lead the singing. Each congregation must reserve seats. Annual school for leaders will be held at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac Sept. 5, 6 and 7. The Slàle oFOfficers indue-" ted by Rev. Lavis is as follows: Past President - Mrs. Carl Down, Bowmanville President - Mrs. A. C. Ferries, Oshawa VicePresTdent - Mrs. Alec Martin, Newcastle Vice-President - Mrs. W. G. McLean - Pickering Vice- President - Mrs. B. E. Killens - Hampton Recording Secretary - Mrs. W. J. Bolton, Oshawa Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. F. Johnston, Enniskillen Treasurer - Mrs. S. J. Taylor, Oshawa Citizenship & Social Action Community Friendship & Visiting Visiting - Mrs. A. P. Dickson, Oshawa Christian & Missionary Education Education - Mrs. R. V. Sheffield, Oshawa Stewardship - Mrs. D. Red- path, Oshawa Programme -, Mrs. Walter Wright, Blackstock Supply - Mrs. Carl Avery, R. R. No. 1, Oshawa Literature - Mrs. W. F. Guthrie, R. R. No. 2, Whitby Press - Archives - Mrs. J. W. Bowman, Enniskillen Nominations - Mrs. Carl Down, R. R.No. 2, Bowmanville Bowmanville Submitted by Mrs. J. W. Bowman, Bowman, Enniskillen (Press-Archives Secretary^ GARY D. GOLDING General Carpentry Custom Built Homes BUILD OR REMODEL NOW WHILE MORTGAGE RATES AND LUMBER PRICES ARE DOWN Free Estimates Phone 983-9316 Orono Ont. 1 i Sait Central c and Cïafti Ontario 'Ôzitivat jpxs.iz.nti. AREA ARTS AND CRAFTS JL^ AREA SCHOOL BANDS I iPtacs I I PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ^3'unsi APRIL 18 7 P.M. - 10 P.M. APRIL 19 2 P.M, - 10 P.M. APRIL 20 2 P.M. - 5 P.M. ADULTS: $1,00 CHILDREN: 50$ rat met urkaatioh please cbiiaci the peterkhwigh recheatiw bepahtheht w-rri\