2-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. MAY 21st, 1975 or o no weekly times ITS WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT In attending the reception being held last Sunday afternoon in Leskard in honour of Mr. Oscar Skelding one could not help feel that this is what life is all about. That the community should take time to express their thoughtfulness to a former resident speaks well of the community. Those in the community of Leskard who sponsored and worked in making the reception a success are to be congratulated and surely it goes without being said that this kindness was most appreciated and evident. Too often we are critical of our present way of life but underneath it all there still is that concern and thoughtfulness that was expressed by the Leskard community on Sunday. And it also must be said that most of Leskard was present at the party. MOST EVERYONE IN THE ACT At the recent liberal nomination at Hampton Mayor Potticary of Oshawa made the statement that with a few adjustments Regional government was going to work in Durham Region, However since that timç the outward tone has changed drastically and Mayor Potticary along with the Mayor from Pickering are advocating separation from the region. No doubt they are endeavouring to make their point in a dramatic manner but also there must be some concern from these two mayors within the region. It all boils down to money and the crunch comes now when it is suggested that water and sewer operations be operated on a regional basis rather than charge backs to the individual municipalities. {We are sure that the provincial government is going to stand by the regional system so it is up to the various centres within the region to come up with an equitable system of charges for the services that are provided. Northern municipalities in the region are asking that water and sewers be returned to the control of these municipalities rather than having the control at the regional level. It seems rather puzzling why the local municipality should be able to run the system at a lower cost than that of the region. Surely the larger area should be able to at least compete with locally operated functions. The upper tier of government, we have always, contended should have the power and control of hard core services and planning. If the region does not control these features of local government then they control very little. There still exists the argument that government has . been taken away from the local people but this is a lot of nonsense. If we are not represented at the regional level then our contact provincially and federally would be a lot worse. Regional government must work and there is no reason why it shoundn't work. OURSECONDARY INDUSTRY Some five or six years ago Canada was undertaken by a burst of nationalism and the topic at that time was to expand our secondary industry so that Canada did not become drawer of water and hewer of wood. In other words Canada was to process their own raw materials and sell the finished product. In this process Canada would develop jobs and investment opportunities for Canadians. The plan had a lot of merit and still has merit. Things however are changing and with rising profits and wages along with a slow rate of production increase secondary industry in the country, which depends a great deal on exports, may be in for some stormy weather. Profits and wages in Canadian industry are rising faster than in the United States. The percentage rise in Canada has pushed wages on the average above those of the US and with production not rising as fast as in the United States secondary industry in Canada may find problems in competing with their counterpart in the US. Canada cannot expect to have a preferred rating with their neighbours to the south for Americans at some time will have to consider their own economic status irregardless of how it affect Canada. Just last week Chrysler workers in the United States who are unemployed and who have run out of SUB are asking for $21 million from their government due to the effect of Canadian import coming into the United States. This may be the first feeler in this area and the first public awareness that Canada continues with a reasonably sound auto industry and exporting to the US white the industry in the US is far below par. : . Orono Landscaping SODDING -- PLANTING SEEDING 983-5598 Another study coming The placing of the oOO KV transmission, lines through this area aroused a lot of interest over a two year period. Although Dr. Solandt recommended route may not be the final route his recommendation recommendation of two weeks ago seems to have brought this exercise to a close. Last Friday Mr. Paul Smith visited this office to go over paper files in an effort to note the interests and feelings of the community and area. Mr. Smith is with the firm of Earl Burger Associates, Toronto, who have been obtained by the Ministry to organize and hold public meetings if necessary necessary and to locate information information centres. The exercise is being instituted due to the establishment of a route for proposed highway 407 through the area. This could produce another round of public hearings sometime in the future. Present Present plans do indicate that the proposed 407 highway will cross the municipality in the northern sector coming out somewhere near the 35.115 intersection. Hamiltons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency YOUR All Personal and Commercial Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For dependable service 983-5115 INSTALL AN FURNACE <3 BOILER HUMIDIFIER - OR HOT WATER HEATER No payments ior six monins» Call Harvey Partner Your ESso Service Dealer Free Estimates 983-5206 Orono BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS; Fireplaces Chimney Repairs Ail types of House Remodeling Ceramic Tiles Flagstones Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs PHONE 983-5606 youre going deaf? Montreal--A free offer of special special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Beltone. A non-operating model of the smallest smallest Beltone aid ever made will be given absolutely free to anyone requesting it. Send for this free model now. It is not a real hearing aid, but it will show you how tiny hearing NQ MAN HAS EVER CON help can be. The actual aid weighs V |NCED HIS WIFE YET. less than a third of an ounce, and TU . T a dbettv cteu it's all at ear level, in one unit. *f* , e * 1 T s No wires lead from body to head. OGRAPHER WAS AS EFFI These models are free, so write CIENT AS AN. UGLY ONE for yours now. Thousands have , already been mailed, so write today to Dept. 5012, Beltone Electronics Electronics of Canada L,td., 3637 Metropolitan Metropolitan Blvd., E., Montreal H12 2K2, P.Q. i Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and servie* leaves nothing to be desired Ask the .person who bought from us, a neigh hour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5222 ÎSicfc Vanderstoop, ^Newcastle, Ont. (2 MILES EAST m. HIGHWAY 2) (4-16) 987-4670 • rotted flowers» •EVERGREENS- •TREES • SHRUBS • •BEDDING PLANTS» •NURSERY STOCK* •GENERAL MAINTENAIS » "we get letters, lots and lots of letters " It's an old song but it's still true with Lawn-Boy. Outboard Marine receives lots of letters every year from satisfied owners of Lawn- Boys that have been running for 15, 18 even 20 years. And they're still going strong! Thousands of satisfied owners prove Lawn-Boy's traditional dependability. And our 1975 models are better than ever. Fingertip starting . . . new preset fixed jet carburetor .. . full circle muffler . . . finger-tip controls controls and wheel adjustment. . . complete safety package and much more. ■ MODEL 7260D 21" $184.95 LAWN-BOY a bargain for years Rolph Dominion Hardware Orono, Ontario Piton® 983-5*87