Meeting closed with the Junior Gardener's prayer. Build new club house According to a news bulletin issued by the Oshawa Ski Club a new club house is to be constructed at the hill during the summer for use this coming winter, which seems at this point a long way off. The new club house with washroom facilities would be constrcuted for those using the western side of the property. Ground work for the project is now well underway with completion prior to the first whisp of snow in early winter 1975, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MAY 21st. 1975 -3 ! notice" SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING GUEST SPEAKER MR. WALTER BEATH CHAIRMAN REGION OF DURHAM Question & Answer Session „ at Council Chambers, Bowmanville at 8 : qo p.m. Thursday, May 22nd, 1975 Sponsored by the Town of Newcastle Ratepayers' Association 623-2247 • It is a realistic classroom of , , ... ... ... the early 1906s which has been COmplete Wlth Very Me " hke along with another student. mannequins and out of view is Be sure to relive old-timqgjjy --xl-• ., . the teacher at the black board viewing this part of the show. Museum. As one can see it is developed at the Clarke Junior Gardner learn gardening ^Twenty-five boys and girls attended the Junior Gardener's Gardener's meeting on Tuesday. May 13th, and one new member joined the group. Two verses f .0 Canada were sung. Mrs. Zegers çhècked again -.. see who were able to have gardens this year and gave some instructions for working their ground up and above all seeping them weeded. Each corner is to be marked with a stake and before the -gardens are judged early in August you must put your name where it can be seen. Annual plants - plant seed, blooms same year and then is finished.. Biennial plants - grow one year, bloom next year. Perennials - sow seed this lar - bloom next year and for __,any more. Mrs. Zegers showed three sizes of lily bulbs. She suggested they be planted three in a triangle with the larger one in the centre. The children were each given three of these little bulbs to plant. They are to be left in the ground to multiply so be sure and mark them so they will not be dug up by mistake. Ployanthus or primrose plants were also given out. These are also perennials which will come up year after year so mark the spot where you plant them. Mrs. Zegers suggested protecting them by covering with a flower pot or paper mache pot until they become established. Karen Atkins had brought some interesting pods which had come from Florida. Large brown pods were called elephant's ears and you could hear the seeds rattle in the inside, Another large pod which had split into sections came from the Anticipation tree which grows from 35 to 50 feet high. Mention was made of the fact that the Spring Show will be held on May 22nd and not May 23rd as stated in the year book. The classes were reviewed reviewed and any questions answered. Plastic bottles were given out and each one made a basket container which is to be used in class "4" for the spring show. Remember that you can put small cedar clippings in the bottom to hold your foliage or leaves in place. Bring in your entries for the flower show between 5:00 and 6:30 GARDEN PARTY AND S» @w BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 mr. PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 IN HONOUR OF MR. A. A. DRUMMOND WHOSE PAINTINGS ARE ON EXHIBIT Clarke Public Library, Orono Sunday, May 25th 2 to 4 p.m. ADDED ENTERTAINMENT BY Country Four Quartette Concordia Pops Concert Orchestra (40 pieces) Refreshments Served EVERYONE WELCOME FOR A REAL TREAT (DELICIOUS HOT OR COLD) TRY OUR BARBECUED CHICKENS HOT FROM OUR OWN OVEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Gift Shop at the and above is shown a number Museum is an interesting 0 f hanging pots in one of the feature of the whole display corners of the room. Dave's Plumbing Heating Electrical -industrial - Commercial Residential Free Estimates 786-2471 R.R.l, Orono OX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At thé Most Reasonable Prices Stove Oil & Diesel Oil Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215 VALUE CHECK'D BRANDED SHORT RIB ROASTS SCHNEIDERS RED HOT OR DUTCH TREATS 16 oz. PKG. WIENERS SCHNEIDERS 16 OZ. PKG. RINDLESS BACON BRANDED HIPS OF BEEF avg. weight 75 to ss n>. Contains: ROASTS: Rump - Sirloin Tip - Round STEAKS: Round GROUND MEATS All Bone and Fat Included in Weight CUT AND WRAPPED lb. $1 25 NEW FROM SCHNEIDERS QUARTER POUND SIZE , III i j STO R E S Flavoured Beef Burgers ONION - CHEESE - BEEF 26 OZ 89C CORNISH'S Orono