sÇ'ÆiîiI (gfW* tZSV ' • „ y?» gsiS* j Gtotom-Whte ï «SbSwti "lâ§Ê OHo\U U EEKI.Y TIMES, JUNE 4th, 1975 -Il tâcfamtt/ay usft i* .?. f-AlC -eeeeeeeeee : W. FRANK •REAL ESTATE ; e • e e • e « e « LIMITED Realtor 234 King Street East BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope office 885-4543 when • or selling and, e For prompt, courteous, • e efficient service g buying ®for the largest selection * •of properties in the area * I I » l « e 9 a Contact Orono Area Representatives Charlie "Reid 983-5914 9 4 HE IP W ANTED RN--RNA Full time, part-time positions. Call Mrs. Austin. Southaven Nursing Home, Newcastle, 987-4441. tf WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appointment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. t-f Bowmanville Denture ; Clinic ' m. 33 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone: 623-4473 Denture Therapist Patrick G. Deegan eWilliam Turansky® (Kendal) J 983-5420 • Ron Hurst 983-5131 . • • e e » e e 'hrista Winterhelt- 983-5465 PAT YEO 983-5725 i i •• John De With Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmanville 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service w hen buying or selling Contact: Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Davidson 277-2321 COLOUR HEAD U.H.F.&V.H.F. CHANNEL MASTER ROTATOR featuring and a SO foot Tower Structure' complete $225.00 Mister T.Y. Towers 378 Kinsj St. \\ ., Osh awa Phone 723-0525 3R0N0 ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvall 983-5108 ELECTRICAL - CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances ' î A . -- C OLOUR T.V. RADIO -- HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service JACK ; RICARD; REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE Jwhen Buying or Call •i », • ' Selling e ÎWILF HAWKE: • • • • Your Orono Area • • Representative • 9 ' 983-5274 ® @ @ © Member of Oshawa and @ @ District Real. Estate s @ Board @ m'm s ® WANTED Manufacture Rep would like attractive site for display of new above ground pools. Call collect 416-536-9278. t-f-ac HELP WANTED House keeper Baby sitter for couple with one child. To start immediately. Prefer own transportation. Call 987-5126 after 6 p.fn. or anytime weekends. a-c HELP WANTED Noone's Hotel required persons, persons, 18 years and over. Part time or full time. Apply - in person to Noone's Hotel, Hwy 115 & 35. HELP WANTED Tobacco help wanted for area farms. Apply at Canada Farm Labour Pool . 53 Albert Street, Cobourg, Ontario 416-372-8737 For Sale Boxed plants, rose bushes, hanging baskets and containers. containers. at Manders Farms, Kendal. a-c-2i-28-4 FOR SALE White Embeen Goslings, A1 Venema, Hampton, 263-8888. tf ac FOR SALE Deluxe, redwood, above ground pools, (2) 16 x 24 and 16 x 32 complete, one year old, repossessed by Bank, sacrifice sacrifice half price. Call Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. tf AUCTION SALE The Town of Newcastle will sell by public auction the dwelling and accessary buildings, buildings, located on the south east corner of the intersection of Scugog Street and Ormiston Street, Hampton. on Saturday, June 7,1975 at 11:00a.m. The premises formerly known as the Prescott .property .property has been purchased by the Town of Newcastle and the buildings must be moved to permit the future widening of Ormiston Street. The buildings will be sold subject to the following conditions conditions :- 1-Buildings to.be removed not later than August 15th, 1975. Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Taping Spra \ < Til» Piaster Repai; Painting WALLY I l ( Yi 983-5518 DRUM' 2- Purchaser to assume all liability relted to the demolition demolition and or removal of buildings. buildings. 3- Purchase will not be required required to backfill the excavation. 4- Purchaser to provide a performance bond (50 percent of purchase price) to guarantee guarantee that the buildings will be removed by August 15th, 1975. 5- Terms Cash Property may be inspected from 9:30 a.m. on the day of sale. For further information contact: Mr. J. Dunham, Director of Public WOrks or H.R. Best, Secretary of Public Works Committee, Hampton Municipal Office, Hampton, Ontario. Phone 263-2231 CLIFF PETHICK, AUCTIONEER Phone 623-2313 SWIMMING POOL REPOSSESSION in excellent condition. Leading manufacturer willing willing to sacrifice at one-half price. Call Collect 416-536-9278 t-f Notice LOGO CONTEST Design a symbol for the area libraries for the Town of Newcastle. Contest open to all students, grades Kindergarten Kindergarten to 13 in the Town of Newcastle. Deadline is June 30th, 1975. Prize will be awarded first week of September. For further information Phone 623-7322. Send entries to Newcastle Library Board, 62 Temperance Temperance St., Bowmanville. CARNIVAL at the BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY STAURDAY, JUNE 7th 2-4 p.m. All children from Town of Newcastle, welcome. Games - Contests Free refreshments NOTICE Dr. A.F. McKenzie will be on holidays from May 31 to June 15th inclusive. The office will be open only for injections Tuesday and Thursday from 2-3 and 7-8. , 28-4-11 NOTICE Mother's Day Out, Orono United Church on Wednesday June 11th from 9:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. St. John Ambulance Demonstration Demonstration of Life Saving. Free baby sitting and everyone is welcomed. - NOTICE I, Gary Hall, P.O. Box 1881, Bracebridge will not be responsible responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Susanne. 4-11-18-ac COMING EVENTS Durham Region Federation of Agriculture will meet at 8 p.m. in the Agriculture Office Bowmanville to discuss the Solandt Commission Report on Tuesday June 10th and the Interprovincial Pipeline route on Thursday, June 12th. Affected farmers in the Durham Durham Region and the former Township of Hope are invited- to attend. WALLACE : Fraser and Sandy proudly announce the birth of their daughter Brie-Anne Leslie Leslie on May 29th, 1975; a sister for Tara. Proud grandparents are Arnold and Nancy Wallace of Orono and Hal and Mary McKnight of Montreal. IN MEMORIUM In loving memory of LOIS ELLEN GERROW Born November 23rd, 1956 and sister HEATHER GAIL GERROW Born August 23rd, 1961 Died June 9th, 1974 A tragic moment, fates we mourning To take our darlings, without a warning But God has willed it, So must we, For we are sure God smiles on Thee. The memory of them and the laughter we shared Will live forever For as God did we cared. MOM & DAD and family DIED COWAN, Harry M. of Orono at the Oshawa General Hospital Hospital on Tuesday, June 3rd, 1975 in his 84th year, beloved husband of the late Marguerite Marguerite Waddell and dear father of Marion Jean Simpson, Great Falls, Montana, dear brother of Mrs. Charlie Crease. Resting Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home in Orono until Friday morning, June 6th, 1975. The to Lang Memorial Chapel for service at 2.00 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Heart Society FOR SALE 3-speed adult Tryke with 3-speed, like new. Phone 983-5973. ap Trentway Tours Ltd. -The finest motor coaches -The finest scenery -The finest accommodation , -The finest relaxation The finest Escorted Motorcoach Holidays From three days to three weeks 1 or a brochure contact Trentway Tours Ltd. ■ % P.O. Box 772, Peterborough, Ont. Phone toll free 1-800-461-7615 Building a House? or remodelling your present one? Then contact: Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049, Orono BOXED PLANTS I APPLES ' C.A. MacINTOSH, Red DELICIOUS, SPIES, - ROM THE GARDE> FRESH ASPARAGUS PURE MAPLE SYRUP HONEY - PURE SWEET CIDER FRED'S i FRUIT MARKET HIGHWAY 115 SOUTH OF ORONO NOTICE Decoration Day Service at ( -ono Cemetery on Sunday June 22nd, 1975 at 2 p.m. NOTICE If weather permitting the i ironii Swimming Pool will be open on Saturday and Sunday x imm 12 a.m. tcu5 p.m. and !iv 6 p.m., feÉ8:30 p.m. William C. Hall, B - Comm. Chartered 1 Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY