I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, JUNE 11th, 1975 UNITED CHURCII Orotio Pastoral i Charge Minister Rev. B. S'-. Long B.Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewell Sunday, June 15,1975 ORONO UNITED CHURCH SUNDAYSCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 10:00a,m. Service for the Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary Departments Main Hall. 11:15 Service for the Junior and Intermediate-Senior Departments Church Sanctuary. Special Speaker, Rev. Chas. Catto of "Operation Beaver." KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worhsip 9:45a.m. Church School 10:00a.m. Orono - Main Hall Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 VENEZIA Restaurant IIWY 115 and 35 1 a Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors^- Tile 983-5441 Orono ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service -- 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion-- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Clarke Public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday, ^Friday Afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Ratepayers want change in town planning procedures Newcastle council's planning planning procedure came under fire at a general meeting of the Newcastle Ratepayers' Association last Wednesday night at Clarke Secondary School. The ratepayers' group passed passed a resolution calling on , council to involve the public before planning concepts such as the Courtice Concept are prepared rather than afterwards. afterwards. The ratepayers' association tabled two resolutions for further clarification before any action is taken. The first called for the organization to inform council that development must not "hurt or punish existing ratepayers of this town." The motion was referred to the citizens group's planning advisory advisory committee to clarify the meaning of "hurt or punish." The board of directors will be asked to interpret another motion critical of council's handling of the interim district district plan. The resolution accuses Mayor Garnet Rickard and his fellow councillors of "insults, "insults, indifference and token listening" at a recent public meeting. The ratepayers tabled a motion which would have the town seek legal advice on how to do away with "ambiguities' in the interim plan. Such action, according to the tabled resolution would help "avoid a variety of interpretations which suit policial ends." The ratepayers will, however. however. ask the town to have the bylaws studied to "weed out" those which are not "valid." In what one member described described as an "exercise in futility" the association voted to draft an "emergency request" asking the province to take "immediate and urgent steps" to prepare planning guidelines which will preserve agricultural land. The Newcastle Ratepayers' Association will ask the regional regional planning and development development committee to give careful consideration to any development proposal involving involving the Oak Ridges Moraine. The directors of the ratepayers' ratepayers' group will write council requesting information information on the $900 regional and local rural lot levy. The action was taken in response to a resolution which called the rural levies unfair where the owner provides all services and especially in prezoned areas. Waiting Ball's • Mill report The Authority is awaiting a report from an engineer concerning the structural soundness of the mill at Ball's Mill and the possible cost of restoring the building. The report is expected sometime this week at the Authority Office. Swans under private care The two mute Swans presented presented to the Ganaraska Conservation Authority by the City of Ottawa are for the time under private care in the Coubour area. It was proposed proposed that the swans would be placed at the pond in Co bourg but due to the ferocity of the birds their final home in this area has yet to be decided. In the meantime, a private individual is looking after the birds for the rest of the year. Director of public works would like central location Mr. J.C. Dunham, director of Public Works in passing his opinion regarding the use of the former Honeywell plant for town offices and public works depot felt that the building was not centrally located in the municipality and such could have some problem as far as his department department was concerned. He felt a site some five miles north of HOneywell plant would be most suitable. He did see some advantages one being that the department could be under one roof which he felt was most desirable. East Durham PCs set nomination date The Durham East Progressive Progressive Conservatives elected their 1975 executive recently and have tentatively set the nomination meeting for June 19 at Bowmanville High School. Declared candidates are Ken Lyall, Durham Regional Councillor and Newcastle Town Town Councillor and Dr. Charles Mcllveen, MPP for Oshawa. Debate on whether to hold a nomination meeting now or close to the time of an election found only one person in favor of waiting until the election is called. It was felt the candidate candidate chosen by card-carrying delegates should be among the people before the election is called and work started on the campaign. Five persons per poll will be given a delegate's card and will be eligible to vote at the June 19 j nomination. Up and down the book stacks THURS. JUNE 12th, 1975 ADULT Tomorrow's Headlines Today by Sybil Leek (how to forsee world hisotry through astrology) astrology) Why Can't They be Like Us? by Andrew M. Greeley (America's (America's white ethnic groups) The Tresher Disaster by John Bentley (the most tragic dive in submarine history) You Can Get There From Here by Shirley MacLaine, author of Don't Fall off the Mountain) North Star by Hammond Innes (novel of men on a deep seas oil drilling rig) The Invisible Cord by Catherine Catherine Cookson. PAPERBACKS Reincarnation: The Second Chance by Sybil Leek Ten Lost Years 1929-1939 By Barry Broadfoot The Partners by Louis Auch- incloss The Vampire Curse by Dao- ma Winston The Lion Triumphant by Philippa Carr, or Victoria Holt The Diviners "by Margaret DURHAM EAST Progressive Conservative Association Nomination Meeting THE NOMINATION CONVENTION TO SELECT A CANDIDATE FOR THE NEW RIDING OF DURHAM EAST WILL BE HELD AT. Bowmanville High School Liberty St., N., Bowmanville June 19th, 1975 -7:30 p.m. Guest Speaks# Mr. Frank Drea, m.p.p. Attention Farmers!! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON * Diesel Fuel * Motor Oil * Gasoline Phone 668-3381 - Collect DX FUEL OIL For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY Need a hat for protection from the summer sun. have a good selection of ladies' and childrens' We Laurence Sackett's Land by Louis L'Am our The Girl from Story ville by Frank Yerby You & Me, Babe by Chuck Barris The Reincarnation of Peter Proud by Max Ehrlich The Great Waldo Pepper by William Goldman The Pirate by Harold Robbins Sunshine by Norma Klein JUNIOR Olga Korbut, Tears and Triumph by Linda Jacobs (biog. of a young gymnast) The Nutcracker by Toshiko Yamanushi (fairy tale) Story of Pop by Jeremy Pascal (from Bill Haley to Elton John, pop, rock and soul music) The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene Sarah T. Portrait of a Teen-age Alcoholic by Robin S. Wagner EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS This is by G. Patrick The Velvetten Rabbit by Margefy Williams MADELEINE HADLEY Good fitting Jockey T. shirts in light and dark blue - S, M, L & XL sizes are priced at $3.50 KJ mm ■i Harvey Wood , Olympic Knit snirts in red, white, navy and brown made of DuPont nylon in S,M, L & XL, sizes arç priced at 3.75. We have a good selection of men's casual and dress pants in varied materials and prices both plain and small checks. Among them is a new shipment from Otis Star. ARMSTRONG'S