t„Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 20th, i97t> Only two weeks to the Orono fair LYALLREPORTS ON DARLINGTON PLANT ( Continued from page 1 ) wit's end with regards to the projected Hydro generating station. I am aware that we will need more electricity. I am aware of the oil situation facing the world today. I am Believe it or Not! only two weeks until Durham Central Fair, at Orono, September 4, 5, 6. The nonular OPP Mm,»- All this time Robertson Shows will have their Midway open for young and not so young. I7Virl*iv> m/ti,miner SpHtpinhw "Furtherto this" Councillor Lyall said, "what will this projected nuclear hydro plant do to all the planning effort exnended in the Town of Newcastle since 1974? Thousands Thousands of dollars-many hundred hundred of thousands of dollars have been spent to plan the future of the New Town. We have the Courtice Concept-we have the Bowmanville Concept Concept - we have the overall Town plan and a Regional Plan. Has the biggest biggest nuclear power generating generating station in the world been considered in these plans?- and what will the biggest nuclear power generating station in the world do to these plans?" Let us face it, we spend thousands of dollars in tax dollars for planning the future life style of our community and there poised on the doorstep of Bowmanville-less than two miles from the Newcastle Town Hall the Ontario Government plan to build a gigantic nuclear power station". Mr. Lyall said in conclusion. conclusion. "Our only hope is that a local groundswell will start from the people to bring political pressure to bear on Queen's Park to force these provincial representatives to balk at any action-and I repeat, any action -to allow the Bowmanville-Newcastle Nuclear Power Generating Station to go forward". Tor viewing. Friday, September 5th is Children's day with a parade, Pet shows and all kinds of contests. The 4 - H exhibits will all be in one large tent and along with the judging of their exhibits, their various competitions competitions will be held throughout throughout the day. In some cases winners here will be eligible to compete in the Inter-County Inter-County classes at Lindsay Exhibition. Exhibition. The Poultry and Rabbit shows will be judged on Friday. These exhibits are always well filled and the many various breeds in both shows provide interesting attractions. attractions. Friday is also Sheep Day and brings a good number of sheep exhibitors. The Fat Cali show and Auction are on Friday's program along with, this year, a Fat Wether Show & Auction for lambs. Prize winning Chocolate and Banana cakes are auctioned auctioned to the highest bidders, previous to the above auctions. auctions. The Dairy Princess com- petition is an interesting feature for Friday when attractive young ladies vie for the title by showing their skill and technique in milking cows and their knowledge in a short speech. This will begin shortly after 3 p.m. and last years Princess Nancy Knox will likely be on hand to crown the new Queen. Don't miss it! Friday, September 5th! jjiuviuc Mirrnig' oami iiicnm^-- around noon, as people gather for the afternoon shows on the grandstand. Between the heats of the . Saturday afternoon Orono Business Men's Trot, a tug-of- war competition will take place at the north end of the grounds. The Brooks Cowan Special provides interest when the drivers of Roadster horses must remove all harness, except the bridle, then reharness reharness the horse, hitch to the Nixon to visit Durham East committee rooms Mr. Bob Nixon, Ontario leader of the liberal party will make an official visit to Oshawa this coming Friday afternoon. Mr. Nixon will first, visit Hillsdale Manor at 3.45. Following this visit he will officially open the Durham East Committee rooms in Oshawa at 1206 Simcoe St., North. All interested are invited to meet Mr. Nixon along with the Durham East, liberal candidate, candidate, Kirk Entwisle. Folk festival at Mosport MUSIC LESSONS ■ PIANO AND THEORY 8 Time - beginning September 15,1975 ■ Place - Studio in Orono ■ Method - Private instruction following the ® Royal Conservative of Music, Toronto | ORFF MUSIC CLASS FOR BEGINNERS ■ Time-Saturdays, 10.00 to 11.00 a.m. -- Place - Dikadel Farms, Concession 6, ® Clarke 8 Method - an unique introduction to music | following the Orff Method using rhythmic ™ activity, ear training, and various instru- ■ ments: xylophone, metalophone, glocken- J spiels, 'cello and tampani. 1 Assistant - Amy Morton. 8 TEACHER: ■ Mrs. R. D. Morton, A.T.Ç.M., ■ Member of the O.R.M.T.A. ■ The Ontario Registered Music Teacher's Association 8 Address - R.R. No.l Kendal, Ontario, LOB 1M0 g Phone : ( 416 ) 983-5682 K m m m se m m m m mi* m m m m m ae m ■ Labour day week-end It is reported that last Wednesday a news conference was held in Toronto announe- !'. ing the formation of a new ! promotion company to pro- ! mote folk concerts at Mosport ; 1 Park. i A folk concert, is apparently ! scheduled for Mosport on Labour Day week-end with I stars, Melanie, Valdi, Tom : Rush etc. ! It is understood that all performers have been paid in : ,. advance of the show. TYISTS Typists interested in typing voters' j lists are asked to phone 983-9175. buggy and go once around the track. George Hamilton IV and group will present a short program around 3 p.m. to stimulate your interest to attend the dance in the arena at 9 p.m. George Hamilton IV is an internationally known T.V. performer. Featured with ' im will be Maggie Griffin as iloist and Don Ange, on lectric piano, Dick Schuyler, ass guitar and a drummer ill round out the background lusic for George Hamilton 8 V. ■ KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! Remember there is a special day for you at the Durham Central Fair, Frdiay, Se^ mberSth- PetShow, Parade, Contests. BE PREPARED I 8 8 MAIN DECK DINING LOUNGE Wednesday Evening Special for All of August !4 Tender Spring Roast <■ aa Chicken Dinner # Second Chicken Dinner CALL FOR RESERVATIONS Saturday Candlelight Buffet featuring ROAST ALBERTA BARON OF BEEF 6:00'til 10:00 p.m. Hot and Cold Luncheon Buffet Thursday and Friday -12 noon 'til 2:30 p LIGHTHOUSE LOUNGE Ask About Oor Tuesday Evening Ladies' Night HAPPY HOURS SATURDAY - from 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Fully Licenced Premises Banquet Facilities Available Lake Road off Liberty St. S. - Marina 623-3501, Hotel 623-4925 introducing Orono Hair Care Opening September 2nd PERM SPECIALS Reg $14.50 for $12.50 Reg $18.50 for $15.50 Reg $25.00 for $20.00 LOCATION: Main Street Orono (Across from the IGA) Proprietor CHERYLE KIAWITTER Phone 983-9256