..The two young boys above, Duane Major and Jeft Westbrook, Westbrook, planned and organizedl a successful carnival at the home of Duane Major where they raised a total of $150.25 for Muscular Dystrophy. Kids from all over the Village attended over the two-day period having lots of fun at the many booths and fun house. The two boys, are to be congratulated for their efforts and success. New bus slopping Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, - (1) Isabelle (iiallice, (2) Minnie Zegers, <:•!> Frank Zegers. SECTION E - SPECIALS Best arrangemenbin show ( j ) Minnie Zegers. Best rose in snow, (1) Carl killings. Best Peace rose in show - (1) Hilda Coatham. \ Best Dahlia in show - Mary Tamblyn. Best Gladiolus in show - Madeleine Buckley. Best vase of Glads - Madeleine Buckley. Most points in vegetable i section - Minnie Zegers. Most poirits in flower section section - Minnie Zegers. Most points for novice - Jean Moffat. Most points in entire show - Donated by T. Eaton Co. Ltd. - Everett Brown. A grand total of 208 entries were placed in the show. WINDOW BOX WINNERS . .The window box and planter competition was judged by Mary Miller with the following following results : Window or Verandah Boxes (1) Ann Evans, (2) Carl Billings, (2) Dorothy Bailey. Planter or hanging basket (1) Lorna Atkins, (2) Jean Moffat, (3) Gladys Moffat, Orono Weeklv Times, Wednesday, September 3rd, 1975--9 200 members join Nut association E. Mitchell, Assistant Lands Supervisor (The Society of Ontario Nut Grower ueid their annual" meeting at Maple recently. Approximately forty members members and guests discussed their interests and toured the Hardwood Nursery at the Forest Research Branch. The Society represents approximately approximately 200 members from across Ontario who are interested in the propagation of nut bearing trees in. che Province. Their activities include dissemination oi an manner of information on nut culture, such as varieties, climates, soils, grafting, problems problems and harvesting. While it may seem amusing to the uninformed, the nut growers are an enthusiastic group, and have a wealth of. detailed information on nut culture, forestry, and horticulture horticulture in general. In addition to producing edible nuts for human consumption, and wi ldlife, nut nearing trees are among our most valuable : timber species. Central Ontario is approximately approximately the northern limit of the range of many varieties of nut trees. Butternut and black walnut are probably most common. There are however, quite a few nut trees scattered' across woodlots in the Lindsay Lindsay district, and they are an extremely desirable species to encourage in any woodlot. For further information on nut trees or forestry, the foresters at district office are at your service. Anyone interested in joining the Society of Ontario Nut Growers should contact the Secretary-Treausrer, Mr. G. Robert Hambleton.tR. R. 2, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Ontario, LOS 1J0. C. R. Gray, District Manager Ministryof Natural Resources 322 Rent Street West Lindsay, Ont. K9V 2Z9 law now in effect The new School bus stoppinf law announced in late February February will go into effect Monday, September 1st, Min- d Transportation and inications John R. Rnoues announced last week. The new law, under Section 120 of the Highway Traffic Act, requires traffic travelling travelling in both directions to halt when a stopped school bus flashes its alternating red Signal lights regardless of the posted speed limit. Traffic may not proceed until the school bus resumes motion or its red lights - - affixed to both thfe front and roar of the bus - - stop ling. Failure to stop for a school bus with its alternating red signal lghts flashing carries a penalty of four driver demerit points and a maximum fine of $100.00. , Previuosly, the stop-in-both directions rule required drivers drivers to stop only when the maximum speed limit was greater than 35 miles per hour. The new law applies regardless regardless of the posted speed limit -, - on highways, country roads, city, town and village streets. The only exception is tin highways divided by a median strip. Then, only vehicles behind the school bus must stop upon seeing the flashing red lights. Oncoming traffic on the opposite side of the median may proceed. / A median strip is a physical barrier or an unpaved strip of graound sépara ting f' traffic travelling in one direction from traffic travelling in the tippsoite direction. Vs_,j the new September 1st law, each municipality will have the authority to enact- by-laws designating local school bus loading zones. In these loading 'Zones, the school bus driver will not be permitted to flash the vec- hicle's alternating red lights. The loading zones will have identifying signs, and can be located only on the same side of the road as a school or non-school facility often visited visited by school children and teachers - - for example, the Royal Ontario Museum, where many school bus loads of students and teachers arrive from all over the area. The school bus driver cannot cannot stop a bus to drop off or pick up children on a road cr highay opposite the. designated designated loading zone. And at the zone, the bus must be as close as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway. . No bus other than a school bus may be painted chrome yellow. No motor vechicle other than a school bus may bear the words "Do not When signals flashing" "School Bus: ". Flower resu Its The following is the conclusion conclusion of a list of winners at the .recent Orono Horticultural : Flower and Vegetable show. Class 42 - Carrots - (1) Gladys Brown, (2) Everett Brown, (3) Isabelle Challice. Class 42 - Corn, sweet - (1) Everett Brown (2) Gladys Brown, (3) Frank Zegers. Class 43 - Cucumbers (1) Isabelle Challice, (2) Ervan Rainey, Class 44 - Onions - (1) Mary Tamblyn, (2) Gladys Brown, (3) Everett Brown, (4) Carl Billings and Eileen Billings. Class 45 f Peppers - ( 1 ) ) Everett Brown, (2) Gladys Brown, (3) Minnie Zegers, (4) Ervan Rainey. Class 46 - Potatoes - (l) Minnie Zegers, (2) Gladys BroWn, (3) Edith Taylor, (4) Ervan Rainey. Class 47 - Tomatoes - (1). Ervan Rainey, (2) Minnie Zegers, -(3) Everett Brown, (4) Gladys Brown Class 48 - Tray of Garden Vegetables - Prize donated by ebneung SALE Vinyl Surface WOOD PANEL Saddle Pecan, „ „ BrownOak Regularize NOW $5.25 Light Mohogany DAM C I QC Masonite Back » ORONO FUEL & LUMBER Orono, Ont. Phone 983-9167 About 250 tons oi election cers of 125 electorla districts the mammoth task with Peter voters are qualified to east a supp tes comprising mi ^ions across the province. Roderick Edwards in charge of supplies ballot in Ontario's 30th gener- oi forms and documents have I,ewis Chief Eleetion Of fie- - .... . , .. , , . IA W e JMeciion vine approximately five million al election. been sent to Returning Offi- <t of Ontario, (left) discusses . '