ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL! Morning Enrichment Program for 3-5 Year old Children Places available for September Phone 987-4012 Tom Lycett of the Orono motivation for this float. It three standing in the float Public School provided the appears a big task as he has behind him. wnn nrotner Tom pulling blems as does the candle stick were part of the parade on the float, the young baker maker Robin Lycett. and the Friday at'the Orono Fair. Warren Lycett has few pro- butcher Wayne Atkins. They Kendal News The weatherman told us we were to have rain but fortunately fortunately for Orono Fair it turned out a beautiful week end. The farmers are very busy filling silo with the large crops of corn. Orono Fair was a tip top event this year. The Four, four-horse teams of heavy horses were as fine as any to be seen in Ontario. Then there were the team of hackney ponies and all the numerous saddle horses. The Four H. Clubs had fine displays in several places which means that the young people are learning how to grow and exhibit their corn, potatoes, wool, grain, rabbits, chickens etc. This writer was especially especially interested in the milking goats with their large udders. Congratulations to one of our Kendal exhibitors Mrs. Wm. Hoy who won first on her beautiful sunburst quilt, her fifty year wedding anniversary anniversary cake and several other items. The large watermelons and squash displayed were as large as anything grown in California. The home made cherry pie served in the Four H. booth was perfect. A shower was held in Kendai Church School on Tuesday September 9th for Miss Irene Mercer who is to be married in Kendal Church on September 20th. Rev. G, Montgomery preached preached on "The Wonders of God", choosing as his scripture scripture Genesis 1 v 1-8 and First John 4 verses 1 - 21. Now we have returned from holidays in God's great out-doors and been close to the wonders of nature we are able to appreciate appreciate the greatness of God's love for us. God will forgive us and bring us back to him. This fine service concluded with the singing of the hymn "How Great Thou Art". Next Sunday, Sunday, Sunday School will begin. Kendal United Church Anniversary Anniversary will be held October 5th at 2:30 p.m. Rev. E. Schamerhorn B.A., B.DrOf St. Paul's United Bowmanville will be the speaker and Garden Hill Choir will provide the music. A new house is being erected north of Mr. Fred Winn's. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott have just returned home from their six weeks trip to Newfoundland which, they enjoyed. Mrs. John Henderson is taking treatment in Oshawa Memorial Hospital. Grants received Alex Carruthers, in a press release from Queen's Park, reports that the Minister of Transportation and Communications, Communications, the Honourable John Rhodes, has approved a subsidy of $1,420,000 to the Regional Municipality of Durham Durham . The total subsidy to the Region with the addition of the above grant is now $3,716,000. Alex Carruthers Fatal accidents down on highway 115 A recenf report from the various OPP detachments in the Region of Durham show a reduction in the number of deaths due to accidents on the provincial highways. The report report covers the first six months of 1975 compared to the same period in 1974. There have been 22 deaths reported in the Durham Region for the six month period in 1975 compared with 29 deaths over the same period in 1974. In the Newcastle area eight fatal accidents had been investigated during the first six months of 1975 in which 10 deaths were reported. During the first six months of 1974 the Newcastle OPP investigated nine fatal accident resulting in fifteen deaths. NOTICE TO VOTERS RE: ADVANCE POLLS FOR THE ELECTION NOW PENDING TO ELECT A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF DURHAM EAST 406 ADVANCE POLLS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING THE BALLOTS OF VOTERS WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE ON THE REGULAR POLLING OAY IN THE POLLING SUBDIVISIONS FOR WHICH THEIR NAMES APPEAR ON THE LISTS, WILL BE HELD Friday, Saturday, Monday, September 12 September 13 September 15 1975 1975 1975 9a.m.to8p.m. 12a.m. to9 p.m. 12a.m. to9 p.m. ( Daylight Saving Time) (Daylight Saving Time) ( Daylight Saving Time) AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: 1. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church 32 Wilson Road North, Oshawa 2. St. Stephen's United Church Corner of Taunton Road & Simcoe Street Oshawa 3. St. John's Anglican Church Queen & Temperance St. Bowmanville THE BALLOT BOXES FOR THE ADVANCE PQLLS WILLNOT BE OPENED FOR THE COUNTING 0FTHË VOTES CAST FOR EACH CANDIDATE UNTIL THE CLOSE OF THE POLLS ON THE REGULAR POLLING DAY, BEING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1975 at 8 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) Atthe Returning Office, Main Street, Orono GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AT . ■-■= == Orono, this 26th Day of August, 1975 George T. Pol lift RETURNING OFFICER The Returning Officer for Durham East wishes to advise that the Candidates and their Official Agents are as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. BEACOCK, RAY (Official Agent-- Bruce Arnold, Box 1214, Station B, Oshawa) ENTWISLE, KIRK (Official Agent -- James Carlysle, 532 Edgewood, Oshawa) MclLVEEN, CHARLES (Official Agent --Thomas H. Greer 54B Centre Street, Oshawa) MOFFATT, DOUG. (Official Agent-- Ernst Konzelmann, R.R.l Orono)