mmm MacDonald's Farm was a sow for watering. It seems the Heather Sawyer and Shelly popular place for the kids .at sow always was ready to tip Richards did an excellent job the fair. Andrea Williams is the dish over and wanted, of looking after the farm shown holding the dish for the apparently better service, during the two-day period. Kirby news A belated congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Hamm on the arrival of their daughter Karen Louise on August 17th at Kingston Général Hospital. Mrs. John Lowery is now a patient in Oshawa General vmmwmmmm* I 8 I a i a a 1 a a i 8 I I I I 1 I I 1 FALL SPECIALS Vitamin Time DAYAL ETS with iron Full vitamin content with Iron 100s $3.09 PARAMETTES Multiple Vitamins with Iron I25s Only $4.99 TANGEE Cosmetics 2 for $1.19 hhimh CLAIROL NATURALPH SHAMPOO 22» ML. $1.69 Hospital. Having returned from Toronto General Hospital Hospital last Tuesday where she had tests taken after suffering a severe stoke while in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Hospital. We hope she will make a full recovery. She is taking theoropy. Miss Marion McKelvey of I I a a a a a a a a a a a a a dtc VITAMIN C 500m g. CHEWABLES 5oos Only $5.95 Other Strength aim sizes at comparable savings. I Hi Hi H Hi Hi ■ PROOF Cavity Fighting Gel Toothpaste 100ml. $1.29 Oshawa General Hospital underwent underwent more surgery last week. We hope she is some better. Miss Judy Cornish and Mr. Gary Cornish of Conn. U.S.A. were guests of their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery and family for the long weekend while attending the funeral of their grandfather grandfather Henry Cornish. Their father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cornish (stayed at his sisters Mrs. Gord Simpson (of Laurel Maryland) and visited members of her family. family. The funeral was held from Barlow Funeral on Tuesday Sept. 2nd. Our sympathy goes to Mrs. Evelyn Cornish, and to his family Alan, Joyce Simpson and Carole Boyd and families. . Mrs. C. Lowery and Mrs. Dora Morris attended the church conference on the weekend at Camp Quin Mo- Lac. Mr, Jim Wilson was organist at Kirby Church on Sunday taking Mrs. Lowery's place. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rans- Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone Oroiie 983-5914 One of Canadians Most Innovative Theatre Groups The New Global Village Story Theatre will perform a series of Modern Fables at the Town Hall, Orono for the Newcastle Public Library on Tuesday, September 16th at 8.1)1) p.m. This series of five or six fables is performed in pantomime and led by a narrator. The New Global Village Story Theatre has performed across Canada and its fables demonstrate the vitality, artistry and excitement of live theatre-in-the-round. AGS--9 8 Digit Pocket CALCULATORS $19.99 plus Batteries Free to all age groups All Welcome berry and Mr. and Mrs Laurence Harris left Sunday morning for a trip to the East Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford and family of Meaford spent a few days with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Harris and family and attended the Drono Fair. There were good attend Orono Weekly Tiines. Wednesday, September 10th, 1975--7 ances all days at the Orono fair, With a large crowd for the dance on Saturday evening evening to the music of George Hamilton the 4th. Mr. Gord Walker and Gail of Thornhill were Sat. evening " supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ball. Miss Susan Ball and Mr. Les Hrebicek of Toronto were weekend guests. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stapleton and baby son Lee of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Patterson of Orono were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball. Miss Lorna Lowerey enrolled enrolled at Waterloo University Iasi Wednesday. Sponsored by a grant from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and coordinated by the public library and the Central Ontario Regional Library System.