PREVENTION It is hereby proclaimed that the week of OCTOBER 5th to the nth will be observed as PREVENTION Town of Newcastle GARNET B. RICKARD MAYOR Y ou Save Twice with Trim and Price ' < 6th and 7th Ribs ) Prime Rib Roasts Tender Juicy ( Backs Off) Chicken Legs Fresh Cut ( Wings Off) Burns Boneless SMOKED TASTY Perk Liver Rib Steaks Ranch Style By the Piece Bologna lb, 'Fancy Cookies Il Varie! 99 c ,, CORNISH'S „ attend MOBILE HOME MEETING (Continued from page 1 ) community. Mr. Rice pointed out that the development in Newcastle would generate at least $400,000 in additional taxes UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long B. Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewell Sunday oviober 5,1975 Orono United Church Church School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Fellowship Group - immediately after Church, Bring your own Bible, your own lunch and tea will be provided. Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. D.ial-A-Thought 983-9151 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service-10:00 a.m. Holy Communion - First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer - Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by pointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. VENEZIA Restaurant HWY 115 and 35 Ms Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5651 'PEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono Clarke Public LIBRARY ( Phone 983-5507 ^Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:00™ to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m, Orono, Ontario wilh no costs inclined Ul course, lie said, all this money does not go directly for local municipal uses referring to portions to education and regional government. The average income of 'those living in the mobile home parks, he said, range from $8,000 to $10,000. The development development would also create some 500 new jobs in the area. "We have never said they are cheap homes", he said. He also stated they would be constructed about four to an acre. He further stated that 36 acres along the Wilmot creek would be turned over to some local or area body to preserve the aspects of the environment. environment. In the matter of the givaln in the p.iM Iv\u . Ilian in any other uiiiniciji.ili;\ in the Region the mayor noted that people had to be housed and drawing the attention of Mrs Cowman who was at the meeting said that they had the opportunity to place some housing in Courtice but the people there siad we like it as it is. "Why should we supply all the housing in our area, he asked. If we are to have orderly planning we must have resid- enri input, he said. He said council had agreed to wait for. the official plan from the Region but that this development development had been pushed through. through. The Mayor referred to the Orono Wt t hl> i mu -, W people needing the service of 1 $4000,000 tax to be paid from the hospital Mr. Rice stated the park and said, "Don't let it that Dr. Roselle of the Newcastle Planning Committee Committee had stated that as use of the hospital continues to rise so does the quality of that service so in other words increased use could benefit everyone in the area. Councillor Lyall said he had : heard this bit about agricultural agricultural land going out of production. He said we would have not lack of such land if we used what is lying idle today. He pointed to the fact I that thousands of acres were [being used for the Pickering i Airport and satelite city as i well as the Darlington Hydro | station. One person in the audience referred to both the Clarke and Senior Public School being built on agricultural agricultural land, "Are our children to be deprived of an education is such land is not to be used?" When councillor Lyall was asked if he was coping out, he said "No". Councillor Entwisle said his opposition to the scheme was based on logic rather than impulse. His first concern he said was that someone buys a home which is situated on land not owned by them. The landlord, he said, controls the rent, who may live there and the family size. He also said he was concerned over the fact that services were not vested in the municipality. "It is completly new concept," he said. It is operated by people with the profit motive, he said. "1 m not in favour , he p e0 pi e had to be housed and sa '^' drawing the attention of Mrs Mayor Rickard in address- c owman who was at the ing the meeting said he had meeting said that they had the knowledge that the opportunity to place some • ItroptisarAvas' coining before housing in Courtice but the Council in the manner it did. "I had not been forewarned people there said we like it as it is. "Why should we supply and had been excluded," he all the housing in our area, he said. He said he 1 was not oskcal opposed to.the mobile home concept hut had hoped that this;-scheme could have been held up until the official plan had been passed Other developers developers had agreed to await the existance of the official plan before pursuing their requests willi council. This one tie said has boon pressured continual ly with the altitude "that we arc mightier Ilian you". The mayor also staled that in Newcalle the development is WANT ADDITION LAND FOR NEWTON VILLE SCHOOL In considering an application application for a 24 lot subdivision in Nowtonville the Board of Education has asked that the development be delayed until additional property is secured for tile Newtonvilie School. Stanley Gujda and Manning Swartz of Oshawa arc seeking approval of the suit division in Newtonvilie south of Highway "Flowers with Feeling' For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 Mev r A 3lotal cAtt 133 Church Street Bowmarivi I lu Specializing In: WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS, Natural and Dried If your organization is interested in a Free Flo. Demonstration please contact us Nu - in tile centre of the liitinlvt and just east of the pfesenl public school. The Board of Education had i ill objection to the development development but did ask for the delay m order to make purchase of I m l her lands to add to the present site. Woman dies beneath car A 27 year old Bowmanville woman died Tuesday after she was thrown from the car she was driving and pinned beneath it in a ditch. The accident, occurred at about 11:30 a.m. yesterday when Sharon Marlene Smale i iIiivmI.i\ October | s i, 1975--3 apparently lost control of her car in the westbound lane of Highway 401 near Cobourg, according to a spokesman for the Brighton OPP detachment, detachment, which is investigating the accident. With Mrs. Smale at the time were her son Brent, 2'm years old and her two-month-old daughter Mary. scare you". He also intimated that within a few years this land could easily produce this revenue through agriculture. He also said that laws do change and things could be quite different in ten years time. Mayor Rickard also said that councillor Entwisle's absence absence from the meeting when the Rice proposal passed was due to attendance at an all candidates meeting and that he understood this absence. Mayor Rickard stated he was opposed to the proposal. "This is not good land use", he said. Also he pointed out that he had been told that it was wet along the lake area where the park was proposed so much so that a farmer baling straw had to wear a jacket as protection against the moisture in the summer. Others from the audience then stood up to refer to cases of rheumatism due to the dampness. dampness. Mr. Warren Lowes of Orono spoke to the meeting outlining the need to save agricultural land and said that if present trends continued we would soon become importers - ' agricultural products. The land under question, he said, is number one land and if we have to use class four land for some of our produce the costs of foods Will continue to rise due. to rising costs of production production on poorer lands. The mayor noted that