SËtv,SÜÂ V;.: .;-ï; y-!.:--: „ foods £or your $Ép Si-! i : '? L . : : DAN O'NEIL ~ YOUR MR. IGA AT BRIGHTON IGA REGULAR OR DIET PLUS DEPOSIT 26-FL 07.. RETURNABLE , BTL. CANADA GRADE A FROZEN EVISCERATED Young OVER 20-LBS. Turkeys BABY DILL, SWEET MIXED OR SWEET YUM YUM CANADA GRADE "A" FROZEN EVISCERATED ALCAN (18-INCH) Bicks 1B[l CQh Pickles jar DOLE FANCY Fruit one Cocktail tin Oîl YOUNG, "TABLER1TE" Pre-Basted Turkeys Canada Packers Ready-to-serve, Hock, Rind and Excess Fat Removed 83 C LB. Smoked Hams whole or halves Canada Packers Ready to serve Smoked Hams crywac Canada Packers, Ready to serve, boneless Dinner Hams 3-lb-avg. $ 1.39 » HALVES QUARTERS $ 1.69i= 5 1.79 ■= $ 1.98 LB. WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF FROZEN TURKEY SIZES, FRESH TURKEYS AND MAPLE LEAF MIRACLE BASTE TURKEYS AS WELL AS SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS, SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS AND SAUSAGE MEAT FOR STUFFING -- EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER! Aluminum Foil GOLDEN BELL Soft Margarine 25-FT. Blfc- ROLL # niT PKG. S W '•> s 490 p8wpl isiis X ' V» ayll V far -vaÿVT ri. yjyMrjrA * ES « ('uÿ tï? 'SmBË ■fais? - •.Z-r/tf/r cflrrH Morin.Poule Grten Director - CoMUmet AHuirs Oepi Bread Savers. Broad gives you good food value for your money, especially once you've become wise to the tricks of the subtlest pickpocket pickpocket of all - the household garbage can. There's no need to waste money and throw nway.dry or stale bread. It can be put to good use. Here's how.. Dry bread may be employed as a base for stuffing for poultry and fish, and it can be used in the centre of a meat loaf. Ground up, it will stretch a portion of hamburger. It is excellent in a vegetable dish such as stowed tomatoes, in a dessert like bread pudding, and as a casserole topping. And why put crackers in soup when bread cubes will work just as well and taste just as To make bread crumbs from stale bread, dry the bread thoroughly in a slow oven (20QQF) and crush it with a rolling pin or a glass jar. Three to four slices of bread equals one cup of dry crumbs.. To freshen old bread, wrap it in tin foil, then heat it in your oven. Mrs, Green is available to talk "shopping" to groups. Call 253- 6633, or write: 300 The East Mall, Islington, Ontario M9B 6B8. MR. IGA has a Complete Selection of SPICES AVAILABLE FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING COOKING. GOLDEN MAPLE FARMS FROZEN Fancy Peas WHOLE WHEAT OR WHITE FROZEN - Rhodes Bread Dough Bayer Aspirin 2-LB, BAG 5-LB. BAG BTL. OF 100 59* *1.19 85* BLANCHED OR SPANISH SALTED Planter's Peanuts 12-02. PKG, EACH PKG. SNAP-OFF PLASTIC PKGS. OF 200 OR 50 Sandwich or Utility Bags IGA REGULAR ""irV Potato Chips /yr 7-LB. BAG 32-FL, 0Z. PLASTIC BTL. 1-LB. PKG. EACH ALL-PURPOSE Five Roses Flour JOY Liquid Detergent IGA Fruit Cake IGA Pumpkin Pie 5 VARIETIES Weston's Biscuits CHERRY HILL MEDIUM COLORED OR EXTRA OLD Cheddar Cheese Stick WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES *1.19 89* *1.09 m PRODUCE OF USA #1 GRADE California 20-0Z. SIZE EACH 14-02. PKG. 8-OZ. PKG, v caiitorma m ÊÊkÊÊ Tomatoes I W )* PRODUCE OF USA Broccoli SIZE 18's EACH 39* LOCAL GROWN CANADA #1 GRADE Cello Carrots 3-LB. Tit BAG Î* PRODUCE OF USA 2 lbs 39* PRODUCE OF CANADA Yams Mushrooms LB 69° CANADA FANCY GRADE B.C. Bartlett Pears NOW AVAILABLE FRESH! 25r Ocean Spray Brand Cranberries ARMSTRONG'S it