Council Happenings UNITED CHURCI Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long B. Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewell Sunday, October 19,1975 'ORONO EXITED CHURCH Church School 10:00 a.m. Anniversary Service 11.15 am Special Music by the Choir Guest Soloists : Mrs. Terry Russell Mrs. Stephen Coles, Bowmanville Bowmanville Fellowship Group immediatley after Church KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11:00 a .m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion - First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer - Second and Fourth Sundays, Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., i ..Th. VENEZIA Restaurant IIWY 115 and 35 Vz Mile South of Orono Phone 983-565i OPEN 7 DAYS-A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono Clarke Public LIBRARY Phone 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:06 to 8:39 p.m. • Sàturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. orono, Ontario by Jo-Anné Danilko The Community Services Committee for the town of Newcastle recently authorized authorized the Fire Chief, to bring in a report to the Committee on the cost of eight permanent firemen evaluated against the present cost of volunteers and outline the services which could be provided...the report is to be submitted prior tc December 8th. On September 22, 1975, the Finance Committee approved that Mayor Rickard be requested requested to arrange a meeting with the Tyrone Community Hall Association to investigate investigate the financing of the new Tyrone Community Hall. The Chairman of the Community Services Committee, Town Clerk and Treasurer are to be present. The Public Works Committee Committee authorized the Director and Secretary to meet with representatives of the Ministry Ministry of Natural Resources relative to the conveyance by the Ministry of certain parts of Station Street, west of Orono to the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. It was passed by Council that repairs to the Newcastle Village Community Hall roof be commenced forthwith and that the work is to be supervised by Totten, Sims and Hubicki. The roofing work is to be carried out by Heather and Little at an approximate cost of $4,860. Totten, Sims and Hubicki is authorized to arrange for additional necessary repairs to be carried out in conjunction conjunction with the roofing repairs. At the completion of the first stage, Totten Sims and Hubicki Hubicki will recommend whether or not a final stage shall be undertaken. It was also passed that the Town absorb the cost of services for water and sewer installations within Town La nds at the Newcastle Lions Swimming Pool. The Council passed at the meeting that the account of Allin and Son, for the Brownsdale Recreation Centre in the amount of $6,299 being $5,425, balance of contract contract plus $874 additional cost for reinforcing supports and enclosing stairwell, be paid. It was recommended in the Finance Committee Report and approved by council that: the following accounts for the Newcastle Pool be paid - Killer Pools - $22,159.50 Bob Beers - $5,543.70 Sedgewick and Associates $1,210.85 A grant for $8,000.00 has been authorized paid to the Durham Central Agricultural Society which holds its annual fair in Orono. Feasibility study for new region quarters | Durham Regional Management Management Committee' will interview interview a total of five architects regarding the possible need for the construction of a new regional headquarters within the near future. The committee on Wednesday Wednesday decided to hear all five firms now have shown an- interest in a proposed central administration building for the region. The successful architect will first have to make a study into the need for such a centre as well as assessing the present regional centre and project future office space needs. Three of the present region al departments now use quarters quarters outside the regional administrative building. Public works and regional planning share quarters at 105 Consumers Drive in Whitby with the social services department department has been located on Simcoe Street north in Osh- awa. A new variation of an old fraud 1 Phoney invoices charging businessmen for non-existent advertising are again being circulated in Ontario. The Ontario Provincial Police Police reminds all individuals and firms to ensure that all accounts payable have been verified before payment is made. Recently hospitals, colleges and other institutions have been the prime target for the false billings. Typically an invoice is received requesting payment for an advertisement in a newspaper. The invoice may be on the letterhead of an jfasessum Storing corn without drying The high cost of artificially drying grain corn is leading some producers tô"cônsidëf alternatives to the drying process. J. K. Weedën, agricultural agricultural engineer with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food, says that some farmers are considering leaving leaving the corn in the field until it reaches 18 percent moisture, then moving it directly into storage. "This approach involves much more risk than most other alternatives," he says. "It also requires a high level of operator skill and management management to keep spoilage losses to a minimum." Sto. mg corn at high moisture moisture levels is, at best, a short term proposition, the engineer engineer says. Harvesting of the crop should not begin until the average daily temperatures are below 10 degrees C (50 degrees F). The corn should be aerated to bring the temperature below 4.4 degrees degrees C (40 degrees F) as quickly as possible. It is important, says Mr. Weeden., to keep a good air circulation in the mass to prevent hot spots. If outside temperatures increase increase of fluctuate appreciably, appreciably, the engineer suggests that producers check their grair frequently for heating and mold growth. "It may become necessary to move the grain from one bin to another to reduce heating. The grain could also be treated with propionic acid before storage to prevent further deterioration in its condition," he concludes. had never been requested and likely never appeared. Anyone who receives a phoney invoice is advised to call their Local Police Department Department or the anti-rackets branch of the Ontario Provincial Provincial Police. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 15th, 1975-3 Kirby News Some senior citizen ladies took a bus trip to Collingwood to see fall colours. Mrs. Zella Middleton of Orono died Wednesday at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Hospital. Her funeral was Friday from the Morris Funeral Chapel. Our sympathy goes to husband Jim and family. Congragulations to Rev. and Mrs. Basil Long on their recent 37th wedding anniversary anniversary and also to Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Barnett on their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane attended her sister and brother-in-laws brother-in-laws 25th wedding anniversary anniversary at Whitby on Oct. 4. Also attending the anniversary anniversary of Dorothy and Jack Mesher were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas of Willowdale. Donna and Ken spent the weekend with her parnets, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane. Monday was Thanksgiving, we hope everyone had a happy one. There has been many foggy days lately, but it doesn't seem to slow down the traffic. On Friday, there was ar accident at Kirby corners. 3 hurt and 1 died. The corner hasn't improved any, four lanes of traffic. There are bound to be accidents. No turn signs to the right on either the west or east side to tell drivers that the outside lane turns on to a county road until, they pass the corner. Thanksgiving supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patterson Patterson of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and family of Hamilton, Mr. Les Hreickk ;and Miss Susan Ball of Toronto. The family stayed over till Monday Thanksgiving Thanksgiving day. Miss Karen Lowery and Mr. Warren Jacobs of Newmarket Newmarket spent the weekend with her parents. Carl and Sharon Lowery spent their. holiday in Conneticut with their cousins, Judy and Gary Cornish from Friday until Tuesday. Mr. Marc Richards, of Bowmanville, stayed last week week with his grandmother and great grandmother the Rutherfords Rutherfords while his grandfather was at Nakinfl Mrs. Jo-Anne Richards and family of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith of Toronto had Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. Sid Rutherford. Intended for last week. There was a wonderful turn out to our Fall Church Anniversary: The church was nicely decorated with flowers vegetables and corn. Everyone Everyone enjoyed our guest minister minister Rev. Hunter and also we were happy to have Rev. Griffith who is 94 yrs. old. Orono choir and choir leader Doug Dewell at the organ gave us two nice anthums. We were sorry they could not remain with us to enjoy the lovely buffet dinner after the service. There were around 80 remained to enjoy it. Mrs. C. Lowery and Mrs. Mabel Elliott arrived home last Sun. from their trip south. Most of the farmers and non farmers attended the worlds International Ploughing Match. Match. The weather was ideal for .he event. With the fall colours making it nice for visitors from all over the world to see. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence " Harris spent a few days with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tufford and family. Mrs. Ethelda Williamson, Kendal, visited at Mrs. C. Lowerys last Thurs. 49 advertising agency and may be accompanied by a tear sheet from the paper. Often a disclaimer in very fine print may appear on the back of the invoice stating: "This is a solicitation and does not constitute a right to payment." Recently a new variation was introduced in Ontario, : Several hospitals placed legitimate legitimate help wanted advert isements in a Toronto newspaper. newspaper. Some time later they received an invoice accompanied accompanied by a purported tear sheet from a foreign newspaper. newspaper. This advertisement Skillet Strips lb. $1 F or Meat Loaf or Burgers Hamburg lb. .58c You Save Twice with Trim and Price Steaks sirl< Tng bone lb. $1.69 lb. $1.58 lb..46c Value Check'd BONE-IN RUMP OR BOTTOM ROUND "Flowers with Feeling' For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 Roasts Campfire By-the-piece Bologna Frozen Shoulder Cut (Imported) Lamb Chops Burns Polish GOLDEN GARLIC Sausage Tasty Beef Liver Lean 1 (Beva Sloxal c4xt I Pork Hocks lb. .76c 133 Church Street Bowmanville Specializing In: . WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS Natural and Dried If your Organization is interested in a Free Flora; Demonstration, please contact us. CORNISH'S