4--Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday, January 7th, 1976 , Bunn-Davis Wedding A December wedding of graduated from the Sir Sand- interest to Orono and Kirby ford Collegiate Peterborough areas took place in Colborne and Peterborough Civic Hos- United Church. Darlene Anne P»'al .and is -on the staff of Davis daughter of Mr. and Trenton Memorial Hospital. Mrs. John E. Davis (nee Audrey Morrowfand Michael j Ralph Bunn, son of Mr. and ! Mrs. Austin Bunn were joined in marriage by Rev. R. ' Watson French. /■ Mr. Keith Redner played for the 5 p.m. wedding and Mrs. Marilyn Ebbers was the soloist. The bride was given in marrige by her parents and was radiant in a cathedral gown of polyester crepe. The scoop neckline was outlined with lace motifs that were the same medalions that appeared appeared on the cathedral skirt and train with seed pearls and irridescent sequins. It had a vertical band of Venice face which went from the empire waistline to the hem also encrusted with pearls and sequins. Her headpiece and shoulder length veil was appliqued with white Guipre lace with seed pearls and rhinestones arid a white organza bow at the front. She carried a Cascade of * red roses. The brides attendants wore identical floor length gowns of floral polyester interlock. Mrs. Valerie Davis, Colborne, cousin of the bride and Matron of Honour wore dustry blue, Mrs. Kathy Border, Carrying Place and Miss Cheryle Davis, Bay side, bridesmaids bridesmaids wore dusty apricot and dusty green while Miss Barbie Bunn, sister of the groom wore dusty blue. The groom was attended by his brother Mr. Lyle Bunn, Toronto while the ushers escorting the guests were Jack Davis, brother of th'e bride, Mr. Stan Bigford, Huntsville and Mr. Ray Bunn, Brighton. A reception and dance was held at Little Lake Pavilion, Colborne where the parents of the happy couple received the guests. * Mrs. Davis wore a powder t#ue Jaquard knit floor length gown with a corsage of yellow satin roses, the grooms mother mother wore pink polyester floor length gown and a corsage of white satin roses. JAMES LEES JOHNSON In failing health for 'the past, year, James Lees Johnson passed away at Peterborough Civic Hospital January 1, 1976. Mr. Johnson was born in Lancashire. England, August 25, 1895. Son of Thomas and Margaret Johnson and came to Canada in 1911. Mr. Johnson married Chris- sie Thorp in Toronto on May 24, 1918. After living in Toronto and area and northern Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Johnson settled in Orono in 1957. An adherent of St. Saviours Anglican Church in Orono, Mr. Johnson is survivied by three sons and one daughter - Leonard of Parry Sound, James B. and Vernon of Peterborough and Margaret (Mrs. Lome Atkinson) of Whitby. e e e • e e • • e e • • • • « Ontario RENT Surviving also are 14 grand- children and 8 great grandchildren; grandchildren; Rev. H. Robt. Haynes, B.A. Lth. conducted the funeral service at Lang Chapel on Saturday, January 3rd. Spring, interment at Orono. .Cemetery. 'Vs' ■ REVIEW These are the facts: The newly married couple left for points north and the bride donned a floor length gown of emerald green eyelet and corsage of apricot roses, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bunn, took up residence in Batàwa, Ont. The bride is. the granddaughter granddaughter of Mrs. Leonard A. Morrow, Toronto and the later Mr. Morrow formerly of Kirby, Ont. The bride recently Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Ontario's new Residential Premises Rent Review Act alleets'most landlords and tenants in the province. The act allows fur a review of the amount of rent a landlord mav charge. Landlords and tenants should be aware of their rights and responsibilities under this legislation. : The Ontario Government is in the process of establishing rent review offices in. major centres across the province. Review officers will hear disputes on rent increases bv both landlords and tenants. ' . A rent review hoard is being established to hear appeals by tenants and landlords against the decisions of rent review officers, What does the act cover? • apartments • houses • townhouses • duplexes • triplexes • rooming houses • mobile-home sites • ,r< n t-ge a red - to- i nco.m e units What are the exceptions? • certain, non-profit housing or non-profit co-operatives • units in a hotel, motel or vacation home which. , arc rented for a seasonal or temporary period not exceeding four months • buildings that were first occupied as residential premises on or after Jan. 1. 1976. *• commercial premises , How does it work? Ifvou'have entered into or renewed a tenancy agreement which became effective between .inly 30, and Dee. 3/. N75, inclusive, you should be aware that: % < The maximum rent increase for such agreements cannot exceed eight per cent of the rent charged during the; last full month prior to Aug: ,1. 1975, unless: (a) the tenant and landlord agree on a higher rate •of rent, or (b) the landlord obtains the necessary approval from a rent review officer. A landlord max applv to a rent review officer for , permission to inerease^rent more than eight per Cent. A tenant may file an application with the landlord requiring him to justify anv increase. The$e applications must be made bv Jan. 31. 1976. Should a landlord and tenant agree on an increase in rent above the eight per cent guideline. guideline. thev must complete and sign a rent increase agreement no later than Jan., 17. 1976. Copies of these agreements should he kept hv both parties, forms max he obtained hv writing .Rent Rev iew. Box 580. Postal Station I . Toronto. VI4 Y 21.8. Or. you mav wish to use the form published recently in tljis newspaper. flow ev er, a tenant max evince! shell an agreement hv completing a statement of revocation wit,bin 30 daxs of the signing of the agreement. Bv signing a rent increase agreement the tenant waives the right'to appeal the increase during the period :lulx 30. 'to Dec. 31. 1975, The tenant also waives the right to collect a rebate of rent as prov ided for in tit is act. other than the amount of rebate, if anv. staled in the rent, increase agreement. Rent increase agreements do not applx for am period alter Dec. 31. 1975. and do not constitute a waiver of the tenant's right to appeal the amount of rent chai ned on or after .Ian, 1. 1976. The rent increase agreements do not relieve the .. landlord from his obligation to obtain approval ■from a rent review officer for any rent increase charged on or after Jan. I, 1976 that is nihre than . eight percent of the.July, 1975 rent. Where the landlord and tenant do not agree on a rent increase above the eight per cent, the Tenant is entitled to a rebate of any rent paid in excess of eight per cent by Feb. 16. 1976. If the landlord* fails to make such a rebate the tenant mav apply" to a rent review officer. If a tenancy agreement becomes effective or is , renewed between Jan. /, and July 31. b>76, inclusive, you should know: A landlord who wishes an increase of more than eight per cent must file an application w ith his » rent review office and notify thetemmt at least 60 days before the increase is scheduled to'becomê •, elleetive. In respect to those rental increases • " • ' taking elfcct between Jan. 1, and Feb. 29. 1976. ' the application must-be made bv Jan. 31. 1976. A tenant who wishes to appeal an increase has 60 days in which to file an application with his landlord requiring him to justify the increase. In case of a hearing, a.date will be set fry the rent review officer and both landlord and tenant will, be notified. . After the hearing the rent review officer will establish the rent, and may ordc'r retroactive adjustments. ' What is a tenancy agreement? A tenancy agreement gives a tenant the right to oceupx a particular dwelling, or to renew the right to rent a particular dwelling, I he agreement can be written, verbal or implied. In other words, even if you don't have a written lease you are covered by the legislation. for written agreements, the important date is the date the agreement conics into elfcct. not the date on which the agreement is sinned. Rent review legislation is tied to the dwelling on an annual basis with the. July, 1975, rent taken as the base rent. Who attends hearings? Tenants, landlords or their representatives should attend rent review hearings. Failure to appear or be r c p r c s e n t e d *r e m o v e s the right to appeal the rent review officer's decision. The hearings will be informal, and every effort will he made to keep the procedures simple so that individuals may conduct their own cases. A rent review officer lias the power to call witnesses and to order the production of the ncccssarv documents. Tenants should he aware that, should they appeal their rent increase to a rent review officer, the , o fficer could permit the landlord a greater increase ' than ihe otic originally demanded. M here a landlord has been required to justify cm existing or proposed rent increase, .the rent review officer may adjust the rent to an amount below the original rent level. U ntil the 'rent review mechanism is in. place, , please do not telephone. You can obtain further information on the Residential Premises Rent Review Act by writing: Rent Review'. Box 580, Postal Station F, Toronto. M4Y 21.8 Province of Ontario