Kendal News After two wonderful weeks of holidays the children are iack at their desks. The New Year has come in with cokr Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Fireplaces Chminey Repairs All types of House Remodelling Flagstone Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs Phone 983-5606 weather but we can look forward to the January thaw. The ski hill was quite busy the past week end. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens the'New Year's week end were Professor and Mrs. James Stevens of Guelph Oran Building Contracter Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono Give Clarke Museum a Hand with its 1976 Displays Here are some things we need help with: --early information and artifacts relating to Standardbred horse racing in the Clarke area. --local Indian artifacts --for the 1840-1860 period: rocking chair, Small set of plain ironstone dishes, primitive reed and candle holders, a churn, clothing, pictures --school photographs, books --early maps of Clarke area If you have anything you would like to loan us for this year for these displays, please call 983-9425 or 7862955. _ LET US HELP YOU TO STOP SMOKING Smokers Withdrawal Course Sponsored by the Durham Region TB and - Respiratory Disease Association at * Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate 250 Harmony Road, South, Oshawa Beginning Monday, February 9 th 7.30 - 9.30 p.m, Six Evening Sessions MON., TUES., WED., FEBRUARY9,10,11th MON., THURS., FEBRUARY 16,19th MON., FEBRUARY 23rd «•(•••« 0 0ISIS Mail pre-registration form belowto: DURHAM REGION TB-RD ASSOCIATION 757 Grierson Street, Oshawa, LIG 5J8 *0000000000000®®®000®00® "COUNTDOWN ON SMOKING" and their family. Mr. Tom Gosson is-slowly recovering from a heart attack in North York hospital. Mr. O. Peake on the property formerly owned by Mr. Neil Elliott is building an attractive new barn. New Year celebrations were were held in several homes judging by the number of cars lined up. The day was fine and sunny and the roads good. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers, Diannè and Scot of Welcome spent the day with her mother Mrs. E. Foster. 1 Miss Catherine Stewart entertained entertained Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart, Mr. A. Thompson and Mr. John McKelvey with a New Year's dinner. Rev. Norman Mackenzie ■ had his mother of 94 at their cottage east of Kendal. She went out as a girl to China. Sent by the Women's Missionary Missionary Society. There she met her husband and her seven children were all born in China and all grew up there. The Finch family from Brantford were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fonk, While Mr. John Fonk, Cliff's father was down from Burk's Fall to be with his wife and sons. Rev. G. Montgomery read the fifty third chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah especially verse eleven from which he chose his text for this communion communion service. Next Sunday January 11th the golden cross will be placed on the altar and dedicated. New hymn books and a engraved plate with the names of eight friends of Kendal United Church who 'have departed during the last three years will be dedicated at the same time. After the service there will be a pot luck dinner followed by the annual meeting. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 7th, 197»-- 5 I 1 , At the starting line at Mosport on Saturday some 150 entrants lined up for a number of events and here the , main feature is about to start with the crack of the starter's gun. Snow conditions were fairly good for the event which was held on the track. Many of the competitors showed good condtion setting a fast pace throughout the event sponsored by Labatts. '•ei e e Obituary MRS. DOROTHY M, LUCAS Dorothy M. Lucas (nee Richards) passed away at Lansing, Michigan U.S.A. on Sunday, December 14th, 1975 - Born in Orono, Ontario, February 12th 1898. IVlrs. Lucas is survived by a duaghter Mrs. Melvin (Dorothy (Dorothy Jr.) Anderson and four grandchildren, Carl, K aren - Gary and Brian Anderson all of Charlotte, Michigan, Two sisters Mrs. Charles (Gladys) Mowat and Mrs. Wilford (Olive) Duffy both of Toronto and her step-mother Mrs. James E. Richards of Orono, Ontario. Memorial service was held on Tuesday, December 1 16th - at the South Baptist Church in Lansing with the Rev. Floyd University of Michigan Medi- Nagel of Grand Ledge officia- cal School at Ann Arbor, ting. Michigan. The body was donated to the i DXSERVICE STATION! Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products * At the Most Reasonable Prices Stove Oil & Diesel OH Available in any quantity • Phone 987-4315 8 I I I a 1 8 8 1 1 Region to hear about provincial restraints Rèpresentatives from the Region of Durham and its eight area municipal councils expect to get the lowdown on l anticipated provincial restraints restraints on this year's municipal government spending at a special meeting in Barrie Wednesday. An all-star cast of provincial provincial cabinet ministers, headed by Darcy McKeough, treasury, treasury, economics and intergovernmental intergovernmental affairs, and Thomas Thomas Wells, education, is expected to announce a government government program that will ultimately affect the spending of local governments in the province. At a meeting of Durham regional council in Mid-December, Mid-December, Mr. McKeough made it clear that the cabinet was going to tighten up its purse strings in this regard during 1976. Council will continue with its unfinished portion of the agenda the next day. by j&okmoM Since 1912 Distinctive Floral Themes 8 8 8 8 8 8 For Any Occasion 162 KING ST. EAST, BOWMAN VILLE Operator for ZENITH 36540 Local phone 623-3365 No Commissioned Agents 8 I 1 Name. Address Please Print Telephone Postal Code • REGISTRATION FEE ENCLOSED $5.00 C ) « Students and Senior Citizens Free Senior Citizen (.. > > Student ' (>) • • ANOTHER CHRISTMAS SEAL SERVICE « 0000O0® 00® ••••••' e e 0 • e e • ® » ' e 6 « e 0 0 00 At that time, hé said he was personally fed up with the idea of increasing taxation to accommodate growing demand demand from municipal governments governments for provincial financial financial assistance. In order for its representatives representatives to attend the meeting in Barrie, Durham regional council council will suspend its regular meeting at noon on Wendnes- day, today, to allow councillors councillors to board a bus'and travel to the northern town. Watch for Armstrong's January Sales THIS WEEK 25%Reduction on all Snowsuits, Boy's Jackets, Girl's Coats and Bunting Bags. Sizes range from Infant to 6X Now a number regular priced ât $24,00 will sell at $18.00 20% Reduction on Blouses and Tops up to Size 44. Now a number of regular priced items at $20.00 for only $16.0Ç Etc. 20% Reduction On 3 Hort Hand .Bags ' ♦ 1 We have rrçany* beautiful dress Kid Gloves for ladies. • Our regular price is Very reasonable ' ARMSTRONG'S • •••■•«