i : i,'. Kendal News , The, last three winters we have had very little snow. A year ago the last half of January was very mild and spring like. This year what a contrast, the whole of January January has been extremely cold with deep snow. On January 32 the coldest night when the temperature dropped to minus minus 34 in Peterboro. an all time .low, the hydro went off for 3 hour's starting at 5 p.m. Then „ UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. Trganist & choir DIRECTOR Douglas Dewell Sunday, February 1,1976 Orono United Church , Church School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. . F ellowship Group immediately after Church Upper C.E. Auditorium Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 a second cut off came at one a.m. lasting for six hours. Some were cold in their beds no matter how many blankets they located. Others went to neighbours with fireplaces. In. the morning farmers • found their water pipes frozen at the barn. The January thaw finally arrived Sunday night Jan. 25 but it was rather an icy one and didn't last very long. The funeral of Mr. Tom Stevens took place in Toronto on Tuesday January 20th. Next Sunday afternoon February February 1 a memorial service will be held in Kendal Church at 2:30 p.m. for the late Mr. Tom Stevens. We invite all to come to this service and meet with the family afterwards. The regular church service at eleven fifteen with Sunday School,,at the same time will be held as usual. A little girl was sent by her teacher to interview a senior citizen. One question was, "What was it like fifty five ^ears ago." Name some ways .it was different. That set everybody thinking. There were no sçhool buses then. The boys and girls walked, to Kendal school. When they got their entrance most of them stayed home and worked on .the farm as parent's found it cost a lot to pay their board in Two more day care centres planned Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday ^January 28th, 1976--3 The cost of the project is CUTBACKS kr St. Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular,Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer - Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Don't Leave It to Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Call us now Mi I Ison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 The construction of two day care nurseries in the region, one in 1976 the other 1977, has been included in the social services capital budget talks. Because there is an immediate immediate need for day nursery in the Scugog area, funds for the project have been included in the 1976 budget. Cost of the project is $300,000 with 50 per cent subsidy from the government. government. There is also a day nursery planned for the Brock area in 1977. It too will cost $300,000 with 50 ner cent subsidy. A third capital project, scheduled for 1978 is a regional home for the aged. Commissioner of social ser- ■••••••••••• Orono. However one lad Alfred Elliott passed his entrance with honours at thirteen and his sister Irene passed the same year at age eleven. Their parents felt they should be sent to High School. There were very few cars in the country but Mr. Wes. Elliott secured a Second hand one, without a top for Alfred to drive to high school. Alfred took his sister, Cecil Archer, Lome Wannan, Ethelda Seqr- le and your scribe to Orono High School each day till freeze up. Then each of us boarded in Orono all week at $3.00 each, coming home in the sleigh, drawn by a team, each weekend. Mr. Alfred Elliott is now retired from the Bell Telephone and lives in Toronto. Mr. Lome Wannan is retired from the teachings profession and lives in the Niagara District. Mrs. Geo. Hamilton (Mary) brought her mother Mrs. Thos. Stevens and her aunt Mrs. Porteous to the farm on Thursday. Mary stayed with her mother till Saturday and returned to Nova Scotia on Sunday by plane. She teaches school in Yarmouth. Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales 1 Consult me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 armacy ORONO, ONT. • 983-5009 J. H. STUTT E. J. STUTT William C. Hail, B. Comm. . Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY* Call your licensed Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor who sells, installs and guarantees CARMAN Plumbitig.and Heating Phone 983-5207 , Orono vices DoUg Johns is not optimistic about this project, though, as the province is not providing subsidies for homes for the aged until at least 1978. estimated at $5 million. It was expected the province would assume 50 per cent of the cost. There are more than 200 people now on waiting lists for the old age homes and it is expected by 1975 the number will swell to 500: An example of the government government cutbacks were displayed displayed recently when the nrovinc- jal ministry of community and social services cancelled an extension to Beaverton's Lakeviqw Manor, after it had been given the green light by 'the minister. Regional Municipality of DurKarn Planning & Development Committee Official Plan of the Regional Municipality of Durham PUBLICMEETING Thurs., January 29th 7.30 p.m. Bowman ville High. School The pulrpose of this-meeting is to present Satge 4 of the Official Plan of the Durham Region. "A Draft Proposal For Durham Region" to the Counciul and the public of the Town pf Newcastle.. Members of the public are invited to attend and present their ideas and concerns regarding this proposal. Copies of the Discussion Paper No, 4 will be available from the Town Clerk, Newcastle Municipal Office^ one week prior to the public meeting. In addition, the public is invited.jo view INFORMATION DISPLAYS AT NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL BOWMANVILLE COURT HOUSE (Jan. 28,10 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.) (Jan. 29,10 a.m. to2.30p.m.) (Jan. 30,10 a.m. to8.30p.m.) Information concerning these meetings and information displays; dan be obtained from Mr. J. Moyer, Durham • Department of Planning and Development, Whitby, 416-668-7731. Clark Mason, Chairman Wm. F. H. Me Adams, Commissioner Fresh Picnic Style Pork Shoulder Roast lb. 99c You Save Twice with Trim and Price Pork Butt Roast Chops Well Trimmed lb. $1.09 lb. $1.19 Pork Butt or Shoulder IT'S SCHNEIDERS WEEK AT RED AND WHITE Mn! Sizzler Sausage lb. $1.18 Schneiders Family Pak < Schneiders Red Hots or All Beef Wieners -Pasty lb. $1.99 lb. 79c lb. 69c • • • é"e • • e Beef Patties Schneiders Wieners Beef Liver Beef'Prices are Low these days « .«ask usjforPrices on cainada nî>. i I • • , Finest-Bfeef - For your Freezer Sides - Quarters - At or Bt CORNISH'S