On Valentines' Day - - - - - with Lov Special CHOCOLATES from Smiles # N Chuckles Cards Gift Wrap by Carlton Shaeffer Pens Remember tht» good times on Kodak Film All Sizes Popular Prices Save 10% Timex Watches Yardley Colognes - Perfumes Talc - Soap r or Him ana Her Chanel No. 5 Perfume Electric Shavers Phillips Braun Schick Tilley Billfolds Clutch Purses Quality Photo Finishing by Hallmark 983-5009 Stuff's Pharmacy j. h. sum E. J. STUÏT 4--Oroho Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 11th, 1976 Wants Stronger Stand taken Planner objects committee approves Your Flag. Your Future. Monday, February 16th, has been set aside as Heritage Day. Kinsmen Clubs across Canada invite you to make the most of it. Fly the flag. Take part in the activities planned by Kinsmen in your community to commemorate our way of life. Canada is one of the greatest countries in the world. We have a good future. Let's celebrate. As the only major service organization that is totally Canadian in membership and identity, The Association of Kinsmen Clubs is proud to initiate and organize Heritage Day events. HERITAGE DAY FEBRUARY 16th, 1976 The Association of Kinsmen Clubs , Thé Town of Newcastle Planning Advisory Committee Committee on Monday evening gave their approval to à re-zoning application by Mr. Donald Ransberry of Orono North. The approval for the re-zoning is in'the form of a recommendation recommendation to the Town of Newcastle Newcastle council who must now act upon the recommendation. recommendation. Approval of the application must now also be sought from the Region of Durham and from the Ontario Municipal Board. The Planning Advisory Confmittee overturned a recommendation recommendation from Planning Director George Howden, who had recommended tijat the application for rezoning be refused. The rezoning application is for lot in lot 24,- concession 8 in the former Township of Clarke where Mr. Ransberry desires to build a house. Property owners along the unopened road have agreed to improvements to the road under local improvement which will be paid by the owners. The Town of Newcastle Newcastle has approved the local improvement project and have submitted the necessary by-law to the OMB for this purpose where the application must be approved. The Planning Committee on Monday gave special consideration consideration to the application due to the fact that the former Clarke Committee of Adjustment Adjustment had given approval for- thp severance nf thp Inf In Mr. Bowden's report he noted that the building department department objected to the rezoning application due to the fact that Mr. Ransberry had proceeded with a easement without a permit and also to the fact that it abutted on an unimproved road. The report also pointed out that the Building department felt it was about time the Planning Department, the Planning Committee and the Town council got together and backed up the Building Department Department and the present zoning by-laws and refuse any corrective measures. The report continues ; "Th'is department (Building) has had its hands tied by toe action of council,, in these matters although upon advice from the Town Solicitor it has proven that the building department has been correct in each case on_their interpretation interpretation ot toe Zoning By-laws. If we are to have a Zoning By-law, lets enforce it. A simple no by council, a removal by injunction, if granted, and all your troubles, in this type of violation will be cured." Mr Howden also pointed out that the improvement of this road would allow for strip development and the removal of good agricultural land from production. He pointed ■ to policies in the Clarke official plan which discouraged strip development and encourage the retention of good agricultural agricultural land. All smiles and grins Tuesday evening at the There were more smiles and grins at the Orono arena on Tuesday evening than during any part of the season. It was picture-taking night with some thirteen teams under the banner of the Orono Athletic having their pictures taken. It would.be safe to say there were at least one hundred and fifty boys posing along with their coaches and managers. Not only were group pictures taken but an individual shot for every boy. Eldorado not looking for dump site Eldorado Nuclear Ltd, is not too excited" about the possibility of seeking another site other than Port Granby to dump nuclear waste, says company information officer, Don Hanright. Mr. Hanright said no alternative alternative site has been decisded on and the development of a new process, expected in the future, which would reduce the volume of waste, has taken away some of the worries. Controversy has shrouded the Port Granby site with some residents arguing that the site gives off high radioactive readings. Mr. Hanright denies the allegations. allegations. "It's difficult to get a radioactive radioactive reading from the material there," Mr. Han- : right said. "Most of the waste is contaminated but the site was chosen because the land there is not good for anything else. The area is fenced off to help keep the waste inside." Questions'have been raised about the quality of the water near the dumping site because because of the run-off of waste materials after raipfall but Mr. Hanright said that this ig not a problem. "There Ss /seldom a run-off • from Port Granby," he said. He quoted from a- Veport by the Atomic Energy Control Board in July, of 1975 which s^id, "there is not a significant significant impairment of the qua!-. DaveVPIumbing Heating Electric Industrial-Commercial Residential - Free Estimates 786-2471 . R.R. 1 Orono thé Board to Eldorado with the Board feeling that Eldorado Eldorado will pay the account. The company has made no financial financial committments to date. ■e • • ». • * ® • ••»••»/ •Midtown; • . VARIETY * .• ' e . 9 ' • ? Valentine Gifts • 9 » e « ity. of the water at Port- Granby." Eldorad has recevied some adverse publicity on the .radiation issue but Mr. Hanright Hanright says it has little bearing in discussions of other dump sites. "We have almost every piece of sensational criticism, he said. "They rae based on misinformation by people who have some interest in remaining uninformed." Mr. Hanright said it has not been decided what new sites could be used or even if Port Granby has outlived its usefulness. usefulness. ' , Any dump -which Eldorado decided , on would require municipal approval.' It would also have to meet the AECB and provincial regulations. COST OF VENTILATING SCHOOL! "SET AT $40,000 A cost of some $40,000 has been set as the cost of a new ventilation System for the St. Mary's Separate school in an endeavour to lower the levels of radon gas in the school. This bill has been sent bj ® » e » » * : e e « « e • er e « • e e » e CHOCOLATES CARDS. . seeeeeo® Pepsi Cola 26 oz. Returnable Bottles 3 S 1 Plug Deposit • • M (MIM We Now Have Dairy - e e m ■ ei » » & » • BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING - Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializingjn Hot Water Heating •Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R.l, Orono 983-5624 G.S.W. STEP-ON ■ WASTE CAN I ■ i' i ■ 8 8 8 8 ■ I 1 8 ■ ■ 8 8 8 ■ 8 8 Regular $12.85 WHITE OR HARVEST/$ GOLD C.G.E. ft fa STEAM IRON Special . Regular $23.98 Rolph Hardware Dominion Phone 983-5207