it would be much better again Future, ITU.EIHY pmsw . . ^ < 'ff; Pictured above are Orono Heritage Day competitions B °y le > Janette Tansley, Job- Lynn Williams, Shawn Miehe, win, middle rbw, Don Doxta- Tate, Greg Philip, Nancy Public School children who on , 1st picture' back row, Ron anne Galipeau, Tim Werry, ' Danny Cowan. . ter, Kirk Carr, Parker Pep- - Cowan,, Lori Lycett, Patty Monday received silver dol- Hadley ,,>Mr. Simster, middle front row Sandiy Dengis, ' Second picture- back row, P er * Donna Colvin, Patty Breen and Jackie Westbrook, lars for their works in the row, Kathy Bambrick, Kathy Kath y z y ch > Janice Gacthell, Mike Carr and Walter Sher- Blyske,' Brenda Bunting, Bill t ' French im mersion classes endorsed i Orono Weekly Times. February 18. l!)76 Problem to fire marshall The Ontario Fire Marshall's office has been asked for an opinion on whether four local women should be allowed to join this hamlet's fire department. department. The Board of Education for' Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle gave approval on Thursday evening to continue the two existing french im- : ersion classes and other formed by September 1976 to the end of elementary school. The endorsation was carried by a '8 - 7 recorded vote of the trustees. it was pointed out in the discussion that it cost local taxpayers a sum of $5,000 for eadh class. Scugog made the move after a meeting Monday at which three of the women - Elna Forsyth, Maxine McMil- len and Marg Renouf - challenged several of Caesarea's Caesarea's firefighters who attended the meeting on another matter. matter. Monday morning awards were presented at the Pines Senior Public School for. prize winning essays in the Heritage Heritage Day essay contest. The competition was sponsored by the Great Pine Ridge Kins men Club and the Kinette Club. Pictured above are Mr. Ron Hadley of the Kinsmen Club, Janis Bennett, Newcastle Newcastle first place winner and recopient of $25.00, Maureen Bennett, Orono, second place $15.00 winners, Pamela Frank of Newtonville third place Winner and recipient of $10.00 and Mrs. Carol King, of the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes. The women, with the addition addition of Donna Gould, who did not attend the meeting, have been trying to join Caesarea's volunteer fire brigade since last August, but have so far been refused by Chief Leonard Leonard Scott. The move by the board will ensure that the immersion class for one group in Bow- manvillé will continue for the next seven years. In Cobourg where now exists a grade one French immesion class, the course for this, class will continue to the epd of public school. New classes opened for September 1st, 1976 will also be assured they continue until the end of public school. The debate over the extension extension of the course was at times heated and took over an hour arid a half. Mr, W. H. Carman said the board was being asked to approve the extension of the pilot project for the next eight years and further stated that he could not approve of such in times of financial restraint. He moved that the motion be tabled but this motion was defeated. Mrs. Reilser of Port Hope said it was time that the board, decided for once and all" Whether they were going to have the French program or not. TOWN CALLS FOR BY-LAW The Town of Newcastle has called pon the clerk to prepare a by-law to hold a liquor vote for the Village of Newcastle. REFUSAL At an earlier meeting Scugog Scugog council refused to become 1 embroiled in the dispute and agreed to sùpport Chief Scott who, under the township bylaw, has sole discretionary power in hiring personnel. "Dr. Wilson, a board member member promotirig the scheme, said that both parents and •, teachers were anxious to know if the course would be . continued. He pointed to the success of the'course and said it helped students with their overall learning process. Mr. George Cameron stated that he could not Support the inclusion of special courses in two or three schools. "I thought we stood for equality of education. If we're going to have it in a few schools it should then be available throughout the jurisdiction," he said. The two local representatives, representatives, W. H. carman and George Cameron voted against against the move by the board. OUTDOOR SKATING The Ministry of Natural Resources have been providing an area on one of the ponds at the Kendal Park for skating. The Ministry has been removing the snow both' from the parking lot and the pond. The warm weather, if it continues, may ruin this feature at the park but no" doubt there is planty of cold weather yet to-come. The park is also used for other winter activities such as snowmobiling, snowshoeing and cross country skiing. A couple of weeks ago the Ministry had most of the trails in the Ganaraska Forests groomed and in excellent condition. This service by the Ministry must a welcomed one by the followers of this winter sport. Kinsmen Heritage Day competitions ART AUCTION IN MAY 1 The Visual Art Centre in B'owmanville have planned an Art auction at the Centre in Bowmanv.ille to be held on May 1st. All funds will go towards furthering the plans and programs at the Centre. The group are accepting works of art, books on art or collectable antiques for sale. Further information by phoning Mrs. Evelyn McTavish, 263-8800. < SCHOOL TRUSTEES VOTE AGAINST PAY CUTS A vote of 10-6 turned down a move lagt Thursday to Teduce School Trustee salaries by $50.00 a month from $300.00 to $250.00. D. R. Cook moved that the reduction be endorsed saving the board $10,000 during the period of a xzoor* Tf Time inrnnrl rlmszn The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club has snonsored a number of contests in the Orono Public School and the Pines Senior Public School as well as the Orono Library regarding Heritage Day, Monday, February 16th. The competitions were well received received in the schools and libaray with a great deal of competition amongst the children. The' competitions varied from essays, to poetry, art and' macaroni collage. These works revealed the history of Canada, its social character as well as its physical boundaries. Mr. Ron Hadley, second vice-president of the Pine Ridge Kinsmen said he was well pleased with the participation participation in the contests and felt ; next year when more time could be devoted to the promotion. He points out that , the federal governipent has given a sum of $4500.00 to the KINSMEN .CLUBS ACROSS Canada to assist with the promotion and that local Kinsmen club are supporting the day with such projects as 1 carried out locally. He also expects that the day will become a national holiday in the near .future. This,- of course, will be decided by, the federal government. Monday morning Mr. Hadley Hadley visited the Orono Public School and presented twenty- five silver dollars to winners in both essays, poetry and art. Those receiving silver dollars for essays were Bill Tate, Brenda Bunting, Tim Werry and Kathy Zych. Silver dollars dollars also went to winners Janette Tansley Lynn Williams and Kathy Bafnbrick. In the art class silver dollars went to Shawn Miehe, Greg Philip, Patty Breen, Nancy Cowan, Lori Lycett, Patty Laschke, Park- dr Pepper, Jackie Westbrook, Walter Sherwin, Janice Gat- chell, Dpnna Colvin, Don Doxtater, Sandra Dennis, Johanne Galipeau, Mike Rice, Kirk Carr, Kathy Boyle and Danny Cowan. The Pines Senior Public School Mr. R, Hadley and Mrs. Carol King of the Kinettes presented three cash awards to the top three writers in an essay contest. A cheque for $25.00 went to Janis Bennejt of Newcastle for first place, $15.00 to Maureen Bennett for second plaee^and $10.00 to Pamela place essay. Saturday morning Mrs. Ron Hadley , librarian at the Orono Library and a member of the Kinettes presented silver dollars dollars to-winners in the macaroni macaroni collage contest. These winners wereTina Basic, Ju-, lie Cashin, Kathy Bambrick, Heather Watson and Krista Brady. Here again the children pictured Canada in many ways using coloured macaroni macaroni pieces. Further to the program on Saturday the children, some thirty-five, were served fruit juice and cake. The event on morning at the i part of a Saturday held each week at the library. This 'program is proving most popular and runs from 10.00 Saturday library was morning